This is not tears of pain, but joy of soul. I tremble from fear. Fear that you refuse to accept my loyalty will be the worst news I have ever heard in my life …

Kindness is like you, please give me the light of compassion and beg you. "
Bonneville didn’t answer directly, but lowered his head and gently raised the unruly man’s lips. "God is kind to people, and I, their spokesmen, will naturally be kind to believers."
But …
I once heard some rumors that I don’t know if it’s true or not. You called me a vicious dissatisfied housewife and abandoned my life to make me fight to the end … "
Lynette shivered and immediately denied, "It’s all an ulterior motive! I admit that I was biased against the great you, but those prejudices have long been shining with justice!
I am willing to be your lifelong slave to wash away my sins. Please give me a humble chance! "
Bonneville withdrew her palm and bowed her head. "Oh? Are they all rumors? So I was wrong about you? "
Chapter 212 To
Lynette’s dignity as an unruly king was completely broken when she came here.
Fear of death
Fear of lose loved one.
Fear of being cast aside for eternal life after being nailed to a column of shame.
Has long made him determined to give up everything.
If you can’t get forgiveness in front of this tallest woman, he won’t go back to his native land.
Don’t have the guts to go back.
He may have been cut off halfway.
Maybe when I go home, I will see two tortured and lifeless bodies.
He has long known that this is his new place.
Walk out of this gigantic gate and either embrace the sunshine or fall into the freezer forever.
When he heard Bonneville’s words, he quickly went to his knees and said, "My great master, Bonneville, is the kindest in heaven. I have sinned and should die a thousand times. I am biased against you. What you have heard and said is not all malicious rumors."
But I offer you absolute loyalty with the most sincere feelings. I am proud of my identity, and everything I have is worthless to you.
But I, Lynette, am definitely a loyal believer in the gods. Please watch me pray day and night for mercy on me. "
Bonneville is still as cold as ice, and no one can see what is going on in her deep eyes.
She whispered, "But if you forgive …"
Hum ~ ~
Suddenly, before Bonneville finished speaking, the staff in her hand trembled uncontrollably.
This made Bonneville stunned her and looked at her staff in disbelief, trying to hold it tightly in her hand.
But this vibration root is out of control, and it seems that the staff will be released from her hand in one second.
But to others, it seems that Bonneville is ready to make an example of his anger.
They buried their heads lower in succession, silently. Lynn Wright, the unlucky child, mourned in silence.
Bonnie, stuffy hum a hand blossom a raven want to stick tightly.
But in a second, the majestic black light bloomed in her hand, which enveloped the whole Pope’s temple in a thin veil and rolled up the hunting wind.
Lynn Wright, who had long lost her mind, fell back out of control and lost her mind.
Did Bonneville finally give up on himself …
No, it seems that she has never chosen herself.
Is it still too late to come?
Did you curse her viciously or was the law redeemed and forgiven by her?
Wow! !
Bonneville gently pressed his hand, and the dark wind in the Pope’s Palace instantly dissipated.
Everyone looked up and focused on her direction.
Bonneville, without a trace, put his trembling palm on his back, and the naked eye could see it. A deep wound was torn and bloody.
She caught it just now.
It seems that my staff suddenly disappeared from this world and the root method was held by her …
Bonneville said lightly with his hand behind his back, "I need to be alarmed. The gods just gave me instructions."
After that, she looked at Lynn White with complicated eyes.
Kindness is not good.
Seriously, no matter how pitiful Lynette is, he can forgive him for insulting, slandering and cursing Bonneville himself.
But the highest man in heaven is still at a moment when the situation is not yet settled.
You must make an example of yourself and impose absolute punishment on those who despise your dignity.
I have shown it many times.
Civilians have an excellent opinion of themselves.
After the royal family chooses to bow their heads, they will choose to forgive.
But Lynette, he came too late, and this man was one of the leaders who absolutely resisted himself.
His curses to himself have long since flowed in the aristocratic circles.
I may be able to protect his relatives from threats, but I must not forgive him.
This is a rooster who has long been determined to kill him.
But …
What the hell was that?
Why did you suddenly have a problem with the handle on behalf of the Pope when you were going to punish Lynette?
Who did it?