However, there will always be a suitable practice and a suitable practice. If you are suitable for people, you can make rapid progress, otherwise you will make slow progress.

Of all the attributes, thunder is the most special one, especially the thunderbolt, which contains several changes. Ordinary people Du Jie soared to nine thunderbolts, and there are many changes besides the increasing power.
These changes have already had some research institutes for people in ancient times. At that time, crossing the sky robbery was as simple as crossing the Xiaotian robbery, but it was also aimed at the general soaring Du Jie power.
Because each of the nine thunderbolts has different attributes, it is not agreed that each thunderbolt interweaves with each other to produce different attack effects and strengths.
This will have scattered fairy Du Jie’s 29-day robbery, 39-day robbery, 49-day robbery … straight 99-day robbery
There are 91 kinds of changes in the power of the 99 fairy disaster, and the power changes with the interweaving of all kinds of lightning. Generally speaking, since the end of ancient times, no one has been able to cross the 99 fairy disaster, including Sanxian Valley and Sanxian Island for tens of thousands of years. After all, this is the fix-up world, but it is the peak of the fairy, and it is necessary to have a magic weapon or the shelter of the same family to cross the 99 fairy disaster
At this time, the fix-the-true world is like buying a yacht of over 100 million yuan in front of the home of the wealthy family, which is as simple as buying a motorcycle by ordinary people, but now it is even a problem to eat. At this time, it is not enough to let him go to the yacht to sell blood, liver and kidney … even the bones are boiled into oil.
Thunderbolt contains different attributes in the eleventh year. The stronger the thunderbolt is, the more it will be reflected.
Needless to say, it is precisely because of this that Wentao will practice nine heavy punches in the integration of his own fists, and then evolve the nine strength departments of Tianlei Jin, and then combine them to make the power of each change more than double.
It is not a simple increase in the strength of lightning, but a variety of intertwined changes in lightning. Now Wentao has been able to master the four-fold lightning boxing strength, and he can control it at any time according to his own needs
And with the help of the thunder road, you can also let the thunder range send and receive freely, and you can attack from the angle and azimuth, just like Wentao’s efforts to intercept the fifth city’s xianjian gas.
It’s just a simple four-punch punch, just like a thunder that flies up to the fourth sky in Du Jie. If you add change, the power will be different.
If all the changes in the four punches and sixteen strengths are integrated into one punch to reach the strongest, it will be equivalent to the last strongest blow of the thunder in four or nine days. If all the nine punches can be drilled in the end and you can make the strongest punch at will, there will be nine or eleven changes, which is equivalent to the strongest blow of the 99 fairy robbery.
However, it is necessary to punch every other, and the speed of the fifth city is too fast, and Wentao has no time to change the sixteen kinds of four punches, the most common two and four punches.
"Boom …" Window’s two thunderbolts are like two huge stone stakes, which make the stone fall slowly. A stake suddenly breaks and is crushed by huge stones or crashing.
Luo Zhenfeng and Ling Yunzhi are not slow. This is enough for them to flicker back.
At this time, all the people in Shuxin clinic have entered the combat state to adjust their aura and body to adjust their state to the best state.
"If the sword has been stagnant for a hundred years, if there are several bloody battles, maybe we will know how to get to the side." Oriental sword stroking the body of the sword and chirping and trembling as if he were in a mood at the moment.
He practiced with Kong Wenhao, Kong Jie and Lin Ruxue in general.
However, Lin Ruxue and Kong Jie are more special in their way of getting into the martial arts. The root is that there is no predecessor who can show the way and go all by himself.
Kong Wenhao nodded in agreement and didn’t forget to wake up at the same time. "It’s important to fight, but don’t be confused. The boss plans to rush too hard. It’s not as bad as before."
Although Kong Wenhao’s strength has never been the strongest, he is very accurate in judging people and things. The fifth city is obviously stronger than the black dragon. Although the black dragon can have a battle with him, I am afraid that the outcome will be lost and won, so I don’t know what the boss is going to do.
At this time, the black dragon went to that powerful pressure that released its power without reservation. He breathed in and out as if the aura and gas around him had entered other bodies.
The huge cloak quivered 90 degrees parallel behind it, as if it had been blown straight by the wind.
But what’s the wind here? There is no aura around before such a powerful force. The wind and clouds have already been blown away.
Anyone who has eyes can see that it is not an ordinary cloak from the moment when the cloak is just like a carpet to the moment when it is fighting.
Playing cool is not popular in modern repair circles, especially the overseas scattered repair of Black Dragon pays more attention to reality.
"Well, I’ll see what the first master in the fix true world has," said the fifth city, stepping forward.
It is a step that has crossed hundreds of meters to the opposite side of the black dragon.
The power of the body is better than that of the black dragon, and the power of the black dragon has already been compared.
"Ha … ha …" Black Dragon laughed when he heard the speech in front of the Fifth City. "If you can’t afford to lose, you can’t afford to lose you."
"Hum!" The fifth city still maintains its own rhythm and is more confident than saying, "Because I have never lost."
As all the rhythms around his words seem to match, he feels the same rhythm as him.
More than that, if the black dragon cloak floats and the aura around it is affected at the same time, then the fifth city is like being integrated into this aura.
"If you have any collar, just use it." The fifth city raised its hand and made a gesture, please.
Proud and confident, he is no match for his position. Although there are many kinds of wars, especially recently, many Qin Huang and Tang Huang had a lot of arguments before they got into trouble, but there were few opportunities to take his turn.