Phobos and the moon are generally more than 50 million kilometers away.

Even if there is a portal involved in the penetration induction, the moon can sense the situation of Phobos.
Among them, the mental load is poor.
Xu tui highly suspected that if he hadn’t been divided by the door of quantity and meaning, he might have been brain-dead directly because of the high overdraft of his spirit!
It’s still a bit rash to feel the induction and measure the mind.
But the gains can also be said to be huge.
It’s a great gain to witness a quantum entangled state completely.
It can be said that it won’t be long before you can practice your own entangled mind and mind after you go back.
I have seen the form of quantum entanglement with my own eyes, which is equivalent to someone giving Xu a very intuitive demonstration and not being able to practice it once.
But this is not a Ministry
Throughout the process of quantum entanglement, many of them have become a miracle, and the mind is really the most preliminary luck for quantum entanglement.
But just now, Xu retired from induction and saw that the form of quantum entanglement is polar.
A small number of entangled States are formed. I saw it.
We have also seen the expansion, echo, response, and same-frequency retreat of entangled States.
This feeling is extremely valuable.
But what is more precious is the feeling that the penetration induction is divided into two.
Xu tui’s penetrating induction can sense the condition of his own moon while sensing the condition of Phobos.
You know, it’s over 50 million kilometers away!
The cruising speed is as high as Mach 30, and the spacecraft will fly for four or five months.
Xu tui telepathy can span this distance in an instant.
This can’t be explained magically!
The feeling of that moment brought Xu tui an extremely deep memory.
This will calm down and make a retreat, which has been associated with a lot.
That kind of feeling should be expanded to fully understand Xu tui’s belief that his entanglement and accomplishments must far exceed the level of genetic miracle.
At this moment, retiring is deepening the memory and feeling just now.
Can’t forget the slightest bit!
It’s too rare
I’m afraid you have to be careful when you give Xu a chance to try again.
After all, this kind of attempt is a brain-dead attempt that can be completely exhausted by carelessness.
Constantly deepening the memory, Xu tuitu remembered the feeling when his head ached.
Xu tui remembers clearly that there was a sharp pain in his head before his former spirit dried up.
However, this wave of severe pain was covered up by the severe pain caused by the exhaustion of spirit.
It’ll take a while to remember
After adjusting a breath, I retired into a meditation state and then switched to illusory vision.
The ability chain of illusory retinoblastoma gene is normal.
Suddenly Xu retreated his eyes and moved.
Found an anomaly.
Illusory vision allows retreat. Illusory light and shadow are three-dimensional.
In Xu tui’s examination, Bob found that there was a positive rhythm flashing gene base point after his light and shadow.