"Three years ago, sister, you said that blessed one Yu Pei was very sold. We worked so hard to make hundreds of results and didn’t sell any; The year before last, sister, you said that someone paid a high price for the Xuan Huang robe and sewed dozens of sets of it. Finally, even the money was confiscated. In May this year, sister, you said that the exorcist wooden fish would sell well. Why should we be exorcists? "

Well, how about being so miserable? Xu Zhihu can hardly listen to it. I said, why is Lanre Temple so poor?
But then again, this Muliu Royal Sister doesn’t know what to think. She has to rack her brains to find a way to do business and earn money. Sister Lingshi, if you go out to collect a pass, what should be enough for the daily support of Lanre Temple?
I can’t figure it out. I can’t figure it out, but seeing that Muliu is ashamed to hit the column, Xu Zhihu quickly interrupted, "Ahem, I’m curious to ask a sister what you want to do with making so many lingshi?"
"Well, it’s a long story." Speaking of this Muliu, I couldn’t help sighing with emotion. "Actually, if it was a normal practice, we wouldn’t need so many lingshi, but the question now is … are there any guests coming?"
There really is. As they were talking, several swords roared past Lanre Temple, which seemed to be heading for Heishanfang City.
Wow, there’s business. There’s a business door!
A large group of female ghost sisters immediately cheered up and immediately picked up Bai Fulu’s purple-core grass. Yu Pei greeted the black-haired female ghost sister with a big smile. She also held a big wooden sign and enthusiastically waved it across a long distance. Four big characters can be clearly seen from miles away-"Stop sword for dinner!"
Poof Xu Zhihu directly sprayed his heart. This is really a Lan Ruo store
Yes, yes, I don’t forget to explain it to him next to Muliu. "Well, our Lanre Temple is adjacent to Montenegro. Because the city of the multiplier workshop is very famous there, guests often come to the purchasing office to rely on the mountain. We will also follow the selling point of multiplier Dan medicine …"
No explanation. I understand!
Xu Zhihu interrupted her silently and looked up for half a day. Finally, I couldn’t help but turn my head and look at Mu Liu with sympathy. "But then again, Sister Mu is not my blow to you. It seems that your business is a bit … miserable?"
Well, the truth is not a little miserable, but too miserable to look straight at!
Although from time to time, there are gas refiners flying by, but they are willing to stop and listen to the female ghost girls selling ten, and there are not three of them. One of them is asking for directions in the wrong direction, the other is bargaining for a long time, and the other is …
Well, there is another one who is very generous and directly pointed to the box of purple grass in the dark-haired female ghost sister’s arms. It’s very heroic and generous with a wave of his hand. "No problem. I packed it. Wait a minute. I said it’s not purple grass. I said it’s this girl who keeps the night … Feed it. How do you hit people?"
Generally speaking, half an hour later, the female ghost girls welcomed guests with a smile and enthusiastically promoted the principle that they would rather kill mistakes than let go. Finally, they successfully sold five white records and made two lingshi in total …
Click wood willow heart is broken. It is estimated that if a gust of wind blows at this time, she can directly turn to dust and float away with the wind.
"Then I suddenly remembered that I have to go back." Xu Zhihu really couldn’t bear to look again. He quickly asked the pot to take out one hundred Lingshi and handed it over. "Ahem, this is a little more because of his good attitude in staying yesterday."
Good man, good man, Muliu was so moved that he kept sending Xu Zhihu to the gate and looked at his back from a distance. He was very reluctant to go back and waved his hand desperately. "The guest officer often comes and goes. Lan Lan and I will miss you …"
Poof, Xu Zhihu was full of blood and directly hit the tree with pots and pans.
He finally struggled to get up. He looked back and waved. Pamuliu looked at it again. She was breathless and tired. The girls seriously thought about it and suddenly came back with a strange face.
"Hey? Come back to the hotel so soon? " Muliu was overjoyed.
"Well, don’t get me wrong," said Xu Zhihu. "Well, I just suddenly thought of a way to help you sell all those hoardings and make a little money with good luck …"
"True or false?" Muliu was in full bloom at once, and the green leaves on her temples were all excited to shake and shake. "What is the way? You won’t want us to buy one get one free and buy a box of purple-core grass to send a beautiful female ghost later, will you?"
"Stop that now …" Xu Zhihu couldn’t help but turn their fingers and motioned for her to come over.
"Er, will this work?" Wait until after listening to Muliu’s face full of surprise, her eyes wide open and her head full of dizziness.
"Give it a try, anyway, you can’t sell it, right?" Xu Zhihu came to remember the magic knife and hesitated to scratch his head. "Forget it. I will stay for half a day to show you in person."
Yes, yes, yes, Muliu was very excited and nodded. Immediately, he called a group of younger sisters back. Dozens of people were very neat and formed a circle. Together, they opened their eyes and ears to listen to Xu Zhihu’s explanation of that girl named Xiaolan with dark hair. She also took out a small side and listened carefully …
Ten minutes later, Xu Zhihu explained it in detail. "Okay, that’s probably it. Are there any questions?"
No problem is no problem, but a large group of younger sisters still feel a little incredible when they look at each other. Xiaolan still hesitates to raise her hand while biting her pen. "My guest, I don’t understand. If we do this, we seem to lose …"
I haven’t finished yet. The original Lanre Temple was deserted. Suddenly, several gas refining swordsmen roared past.
Try it and you will know that Xu Zhihu smiled and looked up at the sky. "Listen to my command! One, two, three shout!"
In an instant, just a few refined gas fighters flew over Lanre Temple. In an instant, a large group of female ghost sisters suddenly closed their hands at the same time and shouted at the sky with great enthusiasm-
"Take a look, take a look, don’t miss the opportunity when you pass by. It’s rare to have a clearance, deal with a big loss, and have a big sale. All instruments, pills and medicines will be five yuan … and the Wuling Stone Department will sell out!"
"Extraordinary good news, extraordinary good news, satisfying the needs of our customers and friends, the store has newly arrived a batch of authentic instruments, Dan Yao Wu Ling Stone, one by one, and the number of Wu Ling Stone in the Wu Ling Stone Department is limited. Pick whatever you want on a first-come-first-served basis!"
"Fang city closed down! Yellow crane, the bastard boss, owes 3.5 billion yuan for eating, drinking, whoring and gambling, and ran away with his aunt. We can’t take the instrument to pay the salary. The original price is more than 300 instruments, all of which are five spirits. Oh, yellow crane bastard, you are not human. We have worked hard for you for half a year. You don’t pay me, you pay me back my hard-earned money! "
Chapter 39 Love each other and kill each other, good girlfriends
In the afternoon, the sunshine of Lanre Temple is charming and warm, which makes the dilapidated corridors warm …