"It’s unnecessary to take care of this thing. According to the research report, after losing the bone protection, the medulla inside can live in the external environment for 40 hours without the risk of infection and parasitism." Victoria kicked the pile of bones.

"It is really unnecessary to take care of this thing, but the wounded … what are you going to do?" Kelan casually threw the bone aside and asked
"Shout … the wounded … can let me send the wounded back to the blockade … Shout …" Sit there and Major Ashkani gasped and said, "Anyway … my people … they can’t really help, but they will become a burden."
"But if we continue to go inside, there will be many wounded people. If every wounded person needs to send someone back to the blockade, the speed of downsizing will be too fast." Kelan shook his head. "I think we should either place the wounded nearby or suggest a Chinese medical center …"
Kelan looked up and took a look at the track of the semi-medium suspension rail train and said, "It’s a pity that there is no energy, otherwise the suspension rail train will transport all the wounded out, and this problem will be solved."
"I agree with the plan of setting up a medical point," Victoria said. "The medical point can also be used as a temporary transit."
"See that private clinic in front? The building is strong enough, and there should be some medicine and medical equipment in it. I think this place is good," said Ke Lan, pointing to a two-story building with the Red Cross logo hanging about 200 meters away.
In less than ten minutes, the investigation team has occupied the clinic that Kelan said.
"Sir, four bodies were found on the second floor of the clinic. No signs of infection were found. No lucky ones were found." Alesha came quickly from the second floor, and several of his agents moved the four bodies into the lobby on the first floor.
"One doctor and three people … should be patients who come to see a doctor … Have you confirmed the cause of death?" Koran eyes swept the four bodies one by one looked up and asked to the side Alesha.
"The cause of death of three patients was that they were hit by bullets in the heart and lungs. The doctor had multiple bruises on his right arm and right leg. The main cause of death was gunshot wound … In addition, there were signs of fighting on the second floor. This is the shell casing found on the floor." Alesha said and raised the material evidence bag in his hand. "From the inscription on the bottom of the shell casing, the 1143 mm subsonic heavy pistol bullet should be the product of the Arasaka consortium’s own military factory."
"So it seems that when the heretics tried to take the doctor away, the doctor resisted and was killed," Kelan analyzed. "It should be to protect his patients … it’s a pity that he is a nice guy."
"When there is no time for strangers to mourn," Victoria glanced at the body and then said to Ashkani, "Major, I ask you to leave a mecha in a protective position, while others will continue to push further into the East Ninth District."
"Leave a mecha? Will it be too little if the stronghold is attacked … "Ashkani’s words were interrupted by Victoria before he finished." If the stronghold is attacked, even if all the mechs are left, it may not be able to hold on to us, not to protect the wounded … but soldiers should have enough consciousness. "
"…" Major Ashkani took one look at Victoria and hesitated for a few seconds, finally swallowing the words that had reached her throat.
It is true that they are all soldiers, and he should have enough consciousness.
"If there is no objection, others will continue to push deeper except those who stay at the medical point-we are in a hurry. I demand that we must arrive at the entrance of the Central Industrial Park in the East Ninth District in 20 minutes."
The central industrial park of Victoria Kou Middle East District 9 is located in the middle of East District 9, covering an area of nearly 12 square kilometers. It is the core of the area controlled by Arasaka Consortium and also the headquarters of the Consortium.
Different from the outer block of the East Ninth District, the official staff of Arasaka Consortium are allowed to enter the central industrial park, and the higher the job level is, while the Arasaka Tower, the headquarters of the Consortium, is free to enter and leave with members of Arasaka family and their close relatives.
The height of Arasaka Tower is 216 meters, almost touching the dome of the Ark on this floor. Such a tower in a building with an average height of less than 100 meters is particularly conspicuous, even if you look up at the periphery of the East Ninth District, you can see it.
And this tow is that ultimate goal of the reconnaissance team.
However, as soon as the investigation team got out of the narrow lane, it was once again blocked.
But this time, they met the enemy, which was a real human being-a group of heretical believers wearing black robes, but their black robes were wearing the armor of "Ranger" security company mercenaries.
The "Ranger" security company is a well-known industry of Arasaka consortium. According to the data released to the public, this company has less than 150 elite armed mercenaries, but now there are probably more than 200 mercenaries blocking the investigation team in the alley alone-if it weren’t for several "bloodhound" mechs, it is estimated that the investigation team and their first face-to-face meeting will be killed by more than half.
"Are these guys crazy?" Ashkani hid behind a "bloodhound", and the distant projectiles kept hitting the mecha’s body, giving off a unique "ding-ding". The opponent’s dense fire made him unable to lean out to fight back. He just made an attempt, but fortunately, he moved half a beat slowly. A stray bullet crossed his shoulder and plowed a half-centimeter-deep ditch, while Ashkani was dragged to the ground by the force attached to the warhead.
If he had just been a little faster, the bullet would have hit his face instead of his shoulder armor.
"It would be nice if they were really crazy. They obviously have excellent tactical planning, and the layout of several shelters is also very particular about each other’s shooting dead angles, which can make up for each other. We can’t rush out of the mecha bunker at all." Alesha said while helping an injured agent dress up the wound.
"I have just launched three orange flares. In less than half an hour, the big troops will enter the East Ninth District. It is meaningless for them to resist the roots … I really don’t know how much the Arasaka consortium paid them to make them work so hard." Ashkani said that the flares are the only means for them to communicate with the troops outside, and the three orange flares mean "an emergency requires an immediate attack."
"I’m afraid it’s not a question of money," Kelan sighed. "Did you see them wrapped in those black robes? These people are estimated to have been brainwashed by heretical sects … The Arasaka consortium should have been infiltrated by heretical sects for a long time. Now let’s equate the two directly. I don’t think it’s a big problem. "
"Real Victoria Commissioner, she has always known that there is a problem with the Arasaka consortium, but the details of these Japanese people are simply watertight. We checked many times and found no clues. Instead, the Arasaka consortium complained to the Ark’s top management several times that our investigation seriously interfered with their normal transportation … after that, their investigation was basically stagnant." Alesha said with a bitter face.
"To put it bluntly, I think there are ghosts at the top of the Ark sometime," Kelan said.
At this moment, Victoria suddenly turned to look at him, but didn’t say much. It seems that she acquiesced in this statement.
"It seems that your safety bureau also dare not move." Kelan poked out the gun and made a few random shots, which immediately attracted a burst of shooting, and the metal floor at the feet was splashed with sparks.
"Not afraid to move, but not yet." Victoria didn’t look at herself, but Kelan knew that she was saying to herself that "curiosity is not necessarily a good thing."
"Ok, don’t say that. Do you have any countermeasures for this situation? We can’t wave all the time here, "said Kelan.
The terrain outside is a fan-shaped square. There is nothing to shelter the square except a few lampposts, and the alley exit is located at the vertex of this fan. If Kelan and others rush out, they will be attacked from a 120-degree angle. Even Victoria’s mobility will be difficult to cross the square in front of them.
The only good news is probably that these rebels brainwashed by heretical sects do not have heavy weapons in their hands, otherwise, the investigation team will be forced to go back to some streets in kabukicho, not to mention the stalemate in the alley.
"You stall these rebels here and I’ll take a few people around." Victoria pulled out two Mozambican shotgun pistols from the equipment box and inserted them into the holsters on both sides of her calf, then hung a shoulder bag full of broken grenades.
"It sounds like a feasible way to avoid new enemies before going around the back path." Kelan glanced at the ammunition surplus of his Gauss assault rifle and then said, "Why don’t I go with you?"
"No, I refuse." Victoria shook her head. "You and Major Ashkani will stay here … I always feel that nothing good will happen with you … Maybe I shouldn’t let you enter the East Ninth District from the beginning."
"Yu … this is too hurtful." Koran raised the gun over his head with some discomfort and stretched out the muzzle from the gap between the two mechanical arms of the "blood hound" with a gun and a scream rang out in the distance immediately-
"Do you think I’m lucky or not? I can get shot."
"That’s for yourself," said Victoria, who had already chosen a detour candidate and led four agents directly into the right rear path.
"Say … is it really so unlucky to be with me?" Koran language touched his head.
"Actually, I think the chief executive is right … I’ve read your file … after the glacier relic incident, you seem to go where you suffered …" Alesha’s novel said, "You and your teammates were rescued by the battleship of the Fourth Fleet, but it wasn’t long before this warship was shot down by the death ray cannon, and then you ran to the exile colony, but it happened to hit the sacrifice ceremony … and then you went to Zhonghai, which is even more outrageous. You haven’t boarded that icebreaker yet, and it was almost sunk by the deep-sea giant eel … And not long ago
"Can you blame me? !” Ke Lan argued, "These things have nothing to do with me!"
"Although I never believe those Machamp disorderly god …" Alesha shrugged his shoulders, "but I also think Victoria’s chief executive is right …"
Just then a deafening roar suddenly came from the other side of the square!
"What is it? !” Chatting, the two men suddenly became serious. Kelan took out a piece of lens from his pocket, adjusted it a little, and saw a "humanoid beast" coming this way. It has a living armor similar to that of sumo wrestlers. The "bloodhound" machine gun can cause a slight deceleration effect, so the surface of the tentacles can penetrate.
"It’s a mutant" Kelan vomitted an one mouthful saliva toward the ground. "It’s really unlucky … Victoria that guy ran out as soon as he left. A mutant is in trouble."
"I told you it would be bad to be with you!" Aliosha couldn’t help saying, "If it comes any closer, it can get rid of this meat-eating worm …"
"Wait a minute, don’t drop your cards in a hurry." Kelan raised his hand and stopped Alesha from dragging out the box containing carnivorous worms. "This mutant seems to be different from that sumo wrestlers just now."
"You see it seems that there is a person lying on his head … no, it seems that it is not a person …" Kelan pointed to the scene in the mirror and said.
This mutant is more than six meters tall, and its body shape is stronger than that of the meat ball sumo wrestlers. In addition to the living armor formed by the tentacles, the chest, abdomen and joints are also equipped with heavy armor, and the head is covered with a huge metal helmet with a "Prajna" shape mask on the front of the helmet.
Of course, these are not the key points. The key point is that behind this huge metal helmet, there is a figure dressed in a black robe. Although this figure is still vaguely human, it is two sticky tentacles that extend from his sleeve. These two tentacles extend to the side of Prajna mask and seem to be connected with this giant mutant of his feet.
Chapter one hundred and ninety Disaster from the East
"Hell … that guy is also a’ device’ … is this a new variant? Made of two eroded species? ….. You see you still refuse to admit that you are a disaster … "Alesha twittered.
"I don’t think it looks like the big guy is still in the parasitic period-Alesha, don’t you find this unreasonable?" Kelan shook his head and said
"Unreasonable? It’s really unreasonable … Nothing that happened along the way is reasonable. "Alesha vomited that Kelan suddenly felt that if this guy and the old dog met, I’m afraid it would be difficult for them to stop once they fought.
"Is there any objection that the big guy has to be a’ sudden change’ or’ mature’ erosion species?" Ke Lan said
"No," Alesha immediately replied, "that kind of living armor will seriously damage the’ parasitic period’ of the body tissue, which is the way to make this ability."
"Is there any objection that the erosive species in the’ rapid change period’ or’ mature period’ will drive the eating desire to attack all living things in the field of vision differently?"