"Nine horses!" Not far from the submarine, Xu Zhihu and Brother Chen were taken aback but immediately reacted, "Wait, it’s not wine, but nine horses?"

No, he woke up, and hundreds of demons and evil practitioners had already driven the flying sword multiplier along the deck, and they dared to block the way. The gas refiners were all torn up by them like wolves, and in a blink of an eye, more than a dozen cabins were abruptly broken and hidden, and those female roots were threatened to hand over their belongings if they didn’t resist.
"search! Continue to search! " "Don’t worry about those men," growled the deck. "The point is that those women who wear jewelry get information. If it’s right, that ocean heart should wear that Ruth … huh?"
After saying his word, he suddenly became dumbfounded when he heard the distant whistling consciousness turn his head, followed by a furious roar: "Damn it! What, what, those guys from Shushan will come here? "
I want you to take care of it!
At this moment, the high-speed "submarine" also roared and crashed into the other side of the fairy ship. With the help of huge impact, Brother Chen and their murderous flying swords on the deck of the fairy ship roared and shot out. Immediately, dozens of evil spirits rushed to the head and smashed into pieces, and then rushed to the cabin.
Almost at the same time, I rushed to Aoying and led a group of shrimps, soldiers and crabs to jointly display the magical power of water in the sea. The original sea water rushed into the fairy ship and went backwards. Instead, it was transformed into a huge palm condensed by sea water, and the fairy ship was slowly sinking.
"Well done!" Red sister gave a thumbs-up and waited until she turned around. She had already picked up a broken mast with wide eyes and rushed towards the front, and the evil spirits swept by.
Crash one! Stunned, dozens of evil spirits flew out like broken kites with one blow, and Chijie rolled up her sleeves and lifted the bow to store the huge water tank and smashed it directly towards the semi-collapsed deck!
Don’t say anything. After the violent bombardment, a huge pit appeared on the deck. Sister Chijie clapped her hands and jumped into the pit with satisfaction. "Hum, so we won’t detour to the cabin!"
"Can I do this?" Xu Zhihu looked at the back with awe and quickly jumped in. "Er, Chichi, have you measured how much strength you have gained recently?"
God knows how much power has increased. Anyway, it’s a mess. Chijie, waving a pan in the cabin at the bottom, is simply unstoppable. She roared past like a red whirlwind. Anyone who dares to stand in front of her is either beaten flat or blown away.
Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!
"Ward round! Calm down! We are the Shushan School! "
"We didn’t mean anything by playing the instrument, but we wanted to talk to a girl named Ruth!"
"Don’t move, raise your hands. Do you have … er, you two are really in the mood at this time?"
Yes, that’s it. The two men rolled over and kicked dozens of cabin doors in one breath, but they still didn’t find that there were few cabins left in front. Chijie couldn’t help but be a little anxious. "Wait, should that Ruth have been robbed?"
Talk to her consciousness and kick a door power rushed in "rounds! Freeze! We are shushan … eh? "
What happened? Xu Zhihu was surprised and rushed in, and then suddenly Bai Chijie couldn’t say anything.
In a romantic room with candles on, a beautiful woman wrapped in a blanket reveals a round, smooth, white and fragrant shoulder, shivering. In the corner, a handsome young gas refiner opposite her is holding a brush, her face is full of panic, and she turns to look around with a piece of drawing paper beside her, which is a vivid beauty …
"Er … what were you doing just now?" Chijie is silly. Keep your eyes open. Just draw. Shrimp should be stripped off?
"Sketching is understandable." Xu Zhihu looked at the young gas refiner with a strange face and a few coughs. "Do you know what yu jup ijup is, brother?"
What the hell? The young gas refiner has been dumbfounded for a long time, but the beauty somehow got the courage to suddenly open her arms in front of him. "Wait, don’t hurt him, don’t you just want the deep sea heart?"
"Deep sea heart?" Chijie was taken aback and looked down at her consciousness.
Even in the dim candlelight, you can clearly see that this beautiful woman is wearing a dark blue congenital jade on her chest. Even if she doesn’t touch it, she can still feel that the water and aura in this jade are so abundant that it is coming like a tide.
"Don’t hurt us!" The beauty grabbed the deep-sea heart and shook hands trembling. "If you promise to let us leave this deep-sea heart, you will …"
After saying his word, the cabin suddenly fell apart, roared and splashed, and the huge palms covered with golden scales suddenly crashed in like a cage, grabbed the beauty and then rose again-
"Found it! Little girl, hand over the deep sea heart … Don’t worry, the king is interested in twelve-year-old women! "
Chapter 235 It’s hot again
Close at hand fell short!
Xu Zhihu and red sister came in from the cabin in the line of sight, and the huge palm suddenly grabbed the pale beauty and took her away with the deep sea heart.
"Where is the motherfucker going?" Red face suddenly almond eyes wide open directly a spider silk gush out conveniently hold Xu Zhihu rose.
The wind roared, and Xu Zhihu’s consciousness was slightly sideways. When he reacted, he had returned to the deck. Several demons and evil spirits roared and rushed to this side, but before they came close, they were shot away by Red Sister waving a pan.
"Get out of the way!" Red face Yu Nu didn’t have to turn to look around for a moment and suddenly change color "want to go? It’s not that easy! "
It was at this moment that I got the deep sea feeling that the king had thrown a coma beauty, and then jumped triumphantly and jumped directly into the sea. "Don’t get entangled with these guys when you get something!"
Such as this sentence, the original fairy ship search demon evil repair all crashed one in one, the octopus demon suddenly took a deep breath, suddenly opened his mouth and sprayed it with opaque strange black fog
Being blocked by this black fog, Brother Chen couldn’t help but be wary and step back until the sea breeze blows away the black fog. The king of the senses or hundreds of demons and evil practices have all been abandoned and pursued, and the king of the senses has directly turned into a huge golden koi fish, carrying those demons and evil practices but triumphantly turning to grin. "Goodbye! I won’t send it! King … "
It’s a bad habit to talk nonsense about villains!
At this moment, smoke billowed everywhere, and suddenly a well-dressed and arrogant gas refiner rushed out of the cabin. Even though he was a little flustered at this time, his face was still full of pride, and he had a habitual gesture of raising his head at 45 degrees.
For a moment, when I saw that I was about to escape from the king with the deep sea heart, the arrogant gas refining man suddenly flew into a rage. "Hang it all! No fish demon dares to rob the public … Bastard! Do you know who my father is? "
God knows who his brother is, but he is rich for sure!
Because a few seconds later, with his anger, 70 instruments roared like a storm and shot at the king of the senses. Just by looking at the colorful light of these instruments, I knew that their greatest attribute was-"expensive!"
Boom! Boom!
The poor spiritual feeling king and hundreds of evil spirits were enveloped by these 70 instruments in an instant, and they could violently attack and dodge the mess. The brother of the Xiuzhen family still felt that it was not enough to gnash his teeth again. "Who dares to make the public unhappy for a while, let him give it to me … violence!"
Crashing 10 or 70 instruments are roaring and bursting, and violent aura waves are mixed with several fragments, just like a huge powder keg that has been ignited, directly covering hundreds of feet of sea in Fiona Fang!
Hundreds of demons and evil practitioners complained bitterly, and in a blink of an eye, nearly half of them were blown to pieces, and all of them were wounded, burned and huge, and the king of conscience was unlucky, and most of his scales were blown up, and most of them even had fish tails left.