"Grass … what am I going to think about these things for …" Kelanli dumped her head "It’s important to find a way to escape from this hellhole first"

Kelan’s plan is very definite. First of all, he has to live to have a chance to wait for help, otherwise everything will be discussed.
In view of the fact that the island may be eroded in multiple ways, he has to rely on these strange stalactites to protect himself-although he doesn’t know what is strange about these stalactites.
He has to think of some way to follow the clues of this team to continue to track down-since they came to this place decades ago, Kelan may be able to know the way out of here by pushing them back.
Third, judging from the stalactites nailed to the second remains, these people obviously know something about the methods of restraining the erosion species. If we can find a solution to the invasion of the erosion species cells from the clues they left, then the original purpose of this operation is achieved, and they will not venture to the bottom of the sea to find that damn carnivorous worm again.
Fourth-if these people have anything left over from transportation, it will be the first prize for Kelan.
Chapter 17 Black Box
Alpha crystal energy is not yet popular. In the early days, the army was equipped with long-distance tools, all of which were nuclear. A 30-cm-long and finger-thick A1 fuel rod was enough to make a C-class miniature nuclear reactor run for six months to generate energy, which could make a heavy armored vehicle circle Alpha star along the equator for a full circle and a half!
If it weren’t for Alpha Star’s lack of crystalline energy rich in uranium ore and thorium ore, it wouldn’t be the primary energy source for human beings-after all, human beings haven’t mastered the energy crystallization production technology yet, and it always gives people a sense of "being controlled by people" by excavating the remains of Alpha.
Good Alpha left a huge amount of energy crystals, and the hunter and the exploration and mining forces worked together to keep the crystal output stable, which kept mankind from falling into the energy crisis again.
If this team can keep some nuclear equipment, it needs a small piece of fuel rods, and Koran will have a chance to return to the human world … You know, among them, they are fearless warriors, and those big men in heavy armor must be equipped if they want to fight long distances. One possibility that will make Koran’s wish come true is that this team was directly thrown into this desert island.
But this is unlikely. If it is directly sent, then the top management of the Ark must know this desert island. Even if they don’t find this cave, they will be able to send the search and rescue team here after the team lost contact, and this map will not fall into the hands of Curran.
And from all indications, Kelan should be the first person to come to this desert island after them.
Walking over Connelly’s remains Koran to the depths of the cave, however, he didn’t go far before he found more remains.
This is a temporary campsite. The periphery is a circle of folded alloy plates surrounded by guardrails. Two collapsed marching tents stand in the middle of the campsite. Next to it is a bonfire pit that has been extinguished for decades. More than a dozen bones surround the bonfire pit. It seems that this should be the final destination of most people in that team.
Several pistols were dropped beside them, but there were no signs of fighting at the scene. Judging from the distribution of shell casings and warheads and the trauma of bones, they should all be suicides.
Kelan tore down a tent, and there were boxes of materials, food, drinking water, ammunition and medicine. According to the number of bones, these things can last for a month at least … If you are careful, two months may not be a problem.
What is the reason that this team has not yet reached a desperate situation, so why did the staff choose to shoot themselves?
Why don’t they try to escape from here or try to get in touch with the ark?
Or have they done all these things …
Koran walked back to the pile of bones. He bent down and picked up a black metal box from a pile of bones.
The black box is a flight recorder, which is also called to record the flight data and pilot’s voice, and every unit commander in the Ark Combat Team also has such a thing called the "black box". This black metal box is a specially encrypted recording device to record the whole action flow outside the team during wartime.
The commander is responsible for recording the black box. If the commander is killed, the successor will take over the follow-up records. When the commander returns to the Ark for duty after the operation, the black box will be decrypted and filed by a special person.
If this army is annihilated or the black box is accidentally lost in the war, the Ark’s top management will also send an elite team to carry out recycling-the importance of the black box can be seen from this.
"I hope this thing is not broken …"
Generally speaking, the security and reliability of the black box are extremely high, but this thing has been abandoned in this hellhole for so many years that Kelan can’t guarantee that the data in it is still safe and sound.
Kelan gently dialed the right side of the black box flat.
"Hiss … hiss …" After a noise, three indicator lights on the side of the black box lit up.
"It’s a good thing that things are not broken …" Kelan just breathed a sigh of relief, and three indicator lights changed directly from green to red. At the same time, a mechanized woman came out of the box. "Reading this record requires A-level limit. If the certificate is limited, please enter the password code."
"Shit … how can I forget this crop …" Koran sighed in his heart. Even if ordinary people find a black box, they can’t get what’s inside by violence, which is even more impossible.
The black box encryption program is written by the Ark’s main brain. If it is a simple recording device, it can be made smaller than the fingernail, and the black box is so large because of this encryption program.
"Please enter the password code … If you don’t enter the correct password code for five seconds, the device will lock itself … five … four …"
"Password code … what the hell is this damn password code …" Kelan scratched his hair testily. There are two ways to crack the black box. One is to copy the data in the A-level limited key after connecting with the computer, and the other is to input the password set by the recorder.
But Kelan doesn’t have an A-level limited key and doesn’t know what this black box password code is at all!
If it’s locked, it’ll take the ark brain to solve this thing …
"Three … two …"
“……Leave he bed!” This string of English suddenly passed in Koran’s head, and he read it directly without thinking much.
Anyway, I can’t come to work as a dead horse …
"Password code is correct"
Grass ….. This dead horse really gave medical treatment?
This "warning" is actually the password code of this black box? But … If this sentence is a password, what will happen to the spherical diving bulkhead?
The difference between the two things is decades!
"… hiss … July 11th weather overcast 776 special squad commander Ken" A heavy man with an accent interrupted Kelan’s thoughts.
"… we have been here for four days."
Hearing this sentence, Ke Lan was a little depressed. This record is obviously incomplete. What he wants to know most is how this team came here, but it is already the "fourth day" in this recording.
"This place is very strange … it’s really strange for four days … although other people’s watches are broken, I brought a mechanical watch. I can be sure that the hour hand has turned around … but this place seems to be no longer flowing …"
"July 12th, maybe July 12th. It’s always cloudy …"
"There is no night here, but it doesn’t look like extreme daylight … it seems that it will always freeze at noon … Connelly said that we may be an island in China, but I think he is talking nonsense. Even on the other side of Alpha Star in China, it will take several days to fly by ship …"
"But … there seems to be no water body of this size except for China Overseas Alpha Star …"
"There is no life on the beach and there is no wind. The radiation concentration in the environment is very high. Fortunately, we have protection and enough anti-radiation drugs."