More than half of the casualties outside receded towards Grange Terrace and never dared to play against Cang Lang again.

The horse bandits were successfully repelled from Taiping Mountain, Jin Shoushan, and Tian Yu’s eyes were full of uncertainty. Despair and frustration only robbed a group of businessmen, which caused such a great disaster. If they knew that these people were Chinese tiger guests and killed them, they wouldn’t dare to do it.
But the world didn’t sell regret medicine and was full of regret. They were faced with Cang Lang’s way to attack the mountain. These people were too powerful. Even if the machine gun shot at the sight, the bandits still shot at the standard. Is there any way to continue this battle?
At least three or four hundred brothers have died in Taiping Mountain since the attack on the mountain.
Tian Yu roared, "Brother, Taiping Mountain can’t keep it. Let’s retreat to my grange terrace. We still have a chance to make a comeback!"
Jin Shoushan’s face is dreary. It’s that he has worked so hard for 20 years to save all his possessions. Can he not feel bad about it overnight?
Jin Shoushan shouted to his confidant, "Hurry up and pack up your valuables and immediately retreat to Grange Terrace!"
Several confidants promised to rush to the warehouse to collect valuables. Unfortunately, Cang Lang will never give them such an opportunity again. The first team, led by Cang Lang Zhang Enyuan, has entered the cottage floor. Cang Lang’s efficient shooting and mutual cover cooperation have made them almost rushed in.
Jin Shoushan looked at Cang Lang’s pale face not far away and knew that the tide was gone and never again.
There is a saving grace. She ordered the hands in the hall to desperately resist herself with dozens of confidants, Tian Yu, retreating toward the back hill, and the cliff behind the hill. Besides, they opened up a ladder path leading to the mountain.
Without Jin Shoushan Tian Yu’s command, wannabe could not resist Cang Lang’s attack. If they fled directly, they surrendered directly. A few of them continued to resist and were swept away by Cang Lang without bloodshed.
Zhang Yihu as they entered the Juyi Hall, picked up a captured shanzhai leader and shouted, "You are so impatient to say that you even dare to rob the general office! Where are the dozens of people who have been robbed by you? "
The captured leader’s legs trembled and stammered, "Uncle, forgive me! Uncle, forgive me! It’s all done by Kim Dae-jung and Hotan Dae-jung. No matter how the villain is robbed, people are tied up in one wing. "
Zhang Yihu winked at Zhang Enyuan Zhang Enyuan with a dozen people rushed to the wing to save Qiao Zhiyong and others.
Zhang Yihu hurried to the front of the crowd and bowed deeply. He said, "I’m sorry to make amends to you on behalf of the general for leading Cang Lang to rescue us on orders from the general."
Zhang Yihu knows that these people are Zhang Yihu’s darling, and they are not allowed to put their attitude very low. Qiao Zhiyong looks a little pale and barely laughs. "It’s okay to thank the general for his hard work."
Come to the rescue "is not so easy for others. A Shanxi businessman was angry." This general, we came to Fengtian for thousands of miles to invest in the spirit of serving the country, but look at how we can rest assured that we are doing business in Fengtian after we just entered Fengtian. Joe, didn’t you say that Fengtian is a paradise and paradise for Shanxi businessmen to do business? "
Chapter two hundred and twenty-one Save Shanxi merchants bandits
Zhang Yihu looked a little unhappy after a delay, but he also knew that it was really the fault of the general government that people came all the way to deliver the silver, and as a result, they were robbed by horse bandits, who would be unhappy in body and mind.
Zhang Yihu sank, "I wonder what this gentleman is called?"
The man handed over and said, "Chang Zanchun cares about Shanxi’s regular family and less owners."
Zhang Yihu replied, "Mr. Chang was robbed this time, and my general office is willing to take the responsibility. If you have any losses, our general office is also willing to make compensation for these horse bandits. We will also give you an account. The general is still in Shengjing waiting for your news, and I will order someone to escort you back to Shengjing."
Chang Zanchun said, "I’m young, but I can’t compare with Joe’s magnanimity. We are willing to wait for the general to wipe out the horse bandits and go to visit General Zhang together."
Zhang Yihu laughed. "That’s very good, Zhang Enyuan. You take people to clean up the battlefield immediately and order people to send letters to Jinzhou Prefecture so that the local garrison can come to hand over quickly!"
Zhang Enyuan promised to arrange it one by one.
Zhang Yihu picked up the little leader and asked, "What about Jin Shoushan? He’s not a prisoner? Which one is it? "
The little leader trembled and said, "Report back, uncle, let’s take charge and see if we can’t resist your attack. We have escaped with Tian Da’s charge and must have fled to Grange Terrace to escape."
Zhang Yihu cold hum a said "run away? Even if he ran to the Lingxiao Hall, he wouldn’t be Zhang Yihu if he didn’t catch him skinning and cramping! "
Zhang Yihu shouted "Defeng Sun, Li Nan!"
Defeng Sun Li Nan is the new division marshal of the second and third teams, and two people immediately came out.
Zhang Yihu went on to say, "You two rushed to Grange Terrace with two teams to meet them. Keep an eye on anyone who dares to annihilate on the spot, and trap them there for me. I will arrive later. Don’t attack until I arrive!"
"yes! Yes! " Two people promised to lead Cang Lang to pack up and rush to the Grange Terrace directly!
Zhang Yihu and others stayed in Taiping Mountain until noon.
The garrison of Jinzhou government just arrived unexpectedly. It was Xu Huaijin, who happened to reorganize the local green campers in Jinzhou. He just rushed to Cang Lang to hear the report and directly led a cavalry battalion to catch up.
Zhang Yihu took Xu Huaijin with great joy and said sadly, "Brother Huai Jin lost his temper this time. It is estimated that you will be able to reorganize the army and directly pull it out to sweep around bandits to test your reorganization effect."
Xu Huaijin smiled and said, "What the army needs most after reorganization is to train in actual combat. Without the baptism of war, they are a bunch of helpless mud after all!"
Zhang Yihu laughed. "The harvest from this mountain attack is not small, brother. We found 702,000 pieces of silver from Taiping Mountain in one breath and seized more than 200 pieces of various kinds of jewelry. This time, we made a small fortune again …"
The first cannon was named Yang Fengjing, Gai Tianshou, and there were two cannons, one named Long Kuan and one named Long Xiang. Three people fled back to Grange Terrace.
Yang Feng frowned for a long time before saying, "Things are not good for the two brothers."
Long Kuan Long Xiang asked, "What’s the matter? What’s wrong with big brother? "
Yang Feng said, "Stupid, of course, you two idiots are in a bad situation at Grange Station. Do you think that this big deal with Jin Shoushan will offend the general office and see that Taiping Mountain is in danger? You just beat us five or six hundred people with an army of one hundred people. Can those wastes stop the cannon of others? I am afraid that Taiping Mountain will be blown up in one day at most! "
"Oh …" The two men nodded and Long Kuan said, "It’s a pity that Taiping Mountain is finished like this."
Yang Feng looked at Long Kuan with a face of hate iron not to produce scold a way "do you still have idea to tube Taiping Mountain? As soon as Taiping Mountain falls, the Qing army brigade will attack Grange Terrace, and we will all be cannon fodder. Do you still have the heart to think about Taiping Mountain? You are a waste! "
Two people listen to also reflect the pale.
Long Xiang stammered, "Yang Ge Yang Ge that what shall we do? Why don’t we run? "
Yang Feng nu way "run where can we run? Over the years, Tian Yu has treated us like pigs and dogs. Why don’t we wait for them to escape and lead our confidant brothers to capture them alive and give them to the Qing army for praise? Maybe we have a way out. By the way, we can surrender with our brothers and submit to the court, and maybe we can get an official position. Anyway, we didn’t participate in the robbery! "
The two men were shocked when they heard it. "Are you going against the water?"
Chapter two hundred and twenty-two The bandits were captured alive
Yang Feng face fierce color sink a way "I take you two as real brothers to tell you how dare to do? If you dare not, let’s split up and go our separate ways. Grange Terrace is not as strong as Taiping City. Taiping Mountain can’t hold us back. It’s even more white! "
Long Xiang Long Kuan looked at each other and nodded to each other and said, "Eldest brother, our brothers followed you. You usually have more ideas than we do and follow Tian Yujiang!"
Yang Feng narrowed his eyes and said, "Well, now you should worry about it. You can trust your brothers. My confidant controls Juyi Hall. Your brothers control the mountain pass. Let’s do it at once when the time is right!"
Two people nodded and started the action.
After half a day, Tian Yujin Shoushan fled to Grange Terrace with the defeated troops of Taiping Mountain. It was too sad. Everyone in the team of more than 100 people was listless and disheveled. Many people even lost their guns.
Yang Feng hurriedly welcomed all the people into Grange Terrace, let the brothers who fled back have a rest first, and brought four or five leaders of Tian Yujin Shoushan into Juyi Hall.
Yang Feng Erlong has already finished controlling Juyi Hall. There are many confidants in the head of the third artillery of Grange Taiwan. Three people gathered together. There are almost more than two hundred people. Yang Feng left fifty people around Juyi Hall to ambush around. More than two hundred people let Erlong take it to grab the control of the pass.
Tian Yu with Jin Shoushan entered the hall after drink a way "Yang Feng what’s wrong with you? I asked you to lead the elite to support Taiping Mountain, and you sent people.
? Fucking don’t want to hang out, do you? "
Yang Fengjiang held back his dissatisfaction and said, "A few days ago, I led more than 500 of the most capable brothers in the village to rush to Taiping Mountain on horseback. As a result, when we arrived at the roots of Taiping Mountain, we were blown back by the artillery fire of the Qing army. There were many casualties among the brothers, and 200 people were gilded …"
Tian Yujin Shoushan two people were stunned by the Taiping Mountain bandits. It was a large-scale heavy blow from Cang Lang mortars before they collapsed and lost miserably. It’s not too shameful. However, the five or six hundred horse bandits in Grange Taiwan were defeated by more than 100 Qing troops in the open air. This nima is also speechless. Grange Taiwan horse bandits are notoriously tough and thus defeated by the Qing army …
Tian Yu said with difficulty, "Make everyone stick to the main road and cheer up the brothers to be able to tide over this crisis. Every brother has 20 taels of silver to reward the leader, and double the reward of 100 taels. If none of us can run away from the grange, just wait for the Chinese tiger to come and see our heads …"
Jin Shoushan said, "No, no, Tian Dage, I’m afraid we can’t make it this time just by relying on the grange platform. Let’s jointly send green forest posts. There are several large strands that can be combined to work together to repel the Qing army. Otherwise, just relying on us is absolutely overwhelming. The firepower of the Qing army is too fierce. Mom, where did they get so many cannons? Dozens of doors! Whether the whole Mukden cannon they pulled up … "
Tian Yu rubbed his forehead.
Said, "Brother, do you think that the Qing army is so fierce that both of us can’t resist which strand dares to take great risks to send troops to help? This is a direct offence to General Shengjing. No one has this order. Even my father in Qingma Kandu dare not … "
"Then you will do your duty?" Jin Shoushan was filled with unwilling deep said
Tian Yu gave a hand and said, "Let’s gallop all the way, and the Qing army will have to collect the captured materials from the Taiping Mountain battlefield. We can’t get to Grange Terrace for a long time. Let’s take a rest first and send someone around to ask for help. Since five or six hundred brothers are all in front of the Qing army, even if he sends someone, it will be difficult."
Tian Yu’s face was exhausted. Jin Shoushan directly took a break in the room of Juyi Hall, bringing more than a dozen leaders to sleep.
Yang Feng said that Tian Yu and Jin Shoushan covered you and fell into my hands. I’m sorry to sacrifice you two culprits to protect many brothers!
Yang Feng looked at a dozen people falling asleep and quietly ordered his confidant to hold a rope to tie up several people who were sleeping.
Sleeping nakata jade felt uncomfortable and confused and opened his eyes. He really saw that he had been tied aside. Jin Shoushan and others were also tied up.
Tian Yu was frightened to disgrace and roared, "Yang Feng, are you crazy and dare to tie me up! “
At this time, Jin Shoushan and others have also awakened from a deep sleep and tried to move again, but they have been