Koran stared at the doll in front of him and imagined that it would become a hound or a few other teammates … but no matter how many times he tried it, it didn’t change at all.

Koran tried to imagine a man who suddenly appeared in front of him with a face of consternation, Sakurai Nai still holding the small pistol with the magazine removed.
"Depend! Is it really a BUG? "
Sakurai Nai disappeared and the doll returned to its original position again.
Kelan remembers that they can make them appear in their own dream world-to take 10,000 steps back, even if the hounds have never seen the real world, what Kelan method created a virtual character with the image in his memory?
Everyone else can have it, but they can’t.
Kelan thinks that I’m afraid I won’t get an answer if I keep digging into this question … After all, this is a dream, and it’s urgent to wake up from this dream.
He doesn’t know where he is in reality-maybe it’s a ward, maybe he’s still lying in the cabin of a rescue ship, maybe … He’s still in this sinkhole …
But wherever he is, he must wake up as soon as possible!
Kelan may be able to break free from this dream world when he thinks about destroying it completely, but when he leveled several magnificent peaks and blew up most of the ark, he realized that it was a success-this is the root of the dream world, so he can’t look at things according to the conventional physical laws. If he leveled the peaks and blew up the buildings, he would appear there in good condition with a turn of his mind.
It’s like a virtual world built by a computer program. Everything he sees is a pile and a number. He destroys these things just by deleting these data. The most direct way to destroy this virtual world is to take a hammer and smash this data hard disk from the outside!
Chapter two hundred and fifty-four Emperor perspective
But from another point of view … The "hard disk" bearing these data is really Kelan’s brain … If Kelan chooses to shoot himself in a dream, there is a high probability that Kelan will shoot himself in the head in the real world. It is really a little bit big to do this without dreaming.
Ke Lan must find a way to "warm up" … He feels like he is trapped in an immersive game. He is the god of the game world and can do things here … but he can’t find the "quit the game" button.
Moreover, there is a serious BUG in this game, and the hounds and other human resources methods have been brought out …
Wait a minute? The law was transferred?
Kelan is very keen to detect an unusual smell. If this dream world is really regarded as a game program, is this part of the resources that have been transferred already occupied?
The running program is to delete and modify … that is to say, the hounds are also in this dream, and they are also a "player" in this "game world" and all their memories are in this dream?
"Computers can be networked … can they be networked even in dreams?" Koran some incredible to himself, but in addition, it is difficult for him to make another more reasonable explanation.
When Kelan thought so, the surrounding environment changed dramatically again … Before he could see clearly that he was in a secret gun, he got into his ear.
Kelan found that his consciousness was suspended hundreds of meters high. He looked and saw a human army surrounded by several armored beasts. A fortress-like fortification with a diameter of only 100 meters was about to collapse.
Pristine beast is a rare social creature of Alpha Star. Although rare, the number of each group is very large, and the number of "worker ants" alone exceeds one million.
When it comes to "worker ants", it has to be said that this kind of biological characteristics, the social structure of the prismatic beast, is very similar to that of the ants on the earth. Except for the "queen" and "male prismatic beast", the largest number of them are "soldier ants" and "worker ants" who have no reproductive ability
There is a big gap between the size and shape of these four kinds of armored beasts-the "soldier ant" armored beast is like a huge tortoise, about 20 to 30 meters high and 15 meters high, with six stubby and powerful legs and strong carapace, but its defense is amazing. The main means of attack are hitting, crushing and spitting out "paddle balls" from its mouth. Although the attack power is not as good as that of human warships, it is also a matter of instantaneous vaporization if ordinary people accidentally touch it …
The "worker ant" prismatic beast is about the same size as an adult male, and its six wrapped exoskeleton joints move very fast, but the attack method is relatively simple, which can help the joints or sharp beak mouthparts to carry out melee. Generally speaking, it is not too outrageous for a human soldier to keep enough distance. One-on-one can easily kill a "worker ant".
However, the biggest feature of worker ants is that they are numerous and fierce, and they are not afraid of death … Even the most elite troops in mankind will not last long if there are not enough hard fortifications or heavy firepower when the workers from all over the mountains are rushing towards the human army.
There are about 100,000 armored beasts besieging the fortress, most of which are "worker ants" and "soldier ants", and the number is about 20. However, when it cools for about half a minute, the mortar gun still causes great pressure on the human side-with the bombardment of the energy shield that enveloped the fortress again and again, the luster is rapidly fading, and it won’t be long before the shield will completely collapse due to energy failure.
The energy shield side doesn’t count the "worker ants", but it also launches a wave after wave towards the outer wall of the fortress, and the machine gun growls wildly. Next to the base of the machine gun is a pile of shell casings and abandoned gun tubes.
It’s only a matter of time before Kelan can foresee that if he can’t get the support from China, the army will be wiped out … But what makes Kelan wonder is-why will there be this battle in his dream world?
At this moment, a familiar figure appeared in his field of vision-the hound-not accurately speaking, he was still called Nick, a field force commander with the rank of senior colonel.
Nick fort center temporary headquarters at the door with a high-power military com is on the microphone roared "what reinforcements will delay! I’m fucking exhausted! We still can’t see our warships any day! Are your reinforcements going to collect the body of the old man? !”
"Ten minutes! Ten minutes! How many fucking ten minutes have I waited! When you first said this, I still had 25 tanks and more than 1000 soldiers-now? I have three tanks left and less than 150 people! "
Nick became angrier and angrier. He raised his hand to smash the com, but when he glanced at the soldiers who were still struggling to resist the wall, he sighed and let go of his hand.
"No matter what reason you have, I need reinforcements as soon as possible. Even if there are no warships, get me some transport planes … I can’t let them die here if I can save one!"
Kelan understood that this was a hound’s nightmare … He never told anyone about the details of why the hound would retire from the army. Kelan also heard some wind from Leighton. It is said that in addition to the pension problem, there was a fiasco under his command … So it seems that this matter should be the shadow that the hound hides in his heart.
Kelan wanted to wipe out the armored herd that besieged the fortress directly with a wave of his hand, but he found that his perfection had an impact on the world-this was a hound dream, not him … He was just a bystander.
Let him wonder why his consciousness can cross into the hound dream. Is it that the dreams of several of them are connected by something, just like the computer local area network?
But judging from the performance of the hound, he seems to have been deeply involved and didn’t realize that it was just a dream.
Chapter two hundred and fifty-five Do or die
Don’t count the "worker ants" constantly rushing to the fortress. The wall remains have been piled up almost flat with the wall. The subsequent prismatic beasts directly stepped on similar bodies and rushed to slaughter the ordinary infantry on the wall.
"Light infantry back! Armored troops top up directional mines and explosives to clean up those insect bodies! " Hound earth command troops more than a dozen soldiers dressed in power armor quickly ran to the wall behind them, and the propeller behind them sprayed a hot tail flame and jumped off the wall with a slight leap. The heavy chain saw in his hand moved and waved in a pile of "worker ants" greatly.
Kelan noticed that these dozen armored soldiers were definitely not the "fresh troops" at the bottom of hounds’ hands. Their body armor was stained with a large number of blue fluorescent blood unique to the armored beasts. The surface was covered with scratches of different shades, and several armor were so damaged that even the most basic protection was lost. After the wearer’s chest and abdomen were exposed, it looked no different from a pair of discarded power exoskeletons.
These people should have just returned from the front line where the fighting was fiercer-they took a short rest and added ammunition and fuel, and even the damaged armor was not repaired, so they were once again put into the battle.
The hounds have few cards to play, and the strength, ammunition and energy are in jeopardy. The whole fortress may be swallowed up by this group of armored beasts at any time.
What’s more, if the energy of the protective cover above their heads is exhausted, it will be easy to destroy these hundreds of people without tearing the defense line by the "worker ant" prism beast.
At this moment, two military transport planes suddenly flew from a distance, but I don’t know what hounds saw these two transport planes, but they grabbed the com and shouted to let them "turn around!" Turn around quickly! Fill the rudder to the right! "
Every second, a ball full of slurry is ejected from the mouth of a soldier-ant-class armored beast, halfway across an almost straight arc, and it accurately and mistakenly hits one of the two transport planes.
The other plane made an emergency evasive action in the middle of the flight, and missed the aftermath of the companion explosion. The hound woke up when it shouted, and another transport plane avoided the fate of both crashes. Kelan wondered at the moment, is this guy so good-looking besides his sense of smell? Even the emperor’s perspective Kelan didn’t notice that there was a "soldier-ant-class" prismatic beast secretly raising its head and aiming at the distant transport plane where the hound in the fortress would see that his perspective should be blocked …
But Kelan method manipulated this dream, and he couldn’t play back the scene just now to see the missing details.
The remaining transport plane finally passed through the protective cover and landed in the fortress safely.
"How much material did you bring? How much ammunition and crystals does the plane have? Medical care? " The hound went to the transport plane in three steps and two steps and asked, scratching the door
"No … we didn’t carry any supplies to get to the battlefield as soon as possible." The plane soldier said to the hound.
"grass! I told you to bring more ammunition and crystals! Didn’t you hear? How many times have I said it? " The hound struck the hatch door with a punch and made a rumbling sound.
"But we have orders to ensure that you are safe and please board the plane at once-"
"Boarding? ! Get on your plane! Never leave! If you fucking urge me to get old again, I’ll shoot you! " When the hound finished speaking, he turned to the pro-guard around him and said, "Let people carry the wounded to the plane. There is no fighting capacity, and the seriously wounded are preferred!"
Soon dozens of seriously injured people lying on simple stretchers were carried off the plane, and in addition, a large number of dog tags stained with blood and even minced meat were also handed over to the crew.
"Tell the pilot not to fly back immediately during the ascent, first detour to the left, and then adjust the direction after the’ soldier ant level’ has been pulled to a minimum distance. Remember to turn left first!" At the last second before the hatch, the hound said to the crew with a serious face