Su Li waved the Red Crescent Knife out again and successfully beheaded the head of the tenth level rare beast.

It seems that just a few exchanges have killed a powerful ten-level rare beast. In fact, Su Li is the most powerful force.
It was not until the blue shrimp dragon beast’s head fell and a spiritual source appeared that he was relieved and rushed away without hesitation.
He’s got what he needs, and he doesn’t need to stay here in case it will disturb a more terrible monster.
A spiritual source appeared in Su Li’s forehead, followed by a message in his mind.
"Obtaining the rare beast spirit source can open and hide the advanced choice"
Just then, the blue shrimp dragon body that he beheaded appeared a mass of blue energy and flew into his chest and disappeared.
A new message appeared in Su Li’s mind.
"Name Blue Dragon Chop Increases Strength Skill by 1 Jin Blue Dragon Breathe"
Sensing this message in my mind, Su Li’s face showed a different color. I never expected to slay this blue shrimp dragon beast and gain a spiritual weapon, Blue Dragon Chop.
This blue dragon chop has excellent properties, better than the dragon rhinoceros sword and even better than the red crescent sword.
You know, the dragon rhinoceros sword will not enhance the strength, the red crescent knife will enhance the strength by 5 pounds, and the blue dragon chop will enhance the strength by 1 thousand pounds.
"Not the kui is a ten-level rare beast. This attribute is far better than the dragon rhinoceros sword."
Su Li didn’t hesitate to peel off the dragon rhinoceros sword and change it to a higher-grade blue dragon chop.
Dragon rhinoceros sword is the first spiritual source equipment he has possessed. He has been with him for so long, and now he is finally going to be eliminated.
Su Li kept going and soon saw that all the people were fighting with monsters in groups.
Zhongding Long Yun released "air missiles" to kill monsters at the fastest speed. Each "air missile" can split into two, and then the missile can be blasted into a group of monsters and instantly connected to harvest spiritual sources.
This speed is better than that of everyone, including Su Li.
On melee ability Ding Longyun may not be outstanding, but the speed of harvesting spiritual sources is human.
Suddenly Ding Longyun’s eyes shone with excitement.
Just now, he successfully harvested enough spiritual sources, and with two spiritual sources, he can finally advance.
Five advanced choices appeared in his mind, and he quickly floated to give the rest of the monsters to others. He had to study carefully and think about which career to choose.
While Su Li was ascending, Li Li had just merged the rare beast spirit source and successfully opened the hidden advanced choice. Messages appeared in his mind.
"Rare Spirit Source successfully activated hidden advanced selection"
"Hide Advanced Selection Holy Knight"
Su Li sensed the message in his mind that he got the hidden advanced choice: Berserker, Paladin, Nurse, Gun Shield and Shield Knight. In addition to the five basic choices, a sixth choice, Holy Knight, appeared.
Just listening to the name of this "holy knight" is better than the first five basic choices.
Although there was no information about the "Holy Knight", Su Li chose the advanced "Holy Knight" and immediately a new message appeared in his mind again.
"Successful selection of advanced holy knights"
"Spirit source advanced holy knight …"
"Every time the Holy Knight advances, he can increase his strength by 5 Jin and his defense by 5 Jin."
"Muscle strengthens strength, strengthens defense."
"The base strength rose to 25 Jin"
"The base defense strength rose to 16 Jin"
"Extended minutes when the physical strength enhancement base continues to erupt"
"when the vital capacity increases, the basal breath is prolonged for 1 minute."
"Speed increase, eyesight enhancement, hearing enhancement"
"Holy Knight Awakens with Unique Divine Power"
"advanced completion"
"Level 1 Holy Knight Spirit Source /5"
"talent strengthening care"
"Base-enhanced muscle-building Ma, lung-strengthening type I, super heart type II, steel bone type II, liver-storm type I, glandular control type I, divine power"
"Special skills: peep tattoo (flaw), gluttony tooth (left), spider walking, silver armor covering, demon claw hunting, high-pressure hitting, shark ghost step, liquefied muscle, super regeneration"
"Spirit Source Operation 1 The Third Form of Devil Muscle"
"Spirit Source 2 Demon Enchantment First Form"
"Base-enhanced selection includes muscle-building Ma, lung-strengthening type I, super heart type II, steel bone type II, liver-storm type I, glandular control type I, divine power and stomach"
Sensing the messages in my mind, Su Li is constantly digesting these messages.
Now he is no longer a spiritual source, but has successfully advanced to a more powerful "holy knight" by a level 1 spiritual source.
Compared with its five advanced choices, "Holy Knight" is obviously much stronger.
After each promotion, he can increase his strength and defense by 5 pounds, and the nurse has 3 pounds compared with the balanced development.
Although Yu Berserker enhanced his strength by 6 Jin, he completely sacrificed his defense. Although Yu Shidun Knight can enhance his defense by 6 Jin, he will not enhance his strength.
"Not the kui is a hidden advanced choice is nearly twice as powerful as these five ordinary ones."
Su Li was very excited, and then he noticed the "divine power" most in the induction.
The advanced "holy knight" has not enhanced the strength and defense of 500 Jin, which is nothing to Su Li now. What he is really interested in is to understand the unique "sacred power" of "holy knight"
It is this "divine power" that, together with other base strengthening choices, obviously wants to obtain this "divine power" and must choose "divine power" for strengthening.
Although there is no information about this "divine power", since it is an advanced "holy knight" who can awaken the power, Su Li did not hesitate to strengthen and choose "divine power" for the first time.
Immediately, a new message appeared in his mind.
"Understanding and mastering the first layer of’ divine power’ can infect everything, including but not limited to all types of attacks, controls, curses, shackles, poisoning, etc., which last for half a second and interval for six seconds."
Su Li was shocked by this message.
So that the divine power can actually enter the enemy’s state, but everything is not too short at this time
"Half a second enemy? Once a minute? Interesting. "