"How to eat ah …"

Little syren reluctant tunnel
She doesn’t want to wait on the wicked Zhao.
This guy just ate the fruit and hit her.
"Don’t make me say it again when you come to the king."
Small male ye suddenly raised my hand to hook her finger and said in a tone of no doubt that Princess Yaoting was suddenly frightened.
Knowing that Zhao thief is not a person, her heart is 10 thousand unwilling … but she still has no choice but to cry.
He looked at the fruit basket coming summer naturally unceremoniously stretched out his hand and pulled it into his arms.
"What are you doing?"
Second temple beautiful eyes looked at her with tears.
"Why don’t you ask? I haven’t eaten a few fruits just now, so you have a problem. Now, of course, you have to fill your stomach before you have the strength to clean up the disobedient children."
Zhao Cuo grunted, but he didn’t expect her to feed himself. He put his hand into the fruit basket and picked up a green between his forefinger and middle finger before he took it out.
"What do you want?" Xia Yuyan blushed and looked at the villain in his arms. "Eat and get out!"
Guanwangdian narrowed his eyes and raised his hand. She drew a thick one.
"I have a dinner but also be bossed around by you? Dare to be careful with your skin again! "
Xia was so fierce that his eyes filled with tears that she wanted to cry, but she dared not. She still knew that she was now in the hands of enemy generals.
"I won’t eat these fruits." The little grandfather took his hand back from the fruit basket and suddenly thought that she had beaten herself with this thing. She couldn’t help but pinch the basket out of shape. "Could you please ask the two temples to make the leftover fruit into pulp?"
He said cheerfully demon court 2 temple is ashamed and resentful humiliation eyes looked at his teeth and said
"Then why don’t you let me go?"
Zhao thief is also interested in bullying this stupid but beautiful princess.
"I think it is necessary for the temple to adjust its attitude towards me, otherwise there will be something that everyone doesn’t want to happen, right?"
He winked at the silver-haired beauty in his arms, and then, as if to show her how to make fruit into juice, he picked out a crystal clear green flower from the fruit basket and put it aside in the pottery cup with the pattern of autumn chrysanthemum burning, and then withdrew his hand to shed tears, and she pushed it from her arms.
"Hurry up, you two." Little Gongye lay lazily in the car seat and yawned. He told the demon court that he was noble and proud. "I’m thirsty."
"Bad guys …" Xia wiped away tears and knelt beside him, flat his mouth with injustice, but he could also obey "I won’t let you go"
Princess royal is here at this time.
The two temples knelt on both sides of General Zhao respectively.
"Luan Pinellia" took the second princess’s hand and was about to throw all the fruits in the basket into the cup.
"We don’t really have to listen to him, so we’ll just play it by ear at this moment, or he’ll push his luck."
She whispered to Xia Yin, then leaned out the white slender jade finger and picked up the green in the patterned pottery cup and sent it to the mouth of the great villain. He glanced at the princess royal Temple beside him and certainly wouldn’t refuse her meaning to open his mouth and hand her fruit to eat.
Xia blinked her big eyes, then raised her lotus root arm and hugged her. It seems that she can find a little peace of mind in this desperate situation. Xia Yaonv also hugged her, and then the two temples knelt down and sent the two fruit baskets together to his eyes.
Zhao Cuo didn’t give an opinion about the silver-haired witches fooling around. He watched them unblinkingly crush the few fruit fingers left in the fruit basket and then gave him a compact two baskets directly.
"How dare you?" He enjoyed the fruit pulp happily until there was not a drop left. "I want to get away with it, but I will start again after I return to the palace."
"hey! Why didn’t you say it after drinking it? Spit it out for the princess. "
Xia is furious!
She blushed and lowered her hand and grabbed the collar of the little grandfather.
In the demon court, the two princesses who are loved and revered by all the people suffered such humiliation?
"Do you have the face to say? You can’t even make a juice. It’s everywhere! Do you think princess royal will be like you? Hum … "
Guanwangdian threw himself at the second hall with a little dislike. Bo Luan Pinellia didn’t come out and took out a handkerchief to wipe the pulp off his mouth.
Xia also made a big blush and took Palmer’s revenge from the princess royal Temple, as if his face was smeared.
Zhao wangye unhappy deliberately sink face bad tunnel
"I think you are itchy!"
He snorted the cold and said
"You two just used force against me. I’m going to liquidate, aren’t I?" And wait. "
The second hall suddenly faltered and looked at her shyly, angry and ashamed. It was really too early for her to get carried away
"Zhao thief … come directly if you want!"
She is scared to death in her heart and her mouth is shut.
Xiao Gongye suddenly smiled and gently opened his hand to her.
"What do you want? Don’t be like this, I won’t be afraid … "
Summer saw that he was suddenly gentle and scared, and his face turned white. Don’t say that throwing herself at him and retreating half a step are all her boldness. It’s terrible!
"Didn’t I just say the party? You will agree to change places with you, right? "
General Zhao said to himself to hug her petite and plump body in his arms.
"No …"
The delicate and childlike face of the Second Hall turned red.
I don’t know! She wanted to refuse, but she didn’t have the courage to bury her little head in the resort. He didn’t seem to resist his arms, "if you let go of our demon president’s princess hall."
When she asked, she almost agreed to his courtesy, and even dared not look up.
"Don’t you want to share joys and sorrows?"
A wicked man is not a man.