"Wrong through the ages!"

Zhao thief was ashamed for a moment.
He can also be called a male now?
There is no problem in terms of status, but age still belongs to the mouth hair
"You adults don’t want to entertain me."
He smiled and waved.
This will boast that all his officials are old Zhao collectors.
Praise comes out of their mouths with a joke meaning, which hurts a lot.
"Let’s visit the Empress Dowager in the advanced palace."
A group of ministers entered the city.
They all realized that Zhao wrongly won the first place in the middle.
After the retrocession of Huainan World War I, people questioned whether he was a lucky minister, and no one dared to call him Xiao Gongye.
Chapter three hundred and thirty-five After the meeting, the demon stretched out a jade foot to him.
"I respectfully ask the Empress Dowager Saint Ann!"
Zhao CuO Manchu Chao Wenwu entered the Chaotian Temple to salute.
After the first bead curtain, there is already a graceful figure, and it is obviously already waiting.
The princes were secretly frightened that the mother of the country had waited in the temple. Isn’t this too flattering for Zhao thief? Although this person has made great contributions, the ceremony of the monarch and the minister cannot be abolished
"Don’t bother to pay attention to General Zhao’s triumphant return. He’s travel-stained and tired. Somebody move an embroidered pier and let him sit near the curtain."
According to the queen mother’s superior majesty, come out with joy!
Small male ye is one leng.
Sitting outside the curtain?
"The palace should look at you closer."
After the magic is slowly added.
If you want to see me, let me sit in the dragon chair, with the curtain over it.’
Zhao thief read a sentence in his heart, but he won’t raise an objection in front of Manchu civil and military officials, although he is a child.
"I thank you for your kindness."
He saluted.
Man Chao’s civil and military faces show different colors
All the ministers saw that Zhao had gone seven steps wrong, and the platform was almost facing them with a bead curtain.
"The general recovered Huainan in March. This is the emperor Taizong who failed to make a contribution. You are the first hero in my great danger for a hundred years."
Empress Dowager Dayu’s dignified tone affirmed his unworldliness.
Zhao CuO is looking in through the gap in the bead chain.