Your Shen Shi can’t help, but is he "rich"?

Hehe, it’s still acceptable
Not the kui is a fairy, or people will find their own luck.
Don’t ask Cao Gang if he will be lucky before he arrives in Jinhua. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be so coincidence that he came as soon as he had money to get out of the toilet.
As the saying goes, stupid birds fly first, and when they see Cao Guojiu lying like a fairy, they can become immortal and practice even harder.
The only thing to pay attention to is that the essence of the sun and the moon should not meet, which is not difficult for you to see the Shen Shi.
When Rihua walks to the abdomen, his eyebrows are like a small sun that radiates a warm breath all the time and spreads to all parts of his body.
One day, China nourished his eyes, and his eyesight was greatly exaggerated, even a small thing far away could be seen clearly.
Yuet Moon’s Going to the abdomen is the so-called nourishing yin and nourishing yang, and the small Shen Shi has developed quickly, which is the most enjoyable thing for Shen Shi.
When he first crossed, Xiaoshen Stone had evolved from the size of broad bean to the size of cucumber.
Don’t say this is a man.
I didn’t expect the Fourteen Niang achievement method to have this effect, which was also a pleasant surprise, and this was one of the reasons why he worked hard to practice.
Of course, it’s not without disadvantages, such as the delayed news of the flower viewing party.
Of course, the little broad bean is pretending to run away, but now that he is not young, why not? It is unfair to pinch his heart.
"Shen Xiandi Shen Xiandi’s blessing is here."
Shen Shi has stayed at home for three days. Besides burning a few toilets, Shen Shi is practicing. After all, this porcelain toilet horse is about to leave for Beijing. Once the emperor knows the identity of Cao Gang, this thing will become a royal burning, but it will fall off. How to say, we also have a rich man of 5 thousand penetration. This is enough for many people to lie down and eat in the 21st century.
On this day, Kong Xue Li hurried to tell Shen Shi a good news Enke.
Enke’s special examination for the celebration of the court in Song and Feng Dynasties is also called Enke. If Enke and Enke are merged, it is called Enzheng and Enke.
Kong Xue Li Enke is obviously what happened to the court.
Shen Shikou asked, as he expected, the emperor was born.
This is really a good thing.
It’s normal for ordinary people to put wine when they are born, not to mention the emperor’s birth.
Kong Xue Dai arrived soon, and Cao Gang’s arrival also proved this point. He wanted to take away the Shenshi porcelain toilet because his sister gave birth.
"Shen Gong is really a Taoist. This porcelain burns beautifully!"
After all, Shen Shi is not a professional porcelain burner, but the porcelain toilet burned this time has a variegated color.
He was still embarrassed to come, but Cao Gang clapped his hands and laughed and said, "The colored glass is beautiful!" "
Chapter 35 Tongsheng Test
"It’s a godsend. It’s the only thing that deserves my brother-in-law and sister to celebrate the birth of my nephew."
Moreover, Cao Gang said more and more, crossing the high-handed Shen Shi … can see the sky at 45 degrees.
What else can he do? The toilet was a gift, but he wanted it out.
Well, he loaded the toilet in a hurry and dragged it away. It won’t take long.
"Grandpa, he took your outfit away."
The only thing that’s not authentic is that Shen Shi packed that and he got up and took it away.
"Come on, let it go! Let’s burn it again, and it’s also because his family has a later talent, "said Shen Shi."
"His family enke? Isn’t it the court? " Fox doesn’t understand
"Ha ha you will be white" Shen Shi touched her head and sold it.
The next step is to prepare for the exam, which is nothing to say. Because it was Ganko, I was in a hurry to get from the Queen to Ganko, and it was almost the same at this time.
The difference is that when Shen Shi’s small basket lights up to catch the exam, this time there is one more person beside him, a little fox, and two dogs, a little Gollum, ride a big black.
Into the county seat is more lively servants assume parents relatives … Too many people send their children to catch the exam.
Seeing them, Shen Shi couldn’t help thinking about himself. Dad didn’t know if he had an entrance exam.
"hey! Isn’t this our Shen Shi Shen Gong? You are here every time! "