Then he saw Shi Youcai beside him like an abandoned puppy.

"Old … boss …" Shi Youcai choked when he saw Croydon. "I really didn’t lie to you. They really lied …"
Croydon’s anger and hesitation found an outlet at this moment.
"It’s all your fault! Blame you! "
"You must have angered them! It must be you! How come there are stupid employees like you in my lab! "
"You roll for me! Didn’t I tell you? You’re fired! Get out of here! g hell!”
Croydon left Shi Youcai crying and chasing for a long time without chasing wait for a while.
I got fired?
I lost my job?
I lost my income?
I lost my life in Nut State?
What’s this?
A few security guards didn’t pay attention to turn around and say a word for a while, and then they heard another noise behind them.
"All blame you! It’s all your fault Tell me what! "
"I shouldn’t have come back!"
"If I don’t come back, I won’t be fired …"
"You compensate me! You pay for me! "
The Shijiasan brothers fought again.
This time, it’s Shi Laosan who chooses two or Shi Laoda and Shi Laoer who abuse one …
What do we care?
Forget it. Let them go.
The security guards continued to stand by.
"Dad juwan uncle! What are you doing! " When Shi Haiteng arrived at the hospital, he saw this scene: "Stop fighting! Stop fighting! "
Chapter 56 Who pays?
The Stone Family Three Brothers were filled with indignation, despair and pain, and almost beat their brains out in the corridor.
In this incident, all three people feel that they are victims. People can complain or dare not complain. Those who really should complain can vent their anger on people around them.
Maybe physical pain can make them forget their own spiritual setbacks.
If Shi Haiteng hadn’t arrived, I’m afraid three people would have to fight forever.
"What are you doing! Stop fighting! Stop fighting! " Shi Haiteng tried to pull them before, but his father Shi Yougang pushed them. "You killed these two bastards and they always killed them!" Old is finished! "
Shi Haiteng was able to pull the second uncle’s stone next to him. He waved his fist and almost gave him a black eye. "Get out of here! I don’t want to hit you today!" Then I hit the old man with a fist in my throat, and a talented stone saw stars.
Shi Youcai was thin but young and patient. He was punched and shook his head, then hugged Shi Laoer’s right arm and bit him.
"ouch!" Stone old two shouted a voice again, this time it was painful.
Shi Haiteng hurried to break Shi Youcai’s mouth again, but Shi Youcai bit his hand.
Shi Haiteng finally pulled his hand out of Shi Youcai’s mouth and looked at the tooth marks and wanted to cry.
Are these people crazy?
What the hell happened!
At this time, I heard a group of people suddenly rushing out from the inside next to the ward door.
"Xiaoyuan!" Shi Haiteng saw at a glance that Zhuang was not far ahead. As soon as he called, he heard Zhuang not far. "Brother Teng, come and help!"
Behind them, they also pushed the stone outside the hospital bed, hanging bottles and cans from the front with various tubes, followed by several doctors with a nervous face.
"What’s the matter?" Shi Haiteng had a cramp in his heart.
"Grandpa just passed out again and just came back from the rescue!" Not far from Zhuang, he was in a hurry. "If you can’t come, you must have an operation immediately! Go and press the ladder! "
Shi Haiteng took one look and beat each other. The three brothers really hate tooth itch.
Hit it, hit it, hit your brains out!
My grandfather is dying, and you know how to fight!
He no longer cared that the three men turned around and ran wildly to press the ladder. Shi Haiteng consciously wanted to press it. He remembered that the operating room was a building. Who wanted to shout "Go to the top floor!"
"Top floor?"
There was a rumbling sound on the top floor, and a medical helicopter was on standby on the roof. All the people carried the stone from the first place to the village, not far from Hotan Dean, and the plane went with two doctors. The rest of them thought they couldn’t sit still.
"You wait for one!" Not far from Zhuang, the waving helicopter roared off.