Therefore, carved Li Tu dust Xiaoqing sensed the long-lost crisis.

The newborn vampire Lao has more terrible strength than the former vampire Lao.
Xiaoqing doesn’t like Pei Wende’s meddling, but she never thought that this guy would overturn here and naturally won’t continue to fish in the water.
Chapter 39 Compassion and Demonization
"Who are you? !”
Looking at the sudden appearance of Pei Wende being suppressed by laws, Li Tu-chen could not help but narrow his eyes.
Although I just met Pei Wende not long ago, Li Tuchen was just reborn at that time.
Plus, he was attracted by the combination of Taoist and monk. At that time, he didn’t notice the "humble" junior next to them.
Now, however, it’s different. Pei Wende feels a strange oppressive feeling at the moment.
It’s the first time I saw Pei Wende, Li Tuchen, but I was inexplicably afraid. This kind of fear is exactly the same as when he faced vampire Lao, as if the other party had killed himself once.
In particular, the kind of pain that burns like a flame makes Li Tuchen feel immersive.
-that is definitely not an illusion.
Deep in my heart, after this idea, Li Tu-chen immediately thought of Pei Wende’s identity, and his cheek twitched unconsciously.
"You are the former kill vampire Lao? !”
Li Tu-chen learned that he had been killed, and he was sucking blood, looking for the blood that he had sent away. There was a great movement in Pu County.
Then this crazy guy was caught by a yogi, and the body was almost completely destroyed by pure yang.
If it weren’t for the man who took the blood before he died, he wouldn’t have had anything to do with himself and the vampire Lao.
Rao is so, the pain of being burned by the flame is still left through the blood.
On whether to be reborn as a vampire Lao again, or to have an immortal body with the help of a blood bodhisattva and forget the burning pain.
My name is Pei Wende, but I didn’t kill the vampire Lao.
Mistake Li Tuchen admitted that he had killed the vampire Lao. Pei Wende simply corrected the other party and began to seriously look at the suppressed Li Tuchen.
I have to say that Li Tuchen, who is also a vampire Lao, is much more powerful than the original vampire Lao.
This strength not only reflects the physical difference, but also reflects the completely different gas field power of both sides.
If the original vampire Lao is a "lucky dog" who accidentally acquired immortality but was not very good at fighting.
Then there is no doubt that Li Tuchen is a powerful warrior who has fought many battles and brought the advantage of "immortality" to the extreme. No matter his character or combat power, he is far from the former.
"But I don’t think it makes sense to say these things now."
Acting decisively Pei Wendegen is too lazy to continue talking nonsense with Li Tuchen, and he is going to directly settle this guy before his eyes.
After all, although he is also a vampire Lao, Li Tu-chen has no fighting experience of his own, and naturally it is impossible to infect himself by various means.
Pure yang fire may not be acceptable to him, but the Buddha’s light will surely be completely eliminated.
With this idea, the glazed Buddha’s light blooms again from Pei Wende’s brain and quickly forms a barrier that can cover the whole courtyard.
-Buddha’s Light, King Kong!
"Are you and I of the same kind as bloodsuckers?"
Seeing that the ray of deja vu Buddha’s light began to spread, I realized that it was not good. Li Tu-chen was ferocious and growled, but he pulled his arm out of the Taoist chest with the magic mantra.
An instantaneous source suppressed Li Tu-chen’s magic mantra and suddenly dispersed.
While Li Tu-chen people seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to turn ghosts into blood again with the intention of escaping from the realm of King Kong.
-blood shadow demon dun!
"the law! Show off! "
However, Li Tu-chen’s eyes stared at the monk for the first time when he took off, and he issued his last roar in his life.
I was forced to withdraw from the blood shadow state when I couldn’t touch the sky, and then I fell from the middle again.
Finally, the mantra blocked the blood shadow ability of vampire Lao.
When the monk finished all this, the Buddha’s light and golden flame all over him finally began to tremble and disappeared with the wind.
Only then did Pei Wende see that the monk behind him had already reached his own limit, and it was with years of practice perseverance that he could persist until now.
I can’t help whispering with my hands folded. Pei Wende really doesn’t know how to express his respect for the monk and see him off with the most basic Buddhist name.
"You …"
On the other hand, when Li Tuchen got up from the ground again,
See is the monk that has died but still maintained a "glaring, dignified" state of the flesh.
To tell the truth, if you don’t feel the breath of blood flowing from the monk’s body,
Judging from that lifelike gesture, Li Tuchen has no doubt that the other party is still alive.
"Really … dead?"
I can’t believe it took Li Tuchen a long time to laugh like a rude awakening. The smile was both rampant and sad.
"Ha, ha, ha. It seems that your desire for’ common death’ is doomed to be impossible."
"The master has indeed gone."
Pei Wende couldn’t help sighing silently when he saw this situation.
Although Pei Wende didn’t know the real names of monks and Taoists until now, it didn’t prevent him from admiring these two predecessors from his heart.
"I’m quite sure that you will also be buried with the two masters later."
The calm voice is full of murder. Pei Wende blames himself.
Because if I hadn’t made a decision at that time, these two respectable old people wouldn’t have died here.
Although many capable practitioners are also very common.