This "spirit-calling" talent even failed his third talent’s ability to hide breath.

It is this East that Sosuli first wants to kill.
If you want to kill the East, you will be completely in control of your own fight or flight if you don’t have the ability to please the spirit.
He was deliberately bombed by the god’s cannon, otherwise he could instantly enter the state of divine enemy even if he could not escape.
Of course, although it was intentional, the power of the whole god gun was really shocking, which was somewhat unexpected to him
After all, at their level, it would be false to say that anyone who doesn’t order a healing crystal is a child prodigy. If they don’t start a healing crystal, they will be suspicious.
Originally, he thought that the recovery effect of Li’s third talent to suppress and cure the crystal needed to be delayed for one second. At most, he felt that his injury was too serious in the eyes of all people. The instant healing method would not doubt that he would feel more powerful, and then he fell to the east with the help of the four nine-level breakers.
However, he didn’t expect that the wound was actually attached to the strange white light to cure the crystal failure.
In this way, it is more in line with his heart, more in line with his battered and dying appearance, and will surely fool everyone.
This is also the main reason why people have no doubt about his disguise.
The whole god cannon can be instantly blown to pieces by even the tenth-level destroyer, and Su Li was killed on the spot. It has already surprised Wei Donglai that his strength is so strong that he would still want to get it. It was all his intention.
It is with the help of four nine-level boundary breakers that they deliberately fell to the east, and then they entered the state of sacred enemy, took out the stone tools and combined with the third talent, the most powerful force, the brilliant divine light, which completely submerged the east.
Such a sudden attack on the East at close range did not expect that his "shadow control" and "psychic field" would fail, and Reagan did not evade or resist the idea of exploding in a flash.
In the third talent’s special ability, don’t say that the East didn’t come until it died. Even if the crystal is cured, it can be cured and restored.
Spirit source and a large number of energy light swarmed toward Su Li’s forehead and chest.
Said that the quality treasure has a three-star fan, said that the quality weapon death rod, all kinds of crystals, treasures, and equipment are all surging in his body.
Suri’s body was wrapped in rolling energy, and he launched the third talent, special ability, which dispelled the strange white light on the surface of the wound, and restored the terrible wound on the surface of his big monty dragon’s body to heal instantly, and his right hand stone tool divine light swept out sideways like a horse.
Being shattered from the east and failing to recover means that he really died and then came to Weidong to roar. Su Li’s injury recovered and the stone tools swept like a horse, but it was only a flash.
Boom to a Weidong to bear the brunt of the stone tool divine sweep, the body was beaten to pieces, two arms, two thighs and the body were separated into five pieces, and this divine residual potential remained unchanged, and then another blue robe man was swept in the back.
This blue robe man is a nine-level destroyer. Although he has offered the strongest strength to resist, where can he stop it? This blend of the third talent, the stone tool divine light, will be extinguished immediately.
Although Su Li, who killed several people in a row, showed the absolute power of terror, the other three people in blue robes did not have fear and still made a concerted roar. The three fields sacrificed the most powerful force together.
There is another spiritual source and a large number of energy light groups surging towards them. This belongs to the blue robe man who was swept by the stone tool god light, but it does not belong to Weidong Lai Spiritual Source.
Su Li immediately Bai Weidong didn’t die.
Those who break the boundary at level 14 are really not easy to kill.
Mind mind but see split into five pieces of wei dong to the right hand holding a giant sword of light ling chop toward his left hand holding a fist with a bitter Bai Guangling boom from the rear.
His legs bounced like two shells, one hitting Su Li’s body and the other hitting him with a stone tool in his right hand.
And there are scars on the surface of his torso, which is the "scar field" launched.
At this moment, Wei Donglai is like a five-five-piece mutilated body with different attacks.
Su Li understood that this should be his first talent "five cracks"
It turns out that this talent ability is that it can split itself into five pieces and attack by an independent individual, which is somewhat similar to Jiang Shuixuan’s one-for-three, but not as advanced as her one-for-three.
In the sacred mark field, nearly 100 meters of Fiona Fang will be included in China, Soviet Union and Lebanon. Although in the enemy state, I still feel my heart sinking.
Wei Donglai and three blue-robed men attacked him for eleven seconds according to the order. The enemy’s state needs to be defended and attacked. Only the stone tools attacked the epidemic.
Su Li’s right hand once again stimulated the bright divine light and Wei Donglai collided with a thigh.
This thigh was beaten by divine light and burst into white light all over the sky, but all this white light returned to Weidong’s torso.
There was a roar in his mouth, and the whole sacred field was like a violent shock. Su Li suddenly felt that his right hand stone tool was hot and seemed to fly out to sell it.
I don’t know when there are a lot of strange fine marks, just like several silk threads. At this moment, these fine marks have entangled the stone tools.
Although Su Li’s enemy state can plague all attacks on this sacred field, there is nothing he can do, but his stone tools are not in this plague
I don’t know. Suddenly, walls around Su Li’s body grew into a huge city, and magnificent buildings rose up in the ancient city.
Being in the enemy’s state for eleven seconds, Su Li has no scruples, and finally makes the dream field break out.
As soon as the ancient city became shrouded in four directions, the stars appeared in the universe, and both Wei Donglai and the three blue-robed people counted all the stars.
At the moment, Su Li stands in the ancient city like an ancient god, and even the field of Wei Donglai’s sacred mark is instantly exploded.
This is a 14-level border breaker who holds a field that is more powerful than mindfulness. Fiona Fang can be nearly 100 meters into his field. He is the god in this field. He can control everything, but now he has expanded to the ancient city and his field has burst.
Wei Donglai shocked China, Soviet Union and Lebanon. Together with a magnificent tower in the ancient city, Wei Donglai suppressed the past towards the three blue-robed people. Another altar of vicissitudes of life flew out and pressed Wei Donglai.
These three blue robe people are nine-level border breakers, and the tower suppressed them. They are all overqualified, but Weidong is ten-four border breakers. There must be various means. Although Su Li has pushed the domain of thoughts to the peak, he did not dismiss him, but moved the most mysterious and bizarre altar in this ancient city to prepare Weidong to sacrifice.
On that day, I forgot the war situation, but this altar even sacrificed the God of Luo Zhanjian.
It is almost a matter of suspense that the tower is trying to suppress these three nine-level destroyers, feeling that they are being suppressed on all sides, fearing and screaming, and trying their best to resist.
At the moment, even if they have teleport crystals, it is impossible for them to escape from the domain of thought.
In the face of repression, the three of them joined forces to fight back, which made them look fragile. The three overlapping areas were instantly crushed by the repression of the tower.
Three people are not qualified to be tower suction tower refining directly shattered into blood rain all over the sky.
In a short time, I followed Wei Donglai to the East and four other blue robe people were killed.
Now there is only one Weidong left.
Seeing his companions die, especially in the East, makes him feel like a knife.
Because of the East, he can be said to have grown up together and is now his best friend, Dongyu. If Weidong is the king, then the East is the second person with one person and ten thousand people.
Now the only son who has been with him for so many years is dead, and so is his best friend. It is a double blow to Wei Donglai, but it seems that he is no longer angry.
His face was frighteningly cold and calm. Facing the vicissitudes of life, the ancient altar felt a force of legal resistance and tugged at himself, but he did not move. His hands together became solemn.
Chapter 735 Avenue incarnation