His skin is as fragile as paper, rough and rough, and it will sink when you touch it, and then it will groan in pain.

You can’t see it at a distance, but at this time, if you look closely, you will see that his bones have already been broken and distorted.
Only when you really see it will you know what kind of battle he has just experienced.
If he had not been the owner of the manor, if his life had not been linked with the manor, I am afraid he would have died several times long ago.
But not far from Zhuang, I still laugh.
If you smile, your face will twitch-that’s unbearable pain.
"Let the landlord … let him go …" Tears in the eyes of several servants brimmed with tears.
"Don’t … don’t … help me to where no one is …" Zhuang said weakly, "I … I’m going to cry in pain …"
But you can’t cry in public.
Where can I put my face? And affect everyone’s morale?
"By the way, do you have anything to eat early? I am very hungry now … I am so hungry! "
This may be the weakest moment in Zhuang’s life.
But it was also that moment when the servant of the manor respected him the most.
At the front of the old Brown Manor Palace, he resisted the urge to turn around and not go to see the villa not far away.
Because he knew that Zhuang was not far away, and everything was handed over to him.
He must be calm.
But he won’t calm down!
"Mom, let’s bomb them first!" Old brown ordered "the main gun of Youyuan is ready!"
"The main gun of Youyuan is ready!" There is a steady sound in the com.
You Yuan flew out from the rubble in the front flank of the manor palace.
A huge crystal emerged from the hull.
That is the main gun of Youyuan-Breeding SPAR.
An expedition to the distant star field, the distant ship, was scarred by battle and its crew sacrificed a lot.
However, after all this, the combat effectiveness of Youyuan has been completely different from that when it first started.
During this period, the hull of Youyuan has been carefully repaired and transformed by the old boom, and it is no longer the mottled and inferior rust gold at the beginning, but the rust gold forged by the giant cloud melting furnace of the volcano factory through the old boom.
Because of the very high melting standard, its shell has little mottled feeling and presents a very flat and smooth metallic gray
And the multiplication spar is also inlaid with a huge base. The metal plates around the base are like hemispherical giant reflecting telescope. Those metal plates have been polished layer by layer and plated with a layer of silver as a mirror pointing forward.
Breeding spar tail is a super-power searchlight.
Several people in the robbery team are next to the searchlight, so you push me and let me.
"Three catties, you go!"
"No, no, no, four, two, you go!"
"I’m not going. You are my brother. You should go at this time …"
"That’s not as good as cutting cloth with stones!"
"No, I always lose … Let Da Zhuang go!"
"No, no, no, no …" Big strong shook his head desperately.
The podium over there has counted down.
"Go to you!" Three catties suddenly pushed four two four two staggered step fell on the searchlight and reproduction spar.
With a "launch!" The searchlight lights up, and the blind light projects four or two figures onto the propagation spar, and then refracts the propagation spar to form a cone-shaped light spot and shoots forward.
The action speed of the war giant dog was slowed down when it was illuminated by the light spot in that area.
"hey!" Next to the three pounds of applause, "Congratulations, Si Liang, you are a father!"
Then he wiped his tears. "I’m an uncle, too … before long, we can organize a fallen dragon robbery legion! With our children … "
Four or two steps stumbled forward and fell to the ground in vain.
"What’s the matter with you?" Three catties hurriedly hold him.
"I … my legs are weak and dizzy … I feel that the whole person has been cut out."
"No," said Sanjin contemptuously, "that’s the only thing that won’t work? I remember when Lord Brown was here for half an hour! "
"You can do it!" Four, two, four legs are like noodles. You can crawl out without thinking about it.
Three catties glanced at the huge reproduction spar hurriedly shook his head.
I don’t want it!
He turned to call his soldiers "Come on, come on, you come on! Everyone is going to be a father! Being a dad is fun! "
"Continue to launch. Why don’t you launch?" Old Brown was puzzled when he saw a light coming out for a long time without a second way.