Zhang Lan has seen everything in the scorching sun and never thought that these experiences would become her own teaching.

"Zhang Lan, do you accept this arrangement?" Fati can’t continue to shield Zhang Lan because she is worried that she will also be accused of helping Zhang Lan murder Mark.
After all, she is also a beneficiary in the whole incident, because today, the sun is not setting, and she has become a real talker. When she follows all the major decisions, she has become a queen to some extent.
"If you don’t accept the field, you will die directly?" Zhang Lan has seen it very white. "Yes, I am willing to go to the Luochang." Zhang Lan compromised.
"Now, Zhang Lan is sentenced to be temporarily put in prison in Xiuluochang, waiting for the further investigation results of the incident." Fati hammered the desktop and pronounced the sentence.
There is no such thing as fairness and justice here, but everyone wants the result.
Zhang Lan was bound with the heaviest shackles and sent to the train to Xiuluochang.
This is a 12-hour journey. Zhang Lan has been trapped in a coffin-like torture device, and even flies can’t fly in.
I’m sorry I made a mistake. Little Lanling penetrated the ventilation system of the carriage and got into Zhang Lan’s coffin. "Stand back. I want to cut this thing now."
"Lanling, don’t do this. Now I can’t escape." Zhang Lan advised in the coffin.
"Don’t you white? These guys just want you to die. When I cut this, I’ll take you away. No one can stop us. "Lanling has this confidence. If it weren’t for the Apollo magic, this car would be a joke.
"I can’t leave. If I leave, they will count all the charges to Xiaoyao Chengtou, and all the efforts will be wasted." Zhang Lan stressed.
"What’s the point of saying so much when you are dead? He wants to kill you. He wants to kill you. "Even if Lanling is a worm, he can see the situation.
"But I won’t die, and I won’t even die. If you really want to help me, then help me to investigate something that I care about," Zhang Lan pleaded.
"Well, since you insist on" Lanling took the coffin ",but Zhang Lan, you should know that Irian asked me to give you a message. If you die, she won’t live. She can’t afford this guilt in this world."
"Silly woman … I’m white" Zhang Lan lightly sighed "Lanling helped me to check …"
After an exchange, Lanling left the carriage along the original road as if she had never been here before.
Even in the dark environment, Zhang Lan’s body clock never showed a minute deviation. When the train stopped, he just experienced a journey of 12 hours, 13 minutes and 47 seconds.
The coffin was erected by outsiders and pushed to the stage like a mummy coffin.
At present, the iron plate on the face was lifted through the glass. Zhang Lan saw a man with one arm. He had the dirtiest beard, a leather trench coat and blood, and raised his right arm. It turned out to be a pistol. !
"Hello, regicide, Zhang Lan, welcome to Xiuluo Field. I’m the warden here. You can call me Shura or nightmare because my place is your nightmare. Then, I want to thank you for sending me a gift. I’ve always wanted to get a hand that is so awesome that it’s mine." Shura looked at her palm with fascination.
"You can’t control it at all. There is a remnant memory of Jack in it." Zhang Lan woke up.
"This kind of technical work has been dealt with by our scientists. We dug up the chip and threw it into the sulfuric acid pool. You should have seen it. It’s much more interesting to resist at last than to kill people."
Shura means that Jack is gone.
Chapter two hundred and thirty-two Luochang food
From the car to the Xiuluochang, the road was extremely bumpy, and it was necessary to cross the Panshan Highway, which was 2 kilometers long, and to transfer to the waterway, cross the red river and pass through the canyon.
There are poisonous miasma floating in the towering canyon, and scavengers are scattered on the red river, which have soaked into swollen face and are not in the water of corpses. Looking at their fat bodies, we know that we have not worried about food on weekdays.
The whole world knows that Xiuluo Field is a purgatory-level prison, but no one knows that the security here is lax, and all prisoners need to find a way to swim across this mass grave by themselves, about 1 km ahead in the poisonous miasma of red river valley …
Up to today, the scorching sun has done it alone.
All the corpses floating on the Red River surface come from escaped prisoners and defeated prisoners, and sometimes some of them are killed by prisoners. Only when there are no corpses floating on the Red River surface will prison guards consider transporting them away by train. These corpses will be sold to countries like Xiaoyao City for biofuel to burn the fire.
"Friend, you are really lucky. Prisoners who are usually sent here are not treated as well as you. I will personally receive them. Let me introduce you to this red river valley first!" Shura is wearing a gas mask and sitting in a coffin in Kan Kan. "This red river valley is the only channel connecting the Xiuluo field with the outside world. The water with a length of 15 kilometers is full of highly toxic scavengers. Generally, living water will be chewed clean in three seconds, and if you try to climb out, you must be white. If you breathe for two, you will die. If you want to walk from the canyon, you will be lucky. There are about 36 pearl mines buried in every square meter. Even animals can try to walk through a minefield."
"How did the scorching sun escape from here?" Zhang Lan smiled and got a recruit from Shura. The coffin was punched with a clear fist.
"There are three things that can’t be done in Xiuluochang. 2 escape; If you commit any of the three scorching sun names, I will let you live, not beg for death, not white? " Fix on the glass face ferocious warning way
"You can try to let me out, I want to experience a" Zhang Lan deliberately provocative way.
"Not yet, waiting will definitely satisfy you." Shura smiled and got confused about the glass and drew a skull mark.
It took the small freighter half an hour to get to the port, and all the way along the port, we can see many crucified corpses along the way, just like the signs of Shan Ye aborigines threatening trespassers.
It’s not ordinary prisoners who can be put into the Xiuluo farm. Many prisoners are also powerful bosses. It’s a pity that the armed forces often try to break into the prison and rob it. Everyone who tries to earn this kind of money in the end loses his life and doesn’t earn it.
A circular building in the middle of the canyon was repaired in the entire Xiuluo field, covering an area of three football fields. A stone tower with a height of 5 meters was erected in the middle of the Xiuluo field.
Everyone who knows the Xiuluo field knows that this stone tower is called the Rebirth Tower. All death row inmates take part in their level of fighting until they break through a victory and come to the top of the tower. There is a supersonic shuttle parked all the year round, which is to prepare departure tools for death row inmates.
The rule of the Luochang is that no matter what serious crimes you commit, you must pass a fight and win, then you can leave the Luochang forever.
However, it seems that this is just a kind of bait to lure death row inmates to fight for their lives. Even if they fought so hard in the hot sun, they eventually lost when they reached the last floor of the 99th floor of the Rebirth Tower.
Since the escape from the scorching sun, it has become more difficult to regenerate the tower. In the past, many strong people who were able to hit multiple floors will die if they reach the fifth floor.
It is also extremely difficult to accumulate combat points. It is often possible to get a handy equipment after 34 games of accumulation.
Zhang Lan was escorted to his cell, and through the small window, he saw all kinds of devils. Death row inmates were looking at him through the cage as if they were looking at a corpse.
Sure enough, Shura arranged for Zhang Lan that the cell was the lowest, that is, the scorching sun had been there-lying in a cage with a length, width and height of 12 meters, and it was impossible to sit and lie in a prone position to barely rest.
Shura personally pushed Zhang Lan in and locked the steel door with a thickness of 3 cm.
"I heard that you are a great demigod with controllable kinds of energy, right?" Fix through prison smiles to say
"It’s not that awesome," Zhang Lan said modestly.
"In view of your special ability, I have to rearrange your opponent. Although it’s a little troublesome, it will definitely satisfy you." Shura proudly said, "By the way, I forgot to tell you that the rules in this shura field are different from those of other death row prisoners. You didn’t refuse to fight. If you have arranged it, you must participate and won’t let you start from the lowest level. The starting point is the fifth floor."
"And if you don’t have points in fighting, you can’t improve your accommodation, equipment, information acquisition and so on. The only thing you can do is to work hard and tell you quietly that someone has let you die. I can get 20 thousand federal dollars to reward you, but I am the god of wealth."
"Then you should eat and drink and serve your grandfather!" Zhang LAN arrogant way
"Say you’re fat, you’re still breathing. Enjoy life in the Xiuluo field. Soon you’ll love it here." Shura said and turned to leave Zhang Lan alone in this cage.
Zhang Lan knows very well what Shura hates, not because he is accused of regicide, but because he and the scorching sun come from the same city. Zhang Lan once inquired about the details of the scorching sun, and it is very clear that the scorching sun can escape because he cut Shura’s fingerprint, unlocked props and robbed the transport boat before leaving red river valley smoothly.
Obviously, Shura has turned all her hatred for the scorching sun on Zhang Lan’s body, which doomed Zhang Lan’s life in the Luochang to be miserable and inexplicable.