Old bones smiled and pulled out a cigarette and lit it. He squatted beside the concrete pier beside Zhang Lan and smoked it. The fragrance directly made several bruisers around him not close to some smoke, which was like being cool.

You know, everything in the Xiuluo Yard needs points to be exchanged, and there are two main ways to get points. One is to constantly participate in the high-level rebirth tower battle, and the other is to make money by buying and selling black markets like old bones.
Old bones claims that he has never lost money. After a round of business through his hands, he will go up by at least 3% and then resell it. Even so, he will not ask him to buy enough points and no longer participate in the rebirth tower battle.
"It’s worse to die without points in the Luochang. You can survive the previous rounds, but later you will die very ugly. It won’t hurt to make friends with me in the common interest." old bones smiled and continued to lobby
"I’m not here to make friends. Don’t. I don’t know your purpose. I won’t become your total dog, and I will never take you out and treat me as an investment. You are bankrupt, "Zhang Lan said while exercising.
"I like the role that can make the overlord group feel uncomfortable." old bones smoked a mouthful of flue. "You should know a little about what I want you to do before you refuse?"
"I don’t want to know, I don’t care." Zhang Lan knocked and kicked the sandbag.
"What if I can help you find out who attacked Mark?" Old bones let Zhang Lan stop at once.
Chapter two hundred and thirty-four Philip holy mark
A deep breath and one-legged support jumped to the middle. Zhang Lan kicked the sandbag in the middle of the swing. There was a loud bang at the waist of the sandbag, weighing 4 kilograms. The sandbag was kicked out and burst in the middle. A large number of stones mixed with sand splashed out. If you kick someone, even the gatekeeper just now will be kicked in two.
After a whole hour’s exercise, Zhang Lan stopped with sweat and took a dirty towel, and someone else’s kettle was gurgling.
Cheng, he didn’t say a word. He looked quietly at the opposite side, smoking. old bones, a mysterious old man, looked at least years old, a sloppy prisoner, if not a delirious beggar.
But his position in the Luochang is obviously extremely high. Even if an evil guy sees him, his eyes are intentionally converging with murder.
His physique and age make it impossible for him to enjoy a superior life by fighting, which means that he does have extraordinary abilities in other aspects.
"Hey, what did you say your name was?" Zhang Lan looked at the old man through the gap in the towel.
"It’s not like we are as clever as a god and have the first human computing brain. We can make Philip Mark worship Zhang Lan’s adult by deduction. I have already said it again. My name is old bones," old bones said with a smoke turn.
"No, I want to know that it’s not your name here, but your name outside. Can you not die until today? " Zhang Lan hit the nail on the head.
"Is this question important, Lord Zhang Lan?" Old bones is not used to being so dry and straight.
"All operations are based on accurate data combination and fuzzy unit method as parameters. A mysterious old bones won’t make me feel heartbroken. After all, I don’t have such a good life. What happened when I fell off a cliff and met my predecessors? The story of revenge and revenge will never happen. All the encounters in my body are the result of long-term planning." Zhang Lan raised her left index finger and nodded her brain.
"It’s amazing that such a young guy is as spicy as ginger when he talks. It seems that you won’t give in even if you continue to seduce him, right?" Old bones nai sighed.
"Just tell me who you are if you know?" Zhang Lan asked again and will never ask for the third time to miss this opportunity. No matter what the conditions are, old bones will treat Zhang Lan as a fart.
"It’s true that people like me used to say that you don’t necessarily know that my original name is holy mark …" old bones just said that Zhang Lan immediately tore off his head and stinked towel.
"Philip scar? The child who was kissed by God will never fall. Prince Philip … his own brother? !”
How could Zhang Lan forget the name of the holy mark? His human history is like a wonder. When he was born, he left a trace of God on his forehead. At that time, the Archbishop of the sunset group exclaimed that he was blessed by God. The child will be surrounded by good luck all his life, and even if he idles, he will eventually rule everything.
The Archbishop’s words are true. This child has been dead all his life. Generally, he has never studied seriously since he was a child. He can get full marks by reviewing casually before every exam. He can buy precious royal treasures from dozens of centuries ago by finding a roadside stall gift for his father.
He is also popular with all kinds of celebrities and ladies, and encourages the noble princess to refuse his brother Prince Philip’s proposal and insist on marrying him.
Seriously, if Saint Mark had not been arrested for rebellion five years ago and defeated half of the royal guards by himself, it was reported that he had been executed and his bones were not allowed to be placed in the royal cemetery after his death.
He’s not dead? It should be that the royal family, because of his status or the sacred mark, made the top brass not want to be a traitor or …
"Don’t guess you want to know the reason? That is, I am not my father’s own son, but my mother, Princess Wang and the old Wang Jie next door. When I was born, the old prince had already got my DNA sample. He was angry and took surgical scissors to cut the umbilical cord and wanted my life. My older brother Prince Philip took the scissors, which left a scar on my forehead instead of killing me. "
Old bones said, pulling off her hair and revealing the scar that was scarred by the outside world. Funny is that it was an cheating father who tried to kill the bastard.
In the end, the scandal was buried permanently. The statement that the princess was "dystocia" died on the operating table, and Lao Wang next door did not know where she was buried.
Prince Philip decided to take care of the child like his own brother, and the sacred mark enjoyed everything. The king should enjoy the splendor.
However, as the scar grew up, all his performances were far better than those of Prince Philip. In the eyes of the nobles and high-level officials, the candidate for the king gradually moved from Prince Philip’s eldest son to him.
When the government wavered, the first reaction was not Prince Philip, but the great emperor, who was an ugly fantasy about power. He designed a botched game to frame the sacred mark and became a rebel king, and also privately dispatched the royal guards to attack the sacred mark castle.
It was the darkest day in the history of the group, and the story of the ugly king’s rebellion also kicked off from that day.
The sacred mark became the first victim of this chaos, and his family suffered this catastrophe. His wife died just before her birth, but the full moon daughter also died in his arms, and the secret of others was thrown into this xiuluo field without trial. His battle will never be broadcast and will never reach the top of the tower.
He knows better than anyone, and he is indifferent to seeking the way of life in Xiuluo field.
Maybe it’s really a blessing. He soon found a way to resell integral props to get a better life. Even the scorching sun was once one of his loyal customers.
To some extent, the scorching sun can get a magic gun that can destroy all sides, thanks to the result of his mediation.
At the beginning, old bones also made the same deal with the scorching sun, hoping that the scorching sun could help him fulfill a wish, and the scorching sun also agreed. However, in the last round of shura’s treachery, he ignored the rules of the shura field and did not intend to let the scorching sun win at all.
The scorching sun cut off Shura’s right arm and fled by himself, leaving a scar of despair.
For a few years, scar felt that she could never realize her wish again.
"I know that people like you, no matter how hard they are, even if they are squeezed like maggots, will eventually leave here and return to the normal world. I can make your life here convenient. You need to do me a favor." Holy Mark took out a crystal chip. "Help me bring this to Prince Philip and show it to him before he died."
Chapter two hundred and thirty-five Asian race technology
"Let me guess, you have given this chip to many people, right?" Zhang Lan sighed lightly.
"If you count me, I have counted 37 in the past 50 years, but you are still alive." old bones is very honest
"Is it an invitation or a death notice that you sent out?" Zhang Lan said with a wry smile, "To tell you the truth, I’m not very interested in whether I can get your help in the Luochang. Obviously, this is a savage area with no place to talk with my fist. Fortunately, my fist is still a little hard. If there is anything in this transaction that can tempt me to my place, you can help me find out who attacked Mark."
"Yes, I said I could do it," has been called old bones Holy Mark frankly.
"I don’t believe that you have been imprisoned in the Luochang for more than five years. How can you reach so far?" Zhang Lan retorts that this is unscientific.
Old bones also didn’t argue that he took out a satellite phone from his pocket and dialed the past directly. "Hello, is this old John of the Royal Medical College? It’s my sacred mark, old bones … No, no, no, don’t say that. I have nothing to tell you, but I’m old and I’m just comparing hexagrams. I want to know the details of Mark at the moment. I’m more concerned about it. You wait to find Director Hank of the National Security Bureau. I mean, I want the truth and I must know it before the authorities. Thank you. Well, if I have the opportunity to go out, I’ll buy you drinks. If I don’t say it, the consumption points are too high. "
Looking at old bones is like chatting with friends. Zhang Lan is really shocked. Who would have thought that there was a king who could shake the foundation of management at any time in this purgatory?
To some extent, the word of mouth of the sacred mark is far more than that of Prince Philip and all his children. How many times before his death, someone in the board of directors forgave him for his sins, so that he could go back to Fog and rest in peace.