Zhang Lan never came by expectation or begging, but worked out the result bit by bit like now.

Chapter five hundred and sixty-four GuXuan balance point
When Chaos returned to the hangar of the lunar base, it was almost recognized that the main system had been abolished and occupied by Zhou Xian. Although engineers cut off the control of Chaos from the main system, it also cut off the starting force of Chaos.
Chaos system is the original form. There is no way to completely remove the root, and there is no way to start the dynamic system. All weapons departments have the main system to control.
For Zhou Xian, Guxuan has built the most luxurious cage in the world, and the whole Chaos is enough to build a space carrier. For some groups, Chaos is equal to the sum of the prices of all their large equipment.
Others also tested how much Zhou Xian had control over Chaos, and Guxuan had taken the initiative to go to the cabin of Chaos.
A group of overlord guards followed him closely, but Guxuan fully realized the importance of these followers.
He has landed on Chaos several times and walked straight to the bridge position without being led by others. The street lamps along the way followed the pace of Guxuan and lit up one by one. These can be regarded as AI intelligence, but now they are all controlled by Zhou Xian.
All the way to the bridge, Guxuan took the captain’s position and looked at one person in the cockpit. Guxuan actually took out a box of cigarettes and lit one for himself.
"Lord Guxuan, this is a no-smoking area. Please look at the wall sign." Zhou Xianyin appeared on the radio.
"I know, but I always feel that this is what my ship wants." Gu Xuannai wry smile.
"Not anymore." Zhou Xian’s words poked her heart again.
"Be considerate, I haven’t smoked cigarettes for 15 years because I don’t want to hurt my lungs, but now I’m going to fucking hurt my lungs." Gu Xuan felt one year older and saw through everything
"Today, the result is that you deserve it. If you don’t dominate the earth …" Zhou Xian said.
"If I don’t dominate the earth, there will naturally be a guy who is more terrible than me to sit in this position, such as Zhang Lan." What Gu Xuan said is that the people who are in charge of the earth are thinking about the question "Who sits in charge of the world position is evil for others?"
"In comparison, his chairman should miss the state of my earth. After all, at that time, all seven groups were in peace, and everyone could make money happily. The war was far away from everyone. We tried to maintain a balance. I was born expensive, and your superiors always fought for benefits. I know what they all like, hate and fear. But what does Zhang Lan know?" Guxuan chatted with Zhou Xian while smoking.
"No matter how much you say, you can’t change the current situation. Zhang Lan is the actual controller of the earth." Zhou Xian despised.
"The actual controller? What a wonderful name. What if I actually control the earth for decades? It’s a mistake to lose everything. Now Zhang Lan is really like me, but the difference is that Zhang Lan is driving me away and you are driving Zhang Lan to the wall. "
The operator of Guxuan Earth Unified Force often can’t understand what girls like Zhou Xian say.
"What do you mean?" Zhou xian doubt way
"Simply put, Zhang Lan is already too strong. The game is that if you are a little stronger than others, you can be the boss of others, but you are more terrible than others combined, which is definitely a felony."
Guxuan relies on the captain’s position to vomit a smoke turn. Think about Zhang Lan today. The eye-eye host cooperates with Zhou Xian to take charge of the ball. All the network systems can unscrupulously manipulate the satellite guns of various groups in Lai Sheng orbit.
And on the combat capability of the celestial semi-protoss? Alice, Wushi, You Na, Nick, Valdi, and Lan Ling don’t know when they have the most powerful semi-protoss corps.
On the depth of power, Zhang Lan not only controlled the Imperial Regiment, but also the third party such as Xiaoyao City, and the Jianghu friends such as the Aron Rebels, the god of wealth, helped Zhang Lan to do many exercises that the chairman of the Regiment could not imagine
On Wealth Zhang Lan has inherited the fixed assets accumulated by the Frozen Group over the past hundreds of years, and has become the richest man in the world. Can he still fund the ball alone to see the light of day?
As for personal combat power, who can kill him? It’s almost equal to God’s strength level. It’s hard to imagine anyone who could kill him with 1v1.
Zhang Lan, a rising star, has not played a single card from his hand, and now he has become a natural enemy. This is the biggest sin.
"Now Zhang Lan’s only choice to stay in his position is to become a tyrant and bring the world into dictatorship by killing all the rebels, which is something I failed to do," Gu Xuan suggested.
"No, Zhang Lan is definitely not such a person. He has always hoped to save mankind and give everyone a look forward to the future." Zhou Xianjian believed.
"It is these names that have become Zhang Lan’s burden. I bet you that Zhang Lan must have thought of becoming a tyrant. He has even calculated how many people he wants to kill and who he wants to kill."
Gu Xuan’s smile makes people’s backs chill, just like seeing through the core of power.
"Zhang Lan is different from you, and he will definitely find a way to get together," Zhou Xianjian said.
"In the past, before they closed, I played the role of the devil and gave all the pressure in life. Although Zhang Lan was strong, everyone still needed to compromise and seek unity to survive, but now?"
"My earth puppet has fallen, and half of the protoss corps has died. The most powerful space battleship has also been turned into scrap metal by you. It seems that the devil is not terrible at all. No, it should be said that the least terrible reason is … dancing snow … it is no longer my dancing snow."
Gu Xuan’s heart hurts like being stabbed by a knife. "Heart fragments are still dead set to follow him in Zhang Lan’s hands. Zhou Xian, this world is more terrible than extinction. There is no balance between forces. People are the world’s favorite groups to find a balance. Zhang Lan will either destroy the balance and completely dictatorship or he will give in."
"Concession? How to make it? " Zhou Xian also felt the seriousness of the situation.
"I won’t tell you, because it doesn’t make sense to tell you. You chose one that embarrassed me but was also a dead end for yourself. Now I need to show you my balance point first." Gu Xuan smiled and took out a crystal plate and tapped it twice. "I let you have the external camera control of Chaos. Welcome to visit the hangar."
Zhou Xian found herself with a gap and immediately went to control the bridge. All the screens also lit up conveniently and established a stereoscopic vision.
But I glanced at Zhou Xianqi, who was shivering because she saw a dark chaotic ship carrying out the last resource supply.
"I have the strongest chaos level enough to destroy the earth once, space battleship. Without you, no one can pose a threat to me any more." Guxuan finished pressing out his cigarette and turned away. "Maybe it was too lonely to talk to anyone before talking to you. Now you can go to jail quietly."