But the most hateful thing is that his greatest enemy has reached the bottom of his nose and is still showing off, but he can’t do anything about it.

"Yes, yes!"
How can slaves around you not understand the degree of sex? Quickly nodded and said that it was a big atmosphere and did not dare to breathe.
But Du Du is also an old slave’s blood after all. Although his father is not so good, this fellow is also battle-hardened and calm, and he has returned to his senses.
"Li Yuanqing, although many people this time, don’t look like an immediate siege. Can I make him so comfortable? Hum! Want to camp under my nose? Somebody, my orders are to let Zima and Buyantu play! Burn Nalin for me! "
Du Du said that in the end, he simply gnashed his teeth and his face was ferocious.
The minions around me also lost their meaning and hurried to work.
At this time, Li Yuanqing, Chen Zhong and Zhang Pan have landed on land.
Zhenjiang city has a superior geographical position, but it is a natural barrier to attack Zhenjiang city from the north to the south and from the river.
Mainly, the riverside area is full of swamps, and there is little solid land that will fall down if you are not careful.
At this time of year, the river is freezing cold. Once people fall into the swamp, it is no joke.
Changsheng camp has had a lot of experience in building a camp, but at this time, the terrain is narrow and there are no docks. When so many people want to come from the boat, it is obviously necessary
In normal times, these camp-building manual jobs are usually done by auxiliary soldiers, but at this time, even life, Li Yuanqing will not spare the physical strength of the children and directly hand over the early hard manual work to Xu Hei’s well-equipped engineering barracks.
Zhenjiang city is not like the northern land, which has not been completely destroyed by lush trees. It is densely populated here, which has a great impact on the forest. Although it looks wide, its actual volume is not large
Li Yuanqing had already inspected clearly before he landed. The main purpose of this camp was to keep these timber resources as much as possible.
But at this time, the earth walls of the idlers haven’t been piled up to the south gate of Zhenjiang, which is half a man’s height, but the dust has been rolling. Look at this appearance, there is an attack from 8 Jin J out of the city.
Chapter 421 Break the head
"grass! These dogs are really unstoppable! " Chen zhong bold look to the north dust eyes a gloomy.
Zhang Pan’s look is extremely serious. "Yuan Qing is a cavalry with white flags. It looks like three cows! We must respond quickly. "
Li Yuanqing ying ting face but not too much expression light nodded his head.
As the distance between the cavalry in front gradually increased, Li Yuanqing also saw clearly that their flag was Du Du’s white flag.
When I was in the North, due to the bad climate and environment, the fact that Li Yuanqing didn’t really happen after the main force of Jin Dynasty, it was like there was a tacit understanding between the two sides.
But Du Du, the counterparts, became the biggest scapegoat.
At this time, Du Du, whose own foothold was unstable, rushed to Li Yuanqing like a mad dog and had to admire this fellow’s courage
As the saying goes,’ Punch the old master to death’
After the Immortal Camp, 8 Jin Army’s many battles have occupied a certain psychological advantage to a great extent, that is, big Baylor like Huang Taiji, Dai Shan, A Min and Mangurtai would never dare to be so hasty in the face of the Immortal Camp.
But Du Du, this fellow, just dares to be so blunt and so sexual.
However, it is undeniable that this fellow feels extremely keen on the battlefield. At this moment, it is indeed a moment when the Immortal Camp is very weak and has not yet posed.
It’s a pity that Du Du is still too conservative. Only three Niu Lu and more than a thousand people are afraid of Li Yuanqing.
"Come on! Our military orders let Huang Guoshan go with Shun Department! Kong Youde then responded! "
The command was passed in a moment.
In front of the earth wall, the engineers turned back in succession, and the 200-knife shield soldiers of Huang Guoshan’s 4,000 th Corps quickly topped the front, along with 300 birds and spearmen, and Huang Guoshan’s 200 birds and spearmen were combined to top the earth wall.
It’s a pity that the ship is too compact, and twenty guns haven’t arrived yet.
In the face of this attack, the cavalry of 8 Jin Army will be entangled in close quarters.
And with the appearance here, the auxiliary soldiers in the eastern fleet have made way for the soldiers to play first
The battlefield rhythm is instantaneous and compact.
Zhang Pan, this is another time that Li Yuanqing fought side by side after the World War II in Yanchang Stone Castle.
At that time, Zhang Pan was already regarded as a letter from Mao Wenlong, and Li Yuanqing was just a rookie or a deputy commander-in-chief, but at this time, everything was already different.
Looking at the longevity camp to play so quickly, they have already completed the defense front arrangement so carefully that Zhang Pan can’t help nodding.
A glimpse of technology treasure
It is also strange that Li Yuanqing can rise in such a short time, and southern Liaoning ranks high on the throne of the company commanders. Just this simple transfer can already make people see some clues.
Even the elite of Dongjiang Mao Wenlong Department has finished playing around in this state of emergency.
Zhang Pan finally made it. Li Yuanqing dared to go straight to the center of Zhenjiang City.
However, at this time, the landing troops will be thousands of people to face the more than 1,000 cavalry Zhang Pan, and some people are not at ease. They said, "We must not be careless about the potential of Yuanqing Tatar. We must be careful to deal with it."
Li Yuanqing nodded "Zhang Dage side follow-up to temporarily please! Chen Dage and I went to the front to supervise the war! "
Although Zhang Pan really wanted to go to the front to watch the battle, he also realized that someone must be busy here at this time and nodded, "Yuan Qing, you go and I will wait for your good news here."
Li Yuanqing smiled and strode towards the front without talking much.