Xi yuyu! The war horse hissed and pranced in! The roaring Roman Qingqi skillfully controlled the horse to cross the low walls and enter the Gothic army before it came to build a spear. The spears and knives rolled like wheat, and the rows of Gothic soldiers were put down like columns, and their eyes were full of blood!

Infantry who lose their array and fight separately can be weak prey in the face of fierce cavalry like wolves! See a Roman cavalry can’t help screaming, longitudinal conflict in Ma Rufeng, you can see ghosts, poor Gothic infantry stumble, turn around, suddenly lose consciousness with a light head.
Roman Qingqi attack soon made the Goths’ left and right wings on the verge of collapse. If it weren’t for watching the life and death on the line, Safra, together with many tribal leaders,’ showed up’ and called on all barbarians who could take up arms to join the fray. With the advantage of numbers, they barely resisted the rapid offensive of Qingqi. I am afraid the battle would have ended.
However, even if Safra’s desperate efforts are spared to break the larger foe, the fate of failure will eventually be changed. As Safra’s constant’ pumping’ of soldiers to join the two wings to block the March into Rome, the Roman Qingqi was entangled in the defense line of the Roman heavy infantry, which inevitably became thin, so the Roman heavy infantry slowed down and made great efforts to move forward. Seeing that it would tear the Goths in the middle defense line.
"What about adults?" Lieutenant immediately asked Safra, in panic.
"Forget about the heavy infantry. They are outnumbered and can’t really defeat our army. If we want to hold off the Roman Qingqi, we still have hope of winning!"
Safra, of course, made a wise judgment, but it was precisely his arbitrariness that completely ruined Udap.
"Make way for the left and right!" After more than an hour of bloody battle, the Roman heavy infantry phalanx finally fought its way out and tore a gap in the middle of the thick Goth defense line, revealing the fragile heart of the Goth! The Roman commander immediately raised his face to the sky and roared as if he had been poured with lead. The heavy infantry struggled to move to both sides and gave way to the middle road!
Then suddenly an earth-shattering roar rose into the sky! Rome, which has been dormant for a long time, finally ushered in the opportunity to follow the same robe and split the blood, just like a steel behemoth!
Even if you leave a message of * _ *, it will be a success. Please work hard!
& You can read the release chapter, please remember the website. If you like snowy romance, write Glory to Rome.
Section 14 Competing for the Best
The sight of thousands of heavy cavalry charging can shake the mountains, and there is no doubt that this killer, which has been dormant, has become the last straw to crush the camel. In the face of the unstoppable steel torrent, the residual Goths have completely collapsed without even getting up the courage to resist.
Tucheng was a scene of ghosts and wolves howling, and tens of thousands of people dispersed in a hubbub. They desperately climbed over the earth wall and tried to flee. There were crowds everywhere. Although these barbarians had almost given up their resistance, they did not receive instructions to seal the knife. The Roman cavalry could faithfully continue to carry out the previous orders, that is, kill the enemies they could see in front of them!
Roaring horses’ hooves and piercing screams were woven together into a magnificent grand death movement, and the Roman cavalry marched in rows and rows in a neat horizontal array. Ma Xiangqian trampled the chasing barbarians on the horses with little effort to wave weapons. Those barbarians who were stunned would rather cut down their compatriots in front to compete for the road than go back to face the Roman flag.
"Is it time for the general to stop?" In the distance, Norton and a bunch of senior officers watched the whole process of the end of the battle with expression. When the killing gradually spread from the dead bodies to the wasteland, an officer seemed to lose interest in this slaughter performance, so he turned his head and said to Norton
"Stop? Why do you want to do this? " There was almost no change in expression from beginning to end. Norton turned to look at the officer, so he asked a question. The officer couldn’t help but be startled. He lost his words. He looked back and looked at the cavalry flooding into the wilderness in the distance for a moment, then said lightly, "Let the ministries move freely and kill all barbarians. I don’t want to see a fish escaping from the net!"
The generals around him were shocked by their faces, but the meaning was different. Those generals from Rome secretly looked at Norton’s side face and stopped talking, while those barbarian generals were full of excitement in their eyes. Obviously, in their view, tens of thousands of people’s lives were just simple numbers to boast about their exploits.
It will take a while for Norton to be here all the time, so he turned his horse around and went to the guard. He was setting up a camp in an emergency to prepare for a nap. Those barbarian generals had already eagerly led their own department to kill the Goths, and a few Roman generals followed him silently.
"Why? Have questions to ask? " Norton’ s legs’ light horse belly and his mount get along with each other day and night immediately understood his meaning, slowed down and walked gracefully and idly, just as the generals who followed hesitated whether to talk or not, Norton suddenly said
"The generals’ cabinet members are worried about whether destroying Udap completely and killing all the Goths will bring any unexpected trouble?" Seeing Norton take the initiative to ask one of the officers for sex, he directly asked everyone’s thoughts.
"Unpredictable trouble? If you mean that the Goths will wait for revenge, I can tell you not to think about those Goths who will never find a chance to retaliate unless the empire is defeated! If anger makes them choose to give up watching and do whatever it takes to fight against the empire, that’s what I hope because we are really an enemy! " Norton spoke slowly, as if he were deliberately explaining to the people why he did not hesitate to carry out a massacre
"please keep in mind our mission at all times. We went deep into the hinterland of the enemy not only to sharpen ourselves and train a qualified cavalry in actual combat, but also to take the initiative to find fighters. Please don’t foolishly exclude yourself from the war. At this moment, we are in war! Our position is the battlefield, and our every move also affects the outcome of the war! Udap is just a shock. I want the greedy Goths to know that Rome’s anger is beyond their endurance. At the same time, I am also warning the barbarians living in the further north that they will pay the price if they take refuge in the Goths and make the choice of Roman enemies rashly! "
With these words, Norton kept his mouth shut. Behind him, those officers’ faces have disappeared, because they have already made a new position for themselves and given the whole cavalry regiment a role in this war.
A few hours later, they went out to hunt down the remnants of the enemy, and various formations came back one after another, bringing back a series of shocking killing figures. The vast wilderness became the graves of barbarians, and they didn’t cover the grasslands at all. Even if they broke their legs, it wouldn’t help. The swift cavalry could soon chase them and easily harvest their lives.
The whole pursuit process was poor, but there was no accident in Chen Ye. All barbarians who escaped from Tucheng died in the subsequent pursuit. Perhaps the only thing worth it was that one of the cavalry brought back an unexpected surprise. The leader of the Kosgoth people in Safra was also the supreme commander of Tucheng camp. This lucky guy didn’t die in the sword and was caught back.
Safra’s identity is his own initiative, because if he hadn’t shouted decisively, he would have been cut off by a young Roman cavalry early in the morning, wearing the armor of ordinary soldiers. Safra’s was immediately escorted back to the camp. At first, he was still a little uneasy. However, after entering the Roman camp, the Roman soldiers didn’t know that he knew Latin, so they talked about the number of beheadings in the Holocaust. Safra’s was completely in deep fear. He could not imagine that the Romans had slaughtered everyone! However, he still has a glimmer of hope. After all, he is a leader of the Goths. Maybe the Romans will be more interested in excavating his surplus value instead of simply paying him off.
It’s a pity that when two burly Roman soldiers entered the camp with their arms around them, they saw the terrible Roman cavalry who came out of nowhere in front of them and wiped out all his ministries and tens of thousands of Roman generals. Safra suddenly felt that death was approaching.
Indeed, there were less than three sentences in the whole interrogation process, and none of them needed to be answered by Safra people.
"He is Safra Cox?" Norton stared at Safra coldly, but the question was directed at the intelligence staff.
"Yes, the identity of the general has been confirmed. He is the minister of Gothic kingdom and the leader of ostrogoths in those days."
"Did he take part in the Battle of Fort Adrian?"
"The general was informed by the Military Intelligence Agency that he was the Goth infantry commander at that time, but his infantry regiment was defeated by Vallans’s heavy infantry."
"Is this guy worth anything?"
"I don’t know if the general cabinet is in charge of intelligence and I can’t judge whether the prisoners are still valuable!"
"Drag it and cut it. Remember lime to keep your head and bring it back to offer sacrifices to Vallans."
In this way, Norton’s simple sentence decided Safra’s life and death, and the latter didn’t even react. The Roman soldiers had violently twisted his arms to drag him out.
"General, general pavilion! I am the Gothic Minister, and I can pay the ransom. I can negotiate on behalf of Gothic Rome! ….. "I suddenly realized that I was about to die. Safra, suddenly struggling, shouted incoherent words and tried to take a chance to see if I still had the value of saving my life. Unfortunately, in the first Norton, I was cold and silent.
"ah!" A moment later, there was a scream from outside the tent, and then a guard came in with a tray in his hand and told him, "General Safra’s head has been executed here."
"All right, send it to the corpsman and keep it safe." Norton waved the guard back.
"The news that General Udapu was captured should reach the ears of the Goths in three days at the latest. The Goths are likely to pursue our army desperately." As soon as the guards left the army, they first made a brief analysis of the situation with the war staff
"General Pavilion, I suggest that we detour south to avoid the Xiongnu Zuo Xianwang area and fight for the front and rear attack from the rear around the Xiongnu Middle Road army!"
"General, I think it’s very difficult. The Huns guard the logistics line very closely. Usually, there are formed cavalry accompanying them. There are also a lot of reconnaissance riders around, and the terrain is wide and lacks cover. It’s hard not to be discovered. And before going out, I got information that Wang Ting, the Huns, is probably also building an army. If our army accidentally meets the main force of Xiongnu Wang Ting, I’m afraid we will fight against it."
"General, since the road ahead is dangerous and unpredictable, it is not as good as our army’s original road. This will not only surprise the Goths, but also our army can set an ambush to carry out the original battle plan and give the Goths a heavy blow!"
An officer made a series of suggestions when he spoke to the public. However, Norton, who was in office, never made a statement, frowned or nodded, but no one knew what his final decision was.
Just then another officer came out. He had brilliant blond hair and a handsome face. His green eyes made him look like a passionate poet rather than an iron soldier. However, this young officer was a capable soldier.
"General Pavilion, I’ve come up with a question."
"Remember that the General Pavilion made it clear that the war in the hinterland of the enemy was to sharpen an unyielding cavalry! But all the way in, although the soldiers have experienced bloody fire, we are still familiar with Goths rather than Huns! With all due respect, we have been deliberately avoiding Huns’ contact. What is there to do except make us timid and afraid of fighting? !”
The young generals finished the cold silence. Although some officers seemed to be humiliated by what he said about the fear of fighting, it can be argued that they always deliberately tried to avoid confrontation with the Huns when making war plans. Perhaps subconsciously, the generals present did not have the confidence to use this still fragile cavalry to compete with the Huns.
"Well said! Commander Theodoric, I remember your name! " Just as the account fell into silence, Norton suddenly walked up to the young officer and stared at him with dribbling eyes, admiring’ color’
"Theodoric, if I remember correctly, are you from ostrogoths?"
"It’s the General Pavilion!"
"Then tell me how your heart felt when Rome slaughtered your former compatriots?"
"General, as you said, those are my former compatriots who can deny me that they feel uncomfortable and painful when they die. I silently mourn and pray for them! But there is no anger or hatred in my heart, there is sorrow and pity. I am sad that my compatriots did not join the empire and become a part of Rome like me, so that they would not be implicated in the war of the strong! "
Norton listened and looked straight into Theodoric’s eyes. As a result, he saw sadness, firmness and sincerity!
"Very good!" Norton turned and waved, "After the break, the army marched south and let us see the Huns with our own eyes!"
Even if you leave a message of * _ *, it will be a success. Please work hard!