SHEN WOO Nakagawa proudly waved his hand and said, "Don’t worry about fooling him first and then killing his spirit, otherwise it will not be conducive to the negotiation for a while!"

The ground entered a state of "rapid speed" and tried to avoid it for a while. I found that I just couldn’t hide. I simply stopped and stopped running. I pointed my head at the sky and scolded, "What’s the picture of the brain?" Are you done? ! Come here if you dare! !”
Vortex heard nine heavy scold Nakagawa SHEN WOO a face suddenly black to "fuck! Somebody give me a horse and inform the technicians to punish him! !”
"slow!" The person behind SHEN WOO Nakagawa heard that he was going to inform the foreigner who had just spoken to stop him. "Mr. Nakagawa, I hope you can understand that some of your functions are not to let you do what you want, but to negotiate with him and ask him to leave the Japanese zone!"
"You didn’t hear that this little guy was crazy and didn’t teach him a lesson. He looked down on me!"
The foreigner smiled faintly. "If you really want to teach him a lesson, we won’t stop you! But my visit is to supervise the whole process of your sacred negotiation with Fang, and we will report everything you have done to the headquarters at any time! "
"Well …!" Nakagawa SHEN WOO Yin face silence for a long time finally gave a way "line that won’t go! Let’s hurry up this little negotiation and blow him out of the Japanese zone! "
"Mr. Nakagawa, please pay attention to your wording. This time you want to’ please’ Fang Sheng out of the Japanese zone instead of’ bombing’ him out!"
"No, I know!" SHEN WOO Nakagawa said a sentence bitterly and then shouted to the ground nine times, "Fang Sheng, I am the head of the Japanese district system, Nakagawa SHEN WOO! What you have done in Japan has seriously affected the normal game of players in Japan! I now order your horse to get out of the Japanese zone! !”
As SHEN WOO Nakagawa spoke, a magic circle of amplification automatically appeared in front of his mouth, and his speech was instantly amplified several times, echoing in Jiuchong’s ears like the sound of heaven and earth.
"Oh, my God … the head of the Japanese district system is here. It seems that the old face is really big!" Nine heavy heart andao but for the name of SHEN WOO Nakagawa, he is not afraid of the slightest scruples. Because of the incident in the misty city, he has determined that this "Era" unified transportation method belongs to the transnational joint waybill. The personnel of each division can do some auxiliary adjustments to change the things and events in the game after the completion of the unified method.
"You, who are you? Is the head of the Japanese district system great?" Nine heavy reckless way "old and didn’t violate the rules of the game, what makes you expel the old situation? Do you have this qualification? ! Can you get rid of it? ! !”
"Ouch-!" Nine heavy words I was so angry that SHEN WOO Nakagawa croaked, "You are so hateful, you will see if I expel you or not!" !”
"Mr. Nakagawa, please pay attention to your words and deeds!" Nakagawa SHEN WOO was about to go on the rampage, and the foreigner immediately forced him to press a word.
SHEN WOO Nakagawa took several deep breaths before he managed to squeeze out a smile, which was uglier than crying. He said kindly, "Fang Sheng, you really didn’t violate the rules of the game, but what you have done in Japan these days has seriously affected the normal game of players in Japan. If you continue like this, you will destroy the balance of the game! Therefore, I have applied to the "Era" master and successfully made cross-border negotiations, and the heads of various districts unanimously agreed to allow me to ask you to leave the Japanese area! "
"oh? Please’ I leave the Japanese area? !” When I heard the word "please", my eyes rolled in a blink of an eye. "The old man is soft and hard. Now that you have begged me to leave the Japanese zone, I can’t peel your face!"
"Then you promised to leave Japan? !” SHEN WOO Nakagawa was very surprised. I didn’t expect such a big change in the attitude of changing the way of talking.
"I can leave the Japanese area!" Mom, you have got the unanimous consent of the heads of all districts, but you can’t leave if you are old, but you can’t go cheap. "But I have a condition that you promise me this condition and I will leave immediately!"
"Good what conditions? ! You say! "
"a billion!" Nine-fold rest and fingers crossed to make a "ten". "If you give me a billion gold coins, I won’t go back immediately!"
"You his mama want to money want to crazy? !” Nakagawa SHEN WOO smell speech just pressure to fire and soaring up, tearing his hair out about "what are you still want billions? ! Your own life is not worth a billion! !”
"Then there is no way!" Jiuzhong held his arm and said, "I have already said the conditions. Since you don’t agree, I will stay in the Japanese area permanently!"
"You …! !” SHEN WOO Nakagawa’s blue veins stood out suddenly and violently.
"Mr Nakagawa!" At this time, the foreigner spoke again. "Please forgive me for telling you the truth. Although the amount of gold coins paid by Fang Sheng this time is not small, if you let him continue to make trouble in the Japanese area, your loss in the Japanese area will definitely not be much less than one billion! Which of these two ends is more important? You are so skilled that you should be able to tell the difference. !”
"Well …!" SHEN WOO Nakagawa really can’t swallow this tone and is still hesitating. It’s so timid to be given a billion dollars at the touch of his lips!
The foreigner seemed to see SHEN WOO Nakagawa’s idea and continued, "And there is a saying in China called’ revenge for ten years is not too late’. Today, there are many opportunities to get it back after you! Don’t you think so? !”
"Well …!" Nakagawa SHEN WOO silence for a long time the last grind "all right! Fang Shengren, I promise you conditions! Then please leave the Japanese area at once! "
"It’s easy to say that one hand pays and the other hand delivers!" Nine old gods are saying, "When the money arrives, the old man will leave immediately!"
"Arrest him!" Nakagawa SHEN WOO Road to share.
Chapter two hundred and sixty-five President came back.
Nine feet suddenly lit up a magic circle, like Xiangyun, holding the nine feet to the high, crossing the vortex in the sky and entering the place where Nakagawa, SHEN WOO and others are located
"Oh, there are many people!" See so many people here nine heavy leng leng immediately smiling to SHEN WOO nakagawa just now foreigners said, "hello, hello, you are nakagawa SHEN WOO ~? !”
"I am!" SHEN WOO Nakagawa was so angry that his face trembled with joy. "What’s your look? You can’t tell the yellow race from the white race? !”
"Oh … it’s you!" Nine heavy turned to face nakagawa SHEN WOO pick nostril neither salty nor light, "I didn’t expect the head of the Japanese district system to be half buried! Cut the crap. Where’s the money? !”
"You talk nonsense!" SHEN WOO Nakagawa applied to Jiuzhong for trading, typed in one billion gold coins in the trading box, and clicked "Transaction Confirmation" and "Confirm the transaction quickly! !”
"I’m not in a hurry to kill people. You’re in a hurry to be slaughtered!" Nine heavy unhurriedly chose "transaction confirmation" and got one billion gold coins.
"Fang Shenglao remembers you!" After the transaction, Nakagawa SHEN WOO y Ρ n looked at Jiuzhong Road. "Everything you did in the Japanese area will be recovered from you ten times and a hundred times sooner or later!"