How can an ancient treasure-class powerful magic weapon be inexplicably hit hard? This makes Chen Long puzzled. Under normal circumstances, the Cooper-class magic weapon won’t weaken too much even if it doesn’t hit the power. Of course, he didn’t expect it to be a tortoise shell.

Yi Tongtian Lingbao is at least two grades higher than this pike, and it is quite normal for turtle.
Before Chen Long could understand what was going on, two heavy hammers suddenly sped up and smashed towards him. Jackie Chan gritted his teeth and escaped from the heavy hammer like a storm. At the same time, he stuffed the pike into his bag and conveniently took out a sword and a shield from it. Obviously, this is the magic weapon of his life and his usual weapon, such as the pike. It is more appropriate to take out his familiar magic weapon in order to hit each other off guard and stop adding it. It has been hit hard and its power is no longer sacrificed.
As soon as the sword rose to a height of more than ten feet, it stabbed Xi Fangping with a gloomy chill. Xi Fangping ignored this reason. He saw that the chill brought by the sword was a hundred thousand miles worse than that just now. The colorful glass tower was connected. Xi Fangping kept a close eye on Chen Long, looking for a chance to hit it. He spent 300 years in Yingyue Palace, which is good at making talisman sects. He was so familiar with the performance of wind-dodging talisman. This thing can really speed up the posture of monks a lot, but it has a fatal weakness if its performance is not very good. Solution If you haven’t practiced for many times, you will often get out of control of your physical condition. It is conceivable that under normal circumstances, the Tianling Sect will not let a monk like Chen Long practice hard with a large number of top-level wind evasion symbols, so he will have problems sooner or later.
As expected, when the sword was played by the colorful glass tower, Chen Long’s body didn’t control the sword and attack again like a normal monk. Obviously, he couldn’t control his body a little because of the great loss of his aura.
Xi Fangping sneered at a mouth, and a baby bead suddenly flew out. It was about five feet in front of Chen Long. Xu Chen Long had already seen the baby bead being sacrificed, but he couldn’t control his body. He could watch himself go straight into the baby bead. To outsiders, it seemed as if Chen Long had deliberately committed suicide by gathering the baby bead. Ten monks who were not far away watched the ten celestial spirits send Yuan Baby to know what had happened.
A certain baby pearl firmly hit Chen Long’s head, Chen Long. He was flying straight ahead like an arrow. He was seriously injured, but he could still fly in the air obediently because of the wind escape operator. When the handle was pinched, it was flying behind Chen Long. The golden hammer suddenly added again and the head also rose to ten feet. It even passed Jackie Chan’s straight wait for a while and hit Chen Long Jackie Chan from the face without even humming. A body turned into a meat pie. A six-inch high-priced baby was suspended in the middle and still caught in a hurry.
Xi Fangping received Chen Long’s bag and magic weapon in his own hands before pointing to watching Zhang zhen scold a way not far away. "Why didn’t the youngest son send a stronger guy out? Do send these guys to kill the old man without dividing by three to five, and the friends who killed him couldn’t see it at heart."
Zhang Zhen had a hard time waking up from the shock. He just saw clearly that the handle needle had hit Xi Fangping, but it was blocked by the gray armor that came out of Xi Fangping’s body. The armor that can stop Gu Baoli’s blow is definitely not the general stuff. At the very least, it is also the first class of Gu Bao, which is much better than the colorful glass tower. That is to say, this hateful Fang Xi has always been holding the colorful glass tower to defend the enemy. It turned out to be a lie. No wonder he still has such a powerful defensive magic weapon in his hand. The magic weapon is much more difficult to refine than the offensive magic weapon, so it is much more precious. Almost every monk in the Yuan period has one or two offensive magic weapons, but most monks have no defensive magic weapons, even if they have them, they are just common magic weapons like shields. Therefore, the True Spirit Gate will take such a fancy to the colorful glass tower, rather than using it as a protective weapon for the elders.
Zhang zhen has seen that in fact, Xi Fangping’s strength is not as strong as he thought. That shot just now was even worse than he didn’t even have a chance to hide. If he didn’t have armor, he would have been ruined. But now it’s different. Xi Fangping has colorful glass towers and that kind of strange armor. He is like a turtle covered with thorns. That shell is really not that easy to deal with him. It seems that we must report today’s war quickly, especially to those guys of the Celestial Sect. Anyway, Fang Xi has handed over the headache to the Celestial Sect, not them.
Zhang zhen coldly looked at Fang Ping for a while and didn’t talk much. He turned directly away from Chen Long’s death. His face didn’t even have any sadness or regret when he left.
But I threw a sentence "after seven days."
After Zhang zhen had gone away, Xi Fangping refused to stay in the numerous scattered cheers and rushed back to the inn as soon as he got back to the inn. As soon as he got back to the inn, he imposed a ban on the door and took out the pike. This pike didn’t know its name, but judging from its power, it was the best magic weapon he had seized in recent years. It was really unusual that it was so powerful that it could easily pierce the defense line of colorful glass towers. It was really a real treasure, especially for a strong attack. It was enough to cooperate with his own thunder stick, so that he could choose more magic weapons if he could take this magic weapon as his own.
After the pike and the thunder armor were recklessly damaged, Xi Fangping found that the light on the pike face was quite weak. Compared with other magic weapons, it was better to give a thorough examination of the gods. Xi Fangping breathed a sigh of relief. The end damage of the pike body was caused by Jackie Chan’s excessive spiritual force and the anti-shock force of the thunder tortoise shell, which made a small gap in the spear tip. However, if Gubao was slightly damaged, it might weaken the power by tens of percent. However, it is not difficult to find out what this thing is. Fang Ping took a pike and studied it seriously for two hours, and finally came to the conclusion that the spear tip turned out to be a mixture of Xuanyu and Tang Jing. No wonder it was sharp and with terrible cold. When attacking at the same time, it was able to gather the messenger aura in one place with amazing power. If it weren’t for the thunder armor, Xi Fangping would have died in this pike.
It is not difficult for Xi Fangping to make Xuan Yu and Geng Jing. There is Geng Jing Yao in Xi Fangping’s belt. Although it is not a lot, it is enough to repair Yu Xuan’s five small ones. Not to mention, it is a piece of cake to take out a few hundred kilograms. Xi Fangping smiled and took out a thumb-sized piece from the belt, but it weighed dozens of kilograms. Tang Jing held it in his hand and slowly smelted it.
This heptyl essence was left when the thunder stick was refined. Xi Fangping came to be ready to take it out for Lingshi. I didn’t expect Lingshi to be replaced by a pike. Although it is also a magic weapon of ancient treasures, the heptyl essence contained in your gun tip is not a lot of brute force, and it is estimated that it is only one or two kilograms. Now Xi Fangping has gained dozens of kilograms, but it is certain that the pike power will be better than before.
After the two sticks of incense, the small piece of Geng Jing gradually melted into liquid, and then slowly melted into the gun tip with the drive of Xi Fangping. The gun tip grew a lot, and the light became strong again. Xi Fangping breathed a sigh of relief. He took out about ten kilograms of Xuanyu from his belt and forced it to melt into droplets the size of soybeans. After that, it also forced it into the gun tip. The original cold of the pike was greatly reduced. With the addition of Xuanyu, the cold was stronger than the fast, making the room that was originally extremely hot because of the three flavors of real fire become as cold as ice.
Xi Fangping nodded with satisfaction, put the pike into the bag and estimated a Xi Fangping. Now it’s dark, and it’s the best time to act. Xi Fangping took a beat of his belt and the ten-order blush snow Han flew out from the belt and appeared in front of Xi Fangping. At the same time, Xi Fangping held his breath so that people outside would not know that there was an extra breath similar to Xi Fangping’s demon Mo Lai Liu.
According to Xi Fangping’s command, the red-faced and snowy Han sat cross-legged on the bed and learned to meditate in pranayama, while Xi Fangping blew out the light, quietly hit the window along the windowsill and sneaked into the dense forest behind the courtyard. This is how Xi Fangping used to sneak out of the room every time under the cover of red-faced and snowy snow. He knew very well that a monk monitoring his opponent was different from a mortal but not his eyes. Now his body and breath are moving slowly, so for a monk, he is simply not there, so he has to be kept straight by the other side. When you see Gen, no one will leave the courtyard now, and because there is a ban on the other side to monitor the room, the senior monk will recognize that he has stayed in the room from beginning to end and meditate, and Gen will not think that Xi Fangping has left.
After sneaking into the jungle, Xi Fangping took out a mask with a white beard from the bag and changed his clothes into a casual repair. He still controlled his breath quite well. Others didn’t notice that he was changing clothes and changing masks, but it was just to prevent others from seeing it with their own eyes. The other party ambushed quite a few brothers in this inn, and several gods have been hanging over his room. There are still many brothers who are more generous than staying outside his door all day and all night to monitor it.
Chapter two hundred and twenty-two Li Shengzai
Ping sneaked for dozens of feet before reading, so he climbed a big village quickly. I hate looking at a room through the window. This is an ordinary room. It’s not conspicuous at all in Zhenling Island. It used to be a small shop. Half a month ago, this shop changed its owner, and that owner was the one that Zhang zhen took to observe Xi Fangping.
Although his face was covered with a few wisps of quite realistic beard, and he consciously changed into an inappropriately old clothes, his face was arrogant, but he couldn’t hide it. This guy hasn’t gone out since he moved into the store, but he has been constantly watching Xi Fangping. At the same time, Xi Fangping is still fixed every day, and the inn guys will quietly run to the store to report to him. Therefore, Xi Fangping stared at that guy a few days ago and watched his every move in this tree every night. He was afraid of being noticed by him, but he didn’t have any gods, but he could still observe it with his extraordinary vision.
Today, Xi Fangping didn’t want to spy on this guy. He didn’t want to go to the other party like this. Now he has offered a magic weapon of the ancient treasure level. It is conceivable that the godsworn sent by the other party will become stronger and stronger, and the magic weapon will become stronger and stronger. It may happen that people will send godsworn at the end of Yuan Ying to pretend to be a duel with him in the middle of Yuan Ying. This kind of thing is not too difficult for the celestial faction, and even if it is uncovered, it won’t care whether the disgrace is true or not.
Xi Fangping can be sure that this guy in the room is definitely not simple, so he should be regarded as a core person. Therefore, from this guy’s life, he may get a seat rate and want to know the news.
That guy has been very cautious. He has been scanning everything around him for several times, but it has not been half a bit. Now Xi Fangping is in Xi Fangping. He is not worried that Hunyuan Zonglai’s secret method is not a cover. It is impossible to be so easy to be present.
It’s getting late, most monks have gone back to meditate and rest, but this guy is still very busy. He is sitting in his chair and listening to the report of the true spiritual disciples. Although the report is not loud, Xiao Xifang Ping can hear it clearly. It can be said that Xi Fangping’s every move during this period was controlled by this guy, even when Xi Fangping left the house, how long he imposed the ban was recorded by the guys and reported to their half masters one by one.
Half an hour later, all the guys left the guy, and after rubbing his forehead, he was about to walk away. Xi Fangping knew that he was going to report to the celestial faction. It was like this every day these days. After the report, he would leave here directly, but today Xi Fangping was not prepared to let this little separation.
The spirit force slightly released a 12-step shadow snake and sneaked out from the belt. The 12-step shadow snake can suppress its breath to the point where almost no one knows it. That guy can’t be aware that the shadow snake quickly drilled through the window and sneaked into the man’s head. It took a pat to stun the guy. The gap between the two sides is too big. The shadow snake is equivalent to the end of Yuan Ying’s repair. It is too simple to stun a knot at the end of Dan’s monk.
At the sight of the shadow snake in the way, Xi Fangping hurriedly flew into the window and put his hand on that guy’s head at the same time. He had to step up when he came. Otherwise, once someone disappeared from that guy’s knowledge, he would immediately come to find him in trouble.
Just half a column of incense kung fu Xi Fangping searched the things in that guy’s brain, and then took back the shadow snake and rushed back to his room as quickly as possible. He didn’t forget to slap Xi Fangping’s strength on the top of that guy’s head, and the whole brain was smashed. That guy didn’t have a baby and didn’t even have a chance to take possession of him.
After sneaking into his room and taking back his red face and snow, Xi Fangping sat in his chair and lost in thought. This guy’s name is Li Shengzai. He turned out to be Li Yuandao, the main person in charge of the Celestial Sect in Zhenlingmen, and he is also the younger brother who is the most loved. Therefore, he was taken by Li Yuandao and became his right-hand man.
From his mind, Xi Fangping knew something. The other party really wanted to find out from Xi Fangping that there were some clues about a mysterious sect. Xi Fangping’s identity was nonsense. Those words had a considerable impact on the celestial faction. The reason was quite simple. Now that the celestial faction is stationed in the Cape Star, the strength is not enough to control the situation. Therefore, they want to find the mysterious sect from Xi Fangping and try to ensure the stability of the rear. When they were in the net, they sent three yuan babies. At the beginning, the monks were really ready to die. From these three duels, there was nothing.
The six duels behind the wrath of the Heavenly Infantry Sect are the real meaning. I didn’t expect that six outstanding brothers in the middle period of Yuanying were actually folded in the hands of Xi Fangping. According to the news in Li Shengzai’s mind, the Heavenly Infantry Sect was impatient. They were preparing to send monks in the end of Yuanying to pretend to kill Xi Fangping in the middle period of Yuanying, and the third battle was his master Li Yuandao, who was also the Heavenly Infantry Sect. The head here is the Heavenly Sect to repair the highest. This shows that the so-called square habits of the Heavenly Party are bound to be removed and then quickly.
There is also a celestial party. Xi Fangping’s pursuit has never stopped. From his mind, Xi Fangping was surprised to know that Hunyuan Sect was still bred with more than ten kinds of monster beasts. Obviously, most of them were brought to the descendants of the beasts left by the celestial beings of the Cape Star, and the celestial faction recognized Xi Fangping’s origin. The secret of Hunyuan Sect was also because of these monster beasts. Therefore, the celestial faction recognized that Xi Fangping was a Hunyuan Sect and engaged in sabotage in the Cape Star.
Xi Fangping got a lot of things from Li Shengzai’s mind, but he really wanted to know that there was nothing, especially the passage leading to Kakujuku Star Academy, which made Xi Fangping very depressed. It turned out that Li Shengzai had never been back since he arrived in Zhenlingdao in a flying boat with an elder of Zhenlingmen a hundred years ago. Although Tianlingpai didn’t hide the secret passage from his brother, Li Shengzai knew nothing about it. Not only that, Li Shengzai also knew how many troops Kakujuku Star Academy now has. It seems that he can think of another way to get more information! What is the solution? Xi Fangping couldn’t help laughing. The original Li Shengzai is the core figure and should know more. I didn’t expect to know so little. It’s disappointing.
Xi Fangping knows that it won’t be long before Li Shengzai’s death will be known by the Tianling Sect, and they will certainly strengthen their prevention. It’s not so easy to catch another opportunity.
Shaking his head, Xi Fangping put this matter behind him. Now, the most important thing for him is to cope with the duel with Li Yuandao, but the celestial Sect is the main person in charge of the True Spirit Gate. Its cultivation is high among the monks at the end of Yuan Baby, and it is close to the peak level of the drum at the end of Yuan Baby. Even if Xi Fangping holds the thunder stick, the thunder tortoise shell and the bow department, it may not be able to defeat the other party. Although it is possible to protect themselves with these things in hand, it may be wounded if the other party is not careful. However, it is after all, the monks at the end of Yuan
Seven days later, when Xi Fangping arrived at the platform, he now had more scattered repairs there than before, and his interest was quite high. Obviously, due to Xi Fangping’s winning streak in Lien Chan, all the scattered repairs all over the country made a desperate effort to come to watch the game, which also made the whole island of Zhenling full of people. Once something happened, even if it was as good as the real Lingmen, it might not be able to control the situation. It was a good opportunity to think of here that Xi Fangping hung a sneer at his mouth.
The other monk has been waiting for him on the platform square. Xi Zhuping carefully looked at that guy. He must be pale and ruddy, and his triangular eyes stared at Xi Fangping coldly. His eyes were expressionless, as if in his eyes, Xi Fangping’s roots were just a pile of minced meat. This guy’s appearance was exactly the same as that described in Li Shengzai’s mind. That is to say, he was the main person in charge of Li Shengzai’s master Tianling Sect stationed in Zhenling Island, close to the end of Yuanying’s reign, and he was a monk at the beginning of Yuanying’s reign.
Xifang Pinggen didn’t even bother to offer the colorful glass tower. He looked at Li Yuandao lazily with a pair of hammers and casually said, "Old guy, today is the day when you come out with the old man."
Li Yuandao nodded arrogantly and didn’t even return a word.
Xi Fangping looked at him with a big smile and suddenly said, "Do you think it’s interesting that Li Yuandao, a monk at the end of Yuan Baby, deliberately hides his breath to fight a monk at the beginning of Yuan Baby like me?"
Li Yuandao was stunned, and then his face showed an epiphany. "So my disciple Li Shengzai died in your hands?"
Xi Fangping said carelessly, "That’s natural. Otherwise, how do I know your name? How do I know that you will play today?" Li Yuandao’s face changed, and he no longer concealed his breath. A strong threat spread out from his body. Some lower-level practitioners evaded "surname Fang, since you know that I am a monk at the end of Yuan Ying, why will you come to fight?"
As soon as coercion was released, the whole platform was suddenly scattered, and most of them pointed to the half-jumping and scolded the true spiritual door for being despicable, even those true spiritual disciples were not.
Bowed his head this time, the facade of the true spirit can be lost. He has an appointment with Xi Fangping to send a monk at the end of Yuanying, and his duel is ruined this time, but they can’t help it. It’s also reasonable for the master to arrange them like this.
Xi Fangping said coldly, "Since the old guy dares to kill your apprentice, he won’t care about your revenge. Today, he came here to expose the true colors of you despicable people in front of all Taoist friends. Now that things have been done, you will be so stupid that you will challenge you in the early stage of Yuanying, an old guy who is about to reach the peak level at the end of Yuanying."
After saying that, Xi Fangping took two sledgehammers and turned to flee. It didn’t even mean to have a fight with Li Yuandao. Instead of causing the monks to scold, Xi Fangping got bursts of applause. It was also a matter of course that the other party sent a monk at the end of Yuan Ying to pretend to challenge him at the beginning of Yuan Ying, which had violated the agreement between the two sides.
Xi Fangping said, "Let’s go, let’s go." This completely surprised Li Yuandao and made him so angry that he almost chased them without wanting to jump. As many as ten monks died in the hands of this Fang Xi. If he doesn’t avenge those monks, it’s hard to explain when he gets back.
There are so many monks present that Xi Fangping drills left and right, and they disappear, which makes Li Yuandao mad. He always gets in the way and kills the monks. But there are millions of monks here. Once riots are aroused, it is still a question whether Li Yuandao can escape, but it is certain that the whole gate of the True Spirit Gate will be destroyed. It is an important game of the Spirit Sect in the Horn Star, especially in this situation. Li Yuandao dare not take the blame for destroying the True Spirit Gate.
Li Yuandao very not easy to drill out the scattered repair pile and immediately released the gods. He is happy that the hateful Fang Xi is looking around about ten miles away from the platform. It is estimated that he is looking for an escape place. Li Yuandao laughed. "The name is Fang, where can you run?" If you, a little monk, escaped from the old lady in the early days of Yuan Baby, how can you get along in the realm of repairing truth after the old lady?
XiFangPing want to also don’t want to twist a head to fly while also big scold a way "shameless old guy bully me a yuan baby early what is it? You have the guts to fight with him after the old call brother and master? When the time comes, it is estimated that your youngest son will kneel down and kowtow for mercy. Don’t be a big Sect of your heavenly spirits. In the eyes of your teacher and father, you are just frogs at the bottom of the well. "
Li Yuandao one leng this tone how so big? There are two possibilities to say that the Daimon Masaru Sect, which has hundreds of planets, is just a frog at the bottom of a well in the eyes of Master Fang Xi. One is that Master Fang Xi is so arrogant that he doesn’t know how big this boundary of cultivation is when he learns a virtue root. Second, Master Fang Xi really has two powerful powers to a terrible degree, so he doesn’t take the spiritual school seriously. After a while, Li Yuandao thinks that the first one may be bigger. After all, the most powerful monk in the fix-up world is only at the end of the gods, and it is because of the nine turns to the golden elixir that there are several monks in the fix-up world. Master Fang Xi can’t cross the boundary of the fix-up world and reach the realm of emptiness. This is impossible, that is to say, even if Fang Xi’s heavenly spirit school is provoked, it can be regarded as support.
After understanding this detail, Li Yuandao had no scruples about releasing powerful gods and looked into the distance before watching the net. Li Yuandao couldn’t help laughing. This habit was really stupefied, and he ran to the Zhenling Mountain Range for a long time. The surface of the Zhenling Mountain Range in Wan Li is actually the direct field of the Tianling School. The so-called Zhenling Gate is just a watchdog for Tianling School. For tens of thousands of years, Li Yuandao has been familiar with the mountains and rivers of Zhenling Mountain Range, especially in those important places. He can walk to the present with his eyes closed. Li Yuandao’s mind can’t help but burst out with four words "beating dogs". Ha, this isn’t just beating dogs. If you want to enter the true Lingshan vein, you can’t escape his palm even if you are crafty, especially if you look at your habits. What intrigues can such a person do and what harm can it do to an upright monk at the end of Yuanying? Thought of here Li Yuandao corners of the mouth hung a sneer at want to also don’t want to directly back to the past.
Chapter two hundred and three The cave
Ping said that the drain seemed to be an interpretation of weakness threatening its noise. "Li Yuandao tricked Li Yuandao into swaggering after it. If Li Yuandao didn’t chase it, he put it into practice. Seeing that Li Yuandao really got caught, Xi Fangping exulted and hurriedly turned his head and flew to the depths of the true mountain range.
This direction was finally designed by Xi Fangping after careful consideration. Although Li Shengzai didn’t know the specific location of the secret passage, he was born in the Spirit Sect, after all, and he had a big profit in Zhenlingmen. Li Shengzai stayed in Zhenlingdao for a hundred years. Every once in a while, he went to explore the mountains and explore the mountains, and by the way, he took a chance to see if he could pick up some exotic flowers and plants. In the past hundred years, he has traveled all over Zhenlingdao, Fiona Fang, three thousand miles, especially those corners. He is even more familiar with some places he has visited.
The place where Xi Fangping is going is about 2,000 miles away from Zhenling Island. Li Shengzai came there several decades ago when he was chasing the first-order monster beast, and he found a cave in his mind. According to Li Shengzai’s memory, the cave was quite large, covering an area of five or six miles. The holes inside were covered with holes, and the holes were quite large, especially in the center of the cave, there was a square covering dozens of acres. It was really a good place to kill people and get more goods.
This hole has been ready to benefit since Xi Fangping found it in Li Shengzai’s mind. There are three reasons. First, the hole is large and just acts. Secondly, the entrance of this cave can be seen from a distance, and it will be recognized that you have taken the wrong route and entered by mistake; Thirdly, Li Shengzai is not the only one who knows about this cave, and Li Shengzai also knows that Li Shengzai once accompanied his master here to drink tea and explore the secret, and also picked two worthless Lingcao plants. Therefore, Li Yuandao is quite familiar with this cave, and one thing is that this cave is not deserted for thousands of miles around the remote place of Zhenling Mountain. Even if there is any big movement in it, it will never be known. Even if the true Lingshan vein really has the deification period, the monks may not have the ability to detect it.
The journey of more than 2,000 miles is just a short distance for Xi Fangping now. Although Li Yuandao is taller than he is, it is not easy for him to run for dozens of miles before Xi Fangping. It is not easy to see Li Yuandao relentlessly chasing Xi Fangping, and he has raised himself to the limit. The mountain peaks blink and he is left behind and flies straight to the destination.
After seeing Xi Fang’s flatness, Li Yuandao was also secretly shocked. Although this hateful Fang Xi had the initial state of Yuan Ying, its strength actually reached the level of Yuan Ying’s final stage. Although it was just like just stepping into the friar of Yuan Ying’s final stage, it was quite terrible that a friar of Yuan Ying was able to wield his final strength. This kind of situation only appeared in the corner star during the period of celestial spirit Sect and Hunyuan Sect hegemony. Therefore, Li Yuandao was convinced that this Fang Xi really had quite a lot of secrets, and it was even more urgent for him to catch Fang Xi and ask a white heart.
It has been many years since Li Yuandao entered the end of Yuanying. Naturally, he will not pay attention to Xi Fangping’s repair, but the gap between the two sides is not very large. It is not easy to get closer. After flying for two quarters of an hour, Li Yuandao finally brought the distance between the two sides closer to about ten miles. At this time, Li Yuandao suddenly reduced the flatness of Xi Fangping, although a little bit, but a little bit is enough for a big monk like them. After all, the realm is not high. Li Yuandao is secretly happy, although there is. At the end of Yuan Ying’s temporary World War I strength, but it won’t last long. Adding peaks to stop Li Yuandao is more than thinking about things like humiliating Xi Fangping later.
Xi Fangping flew around looking for the cave in Li Shengzai’s mind. Indeed, Xi Fangping saw a dark hole halfway up a mountain. The hole was ten feet long and ten feet wide, and there were no trees around it. It was the hole depicted in Li Shengzai’s mind.
Xi Fangping’s exultation didn’t want to fly directly to the mouth of the cave and blink of an eye and disappear into the shadows. Li Yuandao was only ten miles away from him. Seeing this exultation, he had been to the mouth of the cave, but he was familiar with some roots, so there was no other way out. Isn’t this asking for a dead end? It’s estimated that Fang Xi’s reiki has been consumed almost, and it’s also a dead end to go there again. It’s better to just find a hole and spell it out. There are so many holes, but you have to find this one. Although it looks the most conspicuous, it’s the least dangerous hole, which makes Li Yuandao happy. Sometimes, it’s estimated that his dead disciple is helping himself in the dark.
As soon as I got into the hole, Li Yuandao was now about two miles ahead, and a mass of breath was constantly moving straight towards the center of the hole. Li Yuandao was overjoyed to speed up his posture and soon put the distance between the two sides.
However, it should be normal for Li Fangdao to have a certain advantage in understanding the eggplant.
After driving two miles, Li Yuandao’s breath broke through the center of the cave for a few times, and then Naidi stopped. It seems that Fang Xi has now found a way out, and he is preparing to fight hard with himself. Li Yuandao nodded desperately. Today, I will show you how big the strength gap between the two sides is with people who have the strength at the end of Yuan Ying.
After a few breaths, Li Yuandao arrived at the center of the cave. He saw that Xi Fangping was laying his hand on a stone in the ground and looked at himself cheekily. Was there any sign of fear or desperate World War I? Is there an ambush in this hole? Li Yuandao was surprised and hurriedly scanned the gods’ knowledge to make sure that the whole hole had its own and Fang Xi alive, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. Through the moonlight stone on the ceiling, Xi Fangping saw Li Yuandao’s expression clearly and couldn’t help sneering, "Li Daoyou, don’t worry, there are no other people in this hole, just the two of us."