Because an ambitious man who has no guts can’t sit still in this high position.

The emperor looked at A Jiu and didn’t speak all the time. A Jiu was not a little uneasy. In fact, she hoped to get her father’s support. The worst thing was just the dream, but she would never give up. Because of the dream situation, she would never appear in front of her again.
Fortunately, the day finally lived up to A Jiu’s expectations
"A Jiu, do you really want to? Can you bear this heavy burden? "
Father speaks solemnly and slowly, but I have to say that he is really considering giving A Jiu a chance.
Chapter 469 Chapter 469
All the small countries around feel that Dasong has become increasingly strong in recent years, and they dare not take the initiative to look at the prosperity of Dasong, but they don’t know that this so-called prosperity is an illusion.
However, what is prosperous?
The court fights endlessly, and the officials’ bodies are vegetarian. It seems that the people who live and work in peace and contentment are still oppressed by bureaucrats, and it is difficult to get a break.
These are A Jiu’s eyes. She has a noble status and can see these people at the peak of her strength. But she has seen the lowest filth and darkness of her heart with her four investigations.
A Jiu put the emperor’s console table stacked memorials in different categories, and those flowers were also placed in the corners. No one would pay attention to the important things and divide them into unimportant trivial things.
A Jiu is not a photographic memory, but his memory is also very good. After a quick glance, we can know what this memorial is mainly about. A Jiu is not good at seeing these.
Although the emperor was lying on the side to have a rest, he looked at A Jiu all the time.
A Jiu’s every move or frown or Zhan Yan told the emperor to look in his eyes. The emperors who wished to join the throne had seen it, and he knew what was written in it. He could almost see her thoughts through A Jiu’s expression.
For a long time, A Jiu finally put the last memorial at hand
"A Jiu, you’ve seen many memorials, but I haven’t approved a few of them. Would you like to talk about your thoughts?"
This is to give A Jiu a chance to show herself, and she knows that she is ready to show herself.
One of these is that these two officials fought each other in the street. Generally speaking, the positions of these two officials are not less than the fight, not to mention the line. It is an old story involving a court fight.
Nowadays, the emperor attaches great importance to the prime minister’s surname Cai, who is called Cai Xiang, and Cai Xiang is also an important person. Under the banner of reform and innovation, the reform and reform ideas put forward by Wen Wang in the first emperor’s period are revived.
In the pre-emperor period, the Song Dynasty was as prosperous as it is today, and the crisis was hidden. That is, the prime minister at that time selected talented people to recover the land occupied by other countries on the border of the Song Dynasty while reforming the law to strengthen the country. General Wang was the one who pulled it out.
You know, the general who recovered the lost land was just writing for others before Wen Wangba. Who dares to believe that a scholar can do what many military commanders can’t do?
From this, we can know that King Wen knows people and can do things.
King Wen was not a brother of the royal family, but a distinguished official when he was alive. After the death of the prime minister, the first emperor chased him to enjoy the ancestral temple. This is such an honor!
The first emperor, Wang Junchen, did a lot of national things. It was these political reform measures that damaged the bureaucratic temperament of those nobles. Even the queen mother and queen mother cried in front of the first emperor every day.
When the late emperor was old, he was not as good as he used to be. King Wen was demoted to his official post and returned to his hometown. The monarch and his subjects will meet again.
Now the emperor was still the first emperor at that time, and he was taught by King Wen, and he also agreed with King Wen’s practice in his heart.
It was Wang Wen who died many years ago, and Cai Xiang’s eloquence was outstanding. Even though the emperor knew that Cai Xiang was not as noble as Wang Wen, he had to pull out Cai Xiang in this interpersonal relationship.
And the most important point is that the emperor’s little thought of recognizing people as perfect, Cai Xiang, can’t become a climate with him around.
The emperor thinks that he can suppress Cai Xiangke, but he never thought that if one day he went to his successor, he could also suppress such a controlling politician.
The emperor never thought about it, but now he has to think about it.
The DPRK-China forces are divided into two groups, one is Cai Xiangshou, and the other is Zhuge Shen Houshou. It can be said that the two sides are evenly matched and compete with each other, which is also the situation that the emperor intends to check and balance.
However, Cai Xiangren is worried, and some things such as accepting bribes are despised by some honest courtiers. However, due to the emperor’s emphasis on Cai Xiang, some Zhuge gods dare to say that he is not
In this memorial, I learned that those two officials are Cai Xiang and his school, and I dare to remember that they are either neutral or on the side of Zhuge Shenhou, otherwise people will have the courage.
For this matter, we should know A Jiu’s way of life if we handle it.
"If a house doesn’t sweep the sky, even the family heirs can’t be managed well, they might as well ask the court officials to tutor their children!"
A Jiu was a little blunt and angry, but she spoke with two points of wit.
The emperor shook his head. "A Jiu, you should be serious about the emperor’s skill. One of them is to check and balance the forces between the DPRK and China today. However, you are afraid of breaking this balance."
According to the emperor’s idea, fighting between two officials and children is nothing but an ordinary trivial matter, but it can’t be handled. It is better to slap each other even if it is muddled.
Although A Jiu’s approach is feasible, it is not too impatient
"Father and emperor should not delay some things, but should solve problems as soon as possible. It will be no small matter sooner or later. They regard it as the law of the dynasty, don’t they?"
A Jiu has long seen that her father’s practice of imperial king should not be powerful checks and balances.
Some of them have rotted from the roots, so it is better to dig up the rotten piece to grow new ones.
This is why the father and the daughter have different ideas. Fortunately, the emperor is a person who can listen to other people’s opinions. If he is arbitrary, he will have no say in A Jiu.
"It’s a simple matter for A Jiu to take their office, but who is suitable for their position after them and can do it as well as them?"
Nowadays, the selection of court officials is quite out of the emperor’s mind. There are too many officials in charge of the same thing, but the officials are inefficient. This situation is somewhat similar in the early days of the first emperor
At this time, the situation in the DPRK is afraid that these two positions will be lost, and the two sides will begin to compete for their own positions, while the emperor himself does not want one side to be too powerful because it will affect the emperor
"During the emperor’s ancestor period, there were redundant officials, redundant soldiers and redundant soldiers. Wang Wen once made a feasible method for these phenomena. A Jiu is also appropriate for the selection of officials at this time, and it is time to add some fresh blood.
The father’s move will make both sides influence the emperor. If you change these vegetarian meals for a group of people who really belong to the emperor, which side’s power will increase? "
According to A Jiu’s law, the reshuffle in the hall not only weakened the influence of Cai Xiang and Zhuge Shenhou, but also killed two birds with one stone.
A Jiu can think of the French emperor, and it is unexpected that he is now physically unable to hold on. If he dies in the middle of things, it would be better not to do it.
It is when a person is in a stable environment for a long time that he doesn’t want to seek change.
Although the emperor has a heart for change, he is too hesitant to change the calm and safe situation.
The emperor was silent, but A Jiu was no longer aggressive. It was true that she also knew the difficulties of her father.
If we really follow her idea, it will cause an earth-shaking change to the whole court. If we are not careful, it may have serious consequences.
But for A Jiu, no matter how serious the consequences, she had foreseen them.
The emperor saw his daughter’s anxiety, distraction and determination in her blood, which he lacked, but he had to sharpen her and do things step by step
"A Jiu, you go home first and I will think about it."
"Father and emperor are constantly being disturbed by it, and it is better to have a new life if the meat is rotten."
A Jiu said this sentence before he left, which made the emperor unable to recover for a long time. Perhaps he was really old and began to be timid, and there was no more enterprising spirit.
After leaving, A Jiu did not stay in the palace. Instead, he said goodbye to the queen and returned to the house of God.