Just, at this time, she was a little uncertain. She was still waiting for Xiao Wen here.

She has been here for a whole hundred days, and as a result, let alone Xiao Wen, there is not even a moving creature in this buried magic gorge except her.
She has a lot of things to do, so she can’t wait here forever.
But on the other hand, she felt that if she left like this. It will appear that the handshake before the two people parted is particularly insignificant …
For her, it really doesn’t matter, and the way she insists on is to stick to one thought. Nothing can really shake her heart until that thought is completely put down. It’s like a sacred tree growing on a lonely cliff, let the wind and rain blow it in every way. It will shake but it will always be just leaves and twigs, and the trunk and roots of the sacred tree will always be so strong.
However, she is not a cold-blooded person, which can be seen only from her calm attitude towards ordinary people. Xiao Wen is her half disciple, her friend and the person she appreciates, so she will also consider the problem from Xiao Wen’s point of view.
She felt that before leaving, Xiao Wen must have made great determination to reach out to her. As far as she knows. It should be the first time that Xiao asked for emotion in my life, and she didn’t want to blow Xiao asked too much …
She can see it, and doesn’t care if the handshake has any weight, but Xiao asked if it doesn’t, and cares if that short moment has any weight. Then she can let Xiao ask a little.
The love between men and women is a trivial matter, and she is fully confident to handle the relationship with Xiao Wen after the reunion.
In fact, in her life, there are many people who love her, and there are also men who have a good relationship with her, just like Xun Yu, who is also familiar with Xiao Wen. However, no one really moved her by coming together with her. She just needs to stick to herself. When they get to know her better and better, they will know that it is impossible for the two sides to be together, and then gradually dispel that kind of mind.
Xiao Wen is a special case, with a low realm, and he hasn’t practiced for a few years in total, and his feelings are blank. It was Yun Qing who decided to let him go. Do more things to show that she doesn’t despise him so much …
However, that also needs two people to meet.
If you haven’t seen it all the time, then in Xiao Wen’s heart, the relationship between the two will definitely stay at the stage of being rejected by her flat and agile.
She doesn’t really want to ask Xiao how, but in her eyes, the relationship between men and women is not a big deal at all. She will let Xiao ask slowly return to normal in her own way without being hurt.
That’s really not difficult.
At this moment, maybe Ren Nanyun Qing’s thinking will not guess that Xiao Wen is in the demon world. She and he won’t see each other for a short time, but probably for a long time. Unless they know each other’s whereabouts and have a treasure like a broken ruler in their hands.
At the moment, it is also late at night in the Tianlan demon world. Xiao Wen is walking quietly under the night with Duan’s eldest son Duan every cloud has a silver lining.
Neither of them made any noise, nor did they fly, but they hurried on in silence. And I can see that Duan often leads the way in front, and Xiao Wen only needs to follow.
In this case, Xiao Wen has time to think about other things.
Perhaps he sensed Nan Yunqing’s thoughts in another world, which is more likely to be just a coincidence. At this time, Xiao Wen was thinking about her.
At this time, trying to recall, he still felt that it was too impulsive to reach out and hold Nan Yunqing’s hand, although the feeling at that moment was really …
He doesn’t deny his love for Nan Yunqing at all, but he has to let go of this love for two reasons: first, he is far from worthy of Nan Yunqing in terms of appearance and mental strength; Second, he has always had a steelyard in his heart, and practice has always been a big part of his life. The feelings between men and women only account for a small part. Since he can’t love everything, and Nan Yunqing is definitely a person who must love everything, then it is better not to love.
In this silent night with only starlight, he thinks about her, but what he thinks about is how to save the embarrassment caused by that impulse between them.
Still as good as before …
He can accept it, too
Just, I just don’t know if she will think that he cares, and she can’t let go because of his concern. After all, she is such a kind person.
At the thought of this, Xiao asked more tangled, and he was so angry that he couldn’t even breathe evenly.
Duan Chang is already an advanced fairy, and his ears are bright and clear. Hearing Xiao’s abnormality, he slowed down and asked in a low voice, "Brother Xiao, are you all right?"
"It’s okay, keep walking. Is it coming soon? "
"Well, more than ten miles ahead. Those Tiankui wolves are so sensitive to the shock waves caused by flying that they can only go on foot. Let Xiao Dage suffer. " Xiao asked with a smile, "This is the third time you’ve told me that. You don’t have to be so polite."
"Hey, until now the younger brother is still like in a dream. What happened these days is incredible. Brother Xiao’s kindness to my family is unforgettable. " That passage is often quite exciting in the tunnel.
"In this case, I can’t remember how many times you said it." Xiao asked helplessly tunnel.
Two people continue to move forward in the dark, more and more careful. This trip is for nothing else. It is for Duan Chang to find a monster again.
When Xiao Ri asked Duan Jia that they could go to Longjing together, Duan Jia’s family was overjoyed, so they packed up their things overnight. The next time, Xiao Ri disguised himself early in the morning and sent it to Longjing in two waves. The reason why this is natural is to hide people’s eyes and ears, so as not to be chased to Longjing by the Yin Bao clan with extremely snowy peaks in the future.
To Xiao Wen’s surprise, even his delivery fee was paid by Duan Jia, which shows that the family’s financial resources are more solid than he thought. It’s a pity that this is a demon world, and no matter how much money you have, you can’t get strength. It’s really a very helpless thing.
Xiao Wen’s contact with their family is not deep, but Duan Chang and Duan Yan really like it. Intentional to protect them for a while, so I didn’t leave immediately after I arrived in Longjing with them.
After Duan’s family was completely settled, Xiao Wen got to know Duan Changchang more and more in a few days, so he decided to help him again.
As Xiao Wen expected, this paragraph is often a young man who is dedicated to practice. When Ri Yin Bao took the initiative to destroy his blood mark, it was almost as if the sky had fallen for him.
But then he every cloud has a silver lining, instead of falling, rose, and his will became strong again. He still wanted to practice and ascend!