
This is the second watch! Today, I finished updating Chapter 649. What do you mean, life is worse than death!
As Huang Lao’s voice settled, he took the silver needle handed by Su Ling and made no effort to hit Yu Boshen trapped in the law!
A silver needle quickly pierced and dyed yellow powder, and the airflow was accurately injected into the acupuncture points of Yubo’s whole body!
And trapped Yubo suddenly suffers from important acupuncture points all over his body, and the whole person looks more and more frightened and keeps jumping!
It is true that there is such a way that they can completely control the jade!
Although the technique is despicable, it has to be done at this time!
Soon, the cloth and needles were shot into the jade body by the third department, and at this time, I don’t know what happened to the outside world. Jade is like a badly injured person kneeling in the ground and spitting out one mouthful blood!
Su Ling and May’s sight meet, and both mother and daughter’s eyes are radiant with faint, obscure and dark awns!
After a while, Huang Laosan converged and handed the cloth to Long Yixiu. He squinted and said, "That’s enough!"
Wen Suling looked at Huang Laosan and smiled faintly. Then she stepped forward and said clearly, "Then I will solve the array method now!"
Seeing Su Ling so confident, many people can’t help but drive forward!
After all, they didn’t see how Su Ling untied the array door before the law!
Now that they are all outside the law, can Su Ling solve it? !
Ignore other people’s strange thoughts. Su Ling calmly walked to the vicinity of the array and carefully observed a bb flowing airflow!
Blink her eyes a bright phoenix eyes somewhere in the airflow!
She observed for a long time that the airflow array surrounding Yubo kept flowing with the yellow powder!
However, there is a very thin air near the ground, and the flow speed is very slow!
If you look closely, you can find that the yellow powder is not contaminated!
Presumably, the big slap in the face should be to unlock the array key!
Because of the previous experience, Su Ling already knows that all the formations are not sewn in heaven!
If you are careful enough, you will find some clues!
Su Ling leaned over slowly and reached out her plain hand to that place where the airflow was slow!
Sure enough, at her fingertips, she felt a tremor in the airflow!
In an instant, she squinted her eyes and made a fist with her hands very fast!
Sou-Su Ling, including everyone, felt a tremor in the air!
Including the yellow circular airflow, it is also broken and disintegrated in the blink of an eye!
The array is broken when it is attacked!
"Oh, my God, this is so weird!"
"Who said it wasn’t!"
The crowd kept sighing, and Su Ling bent her lips slightly, smiling!
In fact, she is also gambling. God loves her several times and she won the bet!
"Hu Su … Ling …"
When everyone is still amazed that Su Ling untied the law together and sat on the ground at the same time, Yu Bozheng was paralyzed and stared at Su Ling’s tone, gnashing her teeth!
He gasped and trembled all over!
It seems that the trauma caused by those silver needles after they disappeared into his body is also quite serious!
At that time, he was very embarrassed and collapsed on the ground, including when the air burst, and the yellow powder floating in the wind also fell on him!
"How does Yubo feel?"
Facing Yubo again, Su Ling’s attitude at this time is quite different from before!
She squinted and looked down at him with no sympathy!
Wen Yubo’s breathing became more and more fierce, and his chest kept rising and falling, which seemed to show his increasing anger!
"Mrs. Su Ling … is going to kill … you!"
While speaking, Yubo was about to get up, but he seemed so powerless!
With his voice still on his lips, the whole person has fallen back to the ground again!
Once upon a time, Yubo’s proudest thing was that he was the most powerful!
But when he was trapped in the array, he was repeatedly attacked by the dark, which made him unprepared!
He is a martial artist and naturally knows that important acupuncture points in the whole body have been sealed!
This situation is equivalent to directly nullifying other forces!
Don’t talk about any strength. Now it’s so difficult for him to even think about it!
"Do you think you are still qualified to kill me now?"
Su Ling sneered at Yubo’s victim. Although she was not sarcastic, she felt limited in her heart!
The old man has been planning all his life, but it has to be said that it was a fiasco in the end!
"Su Ling something you will kill the old otherwise … the old will revenge! I will! "
Yu Boqiang crossbow body meager strength still extreme words and Su Ling confrontation!
However, his words not only deepened Su Ling’s smile, but also caused her mood swings!
"Yu Bo Yue Qin Ge is dead. Do you want to kill me because you think you will have a chance to turn over?"
Su Ling coldly said qiao face metamorphoses, like a cold wind crossing the border!
At this moment, she can clearly see the hatred in Yubo’s eyes and see his indignation and unwillingness!
It’s a pity that everything is too late!
"You … what did you say?"
Yubo’s eyes kept looking around for a moment, but he didn’t see the figure of Yueqin Song!
"Su Ling, how dare you … how dare you kill …"