These unfamiliar or familiar nouns are like layers of thick fog that keep him confused, but an almost intuitive idea has become more and more clear "danger!"

Yin San-ren broke the silence. "I still insist on the suspicion that Li Xun must be a’ meta-fetal Taoist’ and it is possible to push it even if he is not Gu Zhixuan’s reincarnation … After all, the theory of reincarnation can last for five thousand years!"
Seeing that she is so persistent, the blood scattered people dare not deny that the Yin scattered people are the most knowledgeable among the Godsworn, and few people can tell the right one day. She can judge some situations as "truth".
"If he is really a fetal tunnel …" The footsteps coming over there show that the bleeding is scattered and people are a little annoyed. "If it is a fetal tunnel, damn it! What do you mean by Yin Beauty? "
Yin scattered people neither salty nor light tunnel "what do you mean …"
"Don’t give me playing dumb! You know what I mean! " Blood scattered people scolded 1 "since it is a meta-fetal Taoist body, what can I do?" But this baby has one thing. You can’t chop him up! Just give me an idea! "
Yin San people laughed. "Don’t you use him as bait? You know, his sword Sect is very popular. Are you willing to make all kinds of arrangements over the past few decades? "
"It is better to ask for help than to ask for help! This truth is white for everyone! " Blood is scattered in the mouth, but listening to his tone is obviously a little dreary exercise.
Li Jue listened with trepidation "bait"?
Damn it, there’s something wrong with the idea of "Linxi tactic" for a scattered person!
He’s almost sure that the scattered people definitely have other plans, and from the beginning, he just "abandoned" himself!
Although Li Xun has scolded the scattered people for thousands of times in his heart, he dare not miss a word to listen to the scattered humanity. "This is better than my plan … You should know that if I really have a monopoly, I will never let you know that I am seeking mutual trust!"
Blood scattered people is low, and I can’t tell what it means.
But it’s clear from here that Li Xun suddenly mixed with a lot of noise and soon fell silent. Li Xun suddenly jumped up and played for more than a dozen methods without any.
He made a rude remark, and it happened that the ten-day deadline was up.
"I’ve fucking had enough!" Li Xun flew up and kicked the case away.
Then the whole room was torn to pieces like all the decorations in the hurricane transit room were suddenly vented by him. Until there was nothing complete, he waddled out of the door, but he tripped over the threshold and almost fell down. He finally became more conscious by holding the door frame.
"Now I have no choice! But if one day one day … "
He pinched his lips and the wooden door frame was crushed by him.
"Come!" As soon as he called, people around him were scared out of their wits, and all the maids rushed over and knelt down to listen to the training.
But to the surprise of these people, Li Xun’s tone is surprisingly mild. "Clean up the inside … by the way, give me the little bowl inside."
An actor hurriedly entered the door and took out a small bowl. Li Jue took it and thanked it. On the spot, Li Jue stunned the poor guy but left him alone and went straight out.
The second chapter orb
Li Xun entered the palace in the mood of rushing to the execution ground.
However, the moment he stepped into the Lanshe Courtyard, he entered an unspeakable state. Any nervousness, fear and resentment are all expelled from the heart, leaving a wonderful and exquisite "feeling"
Li Jue realized the beauty of this "feeling" temporarily. He felt that he was suddenly more awake and had smoother muscle control. His face expression was like a clay figurine, and he could knead whatever he wanted.
A person who thinks about his face appears to be in a state of panic, and then he just goes straight into nave.
As soon as he saw the cloudy face, he shouted miserably, "Uncle Shi, help!"
As expected, a cold hum broke out on the other side of the mouth, and he turned his face to show surprise and fear naturally and looked "Master?"
Hearing him blurt out that he called the scattered blood person, even if he really didn’t take him seriously, he praised him in his heart, and his face eased slightly, then he sneered at "worthless thing!"
Li Jue’s face was full of embarrassment, and he greeted him quickly and then asked, "When will Master come back?"
Blood scattered people snorted but ignored him. Li Xun was even more embarrassed. Fortunately, while Yin scattered people laughed, "How many days did Tian Xingjian’s clan end?" You got into trouble again? Wei Bufan, teach your apprentice well! "
She was joking, of course, but Li Xun must not take him for granted. He quickly smiled bitterly and said to Yin, "Martial Uncle Jian Di never deliberately caused trouble, but this disaster is his own falling from the sky."
He told the story of Lin’s sorrow very quickly, and it doesn’t have to be said in detail. Just listening to the name "Demon Phoenix" made the two faces slightly discolored.
"Demon phoenix daughter?" Yin San’s eyes moved to Li Xun’s face and he couldn’t tell what it was. He even mocked, "Is she your senior sister?"
Li Jue listened to can wry smile while blood scattered people is stuffy hum a "Guzhixuan hide so tightly that the demon phoenix was preserved by him this day, and naturally it was inseparable from Qingluan.
"Seven demon two do start with his eccentric niece is met Zhong Yin is enough to deal with! He didn’t show any wind until recently … What a good plan! "
The meaning of his words is already very white. Li Xun couldn’t help laughing internally, but he couldn’t help thinking of a face.
Two people are great, such as this expression change income eyes two pairs of eyes also looked up together.
Li Xun was startled by them and couldn’t help taking a step back. His face was very strange. He hesitated. "I just remembered one thing. I heard Lin You call’ Green Aunt’ that day …"
As soon as he said this, he clearly felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere in the room. After two people were instantly surprised, they glanced at each other and looked back at him in unison. The strange eyes made his heart chill.
"is qingluan here?" In the plain sound, Yin San people took the lead in withdrawing their eyes and their faces did not change at all.
But the more she is, the more afraid she is in Li Xun’s heart.
People who are scattered in the dark are willing to play, but those who are scattered in the blood are not so carefree. It seems that Li Xun, who is scattered in the blood, looks at him like a stiff dead fish on the chopping block!
He almost ran away from the door, but fortunately, a little reason took root in his feet. This contradiction and distorted mood almost drove him crazy! The most painful thing is that he has to make a rich expression to prevaricate the two demons.
He struggled to answer, "I didn’t get accurate information, so I have to ask my master and uncle to make a decision!"