"This is a violation of the will of the great God and a blasphemy against the great God," said the servant in an emotional tone.

Crushing? Do you mean the ancient Roman punishment of crushing people alive with a heavy stone mill?
Kelan’s mind just came out with such an idea, and his doubts were lifted-seeing that standing on the man’s follower’s foot suddenly made a force accompanied by a crunchy "click", the man’s spine turned out to be forcefully broken!
But he didn’t die immediately, and the shrill screams echoed in the residential area. His hands were savagely flapping on the ground, and his fingers were bloody, drawing a series of shocking blood stains and constantly twitching and struggling. Compared with his legs, he didn’t even move-the spinal nerve had been destroyed, and even if he was saved at this time, he couldn’t change the fact of high paraplegia.
The "grinding punishment" in the mouth of the servant of God did not end there. The attendant moved the sole along the spine for two inches and stamped it again.
"ah! !”
As soon as the scream rang, it came to an abrupt end. This foot position was already at the waist, which not only crushed a section of spine, but also crushed two pairs of ribs of this man and plunged them directly into the lungs.
The attendant didn’t seem to notice that the footman had stopped breathing. He continued to step on the whole spine from the waist to the neck until it was completely crushed, and the victim’s whole body was raw and sticky plasma was constantly overflowing from him.
"You come" to see that this person has been a servant of death and pointed to another person … and this person happens to be the young woman who was previously "tortured" by Kelan!
Chapter three hundred and sixty-five Sacrificial ceremony
The woman didn’t realize that the celebrity was herself until two attendants came to her, and she looked up with some trembling and carefully turned her attention to the servant not far away.
"God, servant of God, you, your chosen person … is it, is it me?"
She has bitten her tongue three times in less than twenty words.
God servant didn’t say anything. He nodded his head in a very small way, and then sounded a word "hmm" as dull as a nasal sound.
The woman’s legs were weak in an instant. She wanted to get up from the bunk, but she tried twice, but failed. Her legs and feet were weak, and those tendons and bone roots were out of control, and even her facial muscles twitched involuntarily.
After waiting for a few seconds, the two attendants impatiently pulled the woman from the scaffold and dragged her to the front of God’s servant like dragging livestock to be slaughtered.
The woman who has just learned from the past is afraid to resist. She even dare not say a word "no"-the body that was ravaged by "grinding punishment" fell not far away, with its head tilted to one side and its cheeks sticking to the ground, almost squeezed out of its eyes and twisted expression. It seems that it still tells others about the pain before death.
Splashed into hemiplasma and gathered into round globular droplets. Around the body, the attendant who had just finished grinding was floating. He reached out and fished out several large blood droplets in his palm. He reached his palm to his mouth and licked it, which was creepy, and immediately came out of the cloak.
The woman put her hands over her mouth and tried not to let her sobs leak out. Because of fear, her legs kept swinging. As soon as the two attendants released her arms, she sat down directly.
"You should be honored to be the chosen one." When the servant saw the fallen woman, he threw something in his right hand one step at a time-it was a rough dagger made by rolling, cutting and polishing two four-millimeter-thick carbon steel plates. Not only the blade, but also the edge of the handle was full of burrs. Deep orange rust and dark brown dry blood mixed together to wrap the blade to see a little metallic luster at the tip.
"Most of you should be familiar with the sacrificial ceremony, but in order to take care of our new compatriots today, I would like you to repeat the ceremony and rules when you wave for more than ten seconds," said the servant. "The winner who wins one-on-one fair and glorious fight three times in a row will be chosen as a great warrior; And the vanquished is to integrate the sacrifice of the gods with the great gods. "
He paused and continued, "In life and death, you will all get all the glory of the great God …"
This passage is the longest one said after the appearance of God’s servant. Kelan found that his tone not only had no pause and turning of emotional words, but also was very stiff. It seemed that there was a little stream noise mixed with it, which was very difficult to distinguish … It seemed that it was not his voice but a sound made with the help of some equipment.
None of these words he uttered came from the hair organs that came with his body.
It’s normal for organisms’ hair organs to be damaged by radiation, but what makes Kelan feel is whether he is talking to them now as a servant of God or someone else?
Is this a preset recording? Or some special long-distance way?
It’s a pity that Asano is not next to Koran now, otherwise he will certainly hear more details in his hearing.
Koran couldn’t help wondering … Could this guy in the tin can be a puppet being manipulated?
Two crude daggers were still floating, and the daggers collided with each other for a while, and then floated in the opposite direction.
The young woman first glanced at the dagger and then at Kelan, and then she suddenly climbed two or three meters forward, looked up at the servant of God and said, "Lord servant of God, I have one thing I want to report to you-"
"Poof bursts-"
Before the word "report" and "report" could be uttered, the rusty dagger had been plunged into her throat, which plunged her into silence forever.