Half-transit war family patriarch body light hazy number of runes fills the air suddenly his palm a row square that large array was completely activated, and I don’t know how many array lines emerged and instantly submerged this area with a vast screen covering everything.

This is the legacy of Taikoo, and it is the taboo of his ancestors.
Hundreds of millions of years have passed, but the complexity is still beyond everyone’s imagination.
Several light broke out, and even he himself was instantly locked to death, which immediately alarmed everyone.
"This array has just not been activated!"
"What is this big array? It’s so powerful. Is he crazy and trapped himself to seal himself off?"

"Boom!" The large array is activated to the best of its ability, and the turmoil in Gankun can clearly feel that the whole central ancestral hall seems to be shaking. The ground is full of its essence, and it is coming here from all directions, and it is rolling and roaring like a purple high school.
Hundreds of millions of stars shine directly, dazzling like hundreds of millions of suns falling together. The whole high school is a terrible light.
Billions of stars gather together!
The mighty essence made everyone exclaim, so vast and horrible, even if it was as powerful as the ancient ancestor, it felt its own smallness.
Chapter five thousand one hundred and fifty-one The heyday of the old clan
The sky is far away, the purple light is gathering in the earth, and hundreds of millions of stars are landing in high school.
On this day, the golden lotus is pouring brilliantly!
The scene of the intersection of heaven and earth is shocking to the extreme! ? The figure of all this light is as insignificant as a series of tiny black spots.
This is the gathering of the essence, and the old clan leader of the Central Day War Family suddenly flew out with a wave of his hand and a roll of golden god list. It was like a terrible golden light, and Lei Heng was too high. Finally, he stopped.
On the exhibition of the Golden God List, a majestic monstrous statue full of Taoist rhymes appeared, which dominated and overlooked the world.
"taboo hands!"
"What is the face writing?"
"Forbidden? What does this mean? Does it mean that he is forbidden to shoot? "
Everyone was shocked and noticed the old font.
There is a big word in the virtual middle of the golden god list.
This font is full of mysterious power to settle the world, the universe and the universe, so that the old clan leader in the family of Tianzhan is not affected by the impact of aura at all.
Everyone’s eyes are hot and they are staring at all this.
"Master is a taboo hand."
Golden wing Peng Wang mouth said
Xiao Yu’s eyes narrowed. "I’ll have my own means to resolve it later."
He gave the stone demon Luo Yin Shi Mo Luo a bright eye and said, "OK, I get it!"
They stared at the field closely.
"Roar …"
At this moment, the old clan roared, and his long withered white hair suddenly turned white and danced like grass. He was incredibly young for tens of thousands of years!
He used to look like an old man with white hair, but now his eyes are blazing, his white hair turns to his gray face, and his wrinkles disappear a lot
They all looked surprised and found this scene.
"He’s getting younger!"
"It’s a dead shot to win all your essence!"

"Roar …"
There was another roar, and the whole ground shook slightly. His eyes were brighter and his body was brighter. The original gray hair turned a little black like ink, and all the wrinkles disappeared. The old body returned to youth.
Everyone is horrified and chills.
In the heyday, the old clan leader is invincible unless it is taboo!
The third roar fell off the court, and someone directly coughed up blood and fell down in a pool of blood on the spot, even though it was still worn out through a terrible array of rhymes, which was unbearable.
"To tell the truth, he was the first person to be taboo in that year!"
"If you don’t shoot for hundreds of millions of years, his strength has actually reached such a shocking level!"
"Back off!"
Many ancient ancestors regressed with horror.
The light of the old clan’s body is even more terrible, and the blood gas bursts out directly from his body surface. His head has turned black, his long hair is dancing against the wind, and his body has changed dramatically. First, he reached middle age, and then he turned to a teenager.
Finally, a harsh light rushed up and he completely turned into a teenager!
Seventeen-year-old Yan Yingzi is full of burly body and sharp eyes, and she is full of terrible spirit!
It’s like an out-of-body Excalibur sweeping across the sky. "I want to prove that I am the master of the body and the family. I swear that if I succeed, I will create a secret realm and rebuild the spiritual source to protect me. If I fail, I will nourish the earth and feed back hundreds of millions of people. I swear that the sun and the moon will prove heaven and earth.
Learn from the gods, the demons and the gods! "
Lei Yin, the young patriarch’s eloquent god, resounded through heaven and earth.
Boom! Every word of him is more clear than the shock of the Central Ancestral Family. There are thousands of miles of mountains, turbulent rivers and explosions. Clouds are thundering and thundering, and the situation is turbulent. I don’t know how terrible it is. I feel terrible from my deep sleep.
Breath measurement