Chapter three hundred and fifty-nine Help Shi Jian

After a while, the song and dance stopped, and the dancer bowed to the stone emperor and respectfully retired.
Shi Huang sat high on the throne and began to say, "Today is the 4,000-year-old birthday of the Emperor. It is an honor for the Emperor Shi Guo to come."
Shi Guowenwu Baiguan also walked over and nodded to the representatives of major forces.
A weirdo with two pupils on each side and four eyes laughed and said, "Is it unreasonable that the birthday of the Stone Emperor is a matter of great importance to the country?"
Even though there are many enmities with each other, everyone has given the stone emperor a face that has not been shown at the moment.
The stone emperor said, "It will be too late to live for five thousand years and four thousand years."
Tai got up and bowed in awe and said, "Father will live forever!"
The civil and military officials also got up and shouted, "I wish you a long life in Xinjiang ~"
The stone emperor laughed and said, "Those who can live forever have saints. It is absolutely impossible for the emperor to enter the saints. Please sit down."
Wenwu Baiguan Taidu sits.
The Archbishop of the Temple stood up and said with a smile, "I brought a sacred crystal to the stone emperor for his birthday. I hope you can share the same light."
The stone emperor stood in awe and said, "Please tell the burning light saint Shi Guoguang."
The Archbishop of the Temple nodded his head with satisfaction. One hand stretched out a spar palm, and a colorful halo bloomed around the spar. The spar slowly flew towards the stone emperor and was taken over by the stone emperor.
Mr. Hui Yu got up and said with a smile, "Mr. Yuan Da wrote a word asking me to give it to Shihuang to congratulate him on his birthday."
Behind Hui Yu, a young student was holding a scroll. If Li Pingan were here, he would know that this young man was once white dust in Anqing City.
The white dust hand lifted the scroll and took off in the middle of it, and there were four big words written on it: "Guotai Min An!" The four Chinese characters are dignified and handsome, and they are full of charm and ease.
The stone emperor laughed and said, "It is a great honor to have Mr. Da. The emperor will certainly live up to Mr. Da’s expectations and strive to make the country prosperous and the people safe."
Put away Mr. Big before macro son, which is also the direction you should work hard after. "
Too respectful to answer "yes!"
Fly up from the surface, come to the front of the scroll, pay homage to the scroll courtyard for three times, and then put the scroll away.
White dust also turned around and turned the seat.
"The windy country sent a pair of birds’ eggs from the spirit beast Lei Peng …"
"Wood Elves send stubborn veneer …"
"In June, the island owner sent a pair of guqin …"
"Send a bottle of poison to Wudu Mountain …"
Everyone is conscious of sending poison to Wudushan’s birthday. What do you think? Even the stone emperor’s eyebrows beat two times and then he stopped moving.
Outside the main hall, the palace is also very lively. Some little princesses and emperors play with some ministers and children, and the ministers’ families also get together to talk and laugh, creating a harmonious and festive atmosphere.
In a corner outside Ziyun Temple, Shi Fang and Ning acetylene stood quietly looking at Ziyun Temple and worried for a while. How should they get in? Breaking in suddenly is bound to be discovered, and it will be difficult to get the jade seal again.
Shi Fang gritted his teeth and said, "I’ll become an falcon and go in to find out."
Ning acetylene hurriedly grabbed Shi Fang’s arm and said in a low voice, "Brother, don’t be impulsive. How could you suddenly fly into an eagle in the hall without attracting the attention of the master of Shi Guo? Your changing skills have already been understood by Shiguo! "
"That how to do? Do we have to wait here all the time? " Shi Fang said in a hurry
Ning acetylene said thoughtfully, "I’ll make some confusion in the distance to attract them out, and then you will take the opportunity to enter the hall to get the imperial seal."
Shi Hao shook his head consciously, and many younger brothers, the masters of Shi Guo, would become very dangerous once they were exposed.
At this time, a group of children in luxurious clothes came running from a distance, laughing and playing. A little boy in purple robe was courting a little girl with a woven wreath.
Shi Fang glanced at his eyes and said, "There is a way."
Ning acetylene also looked at the children and frowned. Does brother want to kidnap the children to achieve his goal? This is not the true meaning of the door
Shi Fang reached out a little and courted the little boy. Suddenly, his face turned pale and he ran away, clutching his belly.
Shi Fang’s figure disappeared in a flash, and Ning acetylene immediately followed, secretly making up his mind never to let senior brother make mistakes.
After a while, the little boy came out of the toilet in his pants and saw the stone outside at a glance. He blurted out "illegitimate ~"
Shi Fang turned black and said, "Hey, little guy, why are you here?"
The little boy smiled and said, "Let’s play on Stone Emperor’s birthday!"
Looking at Shi Fang curiously, he said, "Why are you here? Have you been admitted by your father? "
The thief looked around and asked, "By the way, which uncle is your father?"
Shi Hao didn’t answer the little boy’s surprise and said, "Is it my uncle Huang?"
I didn’t say a word for a while. Where did you get so many associations? And what the hell is Huang Dabo called?
Shi Fang said seriously, "I’m not illegitimate."
The little boy opened his eyes and said, "I understand that illegitimacy is the most arrogant thing. It’s all written in novels."
What a mess! "What’s your name?"
The little boy held his head high and said, "My name is Shi Jian!"
"Shi Jian, I need your help with something."
Shi Jian, the little boy, immediately asked me for help. He must have helped the illegitimate child to fight evil. The first room sounded very exciting and nodded and asked, "What is it?" What can I do for you? Laxative or sap? "
Amount ~ Shi Fang looked at Shi Jian and thought, Are all children so skinny now? Think how good I was when I was a child!
Shi Hao looked at little Shi Jian, and the more he looked at him, the more he felt that he was unreliable, but now he didn’t choose a positive color and said, "I need you to go into Ziyun Temple now!"
"Then what?"