"I’m naturally going to Li Qing’s house in the fertile land and will be released later."

He has always been a lawbreaker.
Ao Lie exclaimed, "Do you want to go into the burial ground? This ….. I can’t. Li Shang is now guilty. Even if the nobles don’t have any objection to the verdict, they can’t release it at will. After all, they still have lynching sticks to blame the nobles. Once released, they will be criticized. The new law will also face difficulties and it will be stinky and dirty inside … "
Ao Lie tried to persuade the recipient, but the root didn’t listen. "It’s smelly and dirty in the earth. Can I stand it if I can’t touch Excavate?" Even if there are wrongs and wrongs, it is understandable to punish the nobility. "
"If Li Jing doesn’t hit me when the staff is in charge, it’s just that I ordered him to throw me into the earth?"
"Come with me to the field."
It’s dark in the earth and stinks everywhere.
This was not the case when Su Hu entered the burial ground a few years ago, but since the implementation of the new law last year, the burial ground has become crowded, and from time to time, prisoners will scream when they are being tortured.
The tunnel is narrow and long, and I feel glad that I am surrounded by Li Lie. Otherwise, I wouldn’t go around this road if I were a dilapidated guard. Yin Dapang couldn’t get in by himself.
It’s getting darker and darker in the earth, and I don’t know how many turns it takes. After that, the guard respectfully pointed to the front and told the victim that turning a corner in front is the place to bet on Li Jing.
At the moment, there is a wooden frame with a simple bed head and a layer of wool cushion. Since the wool sweater, the wool technology has also increased.
A book on the bed is a console table with yellow paper and pen and ink, some written in piles, and the words "Hong Shang, Law, Pricing, Quality Inspection" are written together.
Excavate was dressed in a white light coat and sat on the edge of the console table. Everywhere else was dirty and smelly, but he was so clean that he hardly got a speck of dust.
It’s not fake that he wears ordinary clothes and smells like sage like type. He came to cultivate immortality.
On the other hand, Aolie said, "Go to the meat forest in the wine pool to get some beef and mutton and then get a pot of wine."
While the guards hurriedly said, "Here are the positions …"
"The wine and meat here don’t match Li Qing’s family," he said angrily.
Then he sat across from Excavate and looked at each other every other.
Being teased, "Li Qing’s house is clean here, and there is no shortage of bed and console table."
Excavate hand replied, "punishments are busy, and I can’t spare myself to make you laugh."
By the faint tunnel, "Ai Qing put himself in the earth, so that the nobles can discuss the case and plan to bear the injustice?"
Excavate silence
"Li Qing home specially lynching war is also specially reserved for people to blame an excuse? That’s it. Entering this big prison in the earth makes the nobles dissatisfied. There is a place to vent and they want to bear everything by themselves. "
"Li Qing home even going to back to ban jingtian eternal infamy? This move is a big fight. Even if the nobles have complaints, they will also come to you, and I will be greatly reduced. "
Excavate wry smile way "is …"
There is nothing he can do to change the farmland system and start. Someone must take the blame for the pain. At one time, it is necessary to distinguish between the pain and the pain. It is not good if he is a minister in the DPRK, but it is not good if he is a king in the dynasty.
He realized that Zhou Wang wanted to abolish the slave mining field and then lead people to the noble house by himself, instead of playing the whole imperial power to promote it, just to keep others away from it as far as possible.
Moreover, there are also punishments and Ouyang Tianlu. Even if something happens accidentally, the new law will not stop there.
Excavate sighed, "Every year, hundreds of bodies are thrown out of aristocratic homes, and they all die. Their status is too humble, and most people are too lazy to ask questions. However, the new law does not have this inventory, which not only changes the farmland system, but also kills these people."
Looking straight at Li Jing for a long time, he said, "It’s easy to offend people by going against the fate of the political reform. I made you preside over the political reform, but you neglected this point. This new law is one step at a time."
"But this new law is the court’s new law after all, and it’s also my rule to implement the new law. Li Qing’s family should not be so good at making decisions in the future. I have to bear something."
Just want to secretly take the blame? No way!
Excavate face a burst of pins and needles was moved.
The victim asked again, "Do you have any complaints about Li Qing’s family killing you and loving you that day?"
Excavate shook his head "no"
Excavate honestly said, "I didn’t die because of my sins."
Well, it’s true that someone in Nezha can’t die for a while.
Excavate added, "On the contrary, that’s why I understand how much I have been bossing around the aristocratic family. What’s different before I was a minister?"
"I can also reflect on it when I enter this awkward land."
In a short time Aolie came with the fragrance of wine.
Sucked nose goo goo is a mouthful of "all the wine and meat have passed, but not today"
"Ah?" Excavate leng leng how is this? Could it be that there has been chaos and land change outside, and things have become too big for the court to suppress, so we should have a good meal before we leave?
I can’t help laughing when I look at Excavate. "After today, Aiqing will go to the wine pool meat forest by herself, but no one will send it here."
Excavate to react Zhou Wang is to set himself free for personal gain. He immediately showed resistance. "I don’t want to know what I have done. I know what I have done."
"Those cases are nothing important, but I also grasped the discretion. The real problem is the resentment of the nobles. This is also the focus. The local officials who are blocked by political reform and land system know their intentions, but they must never leave the land and stay here to calm the nobles’ anger."
I didn’t expect you to be so good at cheating.
Get slapped and get angry. This time, you will lose your strength, otherwise the wine and meat on the table will be gone.