Zhou Jia screamed in the sky and screamed all over the body, but the strength roared out and Fang Linglong Pagoda was rickety.

Before approaching, the exposed artifact Aoli also changed his face and had to retreat repeatedly.
How is that possible?
How come?
Including the flying tigers, three people change color together.
Even if Zhou Jia starts with divinity and wants to refine it, it should not happen overnight, let alone the sudden surge in strength.
Three people look to Zhou Jia palm complexion is heavy.
Divinity is gone!
"What happened?"
"What’s the matter?"
At this time, the local silver also noticed that there were people familiar with Aoli who were approaching abnormally, and they even asked.
Aoli opened her mouth and hesitated.
"God’s divinity falls into this person’s hands." Flying Tiger reached a finger and Zhou Jia was sullen.
"The maid beside him should also have a … wonderful thing that broke the giant pupa here and took out the divinity inside."
In his voice, there was a defiant line of sight, and the snow swept away, and the glass was even colder.
If three people join hands, even if Zhou Jia’s escape speed is amazing, it is impossible to easily start with divinity. Let alone join hands to constrain each other.
"This is impossible!"
Instantaneous uproar in the field
Someone has a low mouth
"Have you noticed that hunger … has disappeared?"
A quiet in the field
That hunger that afflicts everyone is gone. Doesn’t that mean that the divinity of the Lord God has indeed changed?
At this time, Zhou Jia ignored others’ efforts to suppress their breath.
A brand-new source star also emerged in my mind.
Earth dog stars swallow the sky!
Chapter 159 From
Earth dog stars swallow the sky!
Swallow the sky and eat the earth to strengthen oneself.
It is precisely because of the addition of this thing in the process of blood sacrifice that this avenue collapses, and greed makes the gods who have the opportunity to achieve the Lord God robbed.
But these are important for Zhou Jia.
At the moment the source star enters the body, he works hard to isolate the source star from the perception.
Fang will not be affected by the source star and will not be flooded with active power.
Advanced gold is not the time yet.
Although Zhou Jia is confident, he dare not touch the scourge easily. He can temporarily suppress the increase of repair before he is fully sure.
As expected, the process is somewhat beyond expectations.
Source star is really isolated.
The location of the original god’s divinity is even more a vortex that leads directly to the outside world and can leave the main temple through the vortex.
Starting with the earth dog star Tiankui star, it is necessary to improve it and get rid of the main temple.
I’m leaving the main temple and going outside to find a place to hide. Even gold can’t find him.
After that, slowly consolidate the foundation and try to refine the divinity a little bit, and naturally there will be advanced gold hope.
The abacus strikes loudly.
But …
Accidents also happen.
With the roar, my mind rippled. Zhou Jia’s’ eyes’ and the flowers’ ears’ sounded magnificent and huge.
"Today, parents’ blood, Sun Ling, giant body and gods’ handles offer sacrifices to the world, which sets the rules for all things."
It’s hard to describe a statue in the void. The angry soldiers swept across the square and were eager to change the world.
Lotus flower covers everything.
A statue of a giant gives an unwilling roar but tries to resist lotus flower falling to the ground one after another.
The gods have different faces, kneel in front of their respective halls, raise their hands without any resistance, and hand in the innate talent handle.