Mona announced that "this one is the white wolf who is the master of Wu Sun Guo", but seeing that the man is long and thin, with a pointed mouth and a beak, his eyes emit fierce light, which really makes people look like a vicious head. People can’t help but be afraid. The white wolf looks at Wang Ping, a strange fairy, but seeing that her appearance is like the charm of a middle-aged belle, her eyes suddenly emit strange light and reveal a drooling state.

The two sides don’t need to talk, but each other is white. The white wolf is greedy for beauty, and has a great sense of grabbing and ravaging. Wang Ping, a different fairy, is insulted and angry. So she first started her work. Suddenly, two colorful ribbons burst out and the white wolf laughed strangely. The mace swept away one ribbon, but the long hairy hand scratched at the other.
Wang Ping, a multi-immortal, twisted her waist and quickly withdrew her figure, but at the same time she took back the ribbon and disappeared into the sleeve. However, she only withdrew again, and there were two colorful lasers at the brush of her sleeves. The white wolf still learned from her wisdom and grabbed the stick and swept it with great courage. She didn’t look at the other side, and Wang Ping, a multi-immortal, was angry, but she didn’t dare to recklessly take it back.
So even the attack of six or seven strokes was blocked by the white wolf’s recklessness. However, there is something that Wang Ping can’t despise. That is, her pair of ribbons haunt the sleeves. Every time she retreats, the double belts must be hidden in the sleeves, which makes people staggering. The white wolf is very proud of her smile, but seeing that the other party is still unwilling to attack again and deal with it the old-fashioned way will make her feel ashamed and impetuous.
Just then, when the two sides touched the white wolf’s left hand, they grabbed a ribbon, but his face suddenly changed. When the ribbon started, he immediately felt inappropriate. It was not silk or cloth, but a colorful snake with cold scales. He was shocked, but his wrist felt bitten by a mosquito. It seemed that he quickly got lucky and closed the acupuncture points on the left main vein, and at the same time he quickly returned to his own array. Wang Ping, who won a wonderful game, beat a person with deeper skills than her before she arrived, and returned to the floating platform to accept everyone’s congratulations
Mona Gao said, "Our teacher said that you have won six matches on the first day, and you have to wait for another day to fight again. What do you mean?" Duanmu Fu replied, "We should abide by this idea, but we have stopped fighting today, but we haven’t left yet. I wonder if Buddhist I have arranged your accommodation? It would be a great honor for us to have the opportunity to entertain you, "Mona said." Our Buddhist said that if you are not afraid of trouble, this accommodation is in great need of food and other things. At the same time, we don’t understand your language, customs and human feelings, and we very much hope to spend this day in peace and quiet. "Duanmu said with a smile," Everything has been done according to our orders. Lei Shixiong, the owner of the only villa in our country, has already seen this. A village near here is specially prepared for your accommodation. People in this village are not allowed to get close to you for three days. " She paused again and again, saying, "This village is named Hero Village, just three miles northeast of the village, and there is a five-color banner inserted in it." So both sides withdrew from this small lake, and hundreds of heroes in the Central Plains Wulin did not go back in high spirits.
On this night, Huaiyin city was full of music, drinking, pleasure, and entertainment. There were also many grand feasts in the Han family’s grand house. However, some masters such as Qin Shuangbo, Lei Shixiong, Master Guangwen and Ghost King Yang Xunliu all went back to the back house after supper early to sit still and cope with the next day’s war. When it was late at night, a hall was brightly lit, and the seats were qualified for Taiwan’s famous masters. This meeting was held by Duanmu Fu, and Cui Abo stood behind her with a turn as usual, which made people feel that she had a kind of unfathomable taste.
She glanced around the hall and said slowly, "The Japanese War will be a key to the decisive battle between China and foreign countries, but you must recognize one thing clearly, that is, even if we fail, we don’t have to be discouraged and don’t have to be too happy if we win." Everyone didn’t admire her wisdom deeply, and all listened to her analysis silently. No one dared to interrupt her.
Duanmu Fu took a break and said, "If we play the trump card in the Japanese War, of course we can win, but this move has planted a curse in the future. This is the fact that you must see clearly." The heroes all wondered about the meaning of her remarks. Han Shiqing’s master identity handed over and asked, "Miss Duanmu’s wisdom is as deep as the sea and unpredictable." Duanmu Fu said, "This is a very reliable basis." This is the fact that Shule Buddhist came to the Central Plains this time to overwhelm the heroes of the Central Plains with his unique skills. He is not very good at winning or losing this three-day contest. Rest assured that the heroes of the Central Plains will be satisfied if they have seen his kung fu, "Zong Xuan said." If they lose this time, it is a foregone conclusion. How can Shule Buddhist not rest assured? " Duanmu Fu said, "If I guess correctly, Buddhist Shule will not play in the Japanese War."
Needless to say, they won’t play even if they lose, "Zong Xuan said." According to Miss Duanmu, Shule Buddhist will have to wait until the third day to make a move? " DuanMuFu way "good! However, it seems that the master sent by us in the future will be extremely difficult to fight. It is bound to force us to send the commander to pull back three games. "She breathed a sigh of relief and added," On the third day, the purpose of Shule Buddhist’s personal hand is to sweep the Central Plains to win a big victory. If his ambition is to win six games in a row, even if we still win him in the overall situation, personally, he is the opponent who sweeps the Central Plains. "At this time, everyone suddenly realized that it is not for the western countries to think about the self-interest of Shule Buddhist.
Han Shichang mused, "If so, we’re stuck! Because our strength is not limited, if the Chinese fire against the Shule Buddhist does not give him the chance to dominate the Central Plains, we will definitely lose the overall situation. The history of Wulin is that the western experts defeated the Central Plains Wulin, but if we win the western countries, we will be called enemies by the Shule Buddhist. "When the pack of heroes heard this, it was really a loss of attention." Duanmu’s sister is resourceful or has two plans. "Duanmu Fu smiled with a wry smile." My younger sister now dares to assert that we will win one thing. If we want to win the situation, it is true. Is it to let the martial arts of the countries in the history of the Western Regions surpass our Central Plains? Suppression is to let the Shule Buddhist spread its strength in the Central Plains to be the enemy. "There was silence in the hall, and everyone silently thought for a while, and everyone whispered to discuss and exchange opinions with each other. After a while, the boss suddenly said," I have a little opinion, so please judge by others. That is our principle that we can neither let future generations recognize that the martial arts of the Central Plains are inferior to those of the western countries, nor can we let the Shule Buddhist dominate the country and be the enemy. "When Qin Shuangbo heard this, he secretly repaired Duanmufu, and when everyone echoed the silence, he said," Widely heard. You must all agree with the teacher’s seat, but the problem is that Duanmu’s sister has the heart. This is called a clever woman can’t cook rice. This is the theory of equality. Therefore, I suggest that we hold a referendum. We must choose a situation to see which one is in favor of giving up, and then make a final decision. "I can’t help but agree with this statement, so the result of the vote is that more people are in favor of Shule Buddhist masters and more people are in favor of letting the western countries surpass the Central Plains martial arts, so the principle is decided.
The next morning, there were a lot more spectators at the small lake yesterday, but the order was very good and there was no noise. Twenty masters from both sides arrived at the floating platform, and the result of the lottery was that one person from both sides fought first on average, and no one could take advantage of anyone.
In the first game, the western countries sent people out first. It was a dark, strong, middle-aged man with a long knife stuck behind his double hammer. This man’s figure was known, and he must be a valiant soldier. His double hammer was bulky and heavy, and he wouldn’t guess wrong. At this time, everyone recognized that he was brave and strong, but Duan Mufu hesitated for a moment and actually let the old Huashan Ye real person appear.
There was a little surprise in Ye Zhenren’s eyes. Even he didn’t think that he would be selected to play. What he really did was to practice Xuangong for many years. People quickly recovered their calm state of mind and stood up and nodded to Duanmu Fu. "I wonder if Miss Duanmu can give instructions to this enemy?" Duanmu Fu responded with a "generous" heart and thought, "This veteran is so modest and eager to ask me if I can’t try my best to help him win." She brainstormed a way to win and said, "My humble opinion seems that this enemy is the most powerful, but you must avoid these six hammers, and the other side’s spirit will reveal defeat." Ye Jishou said, "I have learned" and turned to the Taiwan line.
As this is the first time on the second day, the morale of both sides shows that Shule Buddhist and Duanmu Fu must deliberately strive for victory.
Therefore, the spectators did not increase their nervousness. They watched the dark and brave man named Seru hand, and the two steel hammers were majestic. When he arrived in the ring, he was inferior to the obvious size and big size, so the heroes of the Central Plains secretly worried about him.
Mona Gao asked, "Who is this old man?" Duanmu Fu replied, "Huashan sent Ye Lao, the real person, and Ye Ye is also."
"Seru didn’t wait for the other party to finish speaking. The steel hammer suddenly drank a quick sweep and smashed the hammer, and the powerful wind blew the leaves. The real person was hunting in a cassock.
This person started to hammer the potential fruit is unstoppable. Remember that Duanmu Fuyan immediately evaded the opportunity and returned the sword, but it was a vain move. Seru left the hammer and then hit it with a fierce blow to the other person’s head. Ye Zhenren did not dare to rely on the pure and profound skill to cross the sword and quickly pranced.
Of course, he suffered a lot from the retreat strategy, but seeing that his enemy’s double-hammer serial attack was very clumsy and dangerous, he was often killed on the spot. In a blink of an eye, Seru not only attacked three strokes and six hammers, but also attacked six or seven hammers because of the opponent’s counterattack.
See his double hammer suddenly stop hair leaves heart exultation I feel that "that Duanmu miss really has a unique talent is so careless to observe at a glance and know that the other party has another unique skill after several moves. If she says so, this Seru will eventually be defeated by my hand." He thought of his legacy and relied on himself to shake the day in the first world war, and suddenly his courage and spirit came to fight.
Seru suddenly threw a pair of hammers into the sky and gave a grimace of a grin. Then he pulled out a long knife behind his back. He was a master with long shoulders and wide arms, and thick with that long knife, which made life feel like a rough man. Ye Zhenren did not dare to despise the sword at all, and made a dash for it. He used Huashan Sect’s famous martial arts skill "Liuhe Jianfa" to attack the enemy first.
But seeing Seru’s figure flash into the circle and wield a knife, I can’t believe that the knife in my hand makes it exquisite and delicate. Seeing how brave and thick a Han is, it’s hard to believe that it’s a small and exquisite kung fu. I don’t know who it is.
Ye was surprised and busy, trying his best to collect his mind and control his sword, but he could put it in a small way, and he could hide a mustard. At this moment, he closed his sword ring very small, just like the enemy hiding in the dust mustard, unless he was extremely skilled and washed him into the lake. If he couldn’t do that, who could dissect the dust and analyze the mustard?
At that time, the two sides made dozens of moves in atrix, but Zong Xuan suddenly said, "Miss Duanmu’s high eyes really surprised people. It’s not true that Ye Zhenren, a master of offense and defense, is afraid that it will be difficult to stop the other side’s storm and skillful play." Duan Mufu said, "The crisis of Ye Zhenren has not yet disappeared. I have to see how far Ye Zhenren has been penalizing dozens of skills." Dare to assert that "people don’t deeply admire Duanmu Fu at this moment because of what she said, I couldn’t help secretly worrying about Ye Zhenren. Master Guang Wen suddenly said," Qin Xian is a heavenly sword. Can you slightly elaborate on the situation of Ye Daoxiong? "Qin Shuangbo smiled calmly and thought," This monk has been fighting with Duanmu Fu for a long time, and I have seen it. He tried to make me unconsciously fight with Duanmu Fu. Hum! Hum! Monk, you can’t get what you want in front of me. "She quickly replied," Ye Zhenren’s skill is extremely high, which is something that the other side didn’t see when he attacked hard with a steel hammer. If he hadn’t seen Ye Zhenren’s embarrassment at that time, he wouldn’t have dared to cross the sword to seal the frame. "She paused again and again." This is all due to Duanmu’s sister. She showed that Ye Zhenren made him decide not to fight hard with a sword, so the depth of his real skill was unpredictable. Otherwise, Ye Zhenren fought hard. Rely on pure strength will cross the sword to seal the frame. When the other party sees that his skill is so profound, he will always fight with two hammers. In that case, the other party is’ single-handedly dropping ten meetings’, and the number of wins and losses is very unpredictable. "But it is impossible for ordinary people to appreciate Qin Shuangbo from the heart and slowly said,"Ye Zhenren can defeat the enemy and win the first game for our Central Plains when he counterattacks and enlarges the sword circle." At this time, it seems that it is difficult to win the battle for a moment. The cry of the lakeside heroes is very warm. In the sword shadow, I suddenly see the sword light soaring and Guanghua dazzling figure. Ye has jumped seven feet and stood with his sword.
Seru’s left shoulder was bleeding profusely, and immediately a large piece of clothes was dyed red. Although he was stronger than others, he had to admit defeat at this moment. Because Ye’s sword was not a sudden injury, although it was a shoulder that was not fatal, it was enough to make his left arm limp and weak. Therefore, Seru gave up the idea even though he wanted to fight again with a hammer regardless of the willy-nilly.
Ye returned to the array in awe and kowtowed to Duanmu Fu, saying, "The difference between winning and losing is only a thin line. If it weren’t for the young lady’s instructions, it’s not yet known who will die." Duanmu Fu was busy saying, "Don’t push the old man around, but he can’t sweat and contribute." She asked Ye to sit down before saying, "We will choose the array slave family first and invite Teacher Tong Dingshan to play." The flying centipede boy decided to get up with a white beard and said, "The old man is obedient!" His human nature was impatient, and he ran out of the platform quickly. Duanmu Fu wanted to speak, but he couldn’t.
The other side came out with a fat face, a green banana fan in his left hand and a glittering dagger in his right hand. Mona said, "This one is Kang He, a master of Kangju country." Tong Dingshan looked at the other side, but when he confessed that he was fat and had a mustache smile, he gave a good atmosphere to make life close.
He couldn’t help frowning. I thought, "This is a warm-hearted person. My old boy is most afraid of dealing with such people in his life, or he should use his stunts to drive him away quickly." The thought flashed that he immediately waved his famous weapon centipede whip and attacked it like a storm. There were 32 sections of centipede whip, and each section of whip had a few sharp hooks like centipede feet. Although it was not blood and throat-sealing, it could make the enemy dizzy and weak at once. It was more worrying to see that his whip was as fierce as the wind.
The heroes of the Central Plains don’t cheer and shout. Even the floating platform masters have a large number of people who are jubilant and convinced that Nakhon and Tong Dingshan are not rivals. However, their optimism was quickly dispelled by Duanmu Fu’s frown.
Two people look at atrix’s fifty strokes. Although Tong Dingshan is as powerful as ever, the centipede whip makes him fierce and fierce, but he can add a killer to defeat the enemy
Unconsciously, 50 or 60 moves have been attacked and dismantled. Earlier, the cheers of the Central Plains heroes have become anxious and shouted to teach Tong Dingshan to work harder and defeat the enemy earlier.
You know, in a game, the supporters of both sides always win with one-sided mentality. One side doesn’t want to win more. It’s hard to hope that the other side can be satisfied without resistance. It’s not a matter of seeing what crisis Tong Dingshan has, but he hasn’t won for a long time. It’s anxious for everyone to kill Tong Dingshan as soon as he is defeated.
Kang and smiling not fade away have always been smiling very kindly. Jin Jian, the green fan in his hand, set each other off and kept it very tightly. It seems that his generation has long been used to being beaten, but it is not in a hurry and anxious to deal with it slowly
Duanmu Fu suddenly said, "This fat and skillful master, such as Teacher Tong, can still hide his sword, but he has never made a shocking move. It is obvious that he is graceful in dealing with Teacher Tong." Zong Xuan said, "I feel the same way. If Teacher Tong fails to force him to make three moves and two styles of real kung fu, it is not easy for people to find out his way and weakness in this battle." Duanmu Fu said, "That’s exactly the case, but there are many martial arts schools in heaven, each with its own ingenuity and uniqueness." If you can see that your skills can restrain this enemy, you are eager to come forward. Don’t be humble and miss the opportunity. "It’s a job for her to dispatch troops as a coach, but she asks publicly if she can restrain the opponent’s martial arts skills. The enemy is so high that she is particularly cautious.
When the two men reached the 150th move, Tong Dingshan failed to attack for a long time. Earlier, the prestige was no longer seen. Anti-fat Kang and banana fan blocked all the offensives of the other side, and Jin Jian’s right hand was uncertain and waiting for an opportunity.
On the contrary, Tong Dingshan is in danger of losing at any time, so it’s the turn of people in the western regions to shout loudly that Tong Dingshan is really grumpy, but he can exert a trick of "flying snow for thousands of miles", which is as sharp as the Yangtze River.
When "zither" rang, Kanghe unexpectedly magically swept away the enemy’s whip and made a golden iron ring. Only then did everyone know that the green banana fan in his hand was fine steel’s sword-making, and it was hard to destroy nature. His profound skill was even more amazing because Tongdingshan’s whip was his desperate capacity. It was very different at ordinary times, but Kanghe could shake the enemy’s whip with one hand, but when listening to Kanghe laughed, his right hand was golden sword-shaped, and jin hong went straight for Tongdingshan’s rib.
More than half of the people in the Central Plains were anxious to close their eyes and didn’t dare to look at it. However, as soon as everyone blinked, Jin Jian in Kang and his hands changed again. It turned out that Tong Dingshan’s decades of intensive work was no small matter. When this life was at stake, he leaned back and stepped back a foot.
Kang and Jin Jian continue to stab out words, even if they stab the enemy, they are at most slightly injured. His reaction is faster than flash. His wrist sinks, and Jin Jian turns straight and sinks. But when he sees that the dagger has pierced Tong Dingshan’s abdomen, Tong Dingshan cried and even retreated seven steps and fell down, but he is tough, but although he is not injured, he didn’t even hum.
LeiShiXiong flew into a rage and said, "This would produce evil for me to take care of him." Unless he had changed his mind, he dared not exaggerate it so much.
You know, there are many personal injuries, but the lower abdomen is not fatal. However, if the lower abdomen is stabbed, the martial arts practitioners are almost more sad than death. Everyone in Wulin knows that the lower abdomen is often injured with martial arts, and you can’t practice martial arts all your life. At the same time, the lower abdomen injury is the most difficult to heal, and it is often difficult to recover in the first month of bed. Therefore, once the lower abdomen is injured, most people in Wulin are really more scared than death, and their hearts are suddenly stunned. It is unbearable for the Central Plains to carry Tong Dingshan to apply medicine for emergency treatment.
Duanmu Fu shook her head and said, "It’s really hateful, but it depends on what he does if he wants to work for the big villa owner." Most people don’t know what she means by this. Is the winning or losing key still in the hands of the other party? When Fang thought about it, he saw that Pang Kang and he had not returned to his own array and still stood still, so he took it to fight again.
Duanmu Fuli wrote, "If you are annoyed, Peng Shaozhuang’s master will make an immediate move, and you can’t talk about it." Peng Dian’s staff rushed out of the challenge and swept it from the beginning to attack the enemy’s reunification. It is a blink of an eye to know that Peng Dian is a very alert person. When Duanmu Fu said this, he immediately knew that Duanmu Fu was convinced that his skill was almost necessary for the other party to make an immediate move before the other party recovered from a long battle.
This is the key to his success and failure. I dare not change my mind at all. On weekdays, I ran from a leisurely state and waved my staff to sweep his identity. It’s no small matter to watch the war. I didn’t ask for it long ago, and he had blocked Luo Xiyu’s strike. Therefore, when everyone saw him, they all cheered and hoped that he would pull back this game.
Buddhist Shule shook his head and sighed, "Duanmu Fu, the elder brother of the seedling, is really the first clever person I have ever met. She can seize the opportunity, even a trivial chance, and she won’t miss it." Mona was worried about the tunnel. "What’s the matter? Did that young man win Kanghe? " Buddhist Shule said, "She dared to send this Peng Dian, so she must have a fighting ability. When dealing with Tongdingshan, she really spent a lot of energy. This Peng Dian is an elite new force, which took a lot of advantages. Therefore, she must let go to fight before she can know whether she will win or lose." Lianji said, "That girl is so powerful that the master doesn’t try to get rid of her first, and she has to break the plan." Buddhist Shule nodded and said, "That’s what I am thinking." In his heart, he thought, "How can I kill her if
Peng Dian carried his staff like the wind, and the momentum was very fierce and fierce. However, seeing the shadow of his staff like a mountain enveloped the fat health and harmony, this time, the heroes of the Central Plains dared not cheer too early, because Tong Dingshan was also the first to take the lead, and everyone was very conservative in watching the development of the war.
Kang He hides and sticks to the city like a golden soup. It is obvious at a glance that his stamina is extremely strong, and he will win or lose in a moment. Peng Dian actually made the same mistake as Tong Dingshan earlier. It is very strong and powerful to let go of his high attack and take far-reaching tricks. His sudden attack this round forced Kang He to make strange moves one after another, which is not as plain as one. It turns out that Peng Dian’s right hand short staff is extremely heavy, but a heavy weapon. It is much stronger than centipede whip, and Kang He can’t do more when sealing the frame.
This fierce fight killed people in the dark, whether it was the enemy or not, I didn’t hold my breath.
Look at Peng Dian, who has fought more than a hundred moves. Obviously, it takes a lot of effort. The staff has regained the potential to rush to the thunder, but similarly, Kang He is also much more sluggish. It can be seen that his opponent’s sudden attack consumes more energy.
The contrast between the two sides is, of course, Kang and the loss. If Peng Dian’s skills are similar, Kang and Zi will be the first to lose.
Earlier, Buddhist Shu Le frowned because he didn’t know how to change his strategy when he was dealing with this new force. If he considered that his opponent Peng Dian was young and his strength was not weaker than his own, he should let go and attack while his strength was not too much, hoping to win in moves. That is the only chance for Kang He. If he can’t seize the opportunity to attack with one hand, let Peng Dian exert his strength from beginning to end, he will fight back.
From the overall situation, we must try our best to win two games in a row, and then we will make a profit in the third game even though we lost. If he loses in the second game, it will become a win and a loss.
Lei Shixiong’s face lit up slightly, and others were so relieved to see him, because Peng Dian was not only his younger brother, but also the martial arts in Wulin said that Peng Dian was dead, and Hong Fang and others were all martial arts. Therefore, Lei Shixiong certainly knew that Peng Dian had made great efforts to repair the master’s art, and it was a sense of relief for everyone to see that he was happy and salty.
However, seeing Peng Dian’s thick and short steel staff in his right hand as he became more and more brave in the Vietnam War, he conjured up a shadow of the staff covering each other’s figure, while the short knife in his left hand highlighted the attack from time to time, forcing the other side to fight back vertically or occasionally, which was like a flash in the pan. These two masters flipped over and fought for more than a hundred strokes, and Peng Dian’s staff swept across his mouth and drank a "smile"! "Dang" rang, and the staff fan touched him. The strength of this staff was stronger than that of Kang Gang and the banana fan made of steel. Although the fan was not sold, it was so shocking that even the wrist was numb after six or seven steps.
Is Peng Dian willing to lose the opportunity to rub his body and force him to carry his staff like the wind? He has made three moves, "Dangdang Dangdang" three times and gone back many steps. In an instant, he is on the verge of falling into the water at any time. Peng Dian has not only recovered from his injury since he was helped by Qin Shuangbo to reconcile Yin and Yang, but also his skill is more advanced than before. Otherwise, this situation will definitely not become such a situation so soon
Even the coach Duanmu Fu was very surprised, because she came to know that Peng Dian was very good if he could fight thousands of tricks to defeat the enemy. It is very good to know that his skill is much stronger and deeper than he thought. At this time, if Peng Dian had changed, his mind would have been poisoned and he would have relaxed slightly to give the enemy a chance to fight back, so that he could defeat the other side thoroughly.
That is to say, only by letting the other side still have the fighting power can the heavy losses be defeated and killed on the spot.
This is a very reasonable idea, because today’s tournament is very different. If Kang He is an ordinary player, that’s all, but he is a first-class player. If he can take his life, he can save many future troubles. Others will try their best to hit the other side hard at this time, but Peng Dian will not see him attack with his staff and knives.
The two sides quickly broke down more than ten strokes. Peng Dian suddenly hit the enemy fan with one stroke, and it rang at first. The enemy Kang He couldn’t resist and retreated "splash" in the future. This fat has fallen and splashed in the lake.
The heroes of the Central Plains returned to their own ranks with thunderous applause from Peng Dian. The first sentence is to ask the enemy what will not kill them. He said, "Master Peng Shaozhuang’s martial arts are exquisite and admirable, but it’s not too bad that he didn’t take this opportunity to try to hit the enemy hard and weaken the strength of the other side just now." Many people echoed this statement and gave a sigh of regret. "You are eager to win and hope to cut off the enemy’s strength at every opportunity. This is of course good for the sake of the overall situation, but just now Lord Peng Zhuang decided to be rational, but if you didn’t blow it up just now If you defeat the enemy but deliberately attack him to find a chance to hit the enemy hard, then Kang He has profound skills and great resilience. Once you have a chance to fight back, you won’t be able to tell the difference between two or three hundred moves! " She smiled and added, "I am alarmist. If you don’t believe me, ask Qin Xian." A few people immediately looked at Qin Shuangbo, but they listened to Duanmu Fu. "There is also a master of Shaolin Temple who can be heard by me." So some people looked at the master of Guangwen and shook their heads with a gentle smile. "Poor eyesight is limited. If Miss Duanmu doesn’t show her words, she doesn’t think much about it. Of course, she is right. This other party will have a chance to fight back and will be able to exert her unique skills to fight a Peng. It serves to show that the main body bureau can imagine this. "They don’t feel angry. Qin Shuangbo looked on coldly and thought," This widely heard master’s words are very modest. Although it is slightly tempting Zong Xuan to be suspected of prejudice against Duanmu Fu, it shows that his mind cultivation is really superior and he doesn’t want to show off himself at all. It seems that he has a noble monk master’s bearing cultivation, so he has a grudge against Duanmu Fu. It is really worth pondering. "Thought has just passed Duanmu Fu, who has sent five gangs in the exclusive villa-Yan Chong, a black plague god. This Yan Chong looks like a black tower, and his hands are very fierce. A pair of iron scissors are very heavy.
As soon as he appeared, hundreds of Wulin figures in the Central Plains could almost recognize who he was. This is because his appearance is easy to recognize. Secondly, he was created by gangsters in Henan and Hubei provinces. The Jianghu in Zhushanzhai is a big gang. Thirdly, there are five main forces in the villa. For all these reasons, the heroes not only know him but also have great confidence in him, so many people applaud and cheer him on.
Yan Chongfang decided that one man had come out of the enemy line, but he was almost as tall as ordinary people, but he was particularly strong and powerful.