Li Zhao hurriedly said, "It’s my honor that your majesty and the right-hander of the sovereign kingdom can contribute something. A while ago, I really went to the pseudo-Han and brought some pseudo-Han specialties to the sovereign."

Then he handed the gift list to Ma Yun, who gently put it on the table (not because he didn’t want to see Ma Yun for fear that his eyes wouldn’t come out after reading it, but also for fear that he would be disappointed after reading it). "I’m a little embarrassed to always accept your things. This time, I really have an idea. It’s a personal favor to repay you when this thing is done. People always say that I am a" reaching out to report ""
Ma Yun continued, "Lao Li, come and let Ma Yun introduce you to Mr. Wu. You know this is Mr. Li Yi, the official record of Yuezhou secretariat."
Ignoring their mutual courtesy, Ma Yun continued, "A few days ago, the King ordered me to be the secretariat of Yuezhou."
Li Zhao was about to say "congratulations". Ma Yun waved his hand and continued, "Lao Li Ma Yun, you know that he usually doesn’t like to be in charge. This position is really a hot potato in my hand, but I can’t turn it away. Fortunately, Mr. Li Xiang and Mr. Wu Ban clarified the administrative thinking for Ma Yun. The two gentlemen told me that if you want to manage Yuezhou well, you must know business people. I thought of Lao Li as soon as I got there."
Li Zhao hesitated one leng, saying, "I’m afraid the humble right man will delay the report."
Ma Yun stopped him and said with a smile, "Mr. Lao Li really didn’t read it wrong. If you undertake it alone, I dare not. Well, I want to try out the New Deal in Yuezhou to encourage farmers. I’m going to make Yuezhou a business entrepot."
Looking at Li Zhao doesn’t seem too white, Ma Yun continued, "It’s like when you Lao Li transported the goods from Changsha to Bianjing, you couldn’t stop for supplies. Where did you stop for supplies?" Therefore, I want to take some measures to attract these businessmen to Yuezhou. Do you still need your guidance for these measures? "
Li Zhao didn’t say anything when he heard this, so his heart seemed contradictory.
Li Xiang "snapped" one fan after another and laughed. "Your report seems that you are mistaken. It’s a pity that this man is rich when he is rich, but he has no vision and courage. It’s just an earthen bag."
Li Zhao eyebrows with a pick mouth way "report"
Li Xiang interrupted him and said, "Your Majesty, it seems that we have to look for another person. This person is a vulgar businessman, but he has to read a lot of literature and ink."
Ma Yun seems to be hesitating. Li Zhao said urgently, "Thank you, Sir. If you really want to combine agriculture and commerce, Lao Li is willing to do his best to do a good job in Yuezhou business."
Ma Yun laughed. "Lao Li, you are wrong."
Li Zhaoyue one leng.
Ma Yun continued, "If I don’t do a good job in Yuezhou City, I will change all five counties in Yuezhou."
Chapter 16 Sailing in the sea depends on the helmsman
After breakfast the next day, Ma suddenly remembered that this cheap old man is a thief who likes poetry and doesn’t like to take care of rice. Later, the large farewell banquet in Biboting might turn into a large farewell poetry party. Wouldn’t it be a shame if Ma Yun didn’t come out?
So Ma Yun’s eyes turned to pull Li Xiang and Wu Ban to talk about poetry, and when he was a little careless, he revealed that he was not very good at poetry. Please advise two gentlemen to write a poem for me by the way. As a result, Wu Ban seems to have failed to listen to Bai Yi and said that he was not good at writing, and he dared not guide Ma Yun’s poetry. And Li Xiang, a little fan with a feather fan, actually smiled and said to Ma Yun in a slightly exaggerated tone, "It’s a great blessing that Wang Ye is not good at poetry!"
Ma Yun almost didn’t faint. This little thing is definitely intentional. Wu Ban people are honest. I didn’t hear the meaning. This may be true. How could you not hear it like a monkey? So Ma Yun was a little angry and asked, "What is this?"
As a result, Li Xiang said something absurd, saying that poetry is a stanza poem to write a good man. He can neither say that he is virtuous nor patriotic, but that poetry consumes a lot of money and is easy to delay business. Then there is a rumor that Liu Bang didn’t learn to make achievements in the imperial industry of the ages, and Liu Bei wove sandals, which led to three points in the sky. Finally, even Wu Ban felt that he said that he was right to repeatedly exhort Ma Yun not to concentrate on writing poetry, and Ma Yun himself felt that reading and graduating from college was really a shame.
Finally, Ma finally gave up asking the gunman to think, "Anyway, this Ma Yun is five generations, even if he loses face, he will lose face for five generations, not for our outstanding young people in the 21st century."
Since the gunman Ma Yun can’t be invited, say goodbye to Ma Yun Shuang’er when he can hurry.
On the way to Biboting Road, Ma Yun dug his heart, but he couldn’t remember a suitable poem. In the early spring of Jiangnan, Ma Yun couldn’t recite "Spring Snow in Qinyuan". Ai Lao’s poem hasn’t come up yet, and he has actually arrived at Biboting.
As soon as Ma Yun got on the sedan chair, AG ran over and said, "Your Majesty, handmaiden, congratulations on your success. The king has come and I will show you the way."
Ma Yun saw a Bibo Pavilion. This place is just outside the Xiangjiang River embankment outside Changsha. It is actually more like a pavilion. It is very spacious in front of a two-story building pavilion. I heard that it is often used as a tinker. There are actually a lot of desktops on the first floor. No matter where you go, you must have a big meal when you leave China.
Ma Yun walked into the Bibo Pavilion and saw that Liao Guangtu and Xu Zhongya’s group of chat friends had already arrived. Ma Yun quickly walked to the front of the king of Chu and was bound to kneel down. The king of Chu grabbed Ma Yun and sighed, "Yuner is very reluctant to let you go."
Then he said to TaBaHeng, "Bachelor Tuoba, your mission is making it necessary to take good care of my son." Then he pointed to a 3-year-old military commander and said, "Ren Yong, you can also be an agreement to guard my son." Then he said, "If you have anything, listen to my son and arrange to wait on my son as if you were waiting on me."
The two men agreed "Yes" in unison.
Ma Yun picked up his glass and said to the boss, "I can’t always serve the king here. May the king be healthy and may everything turn out well."
The king of Chu said nobly, "Come and drink this cup."
So the wine war officially kicked off. It may be influenced by the fact that the king of Chu loves to drink and the wine is generous. This group of ministers are actually drinking like water. Drinking Ma Yun is worrying. Grandma can’t stand you doing this.
Everyone is thinking of drinking and seeing TaBaHeng hand in hand in the previous step, saying, "The master of the temple in the deep palace, who has become a mature man, knows nothing about crops and pains, but doesn’t hear the drums and sounds, gallops and roams around carving walls and jade restaurants, and the people are exhausted, but the people are sleepy and thick. Today, Huainan’s enemy, Pan Yu, devours Zhizhi Jingzhu, watches over the creek cave and waits for me to appease the proverb,’ It’s cold and sad, and the people are resentful and hurt the country’. May the king stop losing rice and make
Just now, the cheerful atmosphere became quiet. Ma Yun couldn’t help glancing at the king of Chu, and he saw the king’s face like a big dyehouse, thinking that TaBaHeng was in trouble.
Xu Zhongya, next to the King of Chu, was still out, pulling TaBaHeng’s sleeve and walking and laughing. "You old man drank too much again and walked with my pavilion."
Li Gao glanced at the king of Chu and said, "Is this old man the only loyal minister in Chu?"
The king of Chu was about to speak when Liao Guangtu laughed. "Your majesty is so grand today that you don’t want this pedant to be angry. How can you write poetry today?"
The king of Chu turned to Yan and smiled. "It’s the kindness of everyone to write a poem. After the banquet, we will give a high evaluation and I will be rewarded."
Everyone should have stopped drinking glasses and thought hard about preparing poems. Ma Yun really regrets that he didn’t drink more just now. It would be nice to be drunk now.
Soon someone finished the king of Chu saying, "Leo Liu, read these poems and let’s evaluate them."
The first person to finish it was Li Gao, and his poems were actually good.
Leaves are like new pu, green body is like chaos, and you are stripped of your spirit.
After Leo Liu’s cadence, everyone applauded, and then Liao Guangtu and others wrote poems. Strangely, even military commanders wrote poems very well.
Ma Yun is like a cat on hot bricks now. He doesn’t know what to do. In the past, learning ancient poems was either irrelevant or he knew one or two sentences, and there were many Tang poems. Although Ma Yun was thick-skinned, he was embarrassed to recite Li Bai and Du Fu’s poems in broad daylight.
When I was thinking, I heard the king of Chu say with a smile, "Yuner is the most active on weekdays. Why are you behind today? Can you write your poems?"
Ma Yun hurriedly said, "Your majesty’s son, minister and minister have had a terrible brain pain recently, so I won’t make a fool of myself today."
The king of Chu pointed to Ma Yun and said, "No, today is your farewell. Others can’t be alone with you."
Li Gao flatters and says, "How can it be difficult for you to live with such a trivial matter as the five princes writing poems all over the sky? You are our great Chu Cai, who is known as" poetry doesn’t last seven seconds "."
The king of Chu said, "My son, don’t prevaricate. Today, we have a poem in our hands. When you come back, we will revise the chapter. My Chu culture is at its peak."
The princes immediately rushed to the king of Chu and took a triumphant look at Ma Yun. His hands were empty and he called a "stop" and then his hand made a gesture of please to Ma Yun.
Ma Yun looked at everyone and looked forward to it. His eyes were a little hesitant. His brain took the opportunity to read "This is an old friend’s western words". When he heard this sentence, these literati and poets looked at Ma Yun in a different way. I have never seen you so cheeky and broad daylight. How dare you steal!
Ma Yun himself suddenly came out of his mouth and couldn’t read it again, so he invaded Ma Yun. He looked up and saw the three characters of "Bibo Pavilion" and eagerly said, "An old friend’s western words Bibo Pavilion fireworks in March this this this Bianjing" Ma Yun turned around and looked out the window at the vast Xiangjiang River and continued to read "The sea sails by the helmsman". What should I do if I can’t read the cold sweat sentence while it is quiet and Ma Yun’s eyes are uneasy across everyone’s faces and hearts?
Ma Yun bravely continued to read "this, this, this, the governance of Dachu". Ma Yun quickly turned his mind to the governance of Dachu, relying on the king to be smooth but not rhyming. What should I do? Dice, listen.
Ma Yun continued to read, "Governing the Great Chu requires both listening and listening."
Grandma finally finished that moment, as if the whole people in Bibo Pavilion were suddenly relieved. The king of Chu quickly announced that "the banquet was over and the mission was sent"
Chapter 17 Changing the situation