Looking at it, it takes three or four people to move the Maxim machine gun. Behind Zhao Dongyun, Lin Yong frowned. "Adults don’t know if this thing can be done!"

Lin Yong was an officer in Zhao Dongyun’s second battalion who knew how to shoot by machine. He was a machine gunner in Huai Army in his early years. He also took his Maxim machine gun with him. After the Sino-Japanese War in Korea, he joined Yuan Shikai’s newly-built army and joined the post of sentry.
Chapter VI Pilot Machine Gun Team 1
"See if you can!" Zhao Dongyun waved his hand to let Lin Yong play with those machine guns in the past.
He asked Lin Yong to follow him today in order to let Lin Yong take over these machine guns and then train a machine gun team in a short time. In addition to Lin Yong, an officer with experience in commanding machine guns, Zhao Dongyun also found two soldiers who had operated Maxim machine guns from the brother army next door.
With the knocking and knocking before the ordnance division, a Maxim machine gun was finally finished!
"This bomb was also shipped many years ago, but it should not be a problem if it is not bad!" Lin Yong said that at the same time, he also let the soldiers play well, and then a former machine gun shooter seconded soldier sat at the back end of the machine gun and pointed his gun at the distant land.
Outside the muzzle is a wide shooting range and a row of wooden boards serving as targets 100 meters away.
As Zhao Dongyun nodded slightly, the soldier just pulled the trigger, and as the trigger was pulled, the door was silent for many years, and the Maxim machine gun once again spewed flames, accompanied by flames, harsh clicks and smoke.
Zhao Dongyun squinted at those boards in the distance and they were torn to pieces in an instant. Many people will have questions. Why would Huai Jun Wu Weijun lose so badly when he had such a sharp weapon in Jiawu and Gengnian?
That’s a war that shouldn’t be lost!
"Haha, not bad!" Lin Yong told the soldiers to stop shooting, revealing Lang Shuang’s smile, because Zhao Dong Yun had told him before departure that these weapons were to be owned by him, and it was naturally a good thing for him!
Then Zhao Dong Yun and his party checked the other three doors, but one door was ok, but the other two doors were already missing, but the accompanying technician took a few eyes and fiddled with it for less than half an hour, then completely dismantled a Maxim machine gun into a state and took it to another door, so he made a Maxim machine gun that could be fired.
For those remaining parts, I didn’t throw them away directly. With a wave of my hand, Zhao Dong Cloud let people take these things away, and also took those magazines and bombs away.
After pulling these three Maxim machine guns back to the second battalion, Zhao Dong Yun said to Lin Yong, "I want to see the results before changing from your sentry to machine guns!"
Zhao Dongyun seemed to say to him and to himself, "The existing three old Maxim machine guns should not be enough. I’ll see if I can get some new machine guns!"
After this period of time, Zhao Dongyun almost ran around the machine gun in the army. He was not too worried about his training. Now the right army of Wu Wei is still in the development stage, but there are many problems without his old army, and the daily training of infantry is just like this. He can’t improve anything except strengthening training!
This machine gun is indispensable if you want to get immediate results in the exercise!
Although the 2nd Battalion had three Maxim machine guns, Zhao Dongyun was not satisfied with it. He also asked around where there were old Maxim machine guns. Li Hongzhang was very interested when Maxim machine guns first came out in the early years. In one year, he asked Jinling Manufacturing Bureau to copy them, but at that time, because these early Maxim machine guns had too many faults and consumed too many bombs, they made more than 30 guns, and stopped in 193.
Some of these machine guns took part in the Korean War in Sino-Japanese War and the Geng War in 1985, and some of them were still lying in military warehouses all over the country.
In addition to looking for those old Maxim machine guns, he is also trying to see if he can buy new machine guns.
After all, those old Maxim machine guns have been copied more than ten years ago, and their performance has been seriously backward. If we want to build a machine gun force, we must find a way to get some new Maxim machine guns or French Hatches machine guns.
Although I don’t know what Zhao Dongyun is so concerned about machine guns, Duan Qirui, a supporter of Zhao Dongyun, didn’t hesitate much. Besides helping Zhao Dongyun find a library of old Maxim machine guns, he even helped Zhao Dongyun to give Yuan Shikai the idea of a pilot machine gun team!
In this way, Zhao Dongyun issued his own voice for the first time in this era. He wrote some of his own tactics on machine guns into a chapter, highlighting the effectiveness of machine guns in fixed defense warfare. He also said that during his stay in Germany, he found that the German army had been equipped with machine guns in a large scale, and that if China wants to train a new army, it must keep up with the pace of the great powers, and it is impossible to develop when it comes to the last moment.
I have to say that in this era, both Yuan Shikai and Duan Qirui and others in Beiyang still attach great importance to new technology, and both the right army of Wuwei and the equipment of Beiyang Standing Army keep up with the pace of various countries. For example, when Yuan Shikai and others realized that Manlixia rifles had fallen behind the world, they were already preparing to import more new rifles.
However, the strict arms embargo imposed by western countries on China has led Yuan Shikai to purchase weapons from western countries on a large scale through normal official channels.
Here, I have to say that the prohibition of China from importing weapons to make weapons raw materials in the eleventh paragraph of the appendix to the fifth paragraph of the Xin Chou Treaty has a great impact. In the first two years of the implementation of the treaty, that is, from 1991 to 1993, Chinese roots could not obtain a large number of weapons through official channels and could smuggle them secretly.
But interestingly, this arms embargo says that Emperor Guangxu aims to ban China from importing weapons and raw materials! That is to say, the treaty allows China to ban itself. This is probably the most nonsense arms embargo treaty in human history!
Despite the arms embargo, it has not affected China’s arms imports, not to mention rifles and artillery, and warships are still bought!
There is another reason here, that is, this arms embargo was mainly advocated by France. In the Sino-French War, the French army was equipped with German and British weapons, and the Qing army was scared to flee. Naturally, it was even more unwilling to let China continue to equip with new weapons. In the eyes of other powers, even if the Qing army fought them with nuclear bombs, it could still beat them down. This is indeed the case. In modern history, the Qing army was defeated in the war, and France was such a wonderful flower.
Although the arms embargo of the Xin Chou Treaty was not too strict even though many loopholes were implemented, it soon died in name only. However, the Xin Chou Treaty was just signed in 191. At this time, it is naturally impossible for China to import weapons on a large scale in a big way. In addition, it is also trying to achieve self-sufficiency in weapons and mass production of weapons such as rifles made in Hanyang.
To some extent, this arms embargo also forced the Qing court to produce Hanyang rifle artillery on a large scale, which laid a special position in Hanyang’s history.
Now countries’ arms embargo on China naturally makes it impossible for China to acquire a large number of new machine guns from western countries, but it is not a problem to get a few guns through smuggling!
Yuan Shikai has always attached importance to new technology. Almost Duan Qirui just handed Zhao Dongyun’s suggestion, and he just approved the suggestion of trying to build a machine gun team.
Now the armies of all countries have been equipped with machine guns in batches. Yuan Shikai is also willing to advance and retreat by 10,000 steps, saying that even if the machine guns are nothing big, at most, it is just a loss of some money. This money can’t even buy a seven-life five-field gun, but if the machine guns are really big, the Beiyang Army will be able to keep up with the world trend. This is far more important than more than 10,000 pieces of silver.
In a few days, Zhao Dongyun got the official approval to build a machine gun team!
"From now on, you are the official!" Zhao Dongyun pointed his hand at the first and only machine gun commander Lin Yong after getting the approval.
Anyone who has just been promoted will be happy. Lin Yong’s face is a little excited. "Adults love you forever!"
"You have done a good job in the machine gun team, which is the best reward for me!" Zhao Dongyun got up at this moment and walked to Lin Yong and patted him on the shoulder. "I will rely on you for the exercise in a month!"
Even though Lin Yong is ten years older than Zhao Dong Yun, at this moment, two people look as if Zhao Dongyun is the elder and Lin Yong is just a lad.
I sent Bi Yong, who was still excited, out of Zhao Dongyun’s office and went to the barracks next door. As soon as he went in, the people inside got up one after another, including Zhao Dongping, who had just arrived these days.
The original Zhao Dongyun was going to send Zhao Dongping to the camp to do something, but the plan did not change quickly. Now he has been transferred to the second camp and naturally changed his plan. Finally, Zhao Dongping was arranged to do something in the second camp.
This is not only to give Zhao Dongping an errand, but also to let him do things with his side. After all, many things belonging to his family should be more assured. Besides, Zhao Dongyun looks at this Zhao Dongping, although he is young, but he is clever and knows how to advance and retreat, which is also a deliberate cultivation of him.
If he shows that he is worthy of training, Zhao Dongyun intends to recommend him to prepare for the Baoding Military Academy in 2008, which may be a great help to him in a few years.
After Zhao Dongyun went in, he pressed his hand to signal that all the people in the room were welcome, and then he waved Zhao Dongping out. "What happened when I asked you to buy a machine gun?"
Chapter VII Pilot Machine Gun Team II
Since Yuan Shikai allowed him to set up a pilot machine gun team, he naturally gave it a certain amount. Although it is not much, he can still sell a few new machine guns with a squeeze, but cash is not a problem. The key is that money can’t buy new machine guns.
At present, there are two types of machine guns. One is Ma Keqin water-cooled heavy machine guns. Germany, Britain, Russia and other countries have purchased licenses to produce them themselves. At present, this kind of typical models are British k1 German g99 g1, in which g1 is the predecessor of the later famous G.
Another kind is French Hatches air-cooled machine guns. At present, in addition to a large number of equipment in France, Japan has also imported a part of the latest model Hatches 19, which was improved from Hatches 197. This new model was also introduced in large quantities into Japan in addition to a large number of equipment in France, and became the main machine gun day in the future Russo-Japanese War. I am very satisfied with this type of machine gun. After the Russo-Japanese War, I specially imported a patent from France to copy it. This is the heavy machine gun that was later treated for 30 years.
The g1 and Hutchins 19 machine guns have got rid of many problems of early machine guns, making them truly life harvesters for soldiers because of the embargo. At present, China cannot buy these weapons from western countries openly.
However, if there is an embargo, there will naturally be smuggling, not to mention smuggling in the 21 ST century, not to mention the fact that in 1991, arms dealers from all over the world don’t care about your national interests. Those British businessmen dare to sell you Queen Victoria’s crown if you pay enough!
Just because the official channels can’t buy it doesn’t mean that Zhao Dongyun can’t buy a machine gun!
Baoding Zhili Governor and Beiyang Trade Minister Resident can be said to be an arms dealer whose political status is second only to that of Beijing.
It’s easy to find an arms dealer in Baoding.
Just now, when those arms dealers heard that Wu Wei’s right army was going to buy machine guns, regardless of the country, all the arms dealers poured in, and they all promised to get as much discount as possible to ensure delivery.
"But when they heard that we were selling for three or four times, they were all …" Zhao Dongping said that there was grief and indignation in it. "Those people look down on people and forget it, but the price is still so expensive!"
This can’t blame the arms dealers for being snobbish. After all, now everyone is staring at the Beiyang Standing Army and the Beijing Banner Standing Army. These tens of thousands of people are equipped with many kinds of equipment, but they are as high as several million. Who doesn’t want to get a piece of it?
If it was Yuan Shikai’s plan to build a general machine gun, those arms dealers would definitely fart and fart, but now it’s just Zhao Dongyun who buys a few. No wonder people’s enthusiasm is not high.
Zhao Dongyun is not interested in understanding the attitude of arms dealers and complaining to Zhao Dongping. He is not interested in listening. He asks, "Is that available now?"
It’s a matter of Zhao Dongyun’s mind whether the machine gun can be bought or not, and it’s very important that Zhao Dongyun doesn’t like being controlled by others, let alone talking to his subordinates. He likes to control the rhythm. Even when talking to Duan Qirui and other big bosses, he tries to lead the topic to his desired direction.
Before Zhao Dongping was young, he didn’t have much contact with Zhao Dongyun. When he talked, he still complained a little deliberately according to his former hometown. However, seeing that his cousin had shown positive color, he dared not continue to wave his breath, but directly said, "I made a deal with a Russian foreign firm. Four of them have been shipped directly from Lushun these days. They are all new goods!"
Zhao Dongyun nodded his head when he heard this. He didn’t need to know what channels and methods Zhao Dongping bought machine guns. He needed to know that Zhao Dongping bought machine guns.
"Well, you did a good job this time. Follow up when you come. You can’t let them drag on for too long. You know, our time is limited!" Zhao Dongyun admired his little cousin and did not forget to warn him at the same time.
Zhao Dongping immediately said, "Third brother can rest assured that he will not delay the end-of-year practice!"
Zhao Dongping naturally knows what Zhao Dongyun is worried about, that is, the drill at the end of the year. Although the scale of this drill is not large, at the end of 1991, the court wanted to edit and practice the new army on a large scale, so its influence was actually beyond Zhao Dongyun’s own imagination.
At present, although the imperial court has said that it is necessary to train new troops, how to train them is a problem. At the end of the year, the training was not large on the surface, but it actually attracted a lot of people’s attention. They want to know what kind of fighting capacity Yuan Shikai’s new army has, and whether it is just like the three new troops of Wu Weijun last year.
To put it bluntly, people want to see something different from the old army from this drill!
Yuan Shikai is confident about this, and Duan Qirui and other Beiyang people are also confident. Originally, Zhao Dongyun was also confident, but Zhao Dongyun wanted not only to stay in this position, but also to go further before he moved the machine gun out.
He’s going to surprise the Beiyang bosses with one vote!