White beams of light fall from the sky, and wonderful sounds resound through the imaginary beams, and figures rise and the beams disappear.

A series of figures flying out of the soaring island, looking at the vast world and feeling the rich fairy dust, can’t help but take a deep breath. It’s really worthy of the universe. This is where the gods should be.
Far away from the wilderness, there is a huge plane floating in the virtual space, and there are many virtual cars floating. The gods outside the plane travel to and from the world like meteors, and the virtual cars keep coming and going.
This is a public plane, where gods and information meet.
In the center of the plane, there is a towering hall, and there are several mercenary unions floating in the glorious hall.
Little Broder walked into the mercenary union with his small package on his back.
"Ha ~ look who’s here? Broad, a businessman! "
"It’s Broad Broad!"
"Haha ~ How many worlds have the Broder brothers saved?"
In the hall, all the deities waved.
Broder also held his head high and smiled, and returned the gift with a friendly smile. He felt grateful to the Taoist master. Before he was an unknown businessman, where did he have this status? !
With the increase of receiving abyss, Brod also has the name of abyss terminator. Most people here know that Brod is behind a powerful god who is not afraid of abyss.
Brod found a seat at random and looked around the hall for a week, but he didn’t find any distress in the abyss. It’s been a long time since I received the Tao. Will I be lazy? ! Broad had a little uneasiness in his heart.
A demigod waitress came over and bowed respectfully and said, "Lord Broder, please welcome!"
Broder looked up and wondered, "President? What does his old man want from me? "
The waitress shook her head.
Broder got up and stood just above the waitress’s waist, held his head high and said, "lead the way!" "
"yes! My Lord, please come with me. "The waitress turned and walked towards the department. Brod immediately followed.
The gods watched Broad follow the waitress into the aisle and disappeared in a divine light.
At the top of the mercenary union hall, two divine lights came from the surface, and it was Broad and the waitress who were in front of each other.
The waitress respectfully said, "Lord Broad, this is the president’s room. Please come in." After that, the waitress disappeared into a divine light.
Broad took a deep breath, smiled professionally and knocked on the door.
"Come on in!"
The door creaked a dozen times.
Brod walked into the room, which was very spacious, with exquisite tables and chairs inside. The walls around it were completely transparent, and some fresh and pleasant flowers were planted in the room. An old man in a Confucian robe was sitting at a table with leisurely tea.
Chapter five hundred and forty-six Tossing and turning
Broad is a casual glance at a glance to see several precious artifacts, and the president of the mercenary trade union is really heroic.
Broder quickly bowed and said, "Broder, a businessman, has met the president!" "
The old man looked at Broad and said with a smile, "It seems that this is not the etiquette of goblin businessmen."
Broder respectfully said, "The president’s eyes are as bright as a torch. This is the etiquette of the wild god."
"the god of the wild?" The old man nodded and said, "Please sit down!"
"Thank you, Mr. President!" Broad got up and jumped across from the president.