Author: adminq

Starting by yourself may be almost a practice, or it may be slower, but this has exceeded my original expectation, isn’t it? I should know how to be content and I should redouble my efforts to fight for not being compared with others in my future practice.

Even if you can’t grow up as a panacea in the end, you should practice hard and push it to a higher level. In order to avoid the four totems of big sleep, they don’t stay in their respective Jingyao Mountain City after sharing the spoils. After leaving valuable rewards, they took their newly recruited […]

Body slightly bent flattering way

"Ling Ling Shao" "What a coincidence to meet you again." Lie in the trough! This scene immediately shocked everyone in the place. Who’s Brother Dong? That’s the eldest brother in this area. The whole street is covered by the elder brother Dong. It can be said that Dong Ge stomps his feet, and this street […]

Cheng Meng didn’t continue to talk to him.

Zhang Yun didn’t tell her such an important thing. It wasn’t Inoue who played a joke on her, was it? Cheng Meng didn’t reply to him, and he didn’t speak again. There was a pause for almost ten minutes. Cheng Meng quit this account and logged in his trumpet. Just after logging in, there were […]

be seized with remorse

He didn’t know that Jiang Jiang was with Yan Shaoqing. But I deeply feel that if he paid more attention to a pair of ginger, she wouldn’t be so deeply involved in a relationship so soon. Eye he found out. It’s not too late. I hope everything comes. Jiang Yu hanging eyes thinking about the […]

"How to eat ah …"

Little syren reluctant tunnel She doesn’t want to wait on the wicked Zhao. This guy just ate the fruit and hit her. "Don’t make me say it again when you come to the king." Small male ye suddenly raised my hand to hook her finger and said in a tone of no doubt that Princess […]