Author: adminq

If Si Xin knew that Dark One couldn’t do it, she wouldn’t send Dark One, and Si Xin also knew that such a short journey was nothing to Dark One.

"Yes, Lord" looked at Si Xin, with a faint smile in his eyes, and then accepted the order respectfully. Dark words just finished, and then he disappeared in a flash. Seeing the dark one disappear in the same place, the ghosting thought, Xin, and a thick smile emerged from the corner of his mouth. Aside […]

Koran stared at the doll in front of him and imagined that it would become a hound or a few other teammates … but no matter how many times he tried it, it didn’t change at all.

Koran tried to imagine a man who suddenly appeared in front of him with a face of consternation, Sakurai Nai still holding the small pistol with the magazine removed. "Depend! Is it really a BUG? " Sakurai Nai disappeared and the doll returned to its original position again. Kelan remembers that they can make them […]

But the most hateful thing is that his greatest enemy has reached the bottom of his nose and is still showing off, but he can’t do anything about it.

"Yes, yes!" How can slaves around you not understand the degree of sex? Quickly nodded and said that it was a big atmosphere and did not dare to breathe. But Du Du is also an old slave’s blood after all. Although his father is not so good, this fellow is also battle-hardened and calm, and […]

More than half of the casualties outside receded towards Grange Terrace and never dared to play against Cang Lang again.

The horse bandits were successfully repelled from Taiping Mountain, Jin Shoushan, and Tian Yu’s eyes were full of uncertainty. Despair and frustration only robbed a group of businessmen, which caused such a great disaster. If they knew that these people were Chinese tiger guests and killed them, they wouldn’t dare to do it. But the […]

"Ah is yet to come! Captain, let’s run separately … Ah! " Snowflake just wanted to be smart when a whip blocked her way.

Whining the supervisor like a flock of sheep drove the women’s basketball girls to run along the manor trail. The girls didn’t notice that they were running faster and faster. Because whipping supervisors is faster. "Lulu, stop eating dried meat and be chased!" "Bastard, who just proposed to come to Brother Zhuang …" "Captain, I […]