Author: adminq

Xiaoshengxian Village covers a vast area. In addition to the halls, shooting ranges, houses and other places where thousands of Confucian brothers often play, there are also hidden bamboo forests and rockery lakes.

Fu Nian originally wanted to invite Gong Fu Su and others to the main hall, but he didn’t expect Fu Su to ask for a look at the small sage village first. "Since Confucius traveled around the world, he said that Confucianism has always attached the greatest importance to the protection of the country. It […]

Xu Liguo solemnly pointed to the dark clouds in the sky and said, "Death Valley is called the place of death because of them!"

The voice just fell and Xu Liguo’s face suddenly changed. "Shit, it’s windy. Let’s go!" I will be more sensitive than the six senses. He also found that the dark clouds and winds in the sky have undergone subtle changes, and there seems to be a thunder brewing. Yu Huifei asked, "Does it thunder?" As […]

"Not dead but …"

The doctor hasn’t finished speaking, but his attitude has already changed. "Hey!" Sue’s evil feet and ground are quietly cracked, and her hands are clenched and her face is ferocious. There are many natural and precious healing wonders in the market world, and they can even kill fierce beasts and repair their wounds. But this […]