Category: 龙凤419

Chapter two hundred and fifteen Chu Zhuangwang

Such a war is in full swing The next day, Wan Xiangzong Mahayana made legislation for the altar of life! Yesterday, maybe there was no way to face the monument on the Great Avenue in Qitian. But today, they have come up with countermeasures, and it is meaningless for the other party to defend against […]

The missing character on the tablet is a "white" character. Well, it seems that this basilisk clan has a different general fate from itself.

It’s a simple matter to fill runes. Freshmen do it themselves. A new slate fills the white tiger. Those who fight against soldiers are all arrayed in front of the spell. The old clan chanted incantations, the pyramid danced strangely, and then the totem of the white tiger and the golden body reappeared. With a […]

Xi yuyu! The war horse hissed and pranced in! The roaring Roman Qingqi skillfully controlled the horse to cross the low walls and enter the Gothic army before it came to build a spear. The spears and knives rolled like wheat, and the rows of Gothic soldiers were put down like columns, and their eyes were full of blood!

Infantry who lose their array and fight separately can be weak prey in the face of fierce cavalry like wolves! See a Roman cavalry can’t help screaming, longitudinal conflict in Ma Rufeng, you can see ghosts, poor Gothic infantry stumble, turn around, suddenly lose consciousness with a light head. Roman Qingqi attack soon made the […]

The most important thing is that Tang Chuan witnessed and dominated the evolution of the vast continent, which triggered a lot of thinking.

He came to his senses. Nose hair is secondary. He found that all aspects of human roots are inconsistent with all other blue star creatures, and they are not suitable for the blue star environment. Those lions, tigers and primates in the wild are all generations who can’t trim their hair. But their hair is […]

Starting by yourself may be almost a practice, or it may be slower, but this has exceeded my original expectation, isn’t it? I should know how to be content and I should redouble my efforts to fight for not being compared with others in my future practice.

Even if you can’t grow up as a panacea in the end, you should practice hard and push it to a higher level. In order to avoid the four totems of big sleep, they don’t stay in their respective Jingyao Mountain City after sharing the spoils. After leaving valuable rewards, they took their newly recruited […]

Cheng Meng didn’t continue to talk to him.

Zhang Yun didn’t tell her such an important thing. It wasn’t Inoue who played a joke on her, was it? Cheng Meng didn’t reply to him, and he didn’t speak again. There was a pause for almost ten minutes. Cheng Meng quit this account and logged in his trumpet. Just after logging in, there were […]