As soon as the blue butterfly with a wingspan of nearly ten feet approaches the crack, its body suddenly shrinks and instantly escapes into the smoke cloud.

It didn’t take much time to escape from the blue jade clouds, and the smoke in front of it suddenly cleared away, and a virtual long river appeared in front of me.
Vast and colorful, flowing from the poor distance and flowing to the virtual end.
Time is long!
This is the source of Shidao …
Hovering half-clasping xianteng, looking around at Baiyun Tower, immediately realized the situation.
Life experience, all souls are in the long river of time.
Looking at the long river, swimming there is a little gentle, with a bit of weight, turning around and watching the swimming machine surge like a tide is unpredictable.
Chapter one thousand one hundred and fourteen Good luck
Look at the long river swimming, a very familiar feeling flooded into Baiyun Tower.
On that day, I took hundreds of fellow travelers into the Ryukyu and Flower World, and I once saw a moment of general trend to travel somewhere, which was very consistent, but it was not real enough to see it from a little distance.
The body moves with the mind and the butterfly wings of Baiyun Tower are going to the familiar place to take a closer look.
I didn’t expect Fang Yi’s mind to spread its wings and suddenly burst into a trance. The virtual shadow of the blue butterfly was deformed and twisted, and the sharp loss of knowledge seemed to be integrated into the long river in an instant.
Just then, a burst of warmth from the top of your head instantly made Baiyun Tower settle down.
At the same time, a series of mysterious qi movements came at the foot of taxiing butterfly, which immediately made the loss of knowledge full again.
The mysterious qi comes from three younger sisters at the other end of Xianteng, but it is terran luck to protect your mind at the top of your head.
Just a moment’s thought that the tentacles on the top of the blue butterfly’s head triggered the original hidden and invisible fate.
The immortal’s merit light is dazzling and colorful, but the Baiyun Tower is dark purple
Without the slightest hesitation, with the thought wrapped around the top of the head, fate fell like a canopy and wrapped up the whole blue butterfly virtual shadow.
Stable and comfortable
It turns out that when Terran Fate can settle on this side, the Blue Butterfly Dharma, which is shrouded in fate, can escape freely.
Well, this time, the fairy soul was stained with physical fate when it fled back to the body, otherwise it would be difficult to find such merits as Terran fate.
I am sighing that the Baiyun Tower suddenly felt the subtle difference of fate around me.
Careful induction has roughly figured out the problem. It’s okay for the blue butterfly incarnation to stay where it is. As soon as it leaves, the purple fate will be consumed, and the farther it goes, the more intense it will be.
This few attempts to bring in luck have already consumed nearly half.
It’s rare to escape into Baiyun Tower once, and simply spread out a lucky light beam in the long river of the remaining purple fortune, just leaning out of the distance, which is a little closer to the familiar place.
When limited, Baiyun Tower did not hesitate to incarnate the blue butterfly and purple destiny light beam and spread its wings and fled to the end of the light beam in an instant.
Look at all the changes in the long river of time, and remember everything you see in your eyes during the operation period of your knowledge.
After only half a breath, the purple light beam began to break, and the powerful virtual force began to tear the blue butterfly avatar.
It’s hard to get to the Baiyun Tower by flying only at a speed, and a huge force of pulling the blue butterfly avatar to instantly return to its original place.
Seeing that the protective purple destiny is about to collapse completely, the blue butterfly finally escapes into the sapphire cloud at the virtual crack.
I feel tired and too lazy to flap my butterfly wings when I return to the Baiyun Tower. The fairy vine pulls the blue butterfly dharma body to the other end of the crack.
"Bang" to a light ring just along the sapphire smoke escape from the star nucleus crack blue butterfly incarnation instantaneous explosion.
With the massive weather melting into the broken blue butterfly’s virtual shadow, it was reshaped and restored to the fairy-soul phase
"Brother …"
"Cloud floor …"
"White brother …"
At the same time, the three female voices sounded all kinds of qi-machines, and in just a moment, the original rather depressed fairy soul was filled with treasures.
"It’s a good thing that I have Xuan Tian with me, otherwise this fairy soul will vanish …" I stopped raising my hand to send three school sisters to the Baiyun Building, turned to look at the crack in the star nucleus and said with emotion.
"Brother, where is the bottom of this crack?" Xia Chaoyang was curious to ask
Just a moment’s reflection on Baiyun Tower replied, "It’s a place that can’t be said at will, and it’s the purest thing. The law of avenue is too mysterious for us to understand now …"
"So it’s a bit interesting …" Heard brother Xia Chaoyang suddenly lost interest in the unknown world of this crack.

SHEN WOO Nakagawa proudly waved his hand and said, "Don’t worry about fooling him first and then killing his spirit, otherwise it will not be conducive to the negotiation for a while!"

The ground entered a state of "rapid speed" and tried to avoid it for a while. I found that I just couldn’t hide. I simply stopped and stopped running. I pointed my head at the sky and scolded, "What’s the picture of the brain?" Are you done? ! Come here if you dare! !”
Vortex heard nine heavy scold Nakagawa SHEN WOO a face suddenly black to "fuck! Somebody give me a horse and inform the technicians to punish him! !”
"slow!" The person behind SHEN WOO Nakagawa heard that he was going to inform the foreigner who had just spoken to stop him. "Mr. Nakagawa, I hope you can understand that some of your functions are not to let you do what you want, but to negotiate with him and ask him to leave the Japanese zone!"
"You didn’t hear that this little guy was crazy and didn’t teach him a lesson. He looked down on me!"
The foreigner smiled faintly. "If you really want to teach him a lesson, we won’t stop you! But my visit is to supervise the whole process of your sacred negotiation with Fang, and we will report everything you have done to the headquarters at any time! "
"Well …!" Nakagawa SHEN WOO Yin face silence for a long time finally gave a way "line that won’t go! Let’s hurry up this little negotiation and blow him out of the Japanese zone! "
"Mr. Nakagawa, please pay attention to your wording. This time you want to’ please’ Fang Sheng out of the Japanese zone instead of’ bombing’ him out!"
"No, I know!" SHEN WOO Nakagawa said a sentence bitterly and then shouted to the ground nine times, "Fang Sheng, I am the head of the Japanese district system, Nakagawa SHEN WOO! What you have done in Japan has seriously affected the normal game of players in Japan! I now order your horse to get out of the Japanese zone! !”
As SHEN WOO Nakagawa spoke, a magic circle of amplification automatically appeared in front of his mouth, and his speech was instantly amplified several times, echoing in Jiuchong’s ears like the sound of heaven and earth.
"Oh, my God … the head of the Japanese district system is here. It seems that the old face is really big!" Nine heavy heart andao but for the name of SHEN WOO Nakagawa, he is not afraid of the slightest scruples. Because of the incident in the misty city, he has determined that this "Era" unified transportation method belongs to the transnational joint waybill. The personnel of each division can do some auxiliary adjustments to change the things and events in the game after the completion of the unified method.
"You, who are you? Is the head of the Japanese district system great?" Nine heavy reckless way "old and didn’t violate the rules of the game, what makes you expel the old situation? Do you have this qualification? ! Can you get rid of it? ! !”
"Ouch-!" Nine heavy words I was so angry that SHEN WOO Nakagawa croaked, "You are so hateful, you will see if I expel you or not!" !”
"Mr. Nakagawa, please pay attention to your words and deeds!" Nakagawa SHEN WOO was about to go on the rampage, and the foreigner immediately forced him to press a word.
SHEN WOO Nakagawa took several deep breaths before he managed to squeeze out a smile, which was uglier than crying. He said kindly, "Fang Sheng, you really didn’t violate the rules of the game, but what you have done in Japan these days has seriously affected the normal game of players in Japan. If you continue like this, you will destroy the balance of the game! Therefore, I have applied to the "Era" master and successfully made cross-border negotiations, and the heads of various districts unanimously agreed to allow me to ask you to leave the Japanese area! "
"oh? Please’ I leave the Japanese area? !” When I heard the word "please", my eyes rolled in a blink of an eye. "The old man is soft and hard. Now that you have begged me to leave the Japanese zone, I can’t peel your face!"
"Then you promised to leave Japan? !” SHEN WOO Nakagawa was very surprised. I didn’t expect such a big change in the attitude of changing the way of talking.
"I can leave the Japanese area!" Mom, you have got the unanimous consent of the heads of all districts, but you can’t leave if you are old, but you can’t go cheap. "But I have a condition that you promise me this condition and I will leave immediately!"
"Good what conditions? ! You say! "
"a billion!" Nine-fold rest and fingers crossed to make a "ten". "If you give me a billion gold coins, I won’t go back immediately!"
"You his mama want to money want to crazy? !” Nakagawa SHEN WOO smell speech just pressure to fire and soaring up, tearing his hair out about "what are you still want billions? ! Your own life is not worth a billion! !”
"Then there is no way!" Jiuzhong held his arm and said, "I have already said the conditions. Since you don’t agree, I will stay in the Japanese area permanently!"
"You …! !” SHEN WOO Nakagawa’s blue veins stood out suddenly and violently.
"Mr Nakagawa!" At this time, the foreigner spoke again. "Please forgive me for telling you the truth. Although the amount of gold coins paid by Fang Sheng this time is not small, if you let him continue to make trouble in the Japanese area, your loss in the Japanese area will definitely not be much less than one billion! Which of these two ends is more important? You are so skilled that you should be able to tell the difference. !”
"Well …!" SHEN WOO Nakagawa really can’t swallow this tone and is still hesitating. It’s so timid to be given a billion dollars at the touch of his lips!
The foreigner seemed to see SHEN WOO Nakagawa’s idea and continued, "And there is a saying in China called’ revenge for ten years is not too late’. Today, there are many opportunities to get it back after you! Don’t you think so? !”
"Well …!" Nakagawa SHEN WOO silence for a long time the last grind "all right! Fang Shengren, I promise you conditions! Then please leave the Japanese area at once! "
"It’s easy to say that one hand pays and the other hand delivers!" Nine old gods are saying, "When the money arrives, the old man will leave immediately!"
"Arrest him!" Nakagawa SHEN WOO Road to share.
Chapter two hundred and sixty-five President came back.
Nine feet suddenly lit up a magic circle, like Xiangyun, holding the nine feet to the high, crossing the vortex in the sky and entering the place where Nakagawa, SHEN WOO and others are located
"Oh, there are many people!" See so many people here nine heavy leng leng immediately smiling to SHEN WOO nakagawa just now foreigners said, "hello, hello, you are nakagawa SHEN WOO ~? !”
"I am!" SHEN WOO Nakagawa was so angry that his face trembled with joy. "What’s your look? You can’t tell the yellow race from the white race? !”
"Oh … it’s you!" Nine heavy turned to face nakagawa SHEN WOO pick nostril neither salty nor light, "I didn’t expect the head of the Japanese district system to be half buried! Cut the crap. Where’s the money? !”
"You talk nonsense!" SHEN WOO Nakagawa applied to Jiuzhong for trading, typed in one billion gold coins in the trading box, and clicked "Transaction Confirmation" and "Confirm the transaction quickly! !”
"I’m not in a hurry to kill people. You’re in a hurry to be slaughtered!" Nine heavy unhurriedly chose "transaction confirmation" and got one billion gold coins.
"Fang Shenglao remembers you!" After the transaction, Nakagawa SHEN WOO y Ρ n looked at Jiuzhong Road. "Everything you did in the Japanese area will be recovered from you ten times and a hundred times sooner or later!"

White beams of light fall from the sky, and wonderful sounds resound through the imaginary beams, and figures rise and the beams disappear.

A series of figures flying out of the soaring island, looking at the vast world and feeling the rich fairy dust, can’t help but take a deep breath. It’s really worthy of the universe. This is where the gods should be.
Far away from the wilderness, there is a huge plane floating in the virtual space, and there are many virtual cars floating. The gods outside the plane travel to and from the world like meteors, and the virtual cars keep coming and going.
This is a public plane, where gods and information meet.
In the center of the plane, there is a towering hall, and there are several mercenary unions floating in the glorious hall.
Little Broder walked into the mercenary union with his small package on his back.
"Ha ~ look who’s here? Broad, a businessman! "
"It’s Broad Broad!"
"Haha ~ How many worlds have the Broder brothers saved?"
In the hall, all the deities waved.
Broder also held his head high and smiled, and returned the gift with a friendly smile. He felt grateful to the Taoist master. Before he was an unknown businessman, where did he have this status? !
With the increase of receiving abyss, Brod also has the name of abyss terminator. Most people here know that Brod is behind a powerful god who is not afraid of abyss.
Brod found a seat at random and looked around the hall for a week, but he didn’t find any distress in the abyss. It’s been a long time since I received the Tao. Will I be lazy? ! Broad had a little uneasiness in his heart.
A demigod waitress came over and bowed respectfully and said, "Lord Broder, please welcome!"
Broder looked up and wondered, "President? What does his old man want from me? "
The waitress shook her head.
Broder got up and stood just above the waitress’s waist, held his head high and said, "lead the way!" "
"yes! My Lord, please come with me. "The waitress turned and walked towards the department. Brod immediately followed.
The gods watched Broad follow the waitress into the aisle and disappeared in a divine light.
At the top of the mercenary union hall, two divine lights came from the surface, and it was Broad and the waitress who were in front of each other.
The waitress respectfully said, "Lord Broad, this is the president’s room. Please come in." After that, the waitress disappeared into a divine light.
Broad took a deep breath, smiled professionally and knocked on the door.
"Come on in!"
The door creaked a dozen times.
Brod walked into the room, which was very spacious, with exquisite tables and chairs inside. The walls around it were completely transparent, and some fresh and pleasant flowers were planted in the room. An old man in a Confucian robe was sitting at a table with leisurely tea.
Chapter five hundred and forty-six Tossing and turning
Broad is a casual glance at a glance to see several precious artifacts, and the president of the mercenary trade union is really heroic.
Broder quickly bowed and said, "Broder, a businessman, has met the president!" "
The old man looked at Broad and said with a smile, "It seems that this is not the etiquette of goblin businessmen."
Broder respectfully said, "The president’s eyes are as bright as a torch. This is the etiquette of the wild god."
"the god of the wild?" The old man nodded and said, "Please sit down!"
"Thank you, Mr. President!" Broad got up and jumped across from the president.

"Ding, congratulations to the player on his successful transfer. You are now a boxer!"

"That’s right ~!" Nine heavy satisfaction nodded "and skills? !”
The boxing saint heard some hesitation, and the nine-fold small knife was better than the boxing saint, and he immediately gave the boxer’s professional skills to the nine-fold!
Boxers belong to the primary professional skills, which are generally two basic boxing methods-heavy blow and quick attack!
"Ha ha ….. this time it’s time for me to drink blood medicine? !” Boxing saint grinning from ear to ear
Chapter 12 Poison is not a husband
"Hey hey … don’t worry ~!" Nine heavy pointed to the bronze tripod ghost refined way "ghost refined now estimate is half dead, not much better than you revenge while now do you want to kill him to vent my heart hate? !”
"This … think!"
"Well, then you hire me and I’ll kill him for you now!"
"This …!" The boxing saint hesitated, "I won’t bother you when I get back to killing him!" "
"No, you must bother me!" Jiuzhong reached out and said, "Give me 10 thousand gold coins and I’ll kill him for you!"
"Ten thousand gold coins? You robbed? !”
"Then give you a discount! The discount is …! " Nine heavy twist a head to ask Xia Dongdong "how much is the discount? !”
"Twelve thousand!"
"good!" Nine heavy boxing holy way "then you can give me twelve thousand gold coins this head office? !”
Boxing saint almost fainted in the past. "Please, how can you count the discount more than the original? !”
"How can our brothers be counted as none of your business!" Nine heavy small knife to boxing SAN neck a horizontal way "you said to give or not? !”
Boxing saint is about to cry. "It’s not that I don’t want to give it to me. I really don’t have that much money. I only have more than a thousand gold coins!" "
Jiuzhong doesn’t believe "Show me your backpack!"
Boxing saint had to call Jiuzhong to watch his backpack. Sure enough, he did have more than a thousand gold coins in his backpack!
Jiuzhong gritted his teeth and stamped his foot. "Well, give me more than a thousand!"
Boxing saint wanted to cry and gave all the savings in his backpack to Jiuzhong!
Jiuchong was elated and stuffed more than a thousand gold coins into his backpack and said, "Wait!" Then he flew over the bronze tripod and looked down and saw that the ghost was almost buried in the incense ashes of the tripod, and his eyes could tell the color "Gnome male-"!"
"Hey hey … poof … ahem! !” When I saw Jiuzhong smiling at him, I wanted to smile back, but I forgot to cover my mouth with incense ashes and choked!
Jiuchongmen sees the mountain road. "Boxing Saint paid me a thousand gold coins to kill you!"
Ghost refining difficult hand wipe mouth incense ashes, "I have five thousand gold coins ….. but I also have a fairy home" secret record of the device "can help you change your job into a hidden profession-refining device division! The total value of these two things must be more than the boxing saint thousand gold coins. I will give you both. You go and kill the boxing saint for me!
Nine heavy dozen ring "deal ~! !”
Ghost Lian gave all 5,000 gold coins and "The Secret Record of Weapons" to Jiuchong Jiuzhong, who was very satisfied with his head income, and then got up and stretched himself. Suddenly Ling flew up and stabbed his chest with a small knife in his hands!
"Poof! !” The small knife is impartial in the ghost’s chest!
Ghost smelting hasn’t expired yet. Eyes are angry and staring, reaching for the nine heavy "you … you …! !”
You haven’t come yet, and you’ve published a nine-fold article, and you’ve made up a few knives in a row. !”
Ghost refining gas will die and die unsatisfied!
"Ding, congratulations on the player’s sacred level rising to one level!"
"Ding, congratulations on the player’s sacred level rising to one level!"
The system has rung one after another, and the nine-fold level has soared from ten to ten directly!
"Ho ho Shuang ~! !” Jiuzhong pulled the ghost refining body aside and picked up a bunch of gold coins and a sword on him. He wanted to see the attributes of the sword. As a result, the attributes were hidden, but they could not be viewed until they were authenticated!
Search clean nine heavy a jump from the bronze tripod to take out the "secret records of weapons" from the backpack and give it to Xia Dongdong. "Dongdong is fine this time, and you will no longer turn to the Rush Dwarf Forger! Well, this is what the ghost gave me. It is said that I can change my job to a hidden job-the refiner sounds great. Please change your job quickly! "
"Really? !” At first glance, Xia Dongdong still didn’t believe it. When he took over the title page of the Secret Records of Warehouses and saw the button "Change Job" behind "Hidden Profession-Forger", he almost didn’t jump up. "It’s really a hidden forging profession. It must be developed this time!"
"Then don’t turn around quickly. Be careful to be blown away by the wind for a while!"
"oh oh!" Xia Dongdong quickly clicked on the "Change Job" button and saw a colorful dazzling light ringing at the right time when Xia Dongdong’s body rose. "Congratulations to the player Dongdong for successfully changing his job to hide his career-refiner! Acquire vocational skills’ fire control’ and’ fire refining’! Because you are the first professional player to change jobs and hide, Tongte rewards you with a hundred treasures and a hundred pounds of black iron! "
"Ha ha ha ~ ~!" Listening to the series shows that Xia Dongdong can’t help giggling.
Nine times took a picture of Xia Dongdong. "What are you boasting about there? Look at this, isn’t it that you have turned to a hidden career? !”
"Ha ha!" Xia Dongdong smirked, "Because I was the first professional player to change my job and hide it, I was rewarded with a 10-pound secret kit of black iron!"
"I am so awesome! Then why don’t you beat that treasure kit and see if you can make a good thing while the iron is hot? "
Encouraged by Jiuzhong, the curiosity of summer, winter and winter was also hooked up. I quickly beat the treasure kit to see a dazzling treasure kit disappear. A purple and golden gourd appeared in his palm!
"Ding congratulations to the player Dongdong for getting the fairy purple, gold and red gourd!"
"Developed is a fairy ~!" Summer, winter and winter can’t wait for the purple gold and red gourd property panel to view the properties. "Purple gold and red gourd special props fairy can limit all kinds of flames!"
Looking at the purple-gold-red gourd attribute, it’s a pity that there is one attribute, but there are seven attributes, but I believe it will be quite a great attribute!
"Hey, I said …!" Jiuzhong and Xia Dongdong are discussing the dying boxing saint enthusiastically. You can’t resist interjecting, "Can you save me first and then discuss it slowly?" !”
Nine nodded and said, "But Dongdong will help the old man up and I will feed him medicine myself!"
"OK ~!" People are happy when they are happy. Summer, winter, winter, and now they are refreshed. Before they run, they will help the boxing saint up!
Jiuzhong turned around and came to the back of the boxing saint. Jiuzhong wanted to go around to the other side and give himself medicine. He was full of expectation and waiting. Just then, he heard the "poof" and cut the tip of the knife and leaned out from the front of the boxing saint!
"Ah …!" Boxing st eyes suddenly and violently open try my best to turned to look behind nine heavy "you … you incredibly dare …! !” I heard a string of "poop-poop" boxing saints being stabbed directly into a sieve!
Boxing saint spewed out one mouthful blood and died!
"Ding, congratulations on the player’s sacred level rising to one level!"
"Ding, congratulations on the player’s sacred level rising to one level!"
Seven times in a row, nine times in one breath soared seven times, and the current level reached twenty-five
"Hua!" Boxing saint died, and a pile of gold coins and a pair of gloves fell out of him!
Things are too sudden. Xia Dongdong didn’t react at the moment. "Eldest brother, aren’t you trying to save him? How to kill him? !”
"With this cargo, what will harm him for ten thousand years! I am killing people! " Jiuchong bent down to pick up the dropped gold coins and gloves. The gold coins were put into storage. If you want to see the attributes, the results are also hidden. If you can’t see them, you need to identify them!
"Mom needs identification again!" Jiuzhong threw the gloves into the backpack and waved to Xia Dongdong, "Dongdong goes back to the city!"
The two men went to the mountains and made a map to find the direction of the misty city, then gave up the road and went straight to the direction of the misty city!
Soon I came to a wasteland, where zombies were everywhere, and not far away, there was a place surrounded by a large group of zombies, and there was a fierce fight inside!
Xia Dongdong said, "Hey, boss, you are a player there! They seem to be wrapped in dumplings by zombies! "
"Not as if already wrapped! Go and have a look! " The two trotted to the nearby area and drilled a hole into the corpse group. When they saw that there were two female players and a dozen male players fighting hard and losing in an endless stream of zombies, they saw that they would be drowned by zombies!
"Eldest brother, this seems to be in the novice village besieged our people! Don’t you think that girl in white is the Luan who was hijacked by us? !”

Looking at it, it takes three or four people to move the Maxim machine gun. Behind Zhao Dongyun, Lin Yong frowned. "Adults don’t know if this thing can be done!"

Lin Yong was an officer in Zhao Dongyun’s second battalion who knew how to shoot by machine. He was a machine gunner in Huai Army in his early years. He also took his Maxim machine gun with him. After the Sino-Japanese War in Korea, he joined Yuan Shikai’s newly-built army and joined the post of sentry.
Chapter VI Pilot Machine Gun Team 1
"See if you can!" Zhao Dongyun waved his hand to let Lin Yong play with those machine guns in the past.
He asked Lin Yong to follow him today in order to let Lin Yong take over these machine guns and then train a machine gun team in a short time. In addition to Lin Yong, an officer with experience in commanding machine guns, Zhao Dongyun also found two soldiers who had operated Maxim machine guns from the brother army next door.
With the knocking and knocking before the ordnance division, a Maxim machine gun was finally finished!
"This bomb was also shipped many years ago, but it should not be a problem if it is not bad!" Lin Yong said that at the same time, he also let the soldiers play well, and then a former machine gun shooter seconded soldier sat at the back end of the machine gun and pointed his gun at the distant land.
Outside the muzzle is a wide shooting range and a row of wooden boards serving as targets 100 meters away.
As Zhao Dongyun nodded slightly, the soldier just pulled the trigger, and as the trigger was pulled, the door was silent for many years, and the Maxim machine gun once again spewed flames, accompanied by flames, harsh clicks and smoke.
Zhao Dongyun squinted at those boards in the distance and they were torn to pieces in an instant. Many people will have questions. Why would Huai Jun Wu Weijun lose so badly when he had such a sharp weapon in Jiawu and Gengnian?
That’s a war that shouldn’t be lost!
"Haha, not bad!" Lin Yong told the soldiers to stop shooting, revealing Lang Shuang’s smile, because Zhao Dong Yun had told him before departure that these weapons were to be owned by him, and it was naturally a good thing for him!
Then Zhao Dong Yun and his party checked the other three doors, but one door was ok, but the other two doors were already missing, but the accompanying technician took a few eyes and fiddled with it for less than half an hour, then completely dismantled a Maxim machine gun into a state and took it to another door, so he made a Maxim machine gun that could be fired.
For those remaining parts, I didn’t throw them away directly. With a wave of my hand, Zhao Dong Cloud let people take these things away, and also took those magazines and bombs away.
After pulling these three Maxim machine guns back to the second battalion, Zhao Dong Yun said to Lin Yong, "I want to see the results before changing from your sentry to machine guns!"
Zhao Dongyun seemed to say to him and to himself, "The existing three old Maxim machine guns should not be enough. I’ll see if I can get some new machine guns!"
After this period of time, Zhao Dongyun almost ran around the machine gun in the army. He was not too worried about his training. Now the right army of Wu Wei is still in the development stage, but there are many problems without his old army, and the daily training of infantry is just like this. He can’t improve anything except strengthening training!
This machine gun is indispensable if you want to get immediate results in the exercise!
Although the 2nd Battalion had three Maxim machine guns, Zhao Dongyun was not satisfied with it. He also asked around where there were old Maxim machine guns. Li Hongzhang was very interested when Maxim machine guns first came out in the early years. In one year, he asked Jinling Manufacturing Bureau to copy them, but at that time, because these early Maxim machine guns had too many faults and consumed too many bombs, they made more than 30 guns, and stopped in 193.
Some of these machine guns took part in the Korean War in Sino-Japanese War and the Geng War in 1985, and some of them were still lying in military warehouses all over the country.
In addition to looking for those old Maxim machine guns, he is also trying to see if he can buy new machine guns.
After all, those old Maxim machine guns have been copied more than ten years ago, and their performance has been seriously backward. If we want to build a machine gun force, we must find a way to get some new Maxim machine guns or French Hatches machine guns.
Although I don’t know what Zhao Dongyun is so concerned about machine guns, Duan Qirui, a supporter of Zhao Dongyun, didn’t hesitate much. Besides helping Zhao Dongyun find a library of old Maxim machine guns, he even helped Zhao Dongyun to give Yuan Shikai the idea of a pilot machine gun team!
In this way, Zhao Dongyun issued his own voice for the first time in this era. He wrote some of his own tactics on machine guns into a chapter, highlighting the effectiveness of machine guns in fixed defense warfare. He also said that during his stay in Germany, he found that the German army had been equipped with machine guns in a large scale, and that if China wants to train a new army, it must keep up with the pace of the great powers, and it is impossible to develop when it comes to the last moment.
I have to say that in this era, both Yuan Shikai and Duan Qirui and others in Beiyang still attach great importance to new technology, and both the right army of Wuwei and the equipment of Beiyang Standing Army keep up with the pace of various countries. For example, when Yuan Shikai and others realized that Manlixia rifles had fallen behind the world, they were already preparing to import more new rifles.
However, the strict arms embargo imposed by western countries on China has led Yuan Shikai to purchase weapons from western countries on a large scale through normal official channels.
Here, I have to say that the prohibition of China from importing weapons to make weapons raw materials in the eleventh paragraph of the appendix to the fifth paragraph of the Xin Chou Treaty has a great impact. In the first two years of the implementation of the treaty, that is, from 1991 to 1993, Chinese roots could not obtain a large number of weapons through official channels and could smuggle them secretly.
But interestingly, this arms embargo says that Emperor Guangxu aims to ban China from importing weapons and raw materials! That is to say, the treaty allows China to ban itself. This is probably the most nonsense arms embargo treaty in human history!
Despite the arms embargo, it has not affected China’s arms imports, not to mention rifles and artillery, and warships are still bought!
There is another reason here, that is, this arms embargo was mainly advocated by France. In the Sino-French War, the French army was equipped with German and British weapons, and the Qing army was scared to flee. Naturally, it was even more unwilling to let China continue to equip with new weapons. In the eyes of other powers, even if the Qing army fought them with nuclear bombs, it could still beat them down. This is indeed the case. In modern history, the Qing army was defeated in the war, and France was such a wonderful flower.
Although the arms embargo of the Xin Chou Treaty was not too strict even though many loopholes were implemented, it soon died in name only. However, the Xin Chou Treaty was just signed in 191. At this time, it is naturally impossible for China to import weapons on a large scale in a big way. In addition, it is also trying to achieve self-sufficiency in weapons and mass production of weapons such as rifles made in Hanyang.
To some extent, this arms embargo also forced the Qing court to produce Hanyang rifle artillery on a large scale, which laid a special position in Hanyang’s history.
Now countries’ arms embargo on China naturally makes it impossible for China to acquire a large number of new machine guns from western countries, but it is not a problem to get a few guns through smuggling!
Yuan Shikai has always attached importance to new technology. Almost Duan Qirui just handed Zhao Dongyun’s suggestion, and he just approved the suggestion of trying to build a machine gun team.
Now the armies of all countries have been equipped with machine guns in batches. Yuan Shikai is also willing to advance and retreat by 10,000 steps, saying that even if the machine guns are nothing big, at most, it is just a loss of some money. This money can’t even buy a seven-life five-field gun, but if the machine guns are really big, the Beiyang Army will be able to keep up with the world trend. This is far more important than more than 10,000 pieces of silver.
In a few days, Zhao Dongyun got the official approval to build a machine gun team!
"From now on, you are the official!" Zhao Dongyun pointed his hand at the first and only machine gun commander Lin Yong after getting the approval.
Anyone who has just been promoted will be happy. Lin Yong’s face is a little excited. "Adults love you forever!"
"You have done a good job in the machine gun team, which is the best reward for me!" Zhao Dongyun got up at this moment and walked to Lin Yong and patted him on the shoulder. "I will rely on you for the exercise in a month!"
Even though Lin Yong is ten years older than Zhao Dong Yun, at this moment, two people look as if Zhao Dongyun is the elder and Lin Yong is just a lad.
I sent Bi Yong, who was still excited, out of Zhao Dongyun’s office and went to the barracks next door. As soon as he went in, the people inside got up one after another, including Zhao Dongping, who had just arrived these days.
The original Zhao Dongyun was going to send Zhao Dongping to the camp to do something, but the plan did not change quickly. Now he has been transferred to the second camp and naturally changed his plan. Finally, Zhao Dongping was arranged to do something in the second camp.
This is not only to give Zhao Dongping an errand, but also to let him do things with his side. After all, many things belonging to his family should be more assured. Besides, Zhao Dongyun looks at this Zhao Dongping, although he is young, but he is clever and knows how to advance and retreat, which is also a deliberate cultivation of him.
If he shows that he is worthy of training, Zhao Dongyun intends to recommend him to prepare for the Baoding Military Academy in 2008, which may be a great help to him in a few years.
After Zhao Dongyun went in, he pressed his hand to signal that all the people in the room were welcome, and then he waved Zhao Dongping out. "What happened when I asked you to buy a machine gun?"
Chapter VII Pilot Machine Gun Team II
Since Yuan Shikai allowed him to set up a pilot machine gun team, he naturally gave it a certain amount. Although it is not much, he can still sell a few new machine guns with a squeeze, but cash is not a problem. The key is that money can’t buy new machine guns.
At present, there are two types of machine guns. One is Ma Keqin water-cooled heavy machine guns. Germany, Britain, Russia and other countries have purchased licenses to produce them themselves. At present, this kind of typical models are British k1 German g99 g1, in which g1 is the predecessor of the later famous G.
Another kind is French Hatches air-cooled machine guns. At present, in addition to a large number of equipment in France, Japan has also imported a part of the latest model Hatches 19, which was improved from Hatches 197. This new model was also introduced in large quantities into Japan in addition to a large number of equipment in France, and became the main machine gun day in the future Russo-Japanese War. I am very satisfied with this type of machine gun. After the Russo-Japanese War, I specially imported a patent from France to copy it. This is the heavy machine gun that was later treated for 30 years.
The g1 and Hutchins 19 machine guns have got rid of many problems of early machine guns, making them truly life harvesters for soldiers because of the embargo. At present, China cannot buy these weapons from western countries openly.
However, if there is an embargo, there will naturally be smuggling, not to mention smuggling in the 21 ST century, not to mention the fact that in 1991, arms dealers from all over the world don’t care about your national interests. Those British businessmen dare to sell you Queen Victoria’s crown if you pay enough!
Just because the official channels can’t buy it doesn’t mean that Zhao Dongyun can’t buy a machine gun!
Baoding Zhili Governor and Beiyang Trade Minister Resident can be said to be an arms dealer whose political status is second only to that of Beijing.
It’s easy to find an arms dealer in Baoding.
Just now, when those arms dealers heard that Wu Wei’s right army was going to buy machine guns, regardless of the country, all the arms dealers poured in, and they all promised to get as much discount as possible to ensure delivery.
"But when they heard that we were selling for three or four times, they were all …" Zhao Dongping said that there was grief and indignation in it. "Those people look down on people and forget it, but the price is still so expensive!"
This can’t blame the arms dealers for being snobbish. After all, now everyone is staring at the Beiyang Standing Army and the Beijing Banner Standing Army. These tens of thousands of people are equipped with many kinds of equipment, but they are as high as several million. Who doesn’t want to get a piece of it?
If it was Yuan Shikai’s plan to build a general machine gun, those arms dealers would definitely fart and fart, but now it’s just Zhao Dongyun who buys a few. No wonder people’s enthusiasm is not high.
Zhao Dongyun is not interested in understanding the attitude of arms dealers and complaining to Zhao Dongping. He is not interested in listening. He asks, "Is that available now?"
It’s a matter of Zhao Dongyun’s mind whether the machine gun can be bought or not, and it’s very important that Zhao Dongyun doesn’t like being controlled by others, let alone talking to his subordinates. He likes to control the rhythm. Even when talking to Duan Qirui and other big bosses, he tries to lead the topic to his desired direction.
Before Zhao Dongping was young, he didn’t have much contact with Zhao Dongyun. When he talked, he still complained a little deliberately according to his former hometown. However, seeing that his cousin had shown positive color, he dared not continue to wave his breath, but directly said, "I made a deal with a Russian foreign firm. Four of them have been shipped directly from Lushun these days. They are all new goods!"
Zhao Dongyun nodded his head when he heard this. He didn’t need to know what channels and methods Zhao Dongping bought machine guns. He needed to know that Zhao Dongping bought machine guns.
"Well, you did a good job this time. Follow up when you come. You can’t let them drag on for too long. You know, our time is limited!" Zhao Dongyun admired his little cousin and did not forget to warn him at the same time.
Zhao Dongping immediately said, "Third brother can rest assured that he will not delay the end-of-year practice!"
Zhao Dongping naturally knows what Zhao Dongyun is worried about, that is, the drill at the end of the year. Although the scale of this drill is not large, at the end of 1991, the court wanted to edit and practice the new army on a large scale, so its influence was actually beyond Zhao Dongyun’s own imagination.
At present, although the imperial court has said that it is necessary to train new troops, how to train them is a problem. At the end of the year, the training was not large on the surface, but it actually attracted a lot of people’s attention. They want to know what kind of fighting capacity Yuan Shikai’s new army has, and whether it is just like the three new troops of Wu Weijun last year.
To put it bluntly, people want to see something different from the old army from this drill!
Yuan Shikai is confident about this, and Duan Qirui and other Beiyang people are also confident. Originally, Zhao Dongyun was also confident, but Zhao Dongyun wanted not only to stay in this position, but also to go further before he moved the machine gun out.
He’s going to surprise the Beiyang bosses with one vote!

No matter how hard the royal society struggles, it cannot escape the fate of failure.

In the 44th minute, angulo scored a goal with a hammer!
At half-time, the two sides changed sides and fought again. Valencia still didn’t want to let the real society go after winning two goals.
Ronaldinho scored 3 goals in the 52nd minute.
In the 50th minute, Ba Laha’s long-range shot blasted the Royal Society Gate 4! After the goal, Ba Laha made a pee celebration to satirize the urine test anti-doping Committee
Of course, his celebration after the game will definitely cause controversy.
But at this time, Ba Laha doesn’t care so much. He just wants to vent his dissatisfaction with the Anti-Doping Commission.
Valencia scored four goals in less than 60 minutes, but Valencia didn’t stop there.
They feel just right. They seem to be after more goals.
In the 77th minute, Ba Laha scored twice and Valencia led the Royal Society 5 times!
The royal society has been completely beaten to death.
Then in the 19th minute, Cambiaso sent the football match into the Royal Society goal for the sixth time with a long shot …
The score was finally fixed at 6 sides.
"What a crazy game …"
The commentator Moen could not help but sigh.
After the game, all Valencia players took part in urine samples instead of spot checks as before.
Journalists pay great attention to this matter, but they can go to the scene and they can also talk about it at the press conference.
The urine test results can’t come out immediately, and the results can’t come out until one day later.
Before that, everyone was also guessing.
The game is always winning. The team beat Royal Society 6 times at home, as if it were a demonstration.
Aren’t you questioning our grades? Then we can play better!
Most journalists actually don’t believe that Valencia’s performance is tricky, because they have been training with the team this week, and they have witnessed with their own eyes how Valencia always wins in training and how his coaching team works.
Some reporters think that if a TV station is willing to shoot a documentary with Valencia in depth, all doubts about their achievements will be gone.
It is not luck for a group of people who have worked so hard and taken football seriously to win the league championship for three consecutive years and beat Real Madrid and Barcelona.
Chapter two hundred and ninety-one Innocence
The next day, Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid beat each other 21 away to win the Madrid derby.
But for them, the gap between them and Valencia is still nine points-they lost to Osasuna in the first round of the league.
The nine-point gap made their league championship dream very slim.
But nobody likes them and the chances of winning the league title
Everyone has one thing in mind on this day.
That is whether Valencia passed the urine test in the match with Real Sociedad.
This event has been the focus of attention for everyone in the past week.
Even UEFA is betting.
Later in the day, the Spanish Anti-Doping Commission announced the results of their urine test on Valencia.
All the players in Valencia, no matter whether they are playing or not, have negative urine test results!
This means that they don’t have illegal drugs, and their victories and honors are truly tested!
"We are grateful to the Valencia Club for its cooperation with many teams. As soon as we heard our name, Valencia showed their openness. On the one hand, if all sports organizations cooperated like the Valencia Club, our trade unions would be good and many sports would be free of stimulants …"

"Tell a captain’s adult that our army killed 120 people and injured 317 people, but the bodies of the Khitans on the battlefield were a little thick. More than 500 bodies were taken away by the Khitans, and the casualties of the Khitans were twice as high as ours, and we also captured a Khitan chieftain. This time, we were tricked by the Khitans, and the Khitan cavalry was divided into 3,000 people." Welcome Law Hong told Wang Shi.

"This result is very good." Wang Shi got up from the horse corpse
Welcome Law Macro feels that Wang Shi seems to be silent for a lot after the First World War.
"Then whether we advance into black bone ridge? There is black smoke in Wuguling. Obviously the Khitans have escaped. "
"Of course, otherwise so many brothers would have died in vain." Wang Shi said hoarsely, "And immediately send a report to Guo Duhu, saying that our army has conquered Wuguling and asked him to record our merits."
In September of the first year of innovation, Guo Xiaoke led 35,000 foot soldiers from all ministries to attack Wuhuan Mountain in Qidan. Guo Xiaoke lured the enemy with his partial division, and finally the main force stormed Wuhuan. The strategy was successful. Wuhuan Mountain was attacked and hundreds of thousands of Qidan people were captured.
Since World War I, hundreds of thousands of Khitan people in Huoershen grassland have been forced to move northward again, and the Songmo Dufu has also been successfully built in Wuhuan Mountain. The price paid by this Songmo Dufu is that Wang Shi and other three roads are biased, except for Wang Shi’s casualties, the other two roads are completely annihilated.
Chapter six hundred and forty-nine The sea bully (the second more)
You Jing just entered the night.
The stars are low, and the middle street of the capital is already a forbidden street, covered with black armor and patrolling the city. A rider is patrolling the streets of the city and the people are already there.
Youfang is still a busy lane. The diners in front of the small restaurant are full of people’s homes. The family is happy. The fireside restaurant is full of lights, and the lights are on. The laughter from time to time shows a few words of joy about the growing prosperity of autumn harvest life.
At this time, Fang Ding just had enough food and burped, picked up Diao Dou’s broadsword and strolled through the streets to wake up the Fang people to prevent fire and theft.
The palace gate outside Linshuo Palace is locked. The maid-in-waiting takes the lampshade and lights the palace lantern. From a distance, the palace lantern is fuzzy and faint. From far to near, it lights up one by one to disperse the thick night. The patrol guards step on the stone steps and the armor leaves clang.
The autumn night is getting colder. There is a stack of unfinished memorials beside the console table in the main hall of Linshuo Palace. But Li Chongjiu, the emperor of Zhao Empire, is not at the console table at the moment. Li Chongjiu is wearing a cloak and holding a sword against the wall. He is watching carefully.
Seen from the map, the imperial map of Dazhao is expanding day by day, and its territory is gradually expanding.
Yesterday, Guo Xiaoke came to the battle report. He led an army to capture Wuhuan Mountain and pushed the northern territory of Zhao to the depths of the grassland for hundreds of miles. Guo Xiaoke has sent a request to Li Chongjiu to increase the garrison of Han troops in Songmo Dufu, and Wuhuan Mountain will build a city.
Lee Chong-jiu, though he was short of troops, promised Guo Xiaoke to send two thousand from six counties in the north to raise two thousand lean and send them to the White Wolf City, but Guo Xiaoke had to practice by himself.
In addition, Guo Xiaoke also recommended Wang Shiying Yang Lang in the paper to attack Wuhuan Mountain. First, he guarded the grain team to repel the night attack of Qidan cavalry and attacked Wuguling. How much did it break? At first, Li Chongjiu, a Qidan cavalry, saw a ash. I didn’t expect Wang Shi to be self-reliant and self-reliant in this bird-less place.
Is it because talents shine everywhere? Perhaps it is because the old ministers always let him go out for a break. How do you know whether it will be a dragon or a phoenix in the future? But for Wang Shi, Li Chongjiu is still very happy that he not only approved Guo Xiaoke’s request, but also awarded him the position of assistant commander of White Wolf City.
Wang Shi belongs to Wang Shi, but Guo Xiaoke’s defeat of the Khitans in Wuhuan Mountain made Li Chongjiu’s situation in the north of the country very good. The most important thing is to cut off the direct connection between the Turkic Koguryo people, which is also a powerful blow to the forces attached to the Koguryo people by the Khitans.
Hundreds of thousands of ministries in Khitan are familiar with grassland from Wuhuan Mountain, but Li Chongjiu moved northward. Looking along the map, he moved northward. This vast mountain in Daxinganling is now straight. Today, many places are still the original jungle. If the Khitans are to be moved northward for the winter, their lives will inevitably be more difficult.
If this is the case, hundreds of thousands of cattle, sheep and livestock will be missing, and the cold Daxinganling Mountains in Qidan will be reduced by at least one third.
However, Li Chongjiu was not prepared to exterminate the Khitans, but decided to take this opportunity to vigorously attract the Khitans to allow them to move to the Huiershen grassland. Of course, the condition was that they must be under the jurisdiction of Dazhao, and not only should the people be recruited from Dazhao Songmo Dufu at any time, but they should also pay a certain tax every year to enter the Beijing State Prison for study.
If more than 100,000 Khitans join the State of Zhao, the remaining Khitans will have little concern for the angry grassland, which can also cut off Goguryeo’s arm. When Li Chongjiu’s cowhide map, Wuhuan Mountain drew a big red circle, indicating that this place has been included in the territory of Dazhao.
Then Li Chongjiu looked at Koguryo on the west side of Huoershen grassland and on the east side of Turkic respectively.
The situation in Koguryo has been stable recently. The Great Wall in the south has been completed. It is a great wall connecting more than a dozen important towns. Of course, Koguryo people follow the example of the Great Wall in Qin and Han Dynasties. Koguryo took Dazhao as a nomadic people as a general precaution.
Zhou Zhou, the chief of the new Liaodong County, once told Li Chongjiu that it was necessary to mobilize at least 200,000 troops to attack the Great Wall with the help of the army. You should know that Koguryo was good at keeping his name, and everyone knew that when he conquered Liaodong for the second time, Emperor Yangdi’s 300,000 troops attacked Liaodong City for three months.
Zhou Zhou instead gave Li Chongjiu a copy of the sea and captured Goguryeo’s memorial. Zhou Zhou’s memorial listed that when Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty pacified Wei Man North Korea, he ordered the general of the ship, Yang Servant, to lead 50 thousand troops to cross the Bohai Sea and break Wei Man North Korea’s imperial city. Afterwards, Dahan North Korea set up four counties in Han Dynasty.
Zhou Zhou quoted this incident as saying that Da Zhao must imitate the Han Dynasty’s peaceful defense of Korea and should not repeat the mistakes of Emperor Yangdi’s three expeditions to Liaodong. Zhou Zhou suggested that in the long run, he should consider invading from the sea, bypass Koguryo and build a strong line of defense, and vigorously operate the two strongholds in Dengzhou, Duli Town, to prepare for crossing the sea to attack Koguryo in the future.
Zhou Zhou also said that it is more important to master the sea tyrants to attack Koguryo, and it is even more important to face Silla Baekje in the future. The Japanese sea in the east has been provoked to prevent it from happening. Zhou Zhou suggested expanding the two water army camps in Dengzhou, Duli Town, to build a sea boat to train the water army, so that it can compete in the sea in the future!
Let Zhao navy master not only cross the Yangtze River and Huaihe River but also dominate the sea.
Li Chongjiu didn’t agree with a word after reading Zhouzhou’s memorial, but he didn’t agree with a word. The reason is very simple. Li Chongjiu gave Zhouzhou a reply, simply two words, no money to raise water for the military, but let Zhouzhou find a way to do it by himself. This is no way. Li Chongjiu just finished the war in Wuhuan Mountain, Shandong Province, and Xu Shiji’s Song Jingang army has also played here, and Yongji Canal has not been dredged yet. Where can Li Chongjiu afford to manage and expand the water army?
Of course, Li Chongjiu also gave Zhou Zhoufang a way to find his own way. Even some extreme measure can be afraid that he will steal and rob.
Li Chongjiu said this casually, but Zhou Zhouma replied that he wanted to organize a water army to invade Koguryo’s coastal areas and plunder the people’s income, and he also spent his own money. Li Chongjiu thought that it was not simple to go back to Zhouzhou. Isn’t this what he did when he plundered Koguryo?
However, Li Chongjiu was originally a land thief and Zhou Zhouye was going to be a pirate.
Chapter six hundred and fifty Ambition
Slaughtering Koguryo people as fat sheep is not just talk
Koguryo, the most powerful country in Northeast Asia, has good economic power besides military power.
When the Khitans also carried out slash-and-burn hunting and herding sheep, Koguryo had intensively cultivated the fields. Koguryo not only built iron smelting level, but also had a good farmer base, which made iron farming.
Although the low-level people are very poor, they have the habit of dieting on weekdays. The rich people in China don’t sit down and eat a lot of people. The Khitan people don’t know how to produce iron, but the Koguryo people sell their own iron to the Khitan people in exchange for cattle and sheep.
Koguryo, a special farming nation, also has the habit of storing grain. Not only does the national city have large warehouses, but every family also has its own small warehouses. The people named Bianjing pay taxes on a daily basis, and the history of currency trading in corn, millet and silk. When Koguryo paid tribute to Japan, he specially gave cloth and fur to weigh leather coins, while the princes in Koguryo, Khitan, Juwo and other tribes, King Koguryo, strictly demanded that they pay tribute to cattle, sheep, fish, salt and grain.
But even so, Koguryo is only a little better than Qidan’s economy. Even if you rob it, you may not get anything, but you may lose your way. However, Zhouzhou said in the paper that if you go around in Liaodong mountains, you will definitely not get any oil and water, but he chose to attack Koguryo’s richest Sasui, which is a sad name for people in the Sui Dynasty. In that year, 300,000 troops from Liaoning Province arrived here and were defeated by B Wende.
Sashui is today’s Sashui plain in Qingchuan River, which is the most important agricultural area in Koguryo from the past to today. Zhouzhou cited a general of the navy who participated in the Liao Dynasty to protect children. It was written in the memorial that the river from Sashui to the navy can go back 200 miles.
The location of Xishui is more important than that of Sasui. Xishui is today’s Datong River. This is the capital of Pyongyang, North Korea. When the children came to attack Pyongyang, they crossed the sea and arrived at the mouth of Xishui. They went straight to Pyongyang City along the river.
Sashui and Shuiyou plains are all important agricultural areas in Koguryo. Compared with attacking the defense line of the Great Wall for thousands of miles, it can be said that Koguryo is in opposition to the growing strength in the south. Zhao Koguryo has made the defense line of the Great Wall for thousands of miles in the west stronger than before.
In those days, Yu Zhongwen led 300,000 elite Sui army troops to advance all the way. As a result, the final defeat was not as good as that of Laihuer’s 40,000 water army. You know, Laihuer directly attacked Pyongyang, but for neglecting some unguarded Koguryo people to attack Liaoning at night, the war would have been successful.
For Zhouzhou, there are 3,000 naval forces with less than 300,000 troops. One percent of them have to go through the Liao River head-on, harassing Koguryo people, just like wandering a tree. Koguryo doesn’t give a damn, but attacking Koguryo around the sea has no such worry, because it can go straight into Koguryo’s heart.
Zhouzhou also said that there is another reason why the plan can be successful, because Goguryeo has always ignored the water army, which is far less than that of Silla Baekje in the three countries of the peninsula when it came to protect the children’s water army from entering Pyongyang. Goguryeo’s water army didn’t even know that.
At the beginning, it was just that Koguryo people have not grown up until now. Only in recent years, Silla Zhao Guohai’s trade has been smooth, and Koguryo hasn’t come up with a plan to send water troops to plunder for a long time. From this point of view, Koguryo doesn’t pay much attention to the water army.
Without the interception of the water army, the Bohai Sea can come and go as freely as its own pool for the Zhouzhou pirate fleet. Even if it is defeated, it can retreat. Zhouzhou wrote a plan to plunder Koguryo’s coastal areas, saying that this will not only support the war, but also destroy Koguryo’s coastal economy.
Zhou Zhou wrote a bunch of magnificently, but Li Chongjiu saw another possibility from Zhou Zhou’s plan. Li Chongjiu seems that Zhou Zhou’s vision of Liaodong County Chief is too short-sighted, knowing that Li Chongjiu seems to be going to make it big.
A huge ambition and plan is brewing in Li Chongjiu’s chest. That is the strength of Zhao State today. What is the consequence of his personally leading the army to attack Pyongyang?
It’s not impossible to have hundreds of ships and warships. The most important thing is to have mental arithmetic. When Emperor Yangdi attacked Liaodong, ants knew that the Sui army was going to attack Koguryo.
And Li Chongjiu’s attack on crossing the sea this time took the sea instead of the land, and suddenly he was in the city. Will the Koguryo royal family in Pyongyang think? Besides, another advantage of Li Chongjiu over Yang Guang is that Silla, a good ally, has strong support around him.
Violent ambition Li Chongjiu’s heart is burning with adventure or is it too risky? The variable of cross-sea expedition is that there are too many foot soldiers. Whether they can experience long-distance sea bumps, wind directions, climate currents is a big problem.
It is a good example that the Yuan Army fed fish and shrimp on two conquest days, but it seems that the Sui and Tang Dynasties were much better in history, except that Emperor Wen of Sui was unlucky when he attacked Koguryo, and the water army went to the bottom of the sea to feed fish and shrimp. Since then, the sailors of Liao and Sui Dynasties have found out the height several times.
There has never been anything wrong with the situation in the sea area.

Atobe Keigo, Fuji Syusuke, Oshitari Yuushi, Ryoma Echizen, Kunimitsu Tezuka, Yukmura Seiji and the leisure sofa rolled over there. Song Yun and everyone went to their own hot springs to take a very, very bath.

Although they have lived together for many years, it is the first time for us to take a bath together, and some thin-skinned people blush.
There is some heat in the hot spring in the room. Everyone has Song Yun. One person squints and enjoys the hot spring, and there is Song Yun. One person doesn’t know how embarrassing the atmosphere is now.
In order to break this embarrassment, Song Shirt Seven found a topic.
"Speaking of which, Jingwu told me that Guoguang seems to have done something sorry for your sister, right?" Song shirt seven which pot which pot not which pot to turn out the old scores, he didn’t admit that it was because his sister favored Kunimitsu Tezuka that he said this.
"Uh-huh, it’s true that when the uncle turned 10 years old, and the female cat was not gorgeous?" The trace department nodded and echoed the seven topics of Song shirt. The natural trace department won’t be true to people because it is not gorgeous and jealous.
"Huh?" Song Yun glanced at Kunimitsu Tezuka and saw Kunimitsu Tezuka in a cold sweat, but now he didn’t have glasses to hang his head and explain things at that time.
When Kunimitsu Tezuka explained, Song Shanqi smiled and almost didn’t travel to Santuchuan.
"That is to say, because you dropped your glasses and planned to pick them up, you accidentally pushed them to Zetian Cool Smoke, and then you accidentally touched someone’s chest, so you will be responsible for such an old thing? ! Nima is funny! " Song unlined upper garment seven finished laughing and stopped eating. Kunimitsu Tezuka was black, red and white. Everyone was laughing and upset. Kunimitsu Tezuka, a pure man, is a pole these days.
= Closed =
"The King of the Nets drags the Queen’s Temple/Person: Ji Orange"
"Status: Completed"
[End is absolutely wonderful] Once she crossed, she forgot the past dust and became four families-a shallow pear family, the devil princess. Her belly was black and she loved to pretend to be a koo. She was selected by the Ice Emperor Tennis Department and was praised for being able to make Atobe Keigo angry.
chapters and sections
People are looking for new support!
Dear friends, an orange new article has been published for support,
If the king smiles
Link parlis/167171hl
Introduction [Orange Xinwen is on fire ~! ] [Male host undecided Welcome to vote! The hostess is by no means Mary Su] "My brother and my family are cut off." She smiled with a light look and inadvertently revealed loneliness. "Has anyone ever said that your eyes are like the most beautiful and pure day?" The tree half squinted as if enjoying the pleasant sunshine and then asked the teenager beside her, "What did you choose to leave?" She still smiles and looks at the boy calmly with purple eyes, just like discussing whether the weather is good or bad. Naturally, she is holding the boy’s elegant skirt tightly, but her hand is trying to look down at it with deep wrinkles. "But if one day," her lips will burst into the world’s most beautiful smile, "I don’t love you or you don’t love me, please remember to smile."
A long comment on member [Power Xiao Mo]
Zhike tolerance xiaoju
I met a girl whose name is Xiao Ju, and I used to call her Xiao Ju. Even though I know she is older than me, I don’t call her sister.
Orange is really cute and cute-we don’t know her very well. She called me sister, and I was so depressed at that time.
Gradually Orange stopped calling me Sister Shinohara and called me Sister Shinohara.
Actually, I prefer the name Sister Shinohara Foam. What a love * _ _ * Hee hee …
Orange gives me the feeling that it is different from Yan, which makes me feel a little sad, while orange gives me the feeling that it has always been a very optimistic, lovely and happy child.
I like her optimism and cuteness
w w w 8
Because her optimism and cuteness can render me up.
Orange noodles are jane doe’s "unequal treaties".
1. Orange should be friends with jane doe forever.
Orange should always be optimistic, lovely and happy.
3, hey hey, if I can still like the name Sister Shinohara.
Analysis of noodles in orange drops
I like the orange text very much. Ruoxi has some black belly, some evil but also a sad side. Ruoxi is also a heartless but fragile person. I like everyone. Sometimes it is better for a girl to be heartless than to dig out her heart.
Actually, I found that it seems that I don’t particularly like the male master, but I like the enchanting and beautiful man. I can’t help it. Who makes me a uber and beautiful man?
I’m just looking forward to the story behind Qianhen Li and Ruoxi.
They are destined not to be together forever, but I look forward to this life.
It’s possible that they still can’t be together in this life.
It’s not hard for me to see that Qianhen Li still loves Ruoxi very much, because he told the mysterious girl code-named Youxue not to hurt her.
I was moved by his words. Although this sentence is simple, it contains his love for Ruoxi.
In the later chapters, I feel that the trace seems to love the hostess, too

In Qin Shaojie’s aesthetic view, that Annie is not bad-looking, but this means that after wearing makeup, she doesn’t know what she looked like before, but she is getting better and better. According to this law, Qin Shaojie definitely didn’t look good before she recognized her. How can it be so strange that Qin Shaojie admired her? But now this is not what he needs.

With Annie, several people returned to the hotel. In Phoenix, things were handed over to Robert to deal with. Qin Shaojie believed that the mafia was comfortable in handling this matter.
After admiring and having a room alone with Annie, Qin Shaojie was really ready to go back to her room, but her cell phone rang.
"I said Angela how to call me now? Are you also lonely in the middle of the night? " Looking at the phone to show Qin Shaojie pick up words couldn’t help teasing.
Qin Shaojie, the vampire prince, is really not serious, probably because she was a bar buyer when she met her, and she tried to take the lead. Even now Qin Shaojie doesn’t treat her as a vampire prince, so she has no scruples to joke with her like a friend.
"Do you want to die?" Angie said, "I’m not in love. Will a little girl still be lonely?"
I also thought about Qin Shaojie, except Ling Fang. If men and women are older than themselves, many Angie will go out. Although she looks like a girl in her twenties, who knows how long she has lived?
"Are you kidding?" Qin Shaojie smiled and said, "Is there something wrong with you calling so late?"
"Nonsense, of course, there are things. I mean what I say, but if I agree with you, I will definitely agree with you." Angela said, "You are lucky. Don’t you want to see other princes? There is a chance now. "
"ah? Have the opportunity to meet other princes? " Qin Shaojie wondered and asked
"Yes, I just got word from them that there will be a parliament in Manchester tomorrow. If I dare to go there, I’m calling to ask you if you want to go there?" Angel said.
"Parliament? What parliament? "
"Is this still true?" Angie said, "I want to know everything about the heel. It must be a matter of going to China. Although it is no big deal for them to die, they have not completed their plan. This is to blame me."
"Is there something wrong with this group of people?" Qin Shaojie listened to Angie’s words and couldn’t help but scold, "Are they out of their minds or haven’t been sucking blood for a long time?" The plan is that when they come out, they raise their hands and ask you to do it. Now it’s not done, but it’s your fault? "
"Yes, I told you the other day that I joined you because I hated those old guys for a long time," Angie said.
"These bastards are still thinking about going to China. Now it seems that I have to go. I don’t want to give them something to see if they really don’t know how many eyes the horse king has." Qin Shaojie said angrily
"Giggle" Angie suddenly laughed at Qin Shaojie’s words. "I really haven’t seen how many eyes of Lord Ma, but you do have two giggles. You can’t even beat me. Are you ashamed to say that you want to attack those old guys?"
Qin Shaojie is angry. How do you know that I can’t beat you? You die as a prince, that is, the peak level of the meat fairy period. Of course, you have to drink that shit holy blood, that is, the cultivation of the immortal period, but I am not afraid of anyone.
"How do you know that I can’t beat you if I haven’t beaten you?" Qin Shaojie said. "Don’t just try to play a game. Don’t say that I bully women when the time comes. It’s just bullying female vampires."
"Chat" Angela said, "Why should I argue with you on this issue? I’m the first to wake you up. If you are sure you want to go with me, then … giggle when I’m a secret. "Angela suddenly remembered that Qin Shaojie saw her as a secret role when she first met him.
"But you must remember never to start work easily, even if you reveal your identity. Those old guys are not as accommodating as me. If you don’t start work, you can say it in the past, otherwise I can’t stop them from getting angry." Angela woke up again.
"Well, I promise you." Qin Shaojie said that he is not an impulsive person. Even if Angela doesn’t intervene, if she wants to deal with six princes, it is impossible. The main thing is to find out what they are going to China and whether they have a relationship with the mysterious man.
"But if you take me there, won’t they do it if you really reveal your identity?" Qin Shaojie asked
"I don’t know, but if you don’t do something special, you won’t be exposed. Usually my housekeeper, Duke Charles, goes with me, but this time it’s just changed."
"When are you going for nothing?"
"We’re leaving early in the morning," Angie said.
"I’ll come to you on a good day."
"No, I’ll pick you up at the hotel. That’s it." Angela said and hung up.
Things are getting more and more complicated.
Qin Shaojie walked into the room, threw his mobile phone aside and lay on his back, looking at the ceiling and wondering about the situation.
It’s chaotic enough not to let this group of vampires come to China again. A mysterious person will make everyone busy enough. If this group of vampires get involved again, it will be even more complicated. Qin Shaojie is even more worried that his’ big brother’ has never appeared. He is a magic Dan. According to fate, they belong to a feud. Although they have never met each other, Tiandan and Magic Dan have been in an endless situation since Pangu days. Perhaps they will die together in the end.
Mystery man or vampire or the whole magic way is called, but Tu Qin Shaojie has to worry that the unknown enemy is often the most terrible.
"Shao Jie, what are you thinking?" Lindsay asked that she didn’t go home. It seems that she tasted the forbidden fruit for the first time. She also learned the taste and followed Qin Shaojie directly back to the hotel.
"I’m thinking about you," Qin Shaojie said when he saw Lindsay come in, he would no longer think about other things.
"I miss you, too," Lindsay said shyly.
"Hey, hey" Qin Shaojie didn’t speak. Hey, hey, gave a strange smile and picked up Lindsay and threw it directly on the bed.
In a flash, the big bed moves … (omit hundreds of thousands of words here) ps Happy Chinese Valentine’s Day.
Chapter 326 Twelve midnight
Manchester is the second largest city in Britain, also known as cotton spinning capital. Of course, many people know that Manchester was once a Manchester United player from their famous football player, but most people will have a misunderstanding that Manchester is actually a city, which belongs to Greater Manchester County. To put it bluntly, this county is just like Huaxia Province, and Qin Shaojie didn’t know that their destination was not Manchester but Odeheim, an autonomous city in Greater Manchester County.
Early in the morning, Angie ran to the hotel to meet Qin Shaojie, and then they were sent to the train by the driver. It took more than two hours for the train to arrive in Odeheim.
Outside the train, the two men stopped a taxi casually and went to the city.
"What parliament is here at night?" Qin Shaojie looked out of the window at the gloomy sky and the drizzling rain, and asked if this country was really strange. It was raining when the train was still sunny just now.
"That’s right, it’s here," said Angela, glancing at the driver’s novel in front of her. "Seven princes will come from different cities to attend the parliament. Of course, the venue of the parliament will not be in the same city every time."
"Not in the same place every time? Then how do you know where to meet? " Qin Shaojie strange asked
"Seven princes form a dark parliament. Every ten years, a speaker is elected in the parliament. Whenever the parliament is called, the speaker will inform our other princes," Angel explained.
Qin Shaojie brightened up at the moment and asked, "That is to say, what is the speaker’s idea for you vampires to enter China?"
"I don’t know about this," Angela shrugged and said, "Every time the speaker doesn’t give us a meeting, we can discuss it selectively, but I don’t know who is going out to China."
Twenty minutes later, the taxi stopped in front of a hotel. Angie didn’t have a car. She told Qin Shaojie to go to her room to rest first. She had to go out on business. Qin Shaojie nodded and promised to come, no matter what she did. All this had nothing to do with him. He is now considering it. If we can know who the vampire entered China, it would be better if we can know their purpose.
It was not until the evening that Qin Shaojie had just arrived and promised to go to the restaurant for dinner that Angie came back.
"Are you going out?" Angel looked at Qin Shaojie and asked in confusion.
"Gu, look at the time." Qin Shaojie pointed to the clock at the front desk of the hall and said, "Of course I’m going to eat."
"That’s just to eat together," Angela said and turned and walked to the restaurant.
"What did you say? They actually want you to continue to send people to China? " Qin Shaojie was surprised and asked, his fork fell to the ground and he didn’t find it.
"It was in the afternoon that I went to see a speaker Ronnie, and that’s what he said to me." Angie said with an expression, but Qin Shaojie saw that she was also very angry at this time.
"Yes, he is the current Speaker," Angie said.
"What else did he say?" Qin Shaojie asked
"I know what you want to hear, but he won’t say that I talked to him all afternoon before he told me that the meeting was going to discuss things, but now it seems that it is not that simple."
"Why? Did you find anything? " Qin Shaojie doubt way
"That’s not true," Angie said at Qin Shaojie. "How can you be so benzene? I’m really curious about how you’re so stupid to live to this day. "
"… get down to business" Qin Shaojie ten words own benzene? Not at all. I just don’t understand benzene
"I don’t know anything specific," Angie said, glancing at Qin Shaojie. "Do you think for yourself if you continue to let me talk to people and call me here from London?"

"Then I’ll go with you," Cheng Dongyang said without thinking.

"Can you go?" He is now a public figure, and it is estimated that the whole Jiangbei people know him.
"Just change clothes and wear a pair of glasses." Cheng Dongyang still wants to accompany her to Beijing. They can wander around and no one will recognize him, but there is a danger of being recognized everywhere in Jiangbei.
Dongdong looked at him when he got home, and Dongdong turned out a white shirt and jeans for him, and then wore a denim jacket of the same color and black-rimmed glasses, which was really different. If you don’t look carefully, you might actually recognize him.
In this way, he doesn’t look so serious when he looks younger. He knows Cheng Dongyang in winter and winter. When he works, he tends to be more serious and frown, which makes people unconsciously nervous. Now he looks like a young man and is approachable.
"This should be about the same." Cheng Dongyang is also satisfied with his dressing up like this. "You also come to change clothes."
There are still a lot of clothes left here in winter and winter. Two people turned their clothes over the bed and finally changed out a pair of jeans with a similar color to Cheng Dongyang. She also changed out and maintained them well in winter and winter. She was so young and dressed more like a female student who had just graduated from college.
"Let’s go!" Cheng Dongyang also feels fresh, just like falling in love.
Two people set off Cheng Dongyang and went to a big supermarket or a big shopping mall. At the moment, there are quite a lot of people. They have a small hot pot on the floor to eat first, and there are quite a few people to eat one pot.
"Why don’t we eat that?" Dongdong is envious that she hasn’t eaten this most common food for a long time.
"All listen to the wife" Cheng Dongyang blinked at her and went in with her.
In winter and winter, I asked for a mushroom soup pot. Cheng Dongyang asked for a hot and sour pot. It’s the first time for Cheng Dongyang to eat in this place. I accidentally found that the small hot pot here is quite good, with a good taste and enough weight.
Two people eat full head big sweat for the first time in winter, so hold his waist out.
"Yuanyuan and I came here to eat before, but the taste hasn’t changed or it’s so delicious." Dongdong said in his arms.
"I’ll take you to eat that day." Cheng Dongyang likes to see her so happy.
"Don’t eat it once. I’ll cook for you." Dongdong said when his eyes were blurred and his mouth was hooked with a smile as sweet as honey.
"Good" Cheng Dongyang sounded hoarse. He really wanted to kiss his charming lips. Now it is a public place and he is afraid of attracting attention.
Dong Dong took her to pick a bed. Cheng Dongyang felt strange. "I still have a lot of new sheets. I just changed them some time ago."
"But I don’t like to change it." Dongdong took her to look at it carefully and chose several flowers she liked before paying.
The two men went to the shopping mall again and chose a couple’s home for him and himself in winter and winter. She was light pink and he was white. I tried it in winter and winter and thought it was very suitable for Cheng Dongyang to try it.
Dongyang had to try Dongdong’s eyes. She also knew that Cheng Dongyang’s body size was just right. He looked at it with a little sunshine and handsome. He felt very satisfied with Dongdong. "Is that all right?"
He is also very satisfied. The most important thing is to let Dong Dong Xin "you decide"
When checking out, go to check out in winter. Cheng Dongyang came to carry her bag.
When Dongdong received the ticket, she heard the camp girl say, "Mrs. Cheng Ji Cheng takes care."
Cheng Dongyang and Dongdong paused to look at each other’s feelings. He kept hiding and didn’t want people to know who he was. As a result, people recognized him early in the morning. Chapter 385 Sheets.
When I stepped up the stairs, my heart was still pounding and I didn’t go to the supermarket. "Let’s go home!"
"Don’t you still want to buy some life?" Cheng Dongyang arm around her waist "is a big supermarket let’s just go directly"
"Farewell, let’s go home!" I’ve been recognized. Dong Dong always thinks it’s not good.
"It’s natural that it’s okay to talk about who is going shopping with his wife." Cheng Dongyang insisted that she would have to buy it alone if he didn’t go shopping with Dongdong now.
Two people went upstairs to visit the supermarket in winter and winter. They didn’t dare to look at what they wanted, turned around and walked into the car. Winter and winter were still worried about seeing her "will it have a bad influence?"
"Isn’t it natural for me to remember me as the municipal party committee here or Meng Yudong’s husband to accompany his wife to buy things?" Dongyang said and blinked at her.
Dong Dong is most worried about affecting his image and work. Although he said that, she is still a little worried, but it is gone to think about it after it has happened.
When they got home to their doorstep, Cheng Dongyang felt something was wrong. There seemed to be light in the room. The light in his living room was bright, and the kitchen seemed to have a fragrance. They went to the kitchen and saw Hua Zhi cooking here.
Cheng Dongyang also froze for a while. How could he be here without Bai Zhi?
"Cheng Ji, I wish you had come back." Hua Zhi said with a smile when she saw them coming back. She smiled a little stiff for a second. She saw Cheng Dongyang wearing jeans and glasses and looked so young or casual. It was the first time for her to see him dressed like this. She never knew that he would dress like this. When she saw him again, she was even more white. They were wearing lovers’ clothes. Are they going out shopping in lovers’ clothes? She felt a little sour and depressed.
It’s hard for her to be calm and say to Cheng Dongyang, "I’ll go back to my room first."
As soon as she got back to her room, she found that the room was tidy and tidy, and they piled all the clothes on the bed when they were looking for clothes. Her brain was hot, and she trembled at the thought of another woman entering their room to tidy up the messy room.
She is really crazy at this moment.
Cheng Dongyang leng endure to spend zhi said "we have already eaten"
Hua Zhi realized that she had done something wrong when Meng Yudong said it. At this moment, she looked at Cheng Dongyang with some confusion. "I, I sent you a text message saying that I came to cook for you and Mrs. Cheng. I don’t think you replied. I think you agreed."
Cheng Dongyang remembered that he didn’t even take out his words with Dongdong and said, "It’s late. Go home!"
"Oh, I’m sorry, Cheng Ji. Did I do something wrong?" Flower zhi also panicked and didn’t know what to do. The expression was even more koo.