Zhao feast for the chest is a little sour, but the surface still smiles and should be a gentle smile.

Lord Zhao Xiaogong is the spoiled one.’
Aside Xinning infanta condescended to the Queen Mother and Empress, and just now Zhao Jiagong wiped his mouth in person. Obviously, he was regarded as a pride. It seems that Zheng Guogong should return to Beijing before long.
"This is Zhao Gong who wrote Bamboo Stone."
Young masters and ladies of the original painting watched Zhao Cuo whisper to each other. The other day, that indomitable poem has spread all over the capital, and it was shocked by the poetry of Master Zhao Xiaogong.
"Maybe he is good at writing inspirational poems."
Some people questioned
"Wrong son don’t like to show off is the miss LAN asked him to come out? Otherwise, he wouldn’t have written poems in front of so many people. "
Zhao Shangxin looked at his brother nervously, only to find that his expression became cold and peaceful, and he was gentle and warm every time before her.
"Do you become clever when you are with me?"
She thought again of yesterday morning’s incident in Youjun Wangfu. At that time, Zhao Cuo gave a strong beating to the king of the county, and then questioned the king without flinching in full view. At that time, the coldness made her feel strange. Did she never realize her brother’s heart?
"When is the month … ask the wine to the sky?"
With Zhao Cuokou’s original painting, everyone consciously looked up and looked at the Mid-Autumn Festival this year.
I think these two sentences are plain, and they are waiting for the follow-up.
When "I don’t know if Tiangongque is a year tonight" sounded, someone secretly nodded in surprise.
"I want to go home by the wind, but I’m afraid I can’t dance at the height of Qionglou Yuyu to find out if the shadow looks like a person?"
Breathing air-conditioning sounds one after another.
"Master Zhao Xiaogong thinks of himself as a fairy?"
Someone is astounding.
What do you mean, go home?
This can’t be said back until you live in the sky!
"The heights are too cold?"
Empress Dowager picked a fine eyebrow and recalled this poem, which showed satisfaction in her eyes
"When you turn to Zhu Ge, you shouldn’t hate it when you sleep."
In the second half of the sharp turn, all the people were shocked, and then they thought about the change of Zheng Guogong’s house the other day, but the Zhao family failed to reunite on this mid-autumn night.
"It’s a pity that this amazing thing has made the melody of the words become bitterness and free and easy."
A man lamented, but his eyes suddenly widened before he said this.
"People have joys and sorrows, and the moon is full of rain and shine. It’s hard to do this. I hope people will be together for a long time."
Even if someone is so excited, they will be amazed!
"Uncle Zhao’s kindness is optimistic and open-minded even if he can’t reunite with his family!"
"The last two sentences of this word are enough to sing through the ages!"
"Longitudinal can’t meet each other apart from Wan Li to enjoy the moonlight is enough! When floating a big white! "
Zhao is really a little flustered after reading this poem by mistake. He wants the audience not to blow him up yet. Does this mean pointing at the empress dowager and blaming her for separating her family?
"How dare you!"
After the cold sound itself rings.
"Miss Lan"
Zhao CuO turned and smiled at the girl who seemed to be coming towards him from the painting.
"You want to be the first. I got it back."
"The owner hasn’t said you’re sure you’re number one? This is as arrogant as writing words. "
According to the sunny haze, the corners of the mouth are raised, and if there is a radian, I reached for Zhao Cuo’s hand and was drunk with half a cup of osmanthus wine left, and gracefully handed the cup to my mouth.
"Didn’t you say I drank it and you didn’t want it?"
"Accepting no is the power of the palace alone"
Empress Dowager took a sip of wine, and touched the rim of the cup with her pink lip, then turned away.
"I don’t care about your guilt tonight. You’d better let me always like you."
Chapter sixty-five A certain time
When did Zhao Cuo push the atmosphere to its peak in the first month after the Empress Dowager left?
The client doesn’t want to hear their flattery when the devil wears the pants.
Zhao Xiaogong took his sister’s adult and ran away.
"Where are you, Miss Lan?"
Zhao Shangxin, a spacious carriage, suddenly asked the younger brother sitting opposite him.

Li Zhao hurriedly said, "It’s my honor that your majesty and the right-hander of the sovereign kingdom can contribute something. A while ago, I really went to the pseudo-Han and brought some pseudo-Han specialties to the sovereign."

Then he handed the gift list to Ma Yun, who gently put it on the table (not because he didn’t want to see Ma Yun for fear that his eyes wouldn’t come out after reading it, but also for fear that he would be disappointed after reading it). "I’m a little embarrassed to always accept your things. This time, I really have an idea. It’s a personal favor to repay you when this thing is done. People always say that I am a" reaching out to report ""
Ma Yun continued, "Lao Li, come and let Ma Yun introduce you to Mr. Wu. You know this is Mr. Li Yi, the official record of Yuezhou secretariat."
Ignoring their mutual courtesy, Ma Yun continued, "A few days ago, the King ordered me to be the secretariat of Yuezhou."
Li Zhao was about to say "congratulations". Ma Yun waved his hand and continued, "Lao Li Ma Yun, you know that he usually doesn’t like to be in charge. This position is really a hot potato in my hand, but I can’t turn it away. Fortunately, Mr. Li Xiang and Mr. Wu Ban clarified the administrative thinking for Ma Yun. The two gentlemen told me that if you want to manage Yuezhou well, you must know business people. I thought of Lao Li as soon as I got there."
Li Zhao hesitated one leng, saying, "I’m afraid the humble right man will delay the report."
Ma Yun stopped him and said with a smile, "Mr. Lao Li really didn’t read it wrong. If you undertake it alone, I dare not. Well, I want to try out the New Deal in Yuezhou to encourage farmers. I’m going to make Yuezhou a business entrepot."
Looking at Li Zhao doesn’t seem too white, Ma Yun continued, "It’s like when you Lao Li transported the goods from Changsha to Bianjing, you couldn’t stop for supplies. Where did you stop for supplies?" Therefore, I want to take some measures to attract these businessmen to Yuezhou. Do you still need your guidance for these measures? "
Li Zhao didn’t say anything when he heard this, so his heart seemed contradictory.
Li Xiang "snapped" one fan after another and laughed. "Your report seems that you are mistaken. It’s a pity that this man is rich when he is rich, but he has no vision and courage. It’s just an earthen bag."
Li Zhao eyebrows with a pick mouth way "report"
Li Xiang interrupted him and said, "Your Majesty, it seems that we have to look for another person. This person is a vulgar businessman, but he has to read a lot of literature and ink."
Ma Yun seems to be hesitating. Li Zhao said urgently, "Thank you, Sir. If you really want to combine agriculture and commerce, Lao Li is willing to do his best to do a good job in Yuezhou business."
Ma Yun laughed. "Lao Li, you are wrong."
Li Zhaoyue one leng.
Ma Yun continued, "If I don’t do a good job in Yuezhou City, I will change all five counties in Yuezhou."
Chapter 16 Sailing in the sea depends on the helmsman
After breakfast the next day, Ma suddenly remembered that this cheap old man is a thief who likes poetry and doesn’t like to take care of rice. Later, the large farewell banquet in Biboting might turn into a large farewell poetry party. Wouldn’t it be a shame if Ma Yun didn’t come out?
So Ma Yun’s eyes turned to pull Li Xiang and Wu Ban to talk about poetry, and when he was a little careless, he revealed that he was not very good at poetry. Please advise two gentlemen to write a poem for me by the way. As a result, Wu Ban seems to have failed to listen to Bai Yi and said that he was not good at writing, and he dared not guide Ma Yun’s poetry. And Li Xiang, a little fan with a feather fan, actually smiled and said to Ma Yun in a slightly exaggerated tone, "It’s a great blessing that Wang Ye is not good at poetry!"
Ma Yun almost didn’t faint. This little thing is definitely intentional. Wu Ban people are honest. I didn’t hear the meaning. This may be true. How could you not hear it like a monkey? So Ma Yun was a little angry and asked, "What is this?"
As a result, Li Xiang said something absurd, saying that poetry is a stanza poem to write a good man. He can neither say that he is virtuous nor patriotic, but that poetry consumes a lot of money and is easy to delay business. Then there is a rumor that Liu Bang didn’t learn to make achievements in the imperial industry of the ages, and Liu Bei wove sandals, which led to three points in the sky. Finally, even Wu Ban felt that he said that he was right to repeatedly exhort Ma Yun not to concentrate on writing poetry, and Ma Yun himself felt that reading and graduating from college was really a shame.
Finally, Ma finally gave up asking the gunman to think, "Anyway, this Ma Yun is five generations, even if he loses face, he will lose face for five generations, not for our outstanding young people in the 21st century."
Since the gunman Ma Yun can’t be invited, say goodbye to Ma Yun Shuang’er when he can hurry.
On the way to Biboting Road, Ma Yun dug his heart, but he couldn’t remember a suitable poem. In the early spring of Jiangnan, Ma Yun couldn’t recite "Spring Snow in Qinyuan". Ai Lao’s poem hasn’t come up yet, and he has actually arrived at Biboting.
As soon as Ma Yun got on the sedan chair, AG ran over and said, "Your Majesty, handmaiden, congratulations on your success. The king has come and I will show you the way."
Ma Yun saw a Bibo Pavilion. This place is just outside the Xiangjiang River embankment outside Changsha. It is actually more like a pavilion. It is very spacious in front of a two-story building pavilion. I heard that it is often used as a tinker. There are actually a lot of desktops on the first floor. No matter where you go, you must have a big meal when you leave China.
Ma Yun walked into the Bibo Pavilion and saw that Liao Guangtu and Xu Zhongya’s group of chat friends had already arrived. Ma Yun quickly walked to the front of the king of Chu and was bound to kneel down. The king of Chu grabbed Ma Yun and sighed, "Yuner is very reluctant to let you go."
Then he said to TaBaHeng, "Bachelor Tuoba, your mission is making it necessary to take good care of my son." Then he pointed to a 3-year-old military commander and said, "Ren Yong, you can also be an agreement to guard my son." Then he said, "If you have anything, listen to my son and arrange to wait on my son as if you were waiting on me."
The two men agreed "Yes" in unison.
Ma Yun picked up his glass and said to the boss, "I can’t always serve the king here. May the king be healthy and may everything turn out well."
The king of Chu said nobly, "Come and drink this cup."
So the wine war officially kicked off. It may be influenced by the fact that the king of Chu loves to drink and the wine is generous. This group of ministers are actually drinking like water. Drinking Ma Yun is worrying. Grandma can’t stand you doing this.
Everyone is thinking of drinking and seeing TaBaHeng hand in hand in the previous step, saying, "The master of the temple in the deep palace, who has become a mature man, knows nothing about crops and pains, but doesn’t hear the drums and sounds, gallops and roams around carving walls and jade restaurants, and the people are exhausted, but the people are sleepy and thick. Today, Huainan’s enemy, Pan Yu, devours Zhizhi Jingzhu, watches over the creek cave and waits for me to appease the proverb,’ It’s cold and sad, and the people are resentful and hurt the country’. May the king stop losing rice and make
Just now, the cheerful atmosphere became quiet. Ma Yun couldn’t help glancing at the king of Chu, and he saw the king’s face like a big dyehouse, thinking that TaBaHeng was in trouble.
Xu Zhongya, next to the King of Chu, was still out, pulling TaBaHeng’s sleeve and walking and laughing. "You old man drank too much again and walked with my pavilion."
Li Gao glanced at the king of Chu and said, "Is this old man the only loyal minister in Chu?"
The king of Chu was about to speak when Liao Guangtu laughed. "Your majesty is so grand today that you don’t want this pedant to be angry. How can you write poetry today?"
The king of Chu turned to Yan and smiled. "It’s the kindness of everyone to write a poem. After the banquet, we will give a high evaluation and I will be rewarded."
Everyone should have stopped drinking glasses and thought hard about preparing poems. Ma Yun really regrets that he didn’t drink more just now. It would be nice to be drunk now.
Soon someone finished the king of Chu saying, "Leo Liu, read these poems and let’s evaluate them."
The first person to finish it was Li Gao, and his poems were actually good.
Leaves are like new pu, green body is like chaos, and you are stripped of your spirit.
After Leo Liu’s cadence, everyone applauded, and then Liao Guangtu and others wrote poems. Strangely, even military commanders wrote poems very well.
Ma Yun is like a cat on hot bricks now. He doesn’t know what to do. In the past, learning ancient poems was either irrelevant or he knew one or two sentences, and there were many Tang poems. Although Ma Yun was thick-skinned, he was embarrassed to recite Li Bai and Du Fu’s poems in broad daylight.
When I was thinking, I heard the king of Chu say with a smile, "Yuner is the most active on weekdays. Why are you behind today? Can you write your poems?"
Ma Yun hurriedly said, "Your majesty’s son, minister and minister have had a terrible brain pain recently, so I won’t make a fool of myself today."
The king of Chu pointed to Ma Yun and said, "No, today is your farewell. Others can’t be alone with you."
Li Gao flatters and says, "How can it be difficult for you to live with such a trivial matter as the five princes writing poems all over the sky? You are our great Chu Cai, who is known as" poetry doesn’t last seven seconds "."
The king of Chu said, "My son, don’t prevaricate. Today, we have a poem in our hands. When you come back, we will revise the chapter. My Chu culture is at its peak."
The princes immediately rushed to the king of Chu and took a triumphant look at Ma Yun. His hands were empty and he called a "stop" and then his hand made a gesture of please to Ma Yun.
Ma Yun looked at everyone and looked forward to it. His eyes were a little hesitant. His brain took the opportunity to read "This is an old friend’s western words". When he heard this sentence, these literati and poets looked at Ma Yun in a different way. I have never seen you so cheeky and broad daylight. How dare you steal!
Ma Yun himself suddenly came out of his mouth and couldn’t read it again, so he invaded Ma Yun. He looked up and saw the three characters of "Bibo Pavilion" and eagerly said, "An old friend’s western words Bibo Pavilion fireworks in March this this this Bianjing" Ma Yun turned around and looked out the window at the vast Xiangjiang River and continued to read "The sea sails by the helmsman". What should I do if I can’t read the cold sweat sentence while it is quiet and Ma Yun’s eyes are uneasy across everyone’s faces and hearts?
Ma Yun bravely continued to read "this, this, this, the governance of Dachu". Ma Yun quickly turned his mind to the governance of Dachu, relying on the king to be smooth but not rhyming. What should I do? Dice, listen.
Ma Yun continued to read, "Governing the Great Chu requires both listening and listening."
Grandma finally finished that moment, as if the whole people in Bibo Pavilion were suddenly relieved. The king of Chu quickly announced that "the banquet was over and the mission was sent"
Chapter 17 Changing the situation

Old bones smiled and pulled out a cigarette and lit it. He squatted beside the concrete pier beside Zhang Lan and smoked it. The fragrance directly made several bruisers around him not close to some smoke, which was like being cool.

You know, everything in the Xiuluo Yard needs points to be exchanged, and there are two main ways to get points. One is to constantly participate in the high-level rebirth tower battle, and the other is to make money by buying and selling black markets like old bones.
Old bones claims that he has never lost money. After a round of business through his hands, he will go up by at least 3% and then resell it. Even so, he will not ask him to buy enough points and no longer participate in the rebirth tower battle.
"It’s worse to die without points in the Luochang. You can survive the previous rounds, but later you will die very ugly. It won’t hurt to make friends with me in the common interest." old bones smiled and continued to lobby
"I’m not here to make friends. Don’t. I don’t know your purpose. I won’t become your total dog, and I will never take you out and treat me as an investment. You are bankrupt, "Zhang Lan said while exercising.
"I like the role that can make the overlord group feel uncomfortable." old bones smoked a mouthful of flue. "You should know a little about what I want you to do before you refuse?"
"I don’t want to know, I don’t care." Zhang Lan knocked and kicked the sandbag.
"What if I can help you find out who attacked Mark?" Old bones let Zhang Lan stop at once.
Chapter two hundred and thirty-four Philip holy mark
A deep breath and one-legged support jumped to the middle. Zhang Lan kicked the sandbag in the middle of the swing. There was a loud bang at the waist of the sandbag, weighing 4 kilograms. The sandbag was kicked out and burst in the middle. A large number of stones mixed with sand splashed out. If you kick someone, even the gatekeeper just now will be kicked in two.
After a whole hour’s exercise, Zhang Lan stopped with sweat and took a dirty towel, and someone else’s kettle was gurgling.
Cheng, he didn’t say a word. He looked quietly at the opposite side, smoking. old bones, a mysterious old man, looked at least years old, a sloppy prisoner, if not a delirious beggar.
But his position in the Luochang is obviously extremely high. Even if an evil guy sees him, his eyes are intentionally converging with murder.
His physique and age make it impossible for him to enjoy a superior life by fighting, which means that he does have extraordinary abilities in other aspects.
"Hey, what did you say your name was?" Zhang Lan looked at the old man through the gap in the towel.
"It’s not like we are as clever as a god and have the first human computing brain. We can make Philip Mark worship Zhang Lan’s adult by deduction. I have already said it again. My name is old bones," old bones said with a smoke turn.
"No, I want to know that it’s not your name here, but your name outside. Can you not die until today? " Zhang Lan hit the nail on the head.
"Is this question important, Lord Zhang Lan?" Old bones is not used to being so dry and straight.
"All operations are based on accurate data combination and fuzzy unit method as parameters. A mysterious old bones won’t make me feel heartbroken. After all, I don’t have such a good life. What happened when I fell off a cliff and met my predecessors? The story of revenge and revenge will never happen. All the encounters in my body are the result of long-term planning." Zhang Lan raised her left index finger and nodded her brain.
"It’s amazing that such a young guy is as spicy as ginger when he talks. It seems that you won’t give in even if you continue to seduce him, right?" Old bones nai sighed.
"Just tell me who you are if you know?" Zhang Lan asked again and will never ask for the third time to miss this opportunity. No matter what the conditions are, old bones will treat Zhang Lan as a fart.
"It’s true that people like me used to say that you don’t necessarily know that my original name is holy mark …" old bones just said that Zhang Lan immediately tore off his head and stinked towel.
"Philip scar? The child who was kissed by God will never fall. Prince Philip … his own brother? !”
How could Zhang Lan forget the name of the holy mark? His human history is like a wonder. When he was born, he left a trace of God on his forehead. At that time, the Archbishop of the sunset group exclaimed that he was blessed by God. The child will be surrounded by good luck all his life, and even if he idles, he will eventually rule everything.
The Archbishop’s words are true. This child has been dead all his life. Generally, he has never studied seriously since he was a child. He can get full marks by reviewing casually before every exam. He can buy precious royal treasures from dozens of centuries ago by finding a roadside stall gift for his father.
He is also popular with all kinds of celebrities and ladies, and encourages the noble princess to refuse his brother Prince Philip’s proposal and insist on marrying him.
Seriously, if Saint Mark had not been arrested for rebellion five years ago and defeated half of the royal guards by himself, it was reported that he had been executed and his bones were not allowed to be placed in the royal cemetery after his death.
He’s not dead? It should be that the royal family, because of his status or the sacred mark, made the top brass not want to be a traitor or …
"Don’t guess you want to know the reason? That is, I am not my father’s own son, but my mother, Princess Wang and the old Wang Jie next door. When I was born, the old prince had already got my DNA sample. He was angry and took surgical scissors to cut the umbilical cord and wanted my life. My older brother Prince Philip took the scissors, which left a scar on my forehead instead of killing me. "
Old bones said, pulling off her hair and revealing the scar that was scarred by the outside world. Funny is that it was an cheating father who tried to kill the bastard.
In the end, the scandal was buried permanently. The statement that the princess was "dystocia" died on the operating table, and Lao Wang next door did not know where she was buried.
Prince Philip decided to take care of the child like his own brother, and the sacred mark enjoyed everything. The king should enjoy the splendor.
However, as the scar grew up, all his performances were far better than those of Prince Philip. In the eyes of the nobles and high-level officials, the candidate for the king gradually moved from Prince Philip’s eldest son to him.
When the government wavered, the first reaction was not Prince Philip, but the great emperor, who was an ugly fantasy about power. He designed a botched game to frame the sacred mark and became a rebel king, and also privately dispatched the royal guards to attack the sacred mark castle.
It was the darkest day in the history of the group, and the story of the ugly king’s rebellion also kicked off from that day.
The sacred mark became the first victim of this chaos, and his family suffered this catastrophe. His wife died just before her birth, but the full moon daughter also died in his arms, and the secret of others was thrown into this xiuluo field without trial. His battle will never be broadcast and will never reach the top of the tower.
He knows better than anyone, and he is indifferent to seeking the way of life in Xiuluo field.
Maybe it’s really a blessing. He soon found a way to resell integral props to get a better life. Even the scorching sun was once one of his loyal customers.
To some extent, the scorching sun can get a magic gun that can destroy all sides, thanks to the result of his mediation.
At the beginning, old bones also made the same deal with the scorching sun, hoping that the scorching sun could help him fulfill a wish, and the scorching sun also agreed. However, in the last round of shura’s treachery, he ignored the rules of the shura field and did not intend to let the scorching sun win at all.
The scorching sun cut off Shura’s right arm and fled by himself, leaving a scar of despair.
For a few years, scar felt that she could never realize her wish again.
"I know that people like you, no matter how hard they are, even if they are squeezed like maggots, will eventually leave here and return to the normal world. I can make your life here convenient. You need to do me a favor." Holy Mark took out a crystal chip. "Help me bring this to Prince Philip and show it to him before he died."
Chapter two hundred and thirty-five Asian race technology
"Let me guess, you have given this chip to many people, right?" Zhang Lan sighed lightly.
"If you count me, I have counted 37 in the past 50 years, but you are still alive." old bones is very honest
"Is it an invitation or a death notice that you sent out?" Zhang Lan said with a wry smile, "To tell you the truth, I’m not very interested in whether I can get your help in the Luochang. Obviously, this is a savage area with no place to talk with my fist. Fortunately, my fist is still a little hard. If there is anything in this transaction that can tempt me to my place, you can help me find out who attacked Mark."
"Yes, I said I could do it," has been called old bones Holy Mark frankly.
"I don’t believe that you have been imprisoned in the Luochang for more than five years. How can you reach so far?" Zhang Lan retorts that this is unscientific.
Old bones also didn’t argue that he took out a satellite phone from his pocket and dialed the past directly. "Hello, is this old John of the Royal Medical College? It’s my sacred mark, old bones … No, no, no, don’t say that. I have nothing to tell you, but I’m old and I’m just comparing hexagrams. I want to know the details of Mark at the moment. I’m more concerned about it. You wait to find Director Hank of the National Security Bureau. I mean, I want the truth and I must know it before the authorities. Thank you. Well, if I have the opportunity to go out, I’ll buy you drinks. If I don’t say it, the consumption points are too high. "
Looking at old bones is like chatting with friends. Zhang Lan is really shocked. Who would have thought that there was a king who could shake the foundation of management at any time in this purgatory?
To some extent, the word of mouth of the sacred mark is far more than that of Prince Philip and all his children. How many times before his death, someone in the board of directors forgave him for his sins, so that he could go back to Fog and rest in peace.

"Grass … what am I going to think about these things for …" Kelanli dumped her head "It’s important to find a way to escape from this hellhole first"

Kelan’s plan is very definite. First of all, he has to live to have a chance to wait for help, otherwise everything will be discussed.
In view of the fact that the island may be eroded in multiple ways, he has to rely on these strange stalactites to protect himself-although he doesn’t know what is strange about these stalactites.
He has to think of some way to follow the clues of this team to continue to track down-since they came to this place decades ago, Kelan may be able to know the way out of here by pushing them back.
Third, judging from the stalactites nailed to the second remains, these people obviously know something about the methods of restraining the erosion species. If we can find a solution to the invasion of the erosion species cells from the clues they left, then the original purpose of this operation is achieved, and they will not venture to the bottom of the sea to find that damn carnivorous worm again.
Fourth-if these people have anything left over from transportation, it will be the first prize for Kelan.
Chapter 17 Black Box
Alpha crystal energy is not yet popular. In the early days, the army was equipped with long-distance tools, all of which were nuclear. A 30-cm-long and finger-thick A1 fuel rod was enough to make a C-class miniature nuclear reactor run for six months to generate energy, which could make a heavy armored vehicle circle Alpha star along the equator for a full circle and a half!
If it weren’t for Alpha Star’s lack of crystalline energy rich in uranium ore and thorium ore, it wouldn’t be the primary energy source for human beings-after all, human beings haven’t mastered the energy crystallization production technology yet, and it always gives people a sense of "being controlled by people" by excavating the remains of Alpha.
Good Alpha left a huge amount of energy crystals, and the hunter and the exploration and mining forces worked together to keep the crystal output stable, which kept mankind from falling into the energy crisis again.
If this team can keep some nuclear equipment, it needs a small piece of fuel rods, and Koran will have a chance to return to the human world … You know, among them, they are fearless warriors, and those big men in heavy armor must be equipped if they want to fight long distances. One possibility that will make Koran’s wish come true is that this team was directly thrown into this desert island.
But this is unlikely. If it is directly sent, then the top management of the Ark must know this desert island. Even if they don’t find this cave, they will be able to send the search and rescue team here after the team lost contact, and this map will not fall into the hands of Curran.
And from all indications, Kelan should be the first person to come to this desert island after them.
Walking over Connelly’s remains Koran to the depths of the cave, however, he didn’t go far before he found more remains.
This is a temporary campsite. The periphery is a circle of folded alloy plates surrounded by guardrails. Two collapsed marching tents stand in the middle of the campsite. Next to it is a bonfire pit that has been extinguished for decades. More than a dozen bones surround the bonfire pit. It seems that this should be the final destination of most people in that team.
Several pistols were dropped beside them, but there were no signs of fighting at the scene. Judging from the distribution of shell casings and warheads and the trauma of bones, they should all be suicides.
Kelan tore down a tent, and there were boxes of materials, food, drinking water, ammunition and medicine. According to the number of bones, these things can last for a month at least … If you are careful, two months may not be a problem.
What is the reason that this team has not yet reached a desperate situation, so why did the staff choose to shoot themselves?
Why don’t they try to escape from here or try to get in touch with the ark?
Or have they done all these things …
Koran walked back to the pile of bones. He bent down and picked up a black metal box from a pile of bones.
The black box is a flight recorder, which is also called to record the flight data and pilot’s voice, and every unit commander in the Ark Combat Team also has such a thing called the "black box". This black metal box is a specially encrypted recording device to record the whole action flow outside the team during wartime.
The commander is responsible for recording the black box. If the commander is killed, the successor will take over the follow-up records. When the commander returns to the Ark for duty after the operation, the black box will be decrypted and filed by a special person.
If this army is annihilated or the black box is accidentally lost in the war, the Ark’s top management will also send an elite team to carry out recycling-the importance of the black box can be seen from this.
"I hope this thing is not broken …"
Generally speaking, the security and reliability of the black box are extremely high, but this thing has been abandoned in this hellhole for so many years that Kelan can’t guarantee that the data in it is still safe and sound.
Kelan gently dialed the right side of the black box flat.
"Hiss … hiss …" After a noise, three indicator lights on the side of the black box lit up.
"It’s a good thing that things are not broken …" Kelan just breathed a sigh of relief, and three indicator lights changed directly from green to red. At the same time, a mechanized woman came out of the box. "Reading this record requires A-level limit. If the certificate is limited, please enter the password code."
"Shit … how can I forget this crop …" Koran sighed in his heart. Even if ordinary people find a black box, they can’t get what’s inside by violence, which is even more impossible.
The black box encryption program is written by the Ark’s main brain. If it is a simple recording device, it can be made smaller than the fingernail, and the black box is so large because of this encryption program.
"Please enter the password code … If you don’t enter the correct password code for five seconds, the device will lock itself … five … four …"
"Password code … what the hell is this damn password code …" Kelan scratched his hair testily. There are two ways to crack the black box. One is to copy the data in the A-level limited key after connecting with the computer, and the other is to input the password set by the recorder.
But Kelan doesn’t have an A-level limited key and doesn’t know what this black box password code is at all!
If it’s locked, it’ll take the ark brain to solve this thing …
"Three … two …"
“……Leave he bed!” This string of English suddenly passed in Koran’s head, and he read it directly without thinking much.
Anyway, I can’t come to work as a dead horse …
"Password code is correct"
Grass ….. This dead horse really gave medical treatment?
This "warning" is actually the password code of this black box? But … If this sentence is a password, what will happen to the spherical diving bulkhead?
The difference between the two things is decades!
"… hiss … July 11th weather overcast 776 special squad commander Ken" A heavy man with an accent interrupted Kelan’s thoughts.
"… we have been here for four days."
Hearing this sentence, Ke Lan was a little depressed. This record is obviously incomplete. What he wants to know most is how this team came here, but it is already the "fourth day" in this recording.
"This place is very strange … it’s really strange for four days … although other people’s watches are broken, I brought a mechanical watch. I can be sure that the hour hand has turned around … but this place seems to be no longer flowing …"
"July 12th, maybe July 12th. It’s always cloudy …"
"There is no night here, but it doesn’t look like extreme daylight … it seems that it will always freeze at noon … Connelly said that we may be an island in China, but I think he is talking nonsense. Even on the other side of Alpha Star in China, it will take several days to fly by ship …"
"But … there seems to be no water body of this size except for China Overseas Alpha Star …"
"There is no life on the beach and there is no wind. The radiation concentration in the environment is very high. Fortunately, we have protection and enough anti-radiation drugs."

When the three of them left the store, it was night arrival.

Especially in winter, the night comes very early.
Zhou Xin said that he was hungry and wanted to eat a lot of delicious food. Xu Jinyan actually ate a cake at noon, but Zhou Xinwu only ate cake and milk tea and was actually hungry.
Zhou Xin said, "I’m growing up, and I’m supervised by you two this afternoon. My brain cells are twice as dead as usual, and of course my efficiency is twice as high, so of course I have to make up for it."
"You have the most reasons"
Zhou Xinxuan is a century-old shop of Yuncheng cuisine, but they didn’t expect that it was the ancestor of this century-old shop or Zhou Xin’s family.
Cheng lai’s boss is her uncle
So Zhou Xin let them open up a little. Anyway, it doesn’t matter if their own store. Her uncle will pay the bill.
"Zhou Xiaoxin, you are an invisible rich man."
"My uncle said before that I like it, so let me inherit the result. My hand is disabled and I can’t cook and eat when I’m finished." Zhou Xin can’t be a chef, but she can be a doctor.
Because the decoration of a century-old shop has maintained a classical style, the furnishings are also like carved beams and painted buildings of retro dining tables and chairs in the Qing Dynasty, and several generations have taken photos with celebrities and hung them in the shop.
Zhou Xin called on the way and left them a better position.
The dishes are exquisite, especially a dish of preserved plum spareribs, which combines sweet and sour spareribs with preserved plum, adding a little taste of plum to quench thirst.
I love Zhou Xin for my master, but I remember him deeply.
"Eat more," Zhou Xin said. "Dr. Xu doesn’t like vegetables. Are you used to eating them?"
"I didn’t ask for it." Wei Yunqi didn’t ask for much.
Xu Jinyan knows that Zhou Xin knows her, and whoever asked her to come to the hospital should follow her for longer than lovers.
The three of them enjoyed their dinner. Zhou Xin didn’t order expensive dishes, but the good taste decided the location of this century-old shop.
Wei Yunqi sent them back after dinner.
"Send Dr. Zhou first" Wei Yunqi turned a corner and found that Zhou Xin’s family was close, so he sent her first.
Zhou Xin nodded. "Well, thank you, Lord Wei. It’s another lesson to make up and send me home. I appreciate it."
"You’re welcome. I’ll treat you, won’t I?"
"I don’t mind invite you for more times if invite you to dinner can make up lessons." Zhou Xin joked.
Wei Yunqi didn’t cut in when he saw Xu Jinyan, but for the two of them chatting in the car, it would be particularly quiet.
Zhou Xin’s family will arrive soon. She got there first.
The car left Xu Jinyan and Wei Yunqi. Wei Yunqi said, "Do you want to have a drink?"
"No, I’m a little tired." Xu Jinyan refused.
"Then I’ll send you back."
"Thank you, Lao Wei"
"Where is a piece of cake? You always take it too seriously. Some things are taken seriously and very tired." Wei Yunqi left the corners of his mouth.
He hesitated and said, "If you feel that there is something you can’t solve, you can come to me at any time. Are we still friends? Some of you can’t understand that more than one person can have more chances to try."
"Well, I won’t be polite to you."
"That’s good."
"Is he good to you?" Wei Yunqi had the illusion that she was unhappy behind the car because she saw Fu Jingxiao, but he didn’t know what Fu Jingxiao brought her.
Xu Jin inkstone nodded
Good. Great.
So good that, as Xie Zhihan said, he has deviated from his own track. Is this a good thing for him?
"Lao Wei, if a plane deviates from the runway or a railway car leaves the tracks, will the end result be bad?" This is the definition given to her by Xie Zhihan.
It must be a bad result.
Wei Yunqi listened intently for a few seconds. "Planes and railways have set routes to run. If they deviate, they won’t go, but the car won’t be yours. If you find yourself on the wrong route at high speed, you can just go back."
"Go again?" Xu Jinyan repeat his words, "You may have gone wrong at first."
"That’s the stop loss," Wei Yunqi told her.
Xu Jinyan felt dejected.
Is this recovered relationship not as simple as she imagined? Fu Jingxiao may have more than himself in the world.
"Lao Wei, maybe you’re right."
"This inkstone is not what you should have. Nothing will pass without a smile. This is what you said," Wei Yunqi advised her.
Xu Jinyan lowered his eyes. "Yes, it’s a little difficult to say that others are so simple, but I will work hard."
Because it is not far from Linjiang Bay in the urban area, it will arrive soon.
Xu said hello to this inkstone car and Wei Yunqi and walked in.
The curtain was pulled in a second.
The man behind the curtain turned his back and Fu Jingxiao’s eyebrows deepened.
There is a dinner party tonight, but he has pushed the meeting all afternoon, which has made him feel very busy, but the notes and brain images will still come into his mind from time to time.
Fu Jingxiao knows that she is not the kind of woman who can step on both sides, but he still cares.
Especially this object is Wei Yunqi who has been with her for five years.
He couldn’t help folding his hand.
The door is closed.

Zhang Lan has seen everything in the scorching sun and never thought that these experiences would become her own teaching.

"Zhang Lan, do you accept this arrangement?" Fati can’t continue to shield Zhang Lan because she is worried that she will also be accused of helping Zhang Lan murder Mark.
After all, she is also a beneficiary in the whole incident, because today, the sun is not setting, and she has become a real talker. When she follows all the major decisions, she has become a queen to some extent.
"If you don’t accept the field, you will die directly?" Zhang Lan has seen it very white. "Yes, I am willing to go to the Luochang." Zhang Lan compromised.
"Now, Zhang Lan is sentenced to be temporarily put in prison in Xiuluochang, waiting for the further investigation results of the incident." Fati hammered the desktop and pronounced the sentence.
There is no such thing as fairness and justice here, but everyone wants the result.
Zhang Lan was bound with the heaviest shackles and sent to the train to Xiuluochang.
This is a 12-hour journey. Zhang Lan has been trapped in a coffin-like torture device, and even flies can’t fly in.
I’m sorry I made a mistake. Little Lanling penetrated the ventilation system of the carriage and got into Zhang Lan’s coffin. "Stand back. I want to cut this thing now."
"Lanling, don’t do this. Now I can’t escape." Zhang Lan advised in the coffin.
"Don’t you white? These guys just want you to die. When I cut this, I’ll take you away. No one can stop us. "Lanling has this confidence. If it weren’t for the Apollo magic, this car would be a joke.
"I can’t leave. If I leave, they will count all the charges to Xiaoyao Chengtou, and all the efforts will be wasted." Zhang Lan stressed.
"What’s the point of saying so much when you are dead? He wants to kill you. He wants to kill you. "Even if Lanling is a worm, he can see the situation.
"But I won’t die, and I won’t even die. If you really want to help me, then help me to investigate something that I care about," Zhang Lan pleaded.
"Well, since you insist on" Lanling took the coffin ",but Zhang Lan, you should know that Irian asked me to give you a message. If you die, she won’t live. She can’t afford this guilt in this world."
"Silly woman … I’m white" Zhang Lan lightly sighed "Lanling helped me to check …"
After an exchange, Lanling left the carriage along the original road as if she had never been here before.
Even in the dark environment, Zhang Lan’s body clock never showed a minute deviation. When the train stopped, he just experienced a journey of 12 hours, 13 minutes and 47 seconds.
The coffin was erected by outsiders and pushed to the stage like a mummy coffin.
At present, the iron plate on the face was lifted through the glass. Zhang Lan saw a man with one arm. He had the dirtiest beard, a leather trench coat and blood, and raised his right arm. It turned out to be a pistol. !
"Hello, regicide, Zhang Lan, welcome to Xiuluo Field. I’m the warden here. You can call me Shura or nightmare because my place is your nightmare. Then, I want to thank you for sending me a gift. I’ve always wanted to get a hand that is so awesome that it’s mine." Shura looked at her palm with fascination.
"You can’t control it at all. There is a remnant memory of Jack in it." Zhang Lan woke up.
"This kind of technical work has been dealt with by our scientists. We dug up the chip and threw it into the sulfuric acid pool. You should have seen it. It’s much more interesting to resist at last than to kill people."
Shura means that Jack is gone.
Chapter two hundred and thirty-two Luochang food
From the car to the Xiuluochang, the road was extremely bumpy, and it was necessary to cross the Panshan Highway, which was 2 kilometers long, and to transfer to the waterway, cross the red river and pass through the canyon.
There are poisonous miasma floating in the towering canyon, and scavengers are scattered on the red river, which have soaked into swollen face and are not in the water of corpses. Looking at their fat bodies, we know that we have not worried about food on weekdays.
The whole world knows that Xiuluo Field is a purgatory-level prison, but no one knows that the security here is lax, and all prisoners need to find a way to swim across this mass grave by themselves, about 1 km ahead in the poisonous miasma of red river valley …
Up to today, the scorching sun has done it alone.
All the corpses floating on the Red River surface come from escaped prisoners and defeated prisoners, and sometimes some of them are killed by prisoners. Only when there are no corpses floating on the Red River surface will prison guards consider transporting them away by train. These corpses will be sold to countries like Xiaoyao City for biofuel to burn the fire.
"Friend, you are really lucky. Prisoners who are usually sent here are not treated as well as you. I will personally receive them. Let me introduce you to this red river valley first!" Shura is wearing a gas mask and sitting in a coffin in Kan Kan. "This red river valley is the only channel connecting the Xiuluo field with the outside world. The water with a length of 15 kilometers is full of highly toxic scavengers. Generally, living water will be chewed clean in three seconds, and if you try to climb out, you must be white. If you breathe for two, you will die. If you want to walk from the canyon, you will be lucky. There are about 36 pearl mines buried in every square meter. Even animals can try to walk through a minefield."
"How did the scorching sun escape from here?" Zhang Lan smiled and got a recruit from Shura. The coffin was punched with a clear fist.
"There are three things that can’t be done in Xiuluochang. 2 escape; If you commit any of the three scorching sun names, I will let you live, not beg for death, not white? " Fix on the glass face ferocious warning way
"You can try to let me out, I want to experience a" Zhang Lan deliberately provocative way.
"Not yet, waiting will definitely satisfy you." Shura smiled and got confused about the glass and drew a skull mark.
It took the small freighter half an hour to get to the port, and all the way along the port, we can see many crucified corpses along the way, just like the signs of Shan Ye aborigines threatening trespassers.
It’s not ordinary prisoners who can be put into the Xiuluo farm. Many prisoners are also powerful bosses. It’s a pity that the armed forces often try to break into the prison and rob it. Everyone who tries to earn this kind of money in the end loses his life and doesn’t earn it.
A circular building in the middle of the canyon was repaired in the entire Xiuluo field, covering an area of three football fields. A stone tower with a height of 5 meters was erected in the middle of the Xiuluo field.
Everyone who knows the Xiuluo field knows that this stone tower is called the Rebirth Tower. All death row inmates take part in their level of fighting until they break through a victory and come to the top of the tower. There is a supersonic shuttle parked all the year round, which is to prepare departure tools for death row inmates.
The rule of the Luochang is that no matter what serious crimes you commit, you must pass a fight and win, then you can leave the Luochang forever.
However, it seems that this is just a kind of bait to lure death row inmates to fight for their lives. Even if they fought so hard in the hot sun, they eventually lost when they reached the last floor of the 99th floor of the Rebirth Tower.
Since the escape from the scorching sun, it has become more difficult to regenerate the tower. In the past, many strong people who were able to hit multiple floors will die if they reach the fifth floor.
It is also extremely difficult to accumulate combat points. It is often possible to get a handy equipment after 34 games of accumulation.
Zhang Lan was escorted to his cell, and through the small window, he saw all kinds of devils. Death row inmates were looking at him through the cage as if they were looking at a corpse.
Sure enough, Shura arranged for Zhang Lan that the cell was the lowest, that is, the scorching sun had been there-lying in a cage with a length, width and height of 12 meters, and it was impossible to sit and lie in a prone position to barely rest.
Shura personally pushed Zhang Lan in and locked the steel door with a thickness of 3 cm.
"I heard that you are a great demigod with controllable kinds of energy, right?" Fix through prison smiles to say
"It’s not that awesome," Zhang Lan said modestly.
"In view of your special ability, I have to rearrange your opponent. Although it’s a little troublesome, it will definitely satisfy you." Shura proudly said, "By the way, I forgot to tell you that the rules in this shura field are different from those of other death row prisoners. You didn’t refuse to fight. If you have arranged it, you must participate and won’t let you start from the lowest level. The starting point is the fifth floor."
"And if you don’t have points in fighting, you can’t improve your accommodation, equipment, information acquisition and so on. The only thing you can do is to work hard and tell you quietly that someone has let you die. I can get 20 thousand federal dollars to reward you, but I am the god of wealth."
"Then you should eat and drink and serve your grandfather!" Zhang LAN arrogant way
"Say you’re fat, you’re still breathing. Enjoy life in the Xiuluo field. Soon you’ll love it here." Shura said and turned to leave Zhang Lan alone in this cage.
Zhang Lan knows very well what Shura hates, not because he is accused of regicide, but because he and the scorching sun come from the same city. Zhang Lan once inquired about the details of the scorching sun, and it is very clear that the scorching sun can escape because he cut Shura’s fingerprint, unlocked props and robbed the transport boat before leaving red river valley smoothly.
Obviously, Shura has turned all her hatred for the scorching sun on Zhang Lan’s body, which doomed Zhang Lan’s life in the Luochang to be miserable and inexplicable.

Half-transit war family patriarch body light hazy number of runes fills the air suddenly his palm a row square that large array was completely activated, and I don’t know how many array lines emerged and instantly submerged this area with a vast screen covering everything.

This is the legacy of Taikoo, and it is the taboo of his ancestors.
Hundreds of millions of years have passed, but the complexity is still beyond everyone’s imagination.
Several light broke out, and even he himself was instantly locked to death, which immediately alarmed everyone.
"This array has just not been activated!"
"What is this big array? It’s so powerful. Is he crazy and trapped himself to seal himself off?"

"Boom!" The large array is activated to the best of its ability, and the turmoil in Gankun can clearly feel that the whole central ancestral hall seems to be shaking. The ground is full of its essence, and it is coming here from all directions, and it is rolling and roaring like a purple high school.
Hundreds of millions of stars shine directly, dazzling like hundreds of millions of suns falling together. The whole high school is a terrible light.
Billions of stars gather together!
The mighty essence made everyone exclaim, so vast and horrible, even if it was as powerful as the ancient ancestor, it felt its own smallness.
Chapter five thousand one hundred and fifty-one The heyday of the old clan
The sky is far away, the purple light is gathering in the earth, and hundreds of millions of stars are landing in high school.
On this day, the golden lotus is pouring brilliantly!
The scene of the intersection of heaven and earth is shocking to the extreme! ? The figure of all this light is as insignificant as a series of tiny black spots.
This is the gathering of the essence, and the old clan leader of the Central Day War Family suddenly flew out with a wave of his hand and a roll of golden god list. It was like a terrible golden light, and Lei Heng was too high. Finally, he stopped.
On the exhibition of the Golden God List, a majestic monstrous statue full of Taoist rhymes appeared, which dominated and overlooked the world.
"taboo hands!"
"What is the face writing?"
"Forbidden? What does this mean? Does it mean that he is forbidden to shoot? "
Everyone was shocked and noticed the old font.
There is a big word in the virtual middle of the golden god list.
This font is full of mysterious power to settle the world, the universe and the universe, so that the old clan leader in the family of Tianzhan is not affected by the impact of aura at all.
Everyone’s eyes are hot and they are staring at all this.
"Master is a taboo hand."
Golden wing Peng Wang mouth said
Xiao Yu’s eyes narrowed. "I’ll have my own means to resolve it later."
He gave the stone demon Luo Yin Shi Mo Luo a bright eye and said, "OK, I get it!"
They stared at the field closely.
"Roar …"
At this moment, the old clan roared, and his long withered white hair suddenly turned white and danced like grass. He was incredibly young for tens of thousands of years!
He used to look like an old man with white hair, but now his eyes are blazing, his white hair turns to his gray face, and his wrinkles disappear a lot
They all looked surprised and found this scene.
"He’s getting younger!"
"It’s a dead shot to win all your essence!"

"Roar …"
There was another roar, and the whole ground shook slightly. His eyes were brighter and his body was brighter. The original gray hair turned a little black like ink, and all the wrinkles disappeared. The old body returned to youth.
Everyone is horrified and chills.
In the heyday, the old clan leader is invincible unless it is taboo!
The third roar fell off the court, and someone directly coughed up blood and fell down in a pool of blood on the spot, even though it was still worn out through a terrible array of rhymes, which was unbearable.
"To tell the truth, he was the first person to be taboo in that year!"
"If you don’t shoot for hundreds of millions of years, his strength has actually reached such a shocking level!"
"Back off!"
Many ancient ancestors regressed with horror.
The light of the old clan’s body is even more terrible, and the blood gas bursts out directly from his body surface. His head has turned black, his long hair is dancing against the wind, and his body has changed dramatically. First, he reached middle age, and then he turned to a teenager.
Finally, a harsh light rushed up and he completely turned into a teenager!
Seventeen-year-old Yan Yingzi is full of burly body and sharp eyes, and she is full of terrible spirit!
It’s like an out-of-body Excalibur sweeping across the sky. "I want to prove that I am the master of the body and the family. I swear that if I succeed, I will create a secret realm and rebuild the spiritual source to protect me. If I fail, I will nourish the earth and feed back hundreds of millions of people. I swear that the sun and the moon will prove heaven and earth.
Learn from the gods, the demons and the gods! "
Lei Yin, the young patriarch’s eloquent god, resounded through heaven and earth.
Boom! Every word of him is more clear than the shock of the Central Ancestral Family. There are thousands of miles of mountains, turbulent rivers and explosions. Clouds are thundering and thundering, and the situation is turbulent. I don’t know how terrible it is. I feel terrible from my deep sleep.
Breath measurement

"What’s the difference?"

He paced with his hands on his back.
"The second elder has always been the third elder, but now he wants to take others away from the ichthyosaur club. Will the third elder allow it?"
"Although the three elders are a woman, they are less than nine, and it is even more fair and just for the gang."
"If we can unify the ichthyosaur club, we can take the opportunity to occupy half the sky in Huojiabao."
"Are you going to attack the Second Elder?" Zhou Jia’s face changed slightly.
"The second elder is not weak, the third elder is not weak, and there are still several Keqing elders. He may not lose the third elder by interacting with each other."
"Rest assured" Han Pang squints
"The wisdom of the three elders is unparalleled. Since they have this intention, they will be able to clear the obstacles in one fell swoop. Nowadays, all major forces are in chaos. Whoever can gain a foothold first can occupy more territory."
"Brother Zhou!"
He looked at Zhou Jia with a positive face.
"Come along!"
Zhou Jia eyes flashing slowly shook his head.
"What?" Han Pang was disappointed and puzzled.
"In today’s troubled times, if you don’t stand in a high position or peak, others will send chess at will, which is not often the case."
"I want to live well," Zhou Jia said slowly.
"Han Dage is too dangerous to do things, even if he is involved in nine, he may die. I don’t want to take the risk?"
He doesn’t even want to hunt monsters outside, so why bother here?
"You …" Korea fat eyes wide open shake head a way
"What’s wrong with this world and what’s the point of living like this?"
"The gentleman was born in the world and didn’t ask the princes of Wen Da to work hard so that he wouldn’t waste his life being weak and dead?"
"This is not a modern city!"
His words have been a bit rude.
"There is hope when you are alive." Zhou Jia got up and looked the same.
"After more than ten years, there will be people coming from the earth, and the whole earth may fall to me … I still want to go back and have a look."
"Don’t want to take risks"
"Dream!" Han pang couldn’t help roaring.
"Brother Zhou, stop wishful thinking. No one can go back to this world, even those so-called gods can’t get rid of it!"
He grabbed Zhou Jia in the previous step and shook his shoulders.
"Let’s stand firm here so that even if someone comes again after more than ten years, we can still help them?"
"Sorry" Zhou Jia took a step back.
"It’s gratifying to hear that Brother Han has become a deacon, but I don’t want to be involved if I don’t want to be involved."
"If there’s nothing else, I’ll go first."

"Nine horses!" Not far from the submarine, Xu Zhihu and Brother Chen were taken aback but immediately reacted, "Wait, it’s not wine, but nine horses?"

No, he woke up, and hundreds of demons and evil practitioners had already driven the flying sword multiplier along the deck, and they dared to block the way. The gas refiners were all torn up by them like wolves, and in a blink of an eye, more than a dozen cabins were abruptly broken and hidden, and those female roots were threatened to hand over their belongings if they didn’t resist.
"search! Continue to search! " "Don’t worry about those men," growled the deck. "The point is that those women who wear jewelry get information. If it’s right, that ocean heart should wear that Ruth … huh?"
After saying his word, he suddenly became dumbfounded when he heard the distant whistling consciousness turn his head, followed by a furious roar: "Damn it! What, what, those guys from Shushan will come here? "
I want you to take care of it!
At this moment, the high-speed "submarine" also roared and crashed into the other side of the fairy ship. With the help of huge impact, Brother Chen and their murderous flying swords on the deck of the fairy ship roared and shot out. Immediately, dozens of evil spirits rushed to the head and smashed into pieces, and then rushed to the cabin.
Almost at the same time, I rushed to Aoying and led a group of shrimps, soldiers and crabs to jointly display the magical power of water in the sea. The original sea water rushed into the fairy ship and went backwards. Instead, it was transformed into a huge palm condensed by sea water, and the fairy ship was slowly sinking.
"Well done!" Red sister gave a thumbs-up and waited until she turned around. She had already picked up a broken mast with wide eyes and rushed towards the front, and the evil spirits swept by.
Crash one! Stunned, dozens of evil spirits flew out like broken kites with one blow, and Chijie rolled up her sleeves and lifted the bow to store the huge water tank and smashed it directly towards the semi-collapsed deck!
Don’t say anything. After the violent bombardment, a huge pit appeared on the deck. Sister Chijie clapped her hands and jumped into the pit with satisfaction. "Hum, so we won’t detour to the cabin!"
"Can I do this?" Xu Zhihu looked at the back with awe and quickly jumped in. "Er, Chichi, have you measured how much strength you have gained recently?"
God knows how much power has increased. Anyway, it’s a mess. Chijie, waving a pan in the cabin at the bottom, is simply unstoppable. She roared past like a red whirlwind. Anyone who dares to stand in front of her is either beaten flat or blown away.
Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!
"Ward round! Calm down! We are the Shushan School! "
"We didn’t mean anything by playing the instrument, but we wanted to talk to a girl named Ruth!"
"Don’t move, raise your hands. Do you have … er, you two are really in the mood at this time?"
Yes, that’s it. The two men rolled over and kicked dozens of cabin doors in one breath, but they still didn’t find that there were few cabins left in front. Chijie couldn’t help but be a little anxious. "Wait, should that Ruth have been robbed?"
Talk to her consciousness and kick a door power rushed in "rounds! Freeze! We are shushan … eh? "
What happened? Xu Zhihu was surprised and rushed in, and then suddenly Bai Chijie couldn’t say anything.
In a romantic room with candles on, a beautiful woman wrapped in a blanket reveals a round, smooth, white and fragrant shoulder, shivering. In the corner, a handsome young gas refiner opposite her is holding a brush, her face is full of panic, and she turns to look around with a piece of drawing paper beside her, which is a vivid beauty …
"Er … what were you doing just now?" Chijie is silly. Keep your eyes open. Just draw. Shrimp should be stripped off?
"Sketching is understandable." Xu Zhihu looked at the young gas refiner with a strange face and a few coughs. "Do you know what yu jup ijup is, brother?"
What the hell? The young gas refiner has been dumbfounded for a long time, but the beauty somehow got the courage to suddenly open her arms in front of him. "Wait, don’t hurt him, don’t you just want the deep sea heart?"
"Deep sea heart?" Chijie was taken aback and looked down at her consciousness.
Even in the dim candlelight, you can clearly see that this beautiful woman is wearing a dark blue congenital jade on her chest. Even if she doesn’t touch it, she can still feel that the water and aura in this jade are so abundant that it is coming like a tide.
"Don’t hurt us!" The beauty grabbed the deep-sea heart and shook hands trembling. "If you promise to let us leave this deep-sea heart, you will …"
After saying his word, the cabin suddenly fell apart, roared and splashed, and the huge palms covered with golden scales suddenly crashed in like a cage, grabbed the beauty and then rose again-
"Found it! Little girl, hand over the deep sea heart … Don’t worry, the king is interested in twelve-year-old women! "
Chapter 235 It’s hot again
Close at hand fell short!
Xu Zhihu and red sister came in from the cabin in the line of sight, and the huge palm suddenly grabbed the pale beauty and took her away with the deep sea heart.
"Where is the motherfucker going?" Red face suddenly almond eyes wide open directly a spider silk gush out conveniently hold Xu Zhihu rose.
The wind roared, and Xu Zhihu’s consciousness was slightly sideways. When he reacted, he had returned to the deck. Several demons and evil spirits roared and rushed to this side, but before they came close, they were shot away by Red Sister waving a pan.
"Get out of the way!" Red face Yu Nu didn’t have to turn to look around for a moment and suddenly change color "want to go? It’s not that easy! "
It was at this moment that I got the deep sea feeling that the king had thrown a coma beauty, and then jumped triumphantly and jumped directly into the sea. "Don’t get entangled with these guys when you get something!"
Such as this sentence, the original fairy ship search demon evil repair all crashed one in one, the octopus demon suddenly took a deep breath, suddenly opened his mouth and sprayed it with opaque strange black fog
Being blocked by this black fog, Brother Chen couldn’t help but be wary and step back until the sea breeze blows away the black fog. The king of the senses or hundreds of demons and evil practices have all been abandoned and pursued, and the king of the senses has directly turned into a huge golden koi fish, carrying those demons and evil practices but triumphantly turning to grin. "Goodbye! I won’t send it! King … "
It’s a bad habit to talk nonsense about villains!
At this moment, smoke billowed everywhere, and suddenly a well-dressed and arrogant gas refiner rushed out of the cabin. Even though he was a little flustered at this time, his face was still full of pride, and he had a habitual gesture of raising his head at 45 degrees.
For a moment, when I saw that I was about to escape from the king with the deep sea heart, the arrogant gas refining man suddenly flew into a rage. "Hang it all! No fish demon dares to rob the public … Bastard! Do you know who my father is? "
God knows who his brother is, but he is rich for sure!
Because a few seconds later, with his anger, 70 instruments roared like a storm and shot at the king of the senses. Just by looking at the colorful light of these instruments, I knew that their greatest attribute was-"expensive!"
Boom! Boom!
The poor spiritual feeling king and hundreds of evil spirits were enveloped by these 70 instruments in an instant, and they could violently attack and dodge the mess. The brother of the Xiuzhen family still felt that it was not enough to gnash his teeth again. "Who dares to make the public unhappy for a while, let him give it to me … violence!"
Crashing 10 or 70 instruments are roaring and bursting, and violent aura waves are mixed with several fragments, just like a huge powder keg that has been ignited, directly covering hundreds of feet of sea in Fiona Fang!
Hundreds of demons and evil practitioners complained bitterly, and in a blink of an eye, nearly half of them were blown to pieces, and all of them were wounded, burned and huge, and the king of conscience was unlucky, and most of his scales were blown up, and most of them even had fish tails left.

In the face of coercion, Su Zhou, though struggling, kept a straight face and smiled.

"This world is strong!"
"Lei Mei, it’s sad and ridiculous that you can decide tens of thousands of people’s lives and deaths without even the courage to shrink behind others."
"Are you going to kill me?"
He stood up and held his head high and shouted
"Come on!"
"Brother Tian Ge will be afraid again!"
"Ah …" Zhou Jia crooned and strode out with disdain.
"It’s not a big deal, but it’s a big deal. I want to see if you can say such a car-scrapping thing when all your bones are broken."
Su Zhou’s three people’s breathing is sluggish, their eyes are suffused with wonder, and at the same time, they shake the body source force with an unyielding fighting spirit, stabbing the imaginary people to resist coercion.
Lei Mei stood in the first sweep of the hall, and everyone had a panoramic view of everyone’s expression, and his heart could not help sighing.
Slaughter Tian Ge three people fade away, full of momentum, and there is a momentum of never giving up.
A bunch of decepticons helped the crowd. Although there were many people, their eyes were flashing and they were hesitant. They were afraid to kill the name of Tiange and dared not start work.
If you want to stop Zhou Jia from really killing someone, it will be hard for anyone to retaliate against Tiange.
Xue Lietu, Ouyang Ling and others also think so.
But no one cares about the situation of their own Wang
People’s hearts turn to their backs!
Her beautiful eyes turned and finally fell on Zhou Jia’s back. Her eyes were not enthusiastic, but an inexplicable emotion emerged.
That big body give people a feeling of trust, solidity and reliability.
Let her feel at ease.
"Not a single person in the huge Tianhu gang can be trusted."
"Elder Zhou!"
Leimei took a deep breath and said
"Stop it"
Zhou Jia stopped looking before three people paused to slowly nod.
"It’s Wang"
With the sound blurted out that form of coercion quietly dissipated Su Zhou three people also can’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.
Even if you don’t want to admit it
But the three of them also know that if the other party really does it, the three of them are afraid that they will not get out of this door in nine cases out of ten today, and Su Zhou is dead.
The terror and coercion are as unshakable as a rock.
It seems that only Lei Mei can stop it.
LeiMei look at Sue Zhou face dignified color nods
"When did I promise?"
"Oh!" Su Zhou eyebrow way
"I heard that half a month later, it will be the annual water delivery ceremony in Shicheng, and everyone may wish to choose that day!"
"Water cult" LeiMei shook his head.
"It’s not right. It’s a big day. How can you get blood?"
"After a month!"
Her eyes were cold and her teeth were clenched.
"A month later, today, the martial arts field in our city is a test of life and death. Life and death are not allowed to retaliate!"
"good!" Su Zhou Yinyi
"Lei Mei is qualified to be the leader of this gang with your words today, but don’t regret that we will be divided into winners and losers and life and death!"
"Of course" LeiMei head angrily waved sleeves.
"But today is my big day. We don’t welcome bad guests here. Please go out!"
"Don’t send!"
A good succession ceremony ended anticlimactic. Although the situation remained after the troublemakers left, people’s hearts were already in chaos.
Eventually dispersed in a panic.