"This is a violation of the will of the great God and a blasphemy against the great God," said the servant in an emotional tone.

Crushing? Do you mean the ancient Roman punishment of crushing people alive with a heavy stone mill?
Kelan’s mind just came out with such an idea, and his doubts were lifted-seeing that standing on the man’s follower’s foot suddenly made a force accompanied by a crunchy "click", the man’s spine turned out to be forcefully broken!
But he didn’t die immediately, and the shrill screams echoed in the residential area. His hands were savagely flapping on the ground, and his fingers were bloody, drawing a series of shocking blood stains and constantly twitching and struggling. Compared with his legs, he didn’t even move-the spinal nerve had been destroyed, and even if he was saved at this time, he couldn’t change the fact of high paraplegia.
The "grinding punishment" in the mouth of the servant of God did not end there. The attendant moved the sole along the spine for two inches and stamped it again.
"ah! !”
As soon as the scream rang, it came to an abrupt end. This foot position was already at the waist, which not only crushed a section of spine, but also crushed two pairs of ribs of this man and plunged them directly into the lungs.
The attendant didn’t seem to notice that the footman had stopped breathing. He continued to step on the whole spine from the waist to the neck until it was completely crushed, and the victim’s whole body was raw and sticky plasma was constantly overflowing from him.
"You come" to see that this person has been a servant of death and pointed to another person … and this person happens to be the young woman who was previously "tortured" by Kelan!
Chapter three hundred and sixty-five Sacrificial ceremony
The woman didn’t realize that the celebrity was herself until two attendants came to her, and she looked up with some trembling and carefully turned her attention to the servant not far away.
"God, servant of God, you, your chosen person … is it, is it me?"
She has bitten her tongue three times in less than twenty words.
God servant didn’t say anything. He nodded his head in a very small way, and then sounded a word "hmm" as dull as a nasal sound.
The woman’s legs were weak in an instant. She wanted to get up from the bunk, but she tried twice, but failed. Her legs and feet were weak, and those tendons and bone roots were out of control, and even her facial muscles twitched involuntarily.
After waiting for a few seconds, the two attendants impatiently pulled the woman from the scaffold and dragged her to the front of God’s servant like dragging livestock to be slaughtered.
The woman who has just learned from the past is afraid to resist. She even dare not say a word "no"-the body that was ravaged by "grinding punishment" fell not far away, with its head tilted to one side and its cheeks sticking to the ground, almost squeezed out of its eyes and twisted expression. It seems that it still tells others about the pain before death.
Splashed into hemiplasma and gathered into round globular droplets. Around the body, the attendant who had just finished grinding was floating. He reached out and fished out several large blood droplets in his palm. He reached his palm to his mouth and licked it, which was creepy, and immediately came out of the cloak.
The woman put her hands over her mouth and tried not to let her sobs leak out. Because of fear, her legs kept swinging. As soon as the two attendants released her arms, she sat down directly.
"You should be honored to be the chosen one." When the servant saw the fallen woman, he threw something in his right hand one step at a time-it was a rough dagger made by rolling, cutting and polishing two four-millimeter-thick carbon steel plates. Not only the blade, but also the edge of the handle was full of burrs. Deep orange rust and dark brown dry blood mixed together to wrap the blade to see a little metallic luster at the tip.
"Most of you should be familiar with the sacrificial ceremony, but in order to take care of our new compatriots today, I would like you to repeat the ceremony and rules when you wave for more than ten seconds," said the servant. "The winner who wins one-on-one fair and glorious fight three times in a row will be chosen as a great warrior; And the vanquished is to integrate the sacrifice of the gods with the great gods. "
He paused and continued, "In life and death, you will all get all the glory of the great God …"
This passage is the longest one said after the appearance of God’s servant. Kelan found that his tone not only had no pause and turning of emotional words, but also was very stiff. It seemed that there was a little stream noise mixed with it, which was very difficult to distinguish … It seemed that it was not his voice but a sound made with the help of some equipment.
None of these words he uttered came from the hair organs that came with his body.
It’s normal for organisms’ hair organs to be damaged by radiation, but what makes Kelan feel is whether he is talking to them now as a servant of God or someone else?
Is this a preset recording? Or some special long-distance way?
It’s a pity that Asano is not next to Koran now, otherwise he will certainly hear more details in his hearing.
Koran couldn’t help wondering … Could this guy in the tin can be a puppet being manipulated?
Two crude daggers were still floating, and the daggers collided with each other for a while, and then floated in the opposite direction.
The young woman first glanced at the dagger and then at Kelan, and then she suddenly climbed two or three meters forward, looked up at the servant of God and said, "Lord servant of God, I have one thing I want to report to you-"
"Poof bursts-"
Before the word "report" and "report" could be uttered, the rusty dagger had been plunged into her throat, which plunged her into silence forever.

Chapter 51 Temple Silence

With his breakthrough this time, Su Li has a strong self-confidence, and now he should be able to compete with the level 30 limit gods like Dafa God, even more powerful than them.
Get up and step across to the mother nest of the mountains
This ten-story sacred tower is full of sacred spirit. Here, if you want to be promoted to the sacred field again, you need to reach 2 kilometers. You have absorbed so many sacred fragments these days that you have reached 12 kilometers. There is still a huge energy gap for you to be promoted again. It takes enough time to accumulate.
After harvesting 20,000 spiritual sources, I went to the center of the tenth floor to try this challenge.
The weakest person who can enter these ten floors is a top god of level 20.
However, there are few top gods in this layer, and only a dozen are found after Su Li’s induction.
Look at this ten-story ranking, the first place is still dark Chineydy, and then the light king and the magic sumeru Wang Yaosheng rose to the fourth place
Now Su Li knows that Wang Yao’s entry into the 19th-floor ranking has surpassed King Kwang and Magic Sumeru to become the top of the list, shaking the world. After Chineydy and Su Li, there is another person who has hope of reaching the top. At present, Wang Yao is not doing well, and Chineydy has greater hope of reaching the top than Su Li.
The news that Suli succeeded in topping the list on the 17th floor of the Sacred Tower and entering the 10th floor also attracted attention from all circles.
At present, the top of the 17th floor of the Sacred Tower is Suri, the 10th floor is Dark Chineydy, and the 19th floor is Wang Yao. At present, three people each occupy the top of the first floor, and they happen to be three people who have the hope of reaching the top. This situation is rare in ancient times and modern times, not to mention that this is the first time in a thousand years, and even if we push the list of the general list for another thousand years, this situation has never happened.
The list of the sacred tower master list records the achievements of the Millennium. At present, no one on the master list has exceeded the Millennium. Once the list exceeds the Millennium, it will naturally disappear from the master list.
The oldest doubt is that the magic sumeru entered the sacred tower more than 900 years ago, which is always on his record. He created his top record for more than 700 years, and it was not until the King of Light appeared more than 200 years ago that he broke the magic sumeru record one after another.
However, the record of the King of Light was kept for 200 years before it was broken by Chineydy.
Of course, it was even shorter when Chineydy kept the record, and now it is broken by Su Li one by one.
The oldest record in Mosumi is close to the Millennium 2.
As soon as the Millennium arrives, his name will disappear. For the newcomers who entered the sacred tower in later generations, perhaps few people will know that there was a sacred tower of Sumeru, a demon who was arrogant in the world, which created all kinds of records and suppressed all races for more than 700 years.
Although Su Li is confident that he can fight the World War I as a level 30 destroyer like Dafa God, he is not absolutely confident that he can break the top record of Chineydy in ten levels.
The ten-level challenge is very simple. In the past, the winner fought a battle, and Su Li won the challenge from the tenth place in the overall list. He stopped at the seventh place and lost to the sixth place.
One of the most outstanding beauty elves from the Elf clan and the whole Elf continent for thousands of years, and she is also the only woman in the top ten in the overall list.
Su Li was not surprised by this achievement. After all, after Chineydy won the top spot on the tenth floor and entered the 19th floor, Su Li saw him on the 19th floor at that time.
Chineydy, the dark god of death, hit the sixth floor all the way from the nineteenth floor of the sacred tower with a furious blow, so Su Li, the great god of the earth, thought that he should still be lacking.
At that time, when it was still the 19th floor, Chineydy’s strength should be the ultimate god like Dafa God.
"It seems that I have to go further to have hope."
Su Li shook his head and didn’t lose heart. After all, he was just 25 junior gods, and he was very satisfied to be able to make this achievement.
From this central challenge area, Su Li found a place to continue practicing.
These ten layers of sacred atmosphere are more suitable for cultivation than the outside world, but it takes Su Li ten days to practice, and the scope of his field has increased from 12 kilometers to 121 kilometers, ten days and one kilometer. At this rate, it takes 2 kilometers to achieve a promotion breakthrough, and he needs 79 days.
Of course, it is shocking that Su Li can reach this speed. For many junior gods at the same level, it may not be possible to grow by one kilometer in a year or even ten years.
This is everyone’s talent is different, and it’s not up to anyone.
However, it seems that Su Li’s shocking speed is still too slow for the general sacredness. He thought of the fact that the Dharma God King stayed to inherit. At that time, the practice of other Dharma God Palace soon reached the limit of breakthrough. Just because one kilometer was stopped because of the failure to break through, it does not mean that the sacred fragments left by the Dharma God King can support his field to grow to one kilometer.
With this idea, Su Li decided to leave the tower again and go to the Fajingu Palace.
It will take seven days to get out of the tower until the end of the month, and Su Li can wait patiently to continue his cultivation. Soon, seven days later, the sacred tower came out of the tower, and Su Li immediately stepped out of the tower and stepped into the old Terran and stepped into the sacred court.
His practice is becoming more and more unfathomable, and the third step falls in front of the Fajingu Palace.
Su Li just fell on the door and hit Bulao to meet him.
Su Li’s heart moved slightly, and this Bulao has some unusual ability to move quietly. Look at his information.
As he was promoted to the junior god, this time he finally saw the information of Plough.
"The name of the Temple Silent Level 30 talent Skyquake meteorite, the dark energy nuclear field Temple field God fighters star gun at the same level of combat power evaluation final."
Sensing the data, Su Libai guessed it himself. It seems that Bulao is not simple. It is a 30-level limit god, and his strength should not be great.
Who would have thought that a white man who served the king of France could reach the limit of God?
What attracted his attention most was that the treasure in the data became a magical tool. According to Su Li’s guess, this should be the performance after the evolution of treasure reached its limit 3.
He, the king of France, still said that the quality treasure should be far from being promoted to the magic treasure.
At the present level of Su Li, this treasure has been helpful to him, but he has been very tempted to refine this ability of the French king into his own big monty dragon body.
He gradually saw in the hands of some gods that some gods have the ability to sacrifice the foundation of Shinto, and then they can master the incredible ability after reaching the limit.
If the French king’s special ability of blending all kinds of abilities can be refined into the big monty dragon body, it is very likely that the big monty dragon body will have a qualitative change like the French king, which means that all his abilities can be easily blended and played out again and again. That is powerful and imaginable.
However, it is not easy to refine the French king’s ability into the big monty dragon body, which he has tried before.
Compared with the present Great Monty Dragon’s body, the quality treasure is too fragile, and it is very likely that the damage ability of the French king in refining is not obtained by the Great Monty Dragon’s body, so it is not worth the candle.
There is no hope of refining his ability into his body unless he can upgrade the quality of the French king again.
Plough didn’t speak. It was a gesture of coming in.
Bai Cang left a message before he left. If he didn’t return to Su Li, he would succeed the king of France. Pu Lao knew that he might regard Su Li as the king of France in his eyes now.
Su Li came in, and the door of the Dharma God’s palace was silent again.
Su Li didn’t mention it. He stepped straight and sat down in the central area of cross legs again.
This is a place where the king of God is qualified to sit. It looks ordinary, but it is a respected position in the whole world.
When the sacred realm was launched, I immediately felt an endless stream of sacred fragments surging from all sides. Sure enough, I guessed that it was right that the king of the gods left it to himself to bear the former ones.
Obtaining this huge amount of sacred debris has helped Su Li’s sacred territory grow at an alarming rate, and the energy of the new sacred debris has been continuously growing and boiling.
The French God King stayed behind to inherit the sound of the road approaching the avenue. Once again, Su Li’s mind rang and told him about the higher dimensional power and the forbidden zone of the true God.
Now Su Li has refined some sacred power into the immortal dragon, and he has some understanding of this higher-dimensional power, which is called the forbidden zone of the true god. At this moment, the king of God will stay and inherit one by one, and Su Li slowly feels that the sacred field has changed in his meditation and understanding.
His sacred field has long been full of massive sacred light and sacred gas, but it just doesn’t have divine power. Now, the combination of sacred light and sacred gas slowly breeds a ray of divine power.
This discovery surprised Su Li. He finally understood that every time a border breaker is promoted to the next level, he needs to sacrifice the field first. Only when the field reaches a certain level can he break the border.
At this moment, he realized that the original field of cultivation had reached the end and it was very likely to breed higher-dimensional forces.

No one is willing to let others get married.

No, why do I feel like I’m sleepy …’
Lord Chen Mo felt groggy and some strange sounds came to his mind.
You’re good, son. Don’t come out of the cradle. It’s dangerous outside the cradle.’
Go to sleep. Everything will be fine when you wake up.’
I will protect you from harm ~’
A whisper drifted away, and Lord Chen Mo’s consciousness was completely lost in emptiness.
Chen Mo, who is dealing with things, feels the soul suddenly burst into a tremor.
"What has a strange feeling?" Chen Mo, a three-eyed clan, rubbed his temples. He felt that some unknown changes had taken place in his body.
I can check myself through my mind, but I found nothing.
The memory is still not restored, but the tremor is real.
"It seems that I still need a mental network, otherwise I will do the self-inspection by myself."
He knew that it should be his unknown origin, The Age of the Lord, which caused problems when he inherited the three-eyed clan, which made many things go wrong.
But this is something that can’t be helped.
There is a lot of good news. Buildings with few resources can operate, especially those that produce food resources. Food will not be a problem for some time to come.
"It’s a pity that I don’t have a limit, otherwise it would be better."
Chen Mo, the third-eye clan, sighed that he himself has no limit, and naturally it is impossible to bypass this limit and give the corresponding limit to the Duke of Frost or others.
What is actually obtained is a relatively special territory.
However, if they can develop these special things, they may be able to further his Gendayawan, which is not impossible, but it will have to wait until Gendayawan is completely restored, otherwise they have no corresponding observation means.
Chapter 452 Action code, star array
"Just three artifacts too hip …"
Qin Mu Ye looked at the artifact from the other side and his face collapsed. He also had to have a double digit at least. After all, when he was in the fifth order, it was almost the same number of artifacts.
It is impossible to keep it in private because his auction house has set up a gene decryptor. The purchase condition is that all artifacts are impossible for the other party even if they want to keep them privately. This is collected through the Lord’s Era.
He doesn’t believe that "The Age of Lords" is a good thing, but the enforcement of the rules of "The Age of Lords" is still very strict, especially when it comes to monetary system.
What can I say? He can outsource it, but the currency system will never go wrong.
I threw three artifacts into the warehouse with my hand. These three artifacts are not good artifacts, and they can be regarded as average in the bonus artifact.
"However, this novice bauhinia fairy is actually a world of cultivating immortals. No wonder the territory called Bauhinia Mountain is not one by one."
Qin Mu Ye couldn’t help but vomit a sentence because from the other side’s situation, it is really like an alternative variant with the head flow
However, the other side played a good hand and fell to this point.
"There is something wrong with the master bauhinia fairy." The intelligence department handed a report to Qin Mu Ye through the magic net.
Qin Mu Ye simply looked at the other side and there were two new States. I don’t know whether it belongs to a positive state or a negative state
One is called soul gathering, and the other is called cradle sleeping
"Still suspected of amnesia?" Qin Mu Ye looked at this situation a bit strange.
What happened to them before was naturally seen by the hidden goblins, but the word suspected was put in a question mark.
"Judging from the current situation, the" Lord’s Era "does not directly eliminate the function, but it is a complete one. The Bauhinia fairy is probably assimilated, but the other party has some corresponding occupations and has not completely assimilated it, but has formed something similar to a false soul or a new personality."
"It’s really interesting to link blood and career, but this newly born pseudo-soul didn’t get everything from Bauhinia Fairy, so it intervened in the territory by means of methods."
"The think tank analyzed it so quickly?"
Qin Mu Ye didn’t know the process, but the think tank and the headquarters joined forces with other departments and soon gave Qin Mu Ye their guess.
Guess there is not one, there are several, but the possibility is too low, and it is also a brief sentence.
"So it can be concluded that the three-eyed family is equal to the cradle plan?"
"It’s a little messy."
Qin Mu Ye is thinking about this matter, which is not small, but it is also very contradictory.
It’s a pity that Fa has a deep understanding of what the Bauhinia Fairy is, and he thinks about it. Anyway, the artifacts are all in hand and the other party is of no value. Why don’t you just do it?
If the future trouble is eradicated, everything will be safe.
Qin Mu Ye received the latest report before he was preparing to level Zijing Mountain.
"The soul appears to fluctuate. What seems to be invading the cradle? And it just happens to be the time when the three-eye spiritual network is successfully built. "
"In this way, it is really confirmed that the cradle plan and the three-eyed clan are the root of the Tattoo."
"Interesting, so we caught each other’s tails?"
What didn’t Duke Yu Baishuang find? That’s also very simple, because he doesn’t have the skills similar to reconnaissance. He joined the hero unit halfway and has not been upgraded yet, so it is naturally impossible to obtain the corresponding skills.
Therefore, we can see the situation of bauhinia fairy.
"If there is no limit, wouldn’t the whole territory have to stop?"
The territory of Zijing Mountain is not like Qin Mu Ye’s abyss territory. The other Lord is very serious and has no meaning.
Unlike Qin Mu Ye, he gave what was limited to the black hand and gradually gave it to him.
Because Qin Mu Ye didn’t care at all, these things were not like the territory of Bauhinia Mountain is full of Erwuzi, and everyone believes in gods. This kind of thing is really unbearable for anyone.
If you really want to talk, you may report everything to the church as soon as your front foot is limited to your back foot.
Then, the church must have come and taken over such a good thing. Are those popes and popes really going to give up?
"Just put it out, save so much trouble. It’s also a curse to keep it anyway." Qin Mu Ye finally decided to let Bauhinia Mountain die suddenly.

His skin is as fragile as paper, rough and rough, and it will sink when you touch it, and then it will groan in pain.

You can’t see it at a distance, but at this time, if you look closely, you will see that his bones have already been broken and distorted.
Only when you really see it will you know what kind of battle he has just experienced.
If he had not been the owner of the manor, if his life had not been linked with the manor, I am afraid he would have died several times long ago.
But not far from Zhuang, I still laugh.
If you smile, your face will twitch-that’s unbearable pain.
"Let the landlord … let him go …" Tears in the eyes of several servants brimmed with tears.
"Don’t … don’t … help me to where no one is …" Zhuang said weakly, "I … I’m going to cry in pain …"
But you can’t cry in public.
Where can I put my face? And affect everyone’s morale?
"By the way, do you have anything to eat early? I am very hungry now … I am so hungry! "
This may be the weakest moment in Zhuang’s life.
But it was also that moment when the servant of the manor respected him the most.
At the front of the old Brown Manor Palace, he resisted the urge to turn around and not go to see the villa not far away.
Because he knew that Zhuang was not far away, and everything was handed over to him.
He must be calm.
But he won’t calm down!
"Mom, let’s bomb them first!" Old brown ordered "the main gun of Youyuan is ready!"
"The main gun of Youyuan is ready!" There is a steady sound in the com.
You Yuan flew out from the rubble in the front flank of the manor palace.
A huge crystal emerged from the hull.
That is the main gun of Youyuan-Breeding SPAR.
An expedition to the distant star field, the distant ship, was scarred by battle and its crew sacrificed a lot.
However, after all this, the combat effectiveness of Youyuan has been completely different from that when it first started.
During this period, the hull of Youyuan has been carefully repaired and transformed by the old boom, and it is no longer the mottled and inferior rust gold at the beginning, but the rust gold forged by the giant cloud melting furnace of the volcano factory through the old boom.
Because of the very high melting standard, its shell has little mottled feeling and presents a very flat and smooth metallic gray
And the multiplication spar is also inlaid with a huge base. The metal plates around the base are like hemispherical giant reflecting telescope. Those metal plates have been polished layer by layer and plated with a layer of silver as a mirror pointing forward.
Breeding spar tail is a super-power searchlight.
Several people in the robbery team are next to the searchlight, so you push me and let me.
"Three catties, you go!"
"No, no, no, four, two, you go!"
"I’m not going. You are my brother. You should go at this time …"
"That’s not as good as cutting cloth with stones!"
"No, I always lose … Let Da Zhuang go!"
"No, no, no, no …" Big strong shook his head desperately.
The podium over there has counted down.
"Go to you!" Three catties suddenly pushed four two four two staggered step fell on the searchlight and reproduction spar.
With a "launch!" The searchlight lights up, and the blind light projects four or two figures onto the propagation spar, and then refracts the propagation spar to form a cone-shaped light spot and shoots forward.
The action speed of the war giant dog was slowed down when it was illuminated by the light spot in that area.
"hey!" Next to the three pounds of applause, "Congratulations, Si Liang, you are a father!"
Then he wiped his tears. "I’m an uncle, too … before long, we can organize a fallen dragon robbery legion! With our children … "
Four or two steps stumbled forward and fell to the ground in vain.
"What’s the matter with you?" Three catties hurriedly hold him.
"I … my legs are weak and dizzy … I feel that the whole person has been cut out."
"No," said Sanjin contemptuously, "that’s the only thing that won’t work? I remember when Lord Brown was here for half an hour! "
"You can do it!" Four, two, four legs are like noodles. You can crawl out without thinking about it.
Three catties glanced at the huge reproduction spar hurriedly shook his head.
I don’t want it!
He turned to call his soldiers "Come on, come on, you come on! Everyone is going to be a father! Being a dad is fun! "
"Continue to launch. Why don’t you launch?" Old Brown was puzzled when he saw a light coming out for a long time without a second way.

"Three years ago, sister, you said that blessed one Yu Pei was very sold. We worked so hard to make hundreds of results and didn’t sell any; The year before last, sister, you said that someone paid a high price for the Xuan Huang robe and sewed dozens of sets of it. Finally, even the money was confiscated. In May this year, sister, you said that the exorcist wooden fish would sell well. Why should we be exorcists? "

Well, how about being so miserable? Xu Zhihu can hardly listen to it. I said, why is Lanre Temple so poor?
But then again, this Muliu Royal Sister doesn’t know what to think. She has to rack her brains to find a way to do business and earn money. Sister Lingshi, if you go out to collect a pass, what should be enough for the daily support of Lanre Temple?
I can’t figure it out. I can’t figure it out, but seeing that Muliu is ashamed to hit the column, Xu Zhihu quickly interrupted, "Ahem, I’m curious to ask a sister what you want to do with making so many lingshi?"
"Well, it’s a long story." Speaking of this Muliu, I couldn’t help sighing with emotion. "Actually, if it was a normal practice, we wouldn’t need so many lingshi, but the question now is … are there any guests coming?"
There really is. As they were talking, several swords roared past Lanre Temple, which seemed to be heading for Heishanfang City.
Wow, there’s business. There’s a business door!
A large group of female ghost sisters immediately cheered up and immediately picked up Bai Fulu’s purple-core grass. Yu Pei greeted the black-haired female ghost sister with a big smile. She also held a big wooden sign and enthusiastically waved it across a long distance. Four big characters can be clearly seen from miles away-"Stop sword for dinner!"
Poof Xu Zhihu directly sprayed his heart. This is really a Lan Ruo store
Yes, yes, I don’t forget to explain it to him next to Muliu. "Well, our Lanre Temple is adjacent to Montenegro. Because the city of the multiplier workshop is very famous there, guests often come to the purchasing office to rely on the mountain. We will also follow the selling point of multiplier Dan medicine …"
No explanation. I understand!
Xu Zhihu interrupted her silently and looked up for half a day. Finally, I couldn’t help but turn my head and look at Mu Liu with sympathy. "But then again, Sister Mu is not my blow to you. It seems that your business is a bit … miserable?"
Well, the truth is not a little miserable, but too miserable to look straight at!
Although from time to time, there are gas refiners flying by, but they are willing to stop and listen to the female ghost girls selling ten, and there are not three of them. One of them is asking for directions in the wrong direction, the other is bargaining for a long time, and the other is …
Well, there is another one who is very generous and directly pointed to the box of purple grass in the dark-haired female ghost sister’s arms. It’s very heroic and generous with a wave of his hand. "No problem. I packed it. Wait a minute. I said it’s not purple grass. I said it’s this girl who keeps the night … Feed it. How do you hit people?"
Generally speaking, half an hour later, the female ghost girls welcomed guests with a smile and enthusiastically promoted the principle that they would rather kill mistakes than let go. Finally, they successfully sold five white records and made two lingshi in total …
Click wood willow heart is broken. It is estimated that if a gust of wind blows at this time, she can directly turn to dust and float away with the wind.
"Then I suddenly remembered that I have to go back." Xu Zhihu really couldn’t bear to look again. He quickly asked the pot to take out one hundred Lingshi and handed it over. "Ahem, this is a little more because of his good attitude in staying yesterday."
Good man, good man, Muliu was so moved that he kept sending Xu Zhihu to the gate and looked at his back from a distance. He was very reluctant to go back and waved his hand desperately. "The guest officer often comes and goes. Lan Lan and I will miss you …"
Poof, Xu Zhihu was full of blood and directly hit the tree with pots and pans.
He finally struggled to get up. He looked back and waved. Pamuliu looked at it again. She was breathless and tired. The girls seriously thought about it and suddenly came back with a strange face.
"Hey? Come back to the hotel so soon? " Muliu was overjoyed.
"Well, don’t get me wrong," said Xu Zhihu. "Well, I just suddenly thought of a way to help you sell all those hoardings and make a little money with good luck …"
"True or false?" Muliu was in full bloom at once, and the green leaves on her temples were all excited to shake and shake. "What is the way? You won’t want us to buy one get one free and buy a box of purple-core grass to send a beautiful female ghost later, will you?"
"Stop that now …" Xu Zhihu couldn’t help but turn their fingers and motioned for her to come over.
"Er, will this work?" Wait until after listening to Muliu’s face full of surprise, her eyes wide open and her head full of dizziness.
"Give it a try, anyway, you can’t sell it, right?" Xu Zhihu came to remember the magic knife and hesitated to scratch his head. "Forget it. I will stay for half a day to show you in person."
Yes, yes, yes, Muliu was very excited and nodded. Immediately, he called a group of younger sisters back. Dozens of people were very neat and formed a circle. Together, they opened their eyes and ears to listen to Xu Zhihu’s explanation of that girl named Xiaolan with dark hair. She also took out a small side and listened carefully …
Ten minutes later, Xu Zhihu explained it in detail. "Okay, that’s probably it. Are there any questions?"
No problem is no problem, but a large group of younger sisters still feel a little incredible when they look at each other. Xiaolan still hesitates to raise her hand while biting her pen. "My guest, I don’t understand. If we do this, we seem to lose …"
I haven’t finished yet. The original Lanre Temple was deserted. Suddenly, several gas refining swordsmen roared past.
Try it and you will know that Xu Zhihu smiled and looked up at the sky. "Listen to my command! One, two, three shout!"
In an instant, just a few refined gas fighters flew over Lanre Temple. In an instant, a large group of female ghost sisters suddenly closed their hands at the same time and shouted at the sky with great enthusiasm-
"Take a look, take a look, don’t miss the opportunity when you pass by. It’s rare to have a clearance, deal with a big loss, and have a big sale. All instruments, pills and medicines will be five yuan … and the Wuling Stone Department will sell out!"
"Extraordinary good news, extraordinary good news, satisfying the needs of our customers and friends, the store has newly arrived a batch of authentic instruments, Dan Yao Wu Ling Stone, one by one, and the number of Wu Ling Stone in the Wu Ling Stone Department is limited. Pick whatever you want on a first-come-first-served basis!"
"Fang city closed down! Yellow crane, the bastard boss, owes 3.5 billion yuan for eating, drinking, whoring and gambling, and ran away with his aunt. We can’t take the instrument to pay the salary. The original price is more than 300 instruments, all of which are five spirits. Oh, yellow crane bastard, you are not human. We have worked hard for you for half a year. You don’t pay me, you pay me back my hard-earned money! "
Chapter 39 Love each other and kill each other, good girlfriends
In the afternoon, the sunshine of Lanre Temple is charming and warm, which makes the dilapidated corridors warm …

He wants to retreat further, for one thing, for his own safety, and for another, he doesn’t want to get the most dazzling moment, and he wants to lie prone and watch those two people be swallowed up by thunder and fire.

Later, I will be swept out of Lei Mei for a certain period of time, followed by Lei Tian.
The pilot crossed the whole square distance from the ground to the central lobby.
A little fire lit up secretly.
If time slows down, you can see that Mars is speeding up, the sea of fire is expanding, and the whole foundation is arched in the center lobby. The walls and pillars are deformed, and the ground is arched and cracks are exposed.
But there was a stronger sound just after the explosion. One kind sounded like a monster breaking the wind and waves, wrapped in fierce light and crushing the air, and the other sounded as if it were going to tear people’s souls apart.
These two kinds of sounds are very strange, and it seems that they are printed directly into the heart faster than ordinary sound broadcasting.
The explosion occurred and the two sounds collided at the same time.
Boom …
The collision and explosion overlapped, and everyone was ready for the terrible waves.
Unexpectedly, the loud noise suddenly comes to a kind of hard-to-hear sound field, and the power represented by these two sounds also spreads to the great shock after collision.
So a pair of rare wonders appeared in front of everyone.
The gunpowder explosion should form a boiling flame and rush to the sky, but this flame is bigger than the whole lobby, and it is actually suppressed by the fighting force of two people in the lobby. The normal explosion can vent in all directions like a huge flame lotus with a dark depression in the center.
The thunder damage was astonishingly eclipsed by the high-rise buildings outside Tianquan Mountain Hall, and people who were not interested in this place were also shocked by this strange flame and huge flowers.
The crimson flame petal lobby extends around to the sky. This building, which has been violently shaken and deformed, lasted for a while. When it collapsed, it didn’t collapse and everyone was caught off guard.
Because there are hundreds of firm but gentle explosions from the department to all directions, the roof, walls and beams and columns will be cut off.
Black is like a dark dragon, breaking the roof, blazing the lotus, and flying to the sky in the heavy rain in the center.
The roof, which was riddled with his firm but gentle blows, was completely shattered after being hit.
Seven high school rotary figure hands grasp the shattered roof, countless rubble is attached by his firm but gentle, like tens of millions of "broken sword" with a handle half a foot and only half an inch small.
The local Yunhan stomped his body and directly broke the base where many cracks had appeared. He made a big hole about ten feet in diameter and broke into the ground filled with gunpowder and flame.
"come on! !”
Fang Yunhan shouted wildly with his arms open and his palms rolled, which could shake and cut off the abundant force. Suddenly, he expanded all the flames around 20 meters, and a few of them had not yet been detonated and burned. The thunder and fire bombs were sucked over their heads and gathered into a magma-like ball.
Then he punched the ball into the sky.
Many people seemed to see a rising sun with a diameter of about ten feet in the rainstorm that night.
As if god were a demon, the figure leaned against the sky and shot down thousands of pieces of swords. In the process of shooting down these pieces, it happened to form a huge sword shape almost twenty feet long.
The earth, the sun and the heavenly sword burst when they touched each other.
Enough to explode and light up half of Tokyo.
Air billow, a building around the central lobby, was shaken and beaten like a sieve by flying debris.
If the incoming gunpowder explodes, most of its power will erupt, but now the explosion is half-produced.
The attic at the edge of the square watched the battle by the window, and Lei Chun felt that suddenly there was a wall that was bigger than the whole pavilion where she was located.
She still looks calm and beautiful in this situation, and I don’t know if she didn’t react. Death approaching or death also made her really move.
The window suddenly darkened, and the light disappeared. The violent roar was also very strange, and it was isolated as if it were gone in an instant.
Black and white hair became younger after an unspeakable war, and seven appeared out of the window in a silent gesture.

No matter how difficult it is to practice the secret method of Immortal Qin, it is also a spell. Avatar can be practiced by hard work!

Yang Xiu-shen didn’t give full play to this Tao.
Although getting the answer in this way consumes the fairy spirit in vain, it is hopeful for Yang Xiu.
After refining the immortal spirit, they flew to the peak of the cave to fight automatically.
Three people left the abode of fairies and immortals, and the whole Qing Dynasty was in ruins.
Cry! There are remnants of monks crying and crying everywhere!
A Jiu roars a.
"Cry what all give me shut up.
All the brothers of Qing Tianxian are remitted to me!
I, A Jiu, must revitalize the Qing Immortal Sect! "
He roared all over the earth.
Suddenly, many Qing immortals’ brothers roared together.
"You stuff don’t be afraid!
The immortal Sect of the Qing Dynasty has been completely closed for 3,000 years before foreign invasion.
The ceremony completely cut off the influence of the immortals on us and worry about it again.
There’s nothing wrong with Qingtiangen. I don’t lose my heritage!
There is nothing to be afraid of when we have three Mahayanas in Zongmen!
Everyone, practice hard and rebuild the Qing Immortal Sect! "
Three Mahayanas can’t have Yang Xiu. Three people know that this is the biggest secret and must not be revealed.
A Jiu San presided over the reconstruction of Zongmen!
A Jiu can’t forge ahead, but there is no problem in holding on.
Rebuild the ancestral gate, clean up the ruins, rescue the younger brother, rewrite the rules, build the spiritual building and arrange it properly
Su Lie had already arranged to buy 36 kinds of immortals, and A Jiu released them one by one, with a total of 360,000 immortals.
Millions of mortals in Jiaqing Tianxianzong have been trying their best to have babies.
Those who have excellent talent in Chinese can be trained step by step by introducing others from other schools.
These children are not polluted by their predecessors, and Chicheng is particularly easy to teach in their hearts.
In the Qing Dynasty, the immortals inherited a number of caves and blessed land, from forging body to Yuanying, and they should be gifted and relaxed.
It depends on one’s personal chance if it’s Yuan Ying.
Yang Xiu, the assistant brother and sister, called Fu Xialiang and others for help from time to time.
After working hard for five years, the immortals of Qing Dynasty finally took the right path to sustainable development.
Yang Xiuchang took a breath to practice.
First, he sacrificed an altar.
This altar is nine feet high and nine feet high, Fiona Fang!
The altar was completed. His altar was balustraded, and the incense table was placed squarely with a treasure seal, a sword and a token. Ninety-nine coffin fluttered in the wind.
Then Yang Xiu made Li Xian-qi find a way to wait silently for the night arrival.
He cast spells slowly this night!
Leading the poor into the dark, and suddenly the altar is full of sunshine!
"Heaven follows the example of heaven, earth, night and darkness, and virtue has been compromised …"
As Yang Xiusong recited the mantra, the light of the altar flashed sharply, and one after another was scattered to obliquely stab into the stratum. At the moment when Fiona Fang Baizhang ground shook slightly, the ground gas converged and a series of pure gas columns were transmitted to the bottom of the altar.
"In the dark night, there is a spirit in the dark night. Every life lends me great power …"
He cast a spell, and the dark night avenue quietly became powerful.
In the dark night, the intelligent life in the dark night is like a werewolf, a vampire, a zombie, a hag, and a night monk.
These dark night wisdom life departments were borrowed by Yang Xiu for sanity.
This mind is three thousandths of every night wisdom life, and the night avenue is three thousand avenues, and one is three thousandths.
To be exact, it’s 3,000 points, 1,77 points, 7 cents!
But this poor mind merged and injected into Yang Xiuti.
All wisdom and life are gathered together to make a tower, and little drops of water make an ocean is exhausted
Unfortunately, if the universe flows here, most of it will dissipate.
It is this one thousand Yang Xiu can make a small part of the middle school and most of the dharma pass away in vain.
But these minds are enough
Although it is borrowed, it is still a magic way!
Because this is a forced loan!
There is a magic way to be so effective.
But Yang Xiu can’t care so much. Let’s just do the magic.
So he quietly changed that he was no longer the Lord of the night, but gradually became the Lord of the night!
Yang xiu took this opportunity to cultivate many immortal and secret methods.
First, practice "wholeheartedly slaughter the sword"!
Every night, this method is put into practice for one hour, and the universe is poor, and the dark night is full of mind, so practice the secret method of immortality and Qin first.
An hour later, Yang Xiu practiced for another hour, but instead of making many minds, he gave back.
It’s not difficult to borrow again if you have something to borrow!
Anyone who lends will have a dark night avenue to give back to all those who lend Yang Xiu’s spiritual life this night, and Yang Xiu will bring them a peaceful sleep!
After such a year, "Slay the Sword with One Heart and One Mind" was promoted to the first place.
Another year, "Slay the Sword with One Heart and One Mind" was promoted to the ninth place.
Another year of "Slay the Sword with One Heart and One Mind" dzogchen!

This "spirit-calling" talent even failed his third talent’s ability to hide breath.

It is this East that Sosuli first wants to kill.
If you want to kill the East, you will be completely in control of your own fight or flight if you don’t have the ability to please the spirit.
He was deliberately bombed by the god’s cannon, otherwise he could instantly enter the state of divine enemy even if he could not escape.
Of course, although it was intentional, the power of the whole god gun was really shocking, which was somewhat unexpected to him
After all, at their level, it would be false to say that anyone who doesn’t order a healing crystal is a child prodigy. If they don’t start a healing crystal, they will be suspicious.
Originally, he thought that the recovery effect of Li’s third talent to suppress and cure the crystal needed to be delayed for one second. At most, he felt that his injury was too serious in the eyes of all people. The instant healing method would not doubt that he would feel more powerful, and then he fell to the east with the help of the four nine-level breakers.
However, he didn’t expect that the wound was actually attached to the strange white light to cure the crystal failure.
In this way, it is more in line with his heart, more in line with his battered and dying appearance, and will surely fool everyone.
This is also the main reason why people have no doubt about his disguise.
The whole god cannon can be instantly blown to pieces by even the tenth-level destroyer, and Su Li was killed on the spot. It has already surprised Wei Donglai that his strength is so strong that he would still want to get it. It was all his intention.
It is with the help of four nine-level boundary breakers that they deliberately fell to the east, and then they entered the state of sacred enemy, took out the stone tools and combined with the third talent, the most powerful force, the brilliant divine light, which completely submerged the east.
Such a sudden attack on the East at close range did not expect that his "shadow control" and "psychic field" would fail, and Reagan did not evade or resist the idea of exploding in a flash.
In the third talent’s special ability, don’t say that the East didn’t come until it died. Even if the crystal is cured, it can be cured and restored.
Spirit source and a large number of energy light swarmed toward Su Li’s forehead and chest.
Said that the quality treasure has a three-star fan, said that the quality weapon death rod, all kinds of crystals, treasures, and equipment are all surging in his body.
Suri’s body was wrapped in rolling energy, and he launched the third talent, special ability, which dispelled the strange white light on the surface of the wound, and restored the terrible wound on the surface of his big monty dragon’s body to heal instantly, and his right hand stone tool divine light swept out sideways like a horse.
Being shattered from the east and failing to recover means that he really died and then came to Weidong to roar. Su Li’s injury recovered and the stone tools swept like a horse, but it was only a flash.
Boom to a Weidong to bear the brunt of the stone tool divine sweep, the body was beaten to pieces, two arms, two thighs and the body were separated into five pieces, and this divine residual potential remained unchanged, and then another blue robe man was swept in the back.
This blue robe man is a nine-level destroyer. Although he has offered the strongest strength to resist, where can he stop it? This blend of the third talent, the stone tool divine light, will be extinguished immediately.
Although Su Li, who killed several people in a row, showed the absolute power of terror, the other three people in blue robes did not have fear and still made a concerted roar. The three fields sacrificed the most powerful force together.
There is another spiritual source and a large number of energy light groups surging towards them. This belongs to the blue robe man who was swept by the stone tool god light, but it does not belong to Weidong Lai Spiritual Source.
Su Li immediately Bai Weidong didn’t die.
Those who break the boundary at level 14 are really not easy to kill.
Mind mind but see split into five pieces of wei dong to the right hand holding a giant sword of light ling chop toward his left hand holding a fist with a bitter Bai Guangling boom from the rear.
His legs bounced like two shells, one hitting Su Li’s body and the other hitting him with a stone tool in his right hand.
And there are scars on the surface of his torso, which is the "scar field" launched.
At this moment, Wei Donglai is like a five-five-piece mutilated body with different attacks.
Su Li understood that this should be his first talent "five cracks"
It turns out that this talent ability is that it can split itself into five pieces and attack by an independent individual, which is somewhat similar to Jiang Shuixuan’s one-for-three, but not as advanced as her one-for-three.
In the sacred mark field, nearly 100 meters of Fiona Fang will be included in China, Soviet Union and Lebanon. Although in the enemy state, I still feel my heart sinking.
Wei Donglai and three blue-robed men attacked him for eleven seconds according to the order. The enemy’s state needs to be defended and attacked. Only the stone tools attacked the epidemic.
Su Li’s right hand once again stimulated the bright divine light and Wei Donglai collided with a thigh.
This thigh was beaten by divine light and burst into white light all over the sky, but all this white light returned to Weidong’s torso.
There was a roar in his mouth, and the whole sacred field was like a violent shock. Su Li suddenly felt that his right hand stone tool was hot and seemed to fly out to sell it.
I don’t know when there are a lot of strange fine marks, just like several silk threads. At this moment, these fine marks have entangled the stone tools.
Although Su Li’s enemy state can plague all attacks on this sacred field, there is nothing he can do, but his stone tools are not in this plague
I don’t know. Suddenly, walls around Su Li’s body grew into a huge city, and magnificent buildings rose up in the ancient city.
Being in the enemy’s state for eleven seconds, Su Li has no scruples, and finally makes the dream field break out.
As soon as the ancient city became shrouded in four directions, the stars appeared in the universe, and both Wei Donglai and the three blue-robed people counted all the stars.
At the moment, Su Li stands in the ancient city like an ancient god, and even the field of Wei Donglai’s sacred mark is instantly exploded.
This is a 14-level border breaker who holds a field that is more powerful than mindfulness. Fiona Fang can be nearly 100 meters into his field. He is the god in this field. He can control everything, but now he has expanded to the ancient city and his field has burst.
Wei Donglai shocked China, Soviet Union and Lebanon. Together with a magnificent tower in the ancient city, Wei Donglai suppressed the past towards the three blue-robed people. Another altar of vicissitudes of life flew out and pressed Wei Donglai.
These three blue robe people are nine-level border breakers, and the tower suppressed them. They are all overqualified, but Weidong is ten-four border breakers. There must be various means. Although Su Li has pushed the domain of thoughts to the peak, he did not dismiss him, but moved the most mysterious and bizarre altar in this ancient city to prepare Weidong to sacrifice.
On that day, I forgot the war situation, but this altar even sacrificed the God of Luo Zhanjian.
It is almost a matter of suspense that the tower is trying to suppress these three nine-level destroyers, feeling that they are being suppressed on all sides, fearing and screaming, and trying their best to resist.
At the moment, even if they have teleport crystals, it is impossible for them to escape from the domain of thought.
In the face of repression, the three of them joined forces to fight back, which made them look fragile. The three overlapping areas were instantly crushed by the repression of the tower.
Three people are not qualified to be tower suction tower refining directly shattered into blood rain all over the sky.
In a short time, I followed Wei Donglai to the East and four other blue robe people were killed.
Now there is only one Weidong left.
Seeing his companions die, especially in the East, makes him feel like a knife.
Because of the East, he can be said to have grown up together and is now his best friend, Dongyu. If Weidong is the king, then the East is the second person with one person and ten thousand people.
Now the only son who has been with him for so many years is dead, and so is his best friend. It is a double blow to Wei Donglai, but it seems that he is no longer angry.
His face was frighteningly cold and calm. Facing the vicissitudes of life, the ancient altar felt a force of legal resistance and tugged at himself, but he did not move. His hands together became solemn.
Chapter 735 Avenue incarnation

In other words, the Royal Guards are excellent top agents and dead men! They are the precious wealth of the Yanhuang Empire! It’s also Su Yu’s eyes and ears!

Su Yu smiled indifferently. He lost this sentence lightly. "On how dangerous it is, I want you to master Xintiange’s every move! At all costs! "
Chapter 362 362 The Orc Empire Express
Now is not the time to cherish your life. If you don’t take it seriously now, I’m afraid more than these people will die then.
Lack of intelligence information Today, Su Yu can thoroughly spread out the Royal Guards to get enough information to arrange the layout in one step.
Hearing the Emperor’s words, the Royal Guards trembled and shouted "Here!"
It’s time for the country and the emperor to be loyal.
"You go back."
Su Yu with the wave.
The royal guards stepped back and merged into the darkness. They wanted to bring the order to Yang Mingwei and let the royal guards make the layout quickly.
Su Yu waved away the guards and attendants, and then walked alone in the palace with a tight frown.
All these changes in the situation and orders have happened, and people live happily in the sunshine.
No one knows what kind of threats and pressures they are facing, and no one knows how bitter and depressed Su Yu is.
The thief. Oh, my God!
Not a quarter of an hour wants me to have a good rest!
I keep jumping out of stronger enemies again and again, and I will let you die one day!
Su Yu sighed in his heart.
Unconsciously, he has reached the door of Kunning Palace.
The lights in front of the Kunning Palace are lit by several maids, and there are female soldiers patrolling in front of the temple.
It’s almost time, queen. Are they still up?
Su Yu one leng leg lifts walked over.
When the maids saw Su Yu, they hurriedly wanted to give a shout to announce the arrival of the Emperor.
Su Yu made a gesture to silence the maids.
The maids nifty vomitted to stick out tongue to Su Yu upon worship after clever left the palace gate.
The emperor has come to see the queens. They should not get too close so as not to feel uncomfortable when they hear some sounds.
Su Yu pushed the palace gate and lifted her feet into the pavilion. Seeing several women sitting at the table, Su Huiyin’s snow-white arms supported the beautiful eyes, which was obviously very sleepy.
And several of his girls are all dozing off or prostrating themselves at the table or taking a soft nap. No one goes back to his room to sleep and waits for my husband.
Only Su Mier, a martial artist, can still look at the door with a sleepy and worried look.
When Su Yu came in, Su Mier found Su Yu alone, and there was a hint of surprise and worry in her voice, "Husband!"
A husband awakened the sleeping beauties.
Empresses and concubines’ eyelashes trembled and they woke up one after another to see their white robes wrapped in smiling faces in front of their beloved men.
"It doesn’t matter, husband!"
"This damn assassin didn’t hurt my husband!"
"Let me have a look!"
Daughters swooped in like milk swallows returning home, beautiful eyes with worries, smiling like flowers, and tears can still be seen vaguely.
Su Yu heart a acid hurriedly grabbed the daughters light comfort way "you silly women don’t sleep so late"
"My sisters are very worried about my husband’s long absence."
Su Huiyin sighed and looked at Su Yu with faint beautiful eyes.
She is wearing a red silk skirt with a low neckline, and her face looks like a hibiscus eyebrow, like a willow peach blossom, and her eyes are very attractive. Her skin is like snow, and her black hair is tied into a tall beauty bun. Su Yu worked day and night, and now the Queen of Sound added a stunning appearance.
"We were all worried when we heard that my husband was assassinated."
Princess Zhu’s novel way
During the day, when they learned that an assassin had invaded the palace, their hearts were most worried about Su Yu. If Su Mier hadn’t brought back the news that the assassin had been captured, all the women couldn’t help rushing out to find Su Yu.
Su Yu picked up the queen’s little hand and comforted the daughters. "Don’t be afraid of being a little assassin. It’s all right now."
Su Yu looked at this pair of pretty faces, such as Ling Aner, taciturn Leng Yan official Wan’er, and princess Su Huiyin, who was gentle and graceful like water drops, and Leng Yan, who was cold, sexy and charming.
These are his beloved women, not only the Chinese Empire and hundreds of millions of people, but also Su Yu will never allow high-ranking people to destroy the world!
"If something happens to my husband, my body will never live alone."
Linganer’s beautiful eyes ripple and tears can’t help but sob. Pear blossoms with rain look distressing.

Although he still greeted him with a smile, even Fangzhou’s attitude towards him was alienated and polite. Many people even pretended with a wry smile in the sea and didn’t see them saying something homely.

In fact, Lian Hai really wanted to say a few words to Lian Fangzhou alone, but even Fangzhou didn’t let his siblings avoid the meaning at all, and he couldn’t say a word with a full belly to explain and distinguish and show good words.
Even Heine sat for a good half-ring and left in spirit.
Even Fang Zhou has a little conscience and got up and sent him out in person.
Even the sea spirit a flap finally caught the opportunity in the courtyard to even fangzhou low wry smile way "fangzhou today I’m so sorry! It’s just a small matter that Miss Zhao asked Jane to be the coach, and she promised to help me put in a good word! If I knew that neither you nor Jane wanted me to say anything, I wouldn’t help her! "
Even Fang Zhou sneered at this in her heart, but she was really stupid!
She looked up, and her eyes, calm as water but bright as stars, stared unblinkingly at Lianhai, whose pure calm eyes drove Lianhai almost to dare not look straight.
"I want to ask my cousin," even Fang Zhou said softly. "If Cui Gong doesn’t come at that time today, will my cousin force me to drive Jane away? Do you think that those words of Zhao Rujun, Gua Tian and Li will jointly affect the cousin’s name? "
Even the sea was shocked and suddenly there was a feeling of hiding! There is a clear feeling that all thoughts are being peeked at!
This kind of feeling is very uncomfortable. When his body froze, he suddenly felt ashamed.
"Cousin don’t have to be angry" even Fang Zhou leisurely said "our two families have established written evidence to get involved again. Even if we have done something to kill, set fire and commit heinous crimes, it will never affect our cousin’s name! If someone doesn’t believe his cousin, please ask Li Zheng and the village elders to prove it! "
Even the sea has a fever. He should be glad it’s late.
"Fangzhou", he said in a tone of annoyance and disorder, trying to make his voice calm. "What happened today is really my fault. I shouldn’t talk at random without knowing the situation! It was Miss Zhao, Gua Tian and Li’s words that really touched me. I did think of my name at that time, but I was also worried about you! If those words go out, how can you be a man in the future? And what should Aze and Cher do? "
"What should I do?" Even Fang Zhou sneered slightly and raised his eyebrows. "It’s a big deal for me to marry him! Is it easy for my parents to have siblings and orphans to support a family? I suppose few people have the heart to accuse me of marrying him? "
Lianze was speechless.
Indeed, Fangzhou is a sister who is very popular in the village now and deserves respect and praise; She saved her grandson’s life and Jane’s life in the village. Although Jane is going to get married after living in her house for so long, it can be seen that she and Jane are innocent all the time!
Even if someone questions it, it won’t matter. There are Cui Gong and Su Jia behind her! Just look at Cui Gong’s posture today, and you will know how to protect her …
Even a cold sweat broke out behind the sea, and I couldn’t help but feel glad that Cui Shaoxi appeared at the right time today, otherwise, even Fangzhou would burst when his words were exported.
"Cousin" even Fangzhou saw that he didn’t talk and sighed with unspeakable disappointment and bitterness. She gently said, "You must know a lot about what big uncles and aunts do to us, right? It’s better to say that those things are over, but I can tell you frankly that I can never respect them again and treat them as elders sincerely. I have always thought that they are different! I didn’t expect you to help outsiders deal with me! Do you know that?/You know what? That’s what I feel most sad about! If you really regard us as relatives, should you respect my opinion and put pressure on me on my side instead of helping outsiders? You’re the one who said you didn’t know, but you can actually choose to shut up before you know the situation, can’t you? I’m really disappointed today, very disappointed … "
Even the sea was shocked, and suddenly it was sour and ashamed, and the chest was stuffy and uncomfortable.
He didn’t dare to look at Fang Zhou’s dumb voice with his head down. "Fang Zhou, I’m sorry! I’m sorry … What happened today is that I was wrong … Later … It won’t happen again! "
Even fangzhou didn’t speak, and even the sea heard that if there was a sigh, it was disappointing and melancholy.
"Fangzhou!" He took a deep breath and said with a wry smile, "Trust me again. You and Azeri, Cher and Fang are my cousins. We are all family members! Things will never happen again today! "
Even Fang Zhou remained silent for a moment before gently saying, "It’s getting late, cousin, go home!"
Although she didn’t say "believe", her expression eased a lot, which made Lian Hai secretly relieved. He said seriously, "Fang Zhou, your cousin, I don’t dare to say it, but what I said is absolutely true!"
He gave her a deep look and turned and strode away.
Watching him leave his own hospital, even Fangzhou slowly moved the gate to the front, and the lip angle gently evoked a shallow smile. The bottom of his eyes sparkled 33 Chapter 33 Brother Sun Shi acted as matchmaker.
She is not an idiot. It is king to offend her relatives one by one.
There is no other way to suppress Lian Li and Qiao Shi without mercy, but Lian Haixian is different from them.
In fact, she has been waiting for Lianhai to come tonight.
Of course, it is also possible not to come.
If he doesn’t come, there will be no follow-up. Lian Fangzhou will decisively classify him as Lian Li and Qiao Shi.
When I saw Lianhai appear in my home, even Fangzhou knew in her heart that her white cousin didn’t want to make trouble with her! He’s here to save
One thing he is very similar to Lian Liqiao is that he will always find various reasons or excuses to excuse his mistakes and try to get away with it.
If this time let him get away with it, it’s hard to say that there is no time.
Even Fang Zhou said that to him rudely and directly, and told him not to think of himself as a fool who knows nothing.
Since he wants to make up, he must have the courage to admit his mistake and show sincerity!
The thing that is not so cheap in this world is that he wants to deceive the past in a few words after doing something wrong, and then he wants to get his own forgiveness and then he can take advantage of it in the future.
Even Fang Zhou didn’t think that the effect of saying that was better than expected!
Looking at Lian Hai’s ashamed and self-conscious expression, Lian Fangzhou secretly relieved cousin, who is actually quite good.
Even Fangzhou thinks that anyone who still has shame will not be hopeless!
Besides, Zhao Rujun’s servant left home, and Zhao Rujun’s face collapsed as soon as he sat in the carriage, staring blankly ahead.
Everyone who knows her well knows that her heart must be more angry at the moment.
However, Zhao Rujun will not be angry at will. She is most proud of her extreme restraint and patience.
After the magpie recovered, she poured a cup of warm tea with her hands and gently said, "Miss, have a sip of tea to moisten your voice!"