Xiaoshengxian Village covers a vast area. In addition to the halls, shooting ranges, houses and other places where thousands of Confucian brothers often play, there are also hidden bamboo forests and rockery lakes.

Fu Nian originally wanted to invite Gong Fu Su and others to the main hall, but he didn’t expect Fu Su to ask for a look at the small sage village first.
"Since Confucius traveled around the world, he said that Confucianism has always attached the greatest importance to the protection of the country. It is said that in addition to the Confucian scholars’ study abroad, there are also some precious historical materials, customs and geography in the countries of the past years."
Fu Su has been polite and joking since we met, but at this time it seems serious. "It’s that the old ancient books are not only weathered and decayed, but also the variety of words is very unfavorable for future generations to read. I wonder if Mr. Fu Nian ever sent someone to copy these new slips and unify the seal script?"
Hearing these words, some of the younger brothers accompanying Xiao Sheng Xian Zhuang had slightly different faces, but none of the three heads of household moved.
Fu Nian surrendered and said, "My disciples usually read and learn Chinese characters, but there are so many volumes in Xiaoshengxian Village that I am afraid that there are not tens of thousands of volumes. Some people are afraid that no one has read them for more than ten years. Have you ever copied those slips again? I am still free to ask."
"This is a big deal, Mr. Fu Nian. Even if you are busy, you should be more careful."
Fu Su face a solemn color.
The pace of people walking towards the Buddhist Scripture Building slowed down, and they strolled along the bamboo path, listening to Fu Su’s words.
He said, "When Fu Su was a teenager, he heard his father watching the sword and felt that there were nineteen ways to write a sword in the world."
"Many writing styles are very different, even some Confucian scholars who claim to be full of bachelor’s degrees may not be able to recognize 19 writing styles, which makes it inconvenient for scholars to communicate!"
Fu Su stopped to look at Fu Nian positively and said, "Since the Little Sage Villa has a lot of treasures, it is even more important to pay attention to it. Otherwise, after one hundred generations, someone will see the scrolls and will not recognize the meaning, even if future generations will blame Mr. Fu Nian."
Funian primly behind the Confucian people also followed him to salute and listen to him say, "Thank you for your education."
Fu Su nodded slightly and turned to the distance and said, "Is that the hidden building?"
As if a tall building stands tall at the end of the bamboo forest, the breeze is bright and sunny, showing a simple and solemn style.
Fu nian replied "exactly"
When this young sage master made a positive statement, he raised a finger with the crowd Zhao Gao.
He was in the shadow of everyone, and only one finger moved almost unnoticed. His black nails climbed over a small spider and fell into the grass.
When the spider fell to the ground and the blade of grass collided
The eyes of Zhang Liang and Yan Lu in the crowd all changed slightly.
Holding a crutch in his hand, Chu Nangong also noticed that the tiny movement was so dense that he almost covered his eyes. His eyebrows moved slightly on both sides, and his left hand clenched into a fist and put it in front of his mouth and coughed gently
Fu Su nodded. "Since Jane in that building hasn’t been sorted out yet, we don’t have to go today."
He turned directly to Confucianism and led him to a place convenient for reception.
Now that we have come here, if we turn back to the main hall, it won’t take too long, which is unbearable
The last thought brought Fu Su and others to a corner pavilion in the center of the lake.
Although this pavilion is located in the center of the lake, it is also quite spacious, with 20 cushions and small cases. Except for the pavilion where it comes in, bamboo curtains hang down in all directions to serve as shelter.
When they are seated in the pavilion, if they look out of the pavilion, they can see that there is a long winding bridge on the left, which crosses the lake and connects the shore, and the high wall on the water surface is cut off not far from the right.
The wall is a lake, and outside the wall is a river. On both sides of the river are Sanghaicheng Street, and there are boats on the river to enjoy the cool.
When you sit in the pavilion, you can vaguely hear some noise coming from the street. It’s so subtle that it doesn’t seem noisy and disturbing. Instead, it adds some interest in taking quiet action and seeking peace and detachment.
Soon after taking a seat, there were Confucian brothers serving tea sets and washing and soaking tea. Every move was made according to the Book of Tea by Mr. Lu Yu, who was born in Cha Sheng before the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.
Just watching them move makes people feel calmer and more pleasing. The fragrance of tea spreads and soon sweeps away the subtle atmosphere just hidden by the building. It seems that the two sides have become very harmonious again.
However, it seems that there are some people who are very happy to spoil this atmosphere.
Zhao Gao is a symbolic agent who touched a teacup. When Fu Su passed the tea fragrance, he said, "Mr. Fu Nian brought us here this time and was really interested in Confucianism. Especially, the three masters of Xiaoshenxian Village are all contemporary people. Presumably, they can not only inherit what their predecessors have learned, but also innovate. At this time, the skylight is just as good as asking three people to discuss it."
Fu Nian and others are awe-inspiring to know that from this moment is the real focus today.
"You should all have heard of some Confucian ideas more or less. What you get from thinking about Confucianism is just a drop in the ocean, and there is not much difference between what you know."
Fu nian’s words came from Xi Chang’s self-modesty, but I didn’t expect him to just say them.
Zhao Gao immediately said, "Mr. Fu Nian said that rational people stay in the study of knives and pens, and they can’t talk about it. They can’t realize the practical experience of sergeant’s study ability, but if they see foreign things, they will immediately be at a loss."
"And the scholar’s research can lead to the poor truth from the surface, and he can explain what he wants without saying a word."
He spoke in a word, but in his earnest words, he implied a frightening feeling, which made the Confucian brother on the accompanying side feel bad
However, for the non-Confucians in the venue, there is nothing inappropriate in his tone of voice and language meaning, and even Fu Su did not stop him from meaning.
"This time, if you ask for advice from Confucianism, if a few people say frankly that they are afraid that we can’t have a deep understanding, it’s better to use the sword as a metaphor to talk about the sword and prove the truth."
Zhao Gao’s eyes swept through Fu Nian’s three people with a smile and a respectful expression. "I don’t know what the three people mean?"
What meaning the word "Tao" has when it was first created in a long time has been traced back, but the word "Tao" has probably acquired the most extraordinary significance in the world after the five thousand words of the old West’s morality in Hangu.
Since Zhao Gao’s Taoist name is also a guest of Xiaoshengxianzhuang at this time, the three Confucian masters will naturally not make a refusal choice
They don’t have that name, and they know that there is no room for refusal when the situation is real. If they want to talk in a different way, they will eventually lose their own style.
It’s still Fu Niankou. "How can it be unreasonable for you to be so kind to this small sage village?"
At this time, Zhang Liang said, "The Confucian classics have their own different opinions. If you want to talk about Taoism, you must not take one person’s opinion to decide the victory or defeat, but obviously you can’t waste time on everyone’s field. Is the Confucian side made up of three of us?"
Just now, Kan Kan talked about Zhao Gao, but at this time, he did not make a positive response, saluted Fu Su and said, "It’s up to the public."
"On the sword, it is no better than drawing a sword and drinking blood to fight for life and death. Even if it can’t guarantee that both sides will be hurt, it still needs to be regulated."
Fu Su arranged in a calm and gaseous way, "Then please ask the three Confucian masters to discuss the three games. Please also keep in mind that today’s concept is not the most important place to discuss the outcome. After the sword comes and goes, you can’t pursue it or fight back desperately."
Zhao Gao Fu Nian and others surrendered together and said, "You should follow the general will."
Zhang Liang’s eyes wandered and looked at the people who might play opposite.
Chu Nangong came to be the first sage of Chu, who disappeared after the demise of Chu, and later appeared again, and somehow became a member of the Yin and Yang family.
This person’s original reputation has never taken up a position even if he becomes a yin and yang family member. Even if he goes to war, he may not be as dedicated as he is.
Although Gongsun Linglong is a famous queen, she is not famous for her pulse. According to her breathing pace, she should have never practiced any martial arts, so don’t think much.
The most dangerous person in the field is actually Zhao Gao.

Xu Liguo solemnly pointed to the dark clouds in the sky and said, "Death Valley is called the place of death because of them!"

The voice just fell and Xu Liguo’s face suddenly changed. "Shit, it’s windy. Let’s go!"
I will be more sensitive than the six senses. He also found that the dark clouds and winds in the sky have undergone subtle changes, and there seems to be a thunder brewing.
Yu Huifei asked, "Does it thunder?"
As they walked along, Xu Liguo said, "It’s a strong thunder. Can you understand a thunderstorm …"
"What a thunderstorm? The rain is not terrible, is it? " Someone nearby heard two people rhetoric scoop way
Xu Liguo didn’t even look at the man and said to himself, "It’s raining like lightning, and we can’t find a suitable place. Everyone will die!"
Hearing this, everyone at the scene turned pale with fear.
"You … don’t talk nonsense. How can there be such a place in the world?" Some people don’t believe it
Xu Liguo ran away regardless of him.
I will not immediately greet everyone to "follow!"
Nie Zhiyun asked, "Where are you going? He’s not running around, is he? "
I will not say, "It’s better to run around with him than to run around by myself. He has been here as a scientific research team."
Say that finish Yu Huifei hello everyone with a group of people, there is no backbone by Yu Huifei area plus Xu Jingyu, Nie Zhiyun and others to help cooperate with Xu Liguo.
Xu Liguo doesn’t run very fast, and while walking, he tries to look around at the mountain peaks, counting on the Shinto Road.
Yu Huifei chased him and asked, "Brother, you are running too slowly. I am carrying you behind my back. Please show me the way."
Xu Liguo nodded without hesitation.
I will not pick up Xu Liguo and run!
Seeing that I will not take the initiative to recite Xu Liguo, everyone still thinks that this person is not afraid of death and is still bravado at this time.
As a result, when Yu Huifei took up Xu Liguo, he was dumbfounded one by one.
Seeing Yu huifei’s thigh, he ran out like a fly.
Everyone is anxious.
But there are old people and children in the crowd, like keeping pace with these young people?
It’s no hurry to watch the crowd pass you.
The crew arrived to leave a few people to help hold the baby and carry the old man.
Naishao is not superman, carrying an old man is the limit, and it is difficult for him to run a long distance.
I can’t run fast with a baby in my arms.
Xu jingyu turned back to help and ended up in the last echelon.
In front of me, I will rush to the extreme without looking back.
Chapter 522 Death
He remembered that Xu Jingyu said that this flat land was not too deep in Death Valley near the mouth of the valley.
Xu Liguo also said that he knew a place with the least thunder, and their scientific research team camped there every time …
Judging from the surrounding mountains, it should be nearby.
Soon Yu Huifei saw an abandoned camp ground and whether there were tents and fires left.
Xu Liguo excited way "is there! Get over there! "
As a result, I will throw him around and say, "It’s not far away. Run by yourself and I’ll help the people behind."
By the time Xu Liguo turns back, I will have run away.
Xu Liguo looked at the camp near his eyes and then at the dark clouds, and finally he followed him back to help.
I’m not a fast and energetic young man. No matter when he sees an old man or a child, he goes straight over with one on his back and runs back with two on his back.
With Yu Hui, people who are not the first echelon of this humanoid taxi will soon arrive at the camp.
A deafening sound
I will not look up and see that the dark clouds in the sky are getting thicker and thicker.
Xu Liguo looked around and looked dignified. "It’s going to thunder if you can’t come!"
I will not care so much and rush out again.
Because the second echelon is still behind.

Because an ambitious man who has no guts can’t sit still in this high position.

The emperor looked at A Jiu and didn’t speak all the time. A Jiu was not a little uneasy. In fact, she hoped to get her father’s support. The worst thing was just the dream, but she would never give up. Because of the dream situation, she would never appear in front of her again.
Fortunately, the day finally lived up to A Jiu’s expectations
"A Jiu, do you really want to? Can you bear this heavy burden? "
Father speaks solemnly and slowly, but I have to say that he is really considering giving A Jiu a chance.
Chapter 469 Chapter 469
All the small countries around feel that Dasong has become increasingly strong in recent years, and they dare not take the initiative to look at the prosperity of Dasong, but they don’t know that this so-called prosperity is an illusion.
However, what is prosperous?
The court fights endlessly, and the officials’ bodies are vegetarian. It seems that the people who live and work in peace and contentment are still oppressed by bureaucrats, and it is difficult to get a break.
These are A Jiu’s eyes. She has a noble status and can see these people at the peak of her strength. But she has seen the lowest filth and darkness of her heart with her four investigations.
A Jiu put the emperor’s console table stacked memorials in different categories, and those flowers were also placed in the corners. No one would pay attention to the important things and divide them into unimportant trivial things.
A Jiu is not a photographic memory, but his memory is also very good. After a quick glance, we can know what this memorial is mainly about. A Jiu is not good at seeing these.
Although the emperor was lying on the side to have a rest, he looked at A Jiu all the time.
A Jiu’s every move or frown or Zhan Yan told the emperor to look in his eyes. The emperors who wished to join the throne had seen it, and he knew what was written in it. He could almost see her thoughts through A Jiu’s expression.
For a long time, A Jiu finally put the last memorial at hand
"A Jiu, you’ve seen many memorials, but I haven’t approved a few of them. Would you like to talk about your thoughts?"
This is to give A Jiu a chance to show herself, and she knows that she is ready to show herself.
One of these is that these two officials fought each other in the street. Generally speaking, the positions of these two officials are not less than the fight, not to mention the line. It is an old story involving a court fight.
Nowadays, the emperor attaches great importance to the prime minister’s surname Cai, who is called Cai Xiang, and Cai Xiang is also an important person. Under the banner of reform and innovation, the reform and reform ideas put forward by Wen Wang in the first emperor’s period are revived.
In the pre-emperor period, the Song Dynasty was as prosperous as it is today, and the crisis was hidden. That is, the prime minister at that time selected talented people to recover the land occupied by other countries on the border of the Song Dynasty while reforming the law to strengthen the country. General Wang was the one who pulled it out.
You know, the general who recovered the lost land was just writing for others before Wen Wangba. Who dares to believe that a scholar can do what many military commanders can’t do?
From this, we can know that King Wen knows people and can do things.
King Wen was not a brother of the royal family, but a distinguished official when he was alive. After the death of the prime minister, the first emperor chased him to enjoy the ancestral temple. This is such an honor!
The first emperor, Wang Junchen, did a lot of national things. It was these political reform measures that damaged the bureaucratic temperament of those nobles. Even the queen mother and queen mother cried in front of the first emperor every day.
When the late emperor was old, he was not as good as he used to be. King Wen was demoted to his official post and returned to his hometown. The monarch and his subjects will meet again.
Now the emperor was still the first emperor at that time, and he was taught by King Wen, and he also agreed with King Wen’s practice in his heart.
It was Wang Wen who died many years ago, and Cai Xiang’s eloquence was outstanding. Even though the emperor knew that Cai Xiang was not as noble as Wang Wen, he had to pull out Cai Xiang in this interpersonal relationship.
And the most important point is that the emperor’s little thought of recognizing people as perfect, Cai Xiang, can’t become a climate with him around.
The emperor thinks that he can suppress Cai Xiangke, but he never thought that if one day he went to his successor, he could also suppress such a controlling politician.
The emperor never thought about it, but now he has to think about it.
The DPRK-China forces are divided into two groups, one is Cai Xiangshou, and the other is Zhuge Shen Houshou. It can be said that the two sides are evenly matched and compete with each other, which is also the situation that the emperor intends to check and balance.
However, Cai Xiangren is worried, and some things such as accepting bribes are despised by some honest courtiers. However, due to the emperor’s emphasis on Cai Xiang, some Zhuge gods dare to say that he is not
In this memorial, I learned that those two officials are Cai Xiang and his school, and I dare to remember that they are either neutral or on the side of Zhuge Shenhou, otherwise people will have the courage.
For this matter, we should know A Jiu’s way of life if we handle it.
"If a house doesn’t sweep the sky, even the family heirs can’t be managed well, they might as well ask the court officials to tutor their children!"
A Jiu was a little blunt and angry, but she spoke with two points of wit.
The emperor shook his head. "A Jiu, you should be serious about the emperor’s skill. One of them is to check and balance the forces between the DPRK and China today. However, you are afraid of breaking this balance."
According to the emperor’s idea, fighting between two officials and children is nothing but an ordinary trivial matter, but it can’t be handled. It is better to slap each other even if it is muddled.
Although A Jiu’s approach is feasible, it is not too impatient
"Father and emperor should not delay some things, but should solve problems as soon as possible. It will be no small matter sooner or later. They regard it as the law of the dynasty, don’t they?"
A Jiu has long seen that her father’s practice of imperial king should not be powerful checks and balances.
Some of them have rotted from the roots, so it is better to dig up the rotten piece to grow new ones.
This is why the father and the daughter have different ideas. Fortunately, the emperor is a person who can listen to other people’s opinions. If he is arbitrary, he will have no say in A Jiu.
"It’s a simple matter for A Jiu to take their office, but who is suitable for their position after them and can do it as well as them?"
Nowadays, the selection of court officials is quite out of the emperor’s mind. There are too many officials in charge of the same thing, but the officials are inefficient. This situation is somewhat similar in the early days of the first emperor
At this time, the situation in the DPRK is afraid that these two positions will be lost, and the two sides will begin to compete for their own positions, while the emperor himself does not want one side to be too powerful because it will affect the emperor
"During the emperor’s ancestor period, there were redundant officials, redundant soldiers and redundant soldiers. Wang Wen once made a feasible method for these phenomena. A Jiu is also appropriate for the selection of officials at this time, and it is time to add some fresh blood.
The father’s move will make both sides influence the emperor. If you change these vegetarian meals for a group of people who really belong to the emperor, which side’s power will increase? "
According to A Jiu’s law, the reshuffle in the hall not only weakened the influence of Cai Xiang and Zhuge Shenhou, but also killed two birds with one stone.
A Jiu can think of the French emperor, and it is unexpected that he is now physically unable to hold on. If he dies in the middle of things, it would be better not to do it.
It is when a person is in a stable environment for a long time that he doesn’t want to seek change.
Although the emperor has a heart for change, he is too hesitant to change the calm and safe situation.
The emperor was silent, but A Jiu was no longer aggressive. It was true that she also knew the difficulties of her father.
If we really follow her idea, it will cause an earth-shaking change to the whole court. If we are not careful, it may have serious consequences.
But for A Jiu, no matter how serious the consequences, she had foreseen them.
The emperor saw his daughter’s anxiety, distraction and determination in her blood, which he lacked, but he had to sharpen her and do things step by step
"A Jiu, you go home first and I will think about it."
"Father and emperor are constantly being disturbed by it, and it is better to have a new life if the meat is rotten."
A Jiu said this sentence before he left, which made the emperor unable to recover for a long time. Perhaps he was really old and began to be timid, and there was no more enterprising spirit.
After leaving, A Jiu did not stay in the palace. Instead, he said goodbye to the queen and returned to the house of God.

Therefore, carved Li Tu dust Xiaoqing sensed the long-lost crisis.

The newborn vampire Lao has more terrible strength than the former vampire Lao.
Xiaoqing doesn’t like Pei Wende’s meddling, but she never thought that this guy would overturn here and naturally won’t continue to fish in the water.
Chapter 39 Compassion and Demonization
"Who are you? !”
Looking at the sudden appearance of Pei Wende being suppressed by laws, Li Tu-chen could not help but narrow his eyes.
Although I just met Pei Wende not long ago, Li Tuchen was just reborn at that time.
Plus, he was attracted by the combination of Taoist and monk. At that time, he didn’t notice the "humble" junior next to them.
Now, however, it’s different. Pei Wende feels a strange oppressive feeling at the moment.
It’s the first time I saw Pei Wende, Li Tuchen, but I was inexplicably afraid. This kind of fear is exactly the same as when he faced vampire Lao, as if the other party had killed himself once.
In particular, the kind of pain that burns like a flame makes Li Tuchen feel immersive.
-that is definitely not an illusion.
Deep in my heart, after this idea, Li Tu-chen immediately thought of Pei Wende’s identity, and his cheek twitched unconsciously.
"You are the former kill vampire Lao? !”
Li Tu-chen learned that he had been killed, and he was sucking blood, looking for the blood that he had sent away. There was a great movement in Pu County.
Then this crazy guy was caught by a yogi, and the body was almost completely destroyed by pure yang.
If it weren’t for the man who took the blood before he died, he wouldn’t have had anything to do with himself and the vampire Lao.
Rao is so, the pain of being burned by the flame is still left through the blood.
On whether to be reborn as a vampire Lao again, or to have an immortal body with the help of a blood bodhisattva and forget the burning pain.
My name is Pei Wende, but I didn’t kill the vampire Lao.
Mistake Li Tuchen admitted that he had killed the vampire Lao. Pei Wende simply corrected the other party and began to seriously look at the suppressed Li Tuchen.
I have to say that Li Tuchen, who is also a vampire Lao, is much more powerful than the original vampire Lao.
This strength not only reflects the physical difference, but also reflects the completely different gas field power of both sides.
If the original vampire Lao is a "lucky dog" who accidentally acquired immortality but was not very good at fighting.
Then there is no doubt that Li Tuchen is a powerful warrior who has fought many battles and brought the advantage of "immortality" to the extreme. No matter his character or combat power, he is far from the former.
"But I don’t think it makes sense to say these things now."
Acting decisively Pei Wendegen is too lazy to continue talking nonsense with Li Tuchen, and he is going to directly settle this guy before his eyes.
After all, although he is also a vampire Lao, Li Tu-chen has no fighting experience of his own, and naturally it is impossible to infect himself by various means.
Pure yang fire may not be acceptable to him, but the Buddha’s light will surely be completely eliminated.
With this idea, the glazed Buddha’s light blooms again from Pei Wende’s brain and quickly forms a barrier that can cover the whole courtyard.
-Buddha’s Light, King Kong!
"Are you and I of the same kind as bloodsuckers?"
Seeing that the ray of deja vu Buddha’s light began to spread, I realized that it was not good. Li Tu-chen was ferocious and growled, but he pulled his arm out of the Taoist chest with the magic mantra.
An instantaneous source suppressed Li Tu-chen’s magic mantra and suddenly dispersed.
While Li Tu-chen people seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to turn ghosts into blood again with the intention of escaping from the realm of King Kong.
-blood shadow demon dun!
"the law! Show off! "
However, Li Tu-chen’s eyes stared at the monk for the first time when he took off, and he issued his last roar in his life.
I was forced to withdraw from the blood shadow state when I couldn’t touch the sky, and then I fell from the middle again.
Finally, the mantra blocked the blood shadow ability of vampire Lao.
When the monk finished all this, the Buddha’s light and golden flame all over him finally began to tremble and disappeared with the wind.
Only then did Pei Wende see that the monk behind him had already reached his own limit, and it was with years of practice perseverance that he could persist until now.
I can’t help whispering with my hands folded. Pei Wende really doesn’t know how to express his respect for the monk and see him off with the most basic Buddhist name.
"You …"
On the other hand, when Li Tuchen got up from the ground again,
See is the monk that has died but still maintained a "glaring, dignified" state of the flesh.
To tell the truth, if you don’t feel the breath of blood flowing from the monk’s body,
Judging from that lifelike gesture, Li Tuchen has no doubt that the other party is still alive.
"Really … dead?"
I can’t believe it took Li Tuchen a long time to laugh like a rude awakening. The smile was both rampant and sad.
"Ha, ha, ha. It seems that your desire for’ common death’ is doomed to be impossible."
"The master has indeed gone."
Pei Wende couldn’t help sighing silently when he saw this situation.
Although Pei Wende didn’t know the real names of monks and Taoists until now, it didn’t prevent him from admiring these two predecessors from his heart.
"I’m quite sure that you will also be buried with the two masters later."
The calm voice is full of murder. Pei Wende blames himself.
Because if I hadn’t made a decision at that time, these two respectable old people wouldn’t have died here.
Although many capable practitioners are also very common.

Phobos and the moon are generally more than 50 million kilometers away.

Even if there is a portal involved in the penetration induction, the moon can sense the situation of Phobos.
Among them, the mental load is poor.
Xu tui highly suspected that if he hadn’t been divided by the door of quantity and meaning, he might have been brain-dead directly because of the high overdraft of his spirit!
It’s still a bit rash to feel the induction and measure the mind.
But the gains can also be said to be huge.
It’s a great gain to witness a quantum entangled state completely.
It can be said that it won’t be long before you can practice your own entangled mind and mind after you go back.
I have seen the form of quantum entanglement with my own eyes, which is equivalent to someone giving Xu a very intuitive demonstration and not being able to practice it once.
But this is not a Ministry
Throughout the process of quantum entanglement, many of them have become a miracle, and the mind is really the most preliminary luck for quantum entanglement.
But just now, Xu retired from induction and saw that the form of quantum entanglement is polar.
A small number of entangled States are formed. I saw it.
We have also seen the expansion, echo, response, and same-frequency retreat of entangled States.
This feeling is extremely valuable.
But what is more precious is the feeling that the penetration induction is divided into two.
Xu tui’s penetrating induction can sense the condition of his own moon while sensing the condition of Phobos.
You know, it’s over 50 million kilometers away!
The cruising speed is as high as Mach 30, and the spacecraft will fly for four or five months.
Xu tui telepathy can span this distance in an instant.
This can’t be explained magically!
The feeling of that moment brought Xu tui an extremely deep memory.
This will calm down and make a retreat, which has been associated with a lot.
That kind of feeling should be expanded to fully understand Xu tui’s belief that his entanglement and accomplishments must far exceed the level of genetic miracle.
At this moment, retiring is deepening the memory and feeling just now.
Can’t forget the slightest bit!
It’s too rare
I’m afraid you have to be careful when you give Xu a chance to try again.
After all, this kind of attempt is a brain-dead attempt that can be completely exhausted by carelessness.
Constantly deepening the memory, Xu tuitu remembered the feeling when his head ached.
Xu tui remembers clearly that there was a sharp pain in his head before his former spirit dried up.
However, this wave of severe pain was covered up by the severe pain caused by the exhaustion of spirit.
It’ll take a while to remember
After adjusting a breath, I retired into a meditation state and then switched to illusory vision.
The ability chain of illusory retinoblastoma gene is normal.
Suddenly Xu retreated his eyes and moved.
Found an anomaly.
Illusory vision allows retreat. Illusory light and shadow are three-dimensional.
In Xu tui’s examination, Bob found that there was a positive rhythm flashing gene base point after his light and shadow.

[Gang] Call me the truth, fudge! Who told you to speak out!

[Guild] Call me the Truth Emperor/Get back to the wall!
[Gang] The round pie is it! Go back and continue to reflect!
[Guild] Soft Soft Sugar Bows/Oh, oh, I’m going back.
[Gang] Soft and soft sugar, but …
[Gang] Soft and soft sugar hooves! I missed you so much!
Zuo Tangtang saw that the faint expression on Li Yuan’s face was broken by some smiles at the moment.
In fact, fudge didn’t do anything at the beginning, and she didn’t care, but she just took it for granted.
Now it seems that this group of people who often vomit blood and soy sauce to death can still miss her. This theory is a very * * thing.
[Gang] Stewed pig’s trotters can be * */Mm-hmm fudge. I miss you, too!
[Gang] Soft Soft Sugar Surprised/Ah! Hoof hooves! You forgave me?
[Gang] Pig’s trotters stew and bite your fingers/Did you do anything wrong?
[Guild] Soft and soft sugar wronged and choked/hoofed!
[Guild] Pig’s trotters stew and tiger touch/hey ~ here it is!
[Guild] Soft and soft sugar wronged and choked/hoofed ~! ! !
[Guild] Stewed pig’s trotters and touched tigers/sigh ~
Zuo Tangtang smiled and looked at the fudge coquetry. I don’t know what she felt at the moment. Some things and feelings were not as real as these.
[Gang] Round pie? This can’t be done!
[Gang] The round pie can be * */hoof, so leave him alone ~
[Gang] Round pie anger/fudge! You still have to go back to the wall! We didn’t forgive you!
Soft candy looked at the angry expression of a bunch of friends, and it was very awkward to say "Oh" on the gang channel, so there was no pity to watch other soy sauce makers and their sister paper rarely chat.
[Guild] Dynamic, innovative and attentive/Hehe ~ Hoof ~ Will you have a meeting later? Still want to see the scenery? Or do you want to do something? Just tell me ~
[Gang] Round pie. Yes! Hoof hooves! What do you want to play? Let’s play.
[Gang] Golf hooves! Go! Go kill people with me!
[Gang] Call me Little Brother Truth!
[Gang] Little Brother with a round pie!
[Guild] Little Brother Doudou Cat! Why are you doing this again!
[Guild] Golf koo/huh?
[Gang] Call me Truth Pie! You tell him!
[Gang] The round pie is serious/mm-hmm.
[Gang] Little Brother Yuan Pie, I’ll talk to you privately. Let’s continue to talk about what is the purpose of the little cute things walking in the rivers and lakes!
[Gang] Golf scare/huh?
[Gang] The golf ball is in tears/hooves!
[Gang] Eraser wipes the younger brother! You didn’t call our sister paper! Go quickly!
Watching the gang channel make noise is as funny as laughing. Zuo Tangtang hesitated to knock on his own question
[Gang] Pig’s trotters stew you …
[Gang] Pig’s trotters stew. Don’t you ask me why I have to leave for three days?
[Gang] Round pie Ouch ~ Our sister paper must have other things to do ~
[Gang] Call me the Truth Emperor. Right, right ~ It’s normal, isn’t it ~
[Gang] Dynamic and innovative. Yes ~ It’s impossible for our sister paper to play a game again, right?
[Guild] Dynamic, new and shy/After all, is it hot and cute?
[Guild] Dynamic, new, new, shy/How can hoofs leave their nests ~
[Guild] Pikaqiu shakes his head/tut tut doesn’t hurt rashness
[Guild] A dynamic little new anger/What did you say!
[Guild] Pikachu pie mouth/come on! Do you meet people? Hey!
[Gang] Soft Soft Sugar Nods/Yes! Exactly!
[Gang] Dynamic new anger/fudge! Go back! Face the wall!
[Gang] Call me the truth, Candy, although we all agree with you! But! You’d better hurry now
Looking at everyone’s consistent interruption, it is very deliberate to avoid this topic. Zuo Tangtang will not be ignorant to give it out again, and he will also laugh and talk with them.
[Guild] Deputy Wang/Mu Yun has a private chat.
After this sentence, everyone probably had a moment of stupidity. Although playing soy sauce helped the public to express that they were not afraid of Muyun idle, this guy with a simple mind and developed limbs, but this is after all his sister’s business!
And they’ve heard a little bit about it …
I always don’t care about threats from others or my own sister’s center to help people with soy sauce, so it’s rare to be silent at the moment.
Zuo Tangtang saw it, but she didn’t know what to do or what to think.
She just doesn’t want to go back.
Even though the news of private chat has been flashing for a long time now, she found that she can still keep talking to the soy sauce gang and ignore it.
[Gang] Pig’s trotters stew. Oh, when are you going to release the fudge?
Zuo Tangtang casually found a question to break the silence at this time.
Who cares about that, even if you are the deputy leader now, even if you beat them every time?
At this time, since my sister has expressed her attitude, they can act according to their practices.
So a new booing, teasing and bragging was performed on the gang channel again.
[Gang] Eraser wipes the pit of fudge! It’s time to educate him!
[Gang] Pikachu. Yes, it’s unforgivable to make some low-level mistakes all day! Especially …
[Guild] Hello, cough with your left hand. Anyway, you don’t care when he is released!
[Gang] Hello, left hand. He realizes his mistake and we will let him speak!

Ten days can’t contact new people, but let these new people play and grow freely. Only in this way can we see their true potential.

This is the rule made by the old Terran God, which must be observed.
Of course, there is one person who is unrestricted, because he is the current racial god.
Su Li rushed out of the base and headed for Qingshan City.
He looked down at the square and found that the monster nest was everywhere on the original water surface and disappeared
Those powerful level 20 beast will all disappear.
Instead, he far caught several weakest level spirit source beast.
Su Li took a deep breath and faintly felt a chill.
The high discipline of the terrorist world reversed everything here again, and the powerful monsters disappeared and replaced them with the weakest spirit beast. This ability has completely surpassed the sacred category. Su Li can hardly imagine what this discipline is.
Is this really similar to the rule that the sun rises and sets in the west? Or is it that something is controlling this rule, and all this is human power?
If it’s the former, it’s nothing. If it’s the latter, it’s terrible.
Along the way, he saw a large number of dilapidated buildings strangely restored. When he arrived in Qingshan City, he immediately captured and sensed many new lucky people here.
Su Li hides his breath and hides his figure. These are ordinary lucky people who are waking up one after another and suddenly find that the outside is flooded. They are panicking and thinking of various ways to ask for help from the outside world. No one knows that there is a senior who is a year ahead of them and looks at them silently.
Su Li is in a strange state, observing everything like an outsider, but he has no intention of interfering.
He quietly came to the place where his parents lived, but the room was quiet and everything was still the dust on the desktop became thicker.
He has just sensed that the whole Qingshan city has no parents or its relatives.
There is no one he cares about in this group of newcomers who have just appeared.
Su Li soon left Qingshan City in the direction of Jiangnan City.
I am a newcomer in Jiangnan City a year ago. Will there be familiar friends among this group of newcomers in Jiangnan City?
Unconsciously, he came to the location of Huating Community.
The area where the other side was flooded is the Huating Community of Wang Lan’s home.
Looking at this still flooded to the 29th floor, Su Li’s face became ugly gradually.
Even if Wang Lan really becomes a group of new people, can she live if her place of residence is completely flooded?
The whole Jiangnan city once disappeared, and the once broken and collapsed high-rise buildings were completely restored.
It is unrealistic to see that Su Li, a city in Jiangnan, has already been shocked by the law.
But the power to bring everything back to what it was a year ago is incredible.
"Is it really the rule of this world?" Su Li whispered softly that the domain of thoughts had already spread quietly to cover this area.
He didn’t know this question, let alone Yuntang and old gods. Even the divine court solution god may not know it.
Maybe this is the top secret of the human world.
After watching the flooded Huating Community, Su Li has failed to report his expectations, but since he is here, he has launched a yearning domain to cover this area and quickly positioned himself in the building of Wang Lan’s house. Suddenly, he became pale with a shock.
In an instant, he disappeared, and the imaginary Chinese side splashed up, and he rushed away.
The whole person entered the water, walked through the water in Suri, and soon arrived at a building that was soaked by floods.
This is the 12th building in Huating Community.
Although it has been a year, Su Li still remembers it clearly.
Wang Lan lives on the ninth floor of Building 12 in Huating Community.
Su Lishui silently looked at the flooded building and watched something slowly floating out of the building.
These new people drowned in their sleep.
They entered the flooded world and became dead at the same time.
Su Li was stiff and looked up slowly, and his eyes were finally sanctified. Through the water, he slowly looked somewhere on the ninth floor.
Chapter 21 Hell
He looked at Wang Lan’s house, where he sensed that a person had a faint smell of Wang Lan.
Although it has been a year in this world, from ordinary people to saints, even the general race gods can easily slay them, but Su Li is still a little uneasy at the moment.
Could that be Wang Lan? If it’s her, she’s already dead, and then she gets the spiritual source or evolves the undead or becomes the forgotten terran.
No matter which way she evolves, she will no longer be an old Terran.
There was a faint sadness in my heart that caused the door to be quietly hit.
There are bodies floating in the waters around him, all of whom are drowned and dead.
The spirit source breath slowly appears in their bodies, and these people who have just drowned will degenerate into corpses and evolve step by step after beasts.
Wang Lan’s house was beaten, and there was a figure floating out. As the spiritual source gradually merged, these lowest-class resin beasts were awakening.
This is a middle-aged woman with long hair and about 30 or 40 years old. Her face is stiff and her eyes are white. She is already a dead person. There is a faint breath of spiritual source in her body, and she is awakening.
This middle-aged woman has a faint smell of Wang Lan. She looks a little like her, but she is not Wang Lan or her mother. She should be a relative with blood.
Although Su Li has never seen Wang Lan’s parents, she has seen their photos many times, and Wang Lan’s mother is not so young.
Just now, it was this female body that faintly smelled a little Wang Lan, which made Su Li mistake Wang Lan for a tingle.
Seeing this floating middle-aged woman is not Wang Lan Su Li, and I don’t know whether to be relieved or lost.

Her body became purer and had a deeper connection with heaven and earth, the world, laws and sources.

She can feel all the slight waves in the world.
"No, I’m dying … what will I further reach the level of ordinary tutor?" Su Xueer was surprised.
She finally made a slight observation after careful induction.
Stretch out your hand and wipe Su Xueer out a silver mirror.
I saw a green leaf between my eyebrows in the mirror, and the leaves were moving with the wind.
Sue snow suddenly remembered.
I met a wooden beauty with Gu Qingshan Wanjie Town.
The other party is said to be a friend of his master, and after having dinner with him, he pressed a leaf between his eyebrows.
"It’s her …" Su Xueer murmured.
A moment a purple card flew from Su Xueer and smashed into pieces.
"no! My fate replaces cards! "
Su Xueer exclaimed.
However, she never came again and did nothing.
A virtual shadow appeared and took her straight away from the original place.
Abreu Xi
It was already late at night, but Abreu’s revelry was still not over.
Princess Thorn’s 12-year-old rite of passage will last for three days and nights.
People reveled all night and enjoyed the royal generosity of Thorn Birds.
The observation deck on the top floor of the hotel
The wooden beauty stood still.
She seems to be out of all the hustle and bustle, silently overlooking people like a god.
A royal guard went up to the high platform and knelt down respectfully, saying, "I have a message for you, noble lady Tessie, a close friend of Thorns, who is a witness to the ancient gods of all worlds."
The wooden beauty didn’t look back and said "Say"
"Tristram asks how your search is going."
Tessie, a beautiful wooden woman, laughed. "I have to say that your princess is naughty but her talent is amazing."
"What do you mean?"
"I have finished looking for-"
She suddenly shut up.
"Lady?" The royal guard wondered
"Wait a minute. I’ll take care of some personal matters before I tell you," said Tess.
She raised her hand.
I saw a green flame spread rapidly from her hand and then enveloped her.
The royal guards hurried back.
Looking at the spreading green flame, he felt that it was a little inconsistent with the etiquette of thorns to watch each other deal with private affairs here, so he simply retreated to the observation deck and waited for the other party to finish his own business
Eternal holy tree spirit, Ms. Tessie, in the green flame
"It’s a blood-sea fate replacement. It’s a really annoying technique."
Recalling the past, she could not help shaking her head.
In those days, the blood demon Lord also treated her once, and this technique finally made her furious. Since then, the two of them have never been further possible.
"Master is a fool by nature, and the disciples taught him are equally stupid."
Ms. Tessie looked a little angry. "Is it great to make decisions for others without telling anyone?"
She murmured, her hands kept preparing a magic method.
After that, in order to avoid others from bearing anything for her, she specially developed a fate return technique.
"Now I’ll crush your destiny replacement card at once."
Operation method start
The face of the eternal holy tree spirit gradually became proud. She looked at the boundless night as if she saw two people whose fate was back to normal.
Suddenly she sensed a different meaning.
She wouldn’t have paid attention or even noticed such a situation if she hadn’t lifted the spell with the help of fate cards.
"Wonder how he got into that world?"
"Lola also … what happened!"
The spirit of the eternal holy tree became more and more serious.
She has experienced the birth and death of all worlds, seen too many things, and immediately associated with many situations.
At this moment, she finally became wary.
That’s her world. I can’t do much if I don’t disturb her.
Eternal holy tree spirit murmured in a low voice, and there was another operation in his hand.
"I need a temporary phase interface …"
The green flame in the hands of the eternal holy tree spirit suddenly turned her virtual shadow into virtual shadow and disappeared.
This virtual shadow appears in front of Su Xueer and Gu Qingshan directly through one point and two points.
Virtual shadow with Su Xueer directly disappear from that world.
The blood devil is holding a card quietly in his library.

For example, 13 wins over Barry, 6 kills Cagliari, 7 sweeps over Debrecen.

Such a high exposure naturally attracts constant attention.
Journalists are impenetrable
There is nothing good about football. A head coach’s football news is just those that lead the team to win.
It is the private life of the head coach that is more interesting.
But the private lives of other coaches are quite low-key, which may be common with their wives.
Many people know the name of the star’s wife and girlfriend, who does what, and there are countless sexy and seductive photos on the Internet.
But what about the head coach?
Does anyone know what Ferguson’s wife does?
How many people know the name of Wenger’s wife?
Mourinho is relatively high-profile, and the public doesn’t know much about his private life. At best, he knows that he seems to have had an emotional crisis …
But winning is different. He is young, his wife is younger, he is famous, and his wife may be more famous than him.
His marriage with Avril Lavigne is a model of football coach and star combination.
Avril Lavigne, the entertainment star, has never been short of paparazzi’s support, and Avril Lavigne’s constant victory often appears in various entertainment magazine pages.
For example, Avril Lavigne goes shopping with Chang Sheng, and Avril Lavigne walks with Chang Sheng …
It is normal for the entertainment media to be interested in Avril Lavigne’s husband.
The sports media are also interested in the stories of Changsheng and Avril Lavigne.
Both sides have the will to win, and Avril Lavigne’s divination naturally often appears in newspapers.
Recently, there is news that Avril Lavigne has terminated her contract with her record company through legal procedures.
Then, naturally, various reports were released to introduce to you what happened.
This is not a secret place, and the media soon found out.
Let’s not talk about what to cancel the contract. The whole world knows.
Keys are details of cancellation.
The media are so powerful that even Avril Lavigne and the record company got everything.
That’s not the point either
The point is that Lazio coach always wins!
It has always been one of the topics that the media are most interested in.
As soon as he got paid in Lazio, it made the listeners cry and sad.
The coach with an annual salary of 2 million euros at the level of constant victory is simply too chilling
Now it’s gone up to 3 million, but it’s not much.
Although Mourinho’s performance is not as good as his usual victory, he can get an annual salary of 9 million euros at Inter Milan, which is the after-tax figure!
On Mourinho’s annual salary
Up to now, the winning salary is still 3 million euros.
It has been said that it is unfair that the annual salary is so low just because he is not in the rich family.
When Real Madrid seduced the winner in the season, it was partly because of the annual salary factor. Real Madrid recognized that it always won the same annual salary as the diaosi. Why did he come here?
I don’t think I’ll ever win.
It’s a pity that many people always win. It’s worth 100 million yuan!
Just give up
Will you stay in Lazio and get such a "meager" salary?
Although Chang Sheng got a lot of liquidated damages in Rome, after all these years, it is impossible to live frugally with Avril Lavigne and him, so spending money is definitely extravagant.
How long will this money last?
Some media said that after Avril Lavigne and Changsheng got married, it seems that the two people still shared their money and did not get together.
That is to say, Avril Lavigne earns $12 million a year and it’s nothing to win constantly.
Everyone is wondering how much income Changsheng has now.
However, Changsheng is very concerned about this kind of personal privacy, and no one can speculate through media reports, such as his annual salary and bonus, and some advertising income that is not too much, to calculate how much he can earn a year.
Finally, everyone worked out a figure that is said to be more reliable.
That is to say, Changsheng can earn about 5 million euros a year.
This money is definitely not much in a coach of this level who always wins.
Now Guardiola has renewed his contract with the club after leading Barcelona to win the triple crown, and the annual salary has risen to 7.5 million euros. Messi has a salary of 12 million in Barcelona.
This is still the annual salary, other income, Guardiola also easily kills the winner.
My apprentice earns more than himself after leaving Lazio.
The results are not as good as their own, and the coach earns more than himself …
Has Changsheng never had a problem with Lazio because of the annual salary?
Not really. There is no news that he and Lotito have quarreled over the annual salary.
Is he jealous?
This is not clear.
But everyone would rather believe that he is jealous, but can’t say.
Now Chang Sheng and Avril Lavigne’s agent are on the phone to expose everyone, and then we know that Chang Sheng is really not jealous!
Which head coach in today’s football can take out $60 million in one breath without blinking an eyelid, and there is a deep disdain in his tone?
not have
Whether it is the first salary coach Mourinho or the ever-victorious apprentice Guardiola.
Even those big-name football stars and superstars may not be able to do it.
In his words, Chang Sheng’s heroism of treating money like dirt completely frightened everyone.
There is such a question in everyone’s mind-how much is this guy’s annual income? How much is he worth now?
Let’s dig, dig and look.
Nai Guan Chang sheng income news is too little.
Journalists may have to start elsewhere if they want to find a winning income.
But they wouldn’t have thought that Changsheng would have an investment company of its own …
His agent turned out to be an angel investor.

"Not dead but …"

The doctor hasn’t finished speaking, but his attitude has already changed.
Sue’s evil feet and ground are quietly cracked, and her hands are clenched and her face is ferocious.
There are many natural and precious healing wonders in the market world, and they can even kill fierce beasts and repair their wounds.
But this
There are limits.
Su Fen’s situation is also a torture, and it is impossible to repair the roots of broken bones and meat residue.
It may be easier to create another person than this.
Not dead
Might as well die!
Does this make Sue angry?
Ji Gong’s face is smiling, and Su Fen’s situation seems to be completely unpreparedness.
"Just being bullied, I took revenge on this young man named Zhou Jia. His personality proved to be … different from others."
"I’m going to kill him!" Sue evil Kouga clenched at Xue Xiao in the field.
"Where is the surname Zhou?"
"Hum!" Although Xue Xiao doesn’t like Zhou Jia, he doesn’t want to let Lei Mei help Wang that day, but he doesn’t intend to give in today.
"It’s karma for your family to design a plot against Lei Mei."
"If you ask me."
"So directly killing things!"
She doesn’t want the decepticon gang to continue to hold the hands of the Lei family, but it doesn’t matter if the Lei family doesn’t have Lei Batian, even if it’s Lei as a Wang.
The potential is definitely not as good as before.
But if Sue’s family intervenes, it’s another matter.
In case the Su family pulls back, the decepticon gang may not have anything to do with Xiaolangdi, so it seems that Zhou Jia has done an excellent job.
A Su Fen …
A mere rank is nothing!
"Indeed" south day also said
"Su Fen did a bad job"
Even JiGong didn’t favor Sue home meaning shake head a way
"It’s normal for men to be lascivious, but it’s not nice to talk about it by such means."
"Forget it!"
He doesn’t feel worthwhile to have a bad relationship with such a person.
"Ji Gong!" Sue evil grind way
"Today, Su Fen is the fact that Tianhu helped Qiu Yingchen to write it. Even without Su Fen, there will be others."
"Su Fen just coincides with the meeting."
Xue Xiao nu stare to come over.
"Suciu is not that kind of person to talk nonsense."
"Know people, know faces, but don’t know hearts." Su evil looks coldly.
"Elder Xue, don’t be surnamed Qiu’s father. Some people can see through this today. He arranged it."
"don’t believe"
"You ask him!"
Xue Xiao face a heavy.
She is not sure about this either, but it is natural to bite the bullet and refuse to admit that it is talk.an excellent thing to throw dirty water at each other’s heads.
Chapter 16 Yunlong
audience hall
Different from the solemnity of the past, the hall is full of noise and people are buzzing all over the island.
On both sides, the past demeanor of the two sides is endless.
"Qiu Yingchen, the former deputy Wang of the Tianhu Gang, colluded with the Su family to design and assassinate his competitors."
"Despicable, shameful, and flowing!"
"Nonsense" Qiu Yingchen roared to deny Sanlian.
"I didn’t. I didn’t do it. Don’t tell a lie!"